• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multinomial likelihood

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The Effect of Solidarity with Adult Children on the Elderly's Decision about the Medical Care for Life Prolongation (성인자녀와의 결속감이 노인의 연명의료 결정에 미치는 영향)

  • 어유경;김순은
    • Korean Journal of Gerontological Social Welfare
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    • v.73 no.4
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    • pp.303 -331
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the intergenerational solidarity felt by elderly people in relation to their adult children on the decision about the medical care for life prolongation. Assuming the condition of unrecoverable illness, the alternatives given in the survey were active hospital treatment, hospice focusing on pain relief, alternative medicine such as herbal medicine, and waiting for death. Intergenerational solidarity in families was measured by five sub-dimensions including normative solidarity, functional solidarity(parents helping adult children and adult children helping parents), affectual solidarity and consensual solidarity. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was applied to analyze data from the survey conducted to the 2,064 elderly people in Korea. The results showed that the higher the normative solidarity, the greater the likelihood of active hospital treatment. When parents had a strong sense of functional solidarity in helping their adult children, the chances of choosing to die were significantly reduced. Conversely, if parents had a high sense of functional solidarity by receiving care from their children, the chances of choosing hospice were increasing, and the chances of choosing active hospital care and alternative medicine were diminishing. As the level of affectual solidarity was higher, parents were more likely to choose death and less likely to choose alternative medicine. Finally, the higher the level of consensual solidarity was, the higher the probability of choosing alternative medicine was, and the lower that of choosing hospice was. The results of this analysis showed that the relationship between the elderly and their adult children affects their decision about the medical care for life prolongation and well-dying for preparing the end of life.

A Study on the Intercity Mode Choice Behavior of Daegu Citizens According to the Introduction of Gyeongbu High-Speed Railway (경부 고속철도 개통에 따른 대구시민의 지역 간 통행수단 선택행태 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Dae-Sik;Yuk, Tae-Suk;Kim, Sang-Hwang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.1 s.87
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2006
  • After the first opening of the KTX in April 2004, travel time between major cities has been dramatically reduced. The reduction rates range from 32% to 47%. Considering travel time reduction between major cities, this study concerned about the intercity travel impact of the KTX operation. This study aimed to analyze intercity mode choice behavior of Daegu Citizens according to the first opening of the KTX. This study takes place in two sections. These are (i) the section of KTX between Daegu and Seoul, and (ii) the section of KTX between Daegu and Daejeon. This study estimated empirical models for analyzing intercity mode choice behavior according to the first opening of the KTX. This study makes use of the data from travel survey from Daegu metropolitan area. The main part of the survey was carried out in the KTX Dong-Daegu station. The survey data includes the information on travel from Daegu to Daejeon and from Daegu to Seoul. In order to analyze intercity choice behavior according to the frist opening of the KTX, multinomial model structure is used. For the model specification, a variety of behavioral assumptions about the factors which affect the mode choice, were considered. From the empirical model estimation, it is found that OVTT(Out-of-Vehicle Travel Time), OVTC(Out-of-Vehicle Travel Cost), IVTT(In-Vehicle Travel Time), IVTC(In-Vehicle Travel Cost), travel frequency, travel purpose, sex, age, occupation. household income, individual income are significant in choosing intercity travel mode. However, it is found that the intercity nde choice behavior is different between (i) the section of KTX between Daegu and Seoul, and (ii) the section of KTX between Daegu and Daejeon. Furthermore, some policy implications are discussed in conclusion.

Market Structure Analysis of Automobile Market in U.S.A (미국자동차시장의 구조분석)

  • Choi, In-Hye;Lee, Seo-Goo;Yi, Seong-Keun
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.141-156
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    • 2008
  • Market structure analysis is a very useful tool to analyze the competition boundary of the brand or the company. But most of the studies in market structure analysis, the concern lies in nondurable goods such as candies, soft drink and etc. because of the their availability of the data. In the field of durable goods, the limitation of the data availability and the repurchase time period constrain the study. In the analysis of the automobile market, those of views might be more persuasive. The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure of automobile market based on some idea suggested by prior studies. Usually the buyers of the automobile tend to buy upper tier when they buy in the next time. That kind of behavior make it impossible to analyze the structure of automobile market under the level of automobile model. For that reason I tried to analyze the market structure in the brand or company level. In this study, consideration data was used for market structure analysis. The reasons why we used the consideration data are summarized as following. Firstly, as the repurchase time cycle is too long, brand switching data which is used for the market analysis of nondurable good is not avaliable. Secondly, as we mentioned, the buyers of the automobile tend to buy upper tier when they buy in the next time. We used survey data collected in the U.S.A. market in the year of 2005 through questionaire. The sample size was 8,291. The number of brand analyzed in this study was 9 among 37 which was being sold in U.S.A. market. Their market share was around 50%. The brands considered were BMW, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Honda, Mercedes, and Toyota. �� ratio was derived from frequency of the consideration set. Actually the frequency is different from the brand switch concept. In this study to compute the �� ratio, the frequency of the consideration set was used like a frequency of brand switch for convenience. The study can be divided into 2 steps. The first step is to build hypothetical market structures. The second step is to choose the best structure based on the hypothetical market structures, Usually logit analysis is used for the choice best structure. In this study we built 3 hypothetical market structure. They are type-cost, cost-type, and unstructured. We classified the automobile into 5 types, sedan, SUV(Sport Utility Vehicle), Pickup, Mini Van, and Full-size Van. As for purchasing cost, we classified it 2 groups based on the median value. The median value was $28,800. To decide best structure among them, maximum likelihood test was used. Resulting from market structure analysis, we find that the automobile market of USA is hierarchically structured in the form of 'automobile type - purchasing cost'. That is, result showed that automobile buyers considered function or usage first and purchasing cost next. This study has some limitations in the analysis level and variable selection. First, in this study only type of the automobile and purchasing cost were as attributes considered for purchase. Considering other attributes is very needful. Because of the attributes considered, only 3 hypothetical structure could be analyzed. Second, due to the data, brand level analysis was tried. But model level analysis would be better because automobile buyers consider model not brand. To conduct model level study more cases should be obtained. That is for acquiring the better practical meaning, brand level analysis should be conducted when we consider the actual competition which occurred in the real market. Third, the variable selection for building nested logit model was very limited to some avaliable data. In spite of those limitations, the importance of this study lies in the trial of market structure analysis of durable good.

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Analysis of Latent Classes and Influencing Factors According to the Love Types of Korean Adults (한국 성인의 사랑유형 잠재집단 및 영향요인 분석)

  • Ha, Moon-Sun;Song, Yeon-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.561-584
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to classify 601 Korean adults into latent classes according to their love types and identify the differences in depression and find variables that affect the latent classes classification. As a result of the latent class analysis, the latent group for love types of Korean adults were classified into the L-H (7.7%) group, which showed the highest level of all three factors of intimacy, passion, and commitment, and the L-MH (33.6%) group, which all three factors were higher than the average, the L-M (39.8%) group with the mean of all three factors, the L-ML (14.6%) group with all three factors lower than the mean, and the L-L (4.3%) group with the lowest all three factors. Also, as a result of ANOVA, the L-MH group was psychologically healthier and more adaptive than the L-ML group. As a result of multinomial logistic analysis, females were more likely to belong to L-M, L-ML and L-L groups than males. In addition, singles were more likely to belong to the L-M and L-ML groups than those who were married. Also, the higher the anxiety attachment level, the higher the likelihood of belonging to the L-M, L-ML, and L-L groups than the L-H and L-MH groups, the L-ML and L-L groups than the L-M groups, and the L-L group rather than the L-ML groups. However, age, neuroticism, and emotional regulation did not affect the classification of latent classes. This study is meaningful in that it identified the various latent classes for the love types of Korean adults more three-dimensionally and suggested the possibility of differential interventions according to the characteristics of each group.

The Association between Patient Characteristics of Chungnam-do and External Medical Service Use Using Health Insurance Cohort DB 2.0 (건강보험 코호트 자료를 활용한 충청남도 지역 환자의 특성에 따른 관외 의료이용과의 연관성)

  • Yeong Jun Lee;Se Hyeon Myeong;Hyun Woo Moon;Seo Hyun Woo;Sun Jung Kim
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 2024
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between external medical service use and the characteristics of Chungcheongnam-do patients. We aimed to provide evidence of external medical service use enhance the healthcare delivery system in Chungcheongnam-do. Methods: We used the Health Insurance Cohort DB 2.0 of 2016-2019, and 2,570,439 patients were included in the study. Multivariate logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression were used to identify the association between external medical service use and each patient characteristic. Generalized linear model was used to identify the association between medical costs and external medical service use area. Results: During the study period, 32.2% of inpatients and 12.5% of outpatients had external medical service use in Chungcheongnam-do. In comparison to patients living in Cheonan and Asan, the odds ratio (OR) for external medical services use was higher across all regions. Specifically, hospitalized patients from Gyeryong, Nonsan, and Geumsan (OR, 116.817) and Gongju, Buyeo, and Cheongyang (OR, 72.931) demonstrated extremely high likelihood of external medical service use in the Daejeon area. Furthermore, compared to medical expenses incurred within Chungcheongnam-do, patients with external medical service use in the capitol area (outpatient=17.01%, inpatients=22.11%) and Daejeon area (outpatient=16.63%, inpatients=15.41%) spent more on healthcare services. Conclusion: This study found the evidence of external medical service use among Chungcheongnam-do patients. Further study should be conducted taking into account variables including satisfaction of local medical services, different types of patient diseases, and others. The study's findings may serve as a foundation for policy proposals aimed at ensuring the financial stability of our health insurance system, ensuring the efficient delivery of medical care, and localization of medical care.