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  • 제목/요약/키워드: Multichannel Distribution

검색결과 45건 처리시간 0.021초

A Measurement of the Exposure Rates by Terrestrial y-rays in Taegu Area (대구지역(大邱地域) 지각(地殼) γ-선(線)의 조사선량율(照射線量率) 측정(測定))

  • Chang, Si-Ho;Jeong, Chun-Gyun;Kang, Hee-Dong;Lee, Mo-Sung;Choi, Mun-Kyu;Kim, Wi-Soo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 1994
  • This study concerns about the measurement and the investigation of environmental radiation characteristics which the components and the distribution of exposure rates by terrestrial y-rays in Taegu area. 4ϕ×4 NaI(T1) scintillation detector with a multichannel analyzer was used in the measurement of y-rays as a part of in-situ spectrometry at twenty eight different locations in this area. The conversion into the exposure rate from the measured γray spectrum has been carried out leading to a net exposure rate and component ones by 40K,238U series and 232Th series products which are known by the major parts in the terrestrial γrays generally. As a result, the average exposure rate by the terrestrial γrays in Taegu area is 9.4μR/h and the distribution of individual exposure rates shows more or less differences between these locations even after the consideration of diurnal and yearly variations which are always involved in these measurements. The component parts of exposure rates are distributed 40K2.94.6μR/h,238U series 1.23,1μR/h,232Th series 2.55.0μR/h over the measured locations.

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Designing a Wideband Antenna Using Diplexer Matching Network for Tactical Vehicles (다이플렉서 정합구조를 이용한 전술차량형 광대역 안테나 설계)

  • Cho, Ji-Haeng;Dong, Moon-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • 제29권9호
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    • pp.661-667
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    • 2018
  • Tactical communication radio systems that employ software defined radios(SDRs) have been developed for achieving high-speed data transmissions and voice communications. Such systems possess multiband and multichannel features, and can potentially replace several existing radio systems. This paper proposes a design for wideband antennas by incorporating a diplexer matching network for tactical vehicles. The proposed antenna design includes two radiators(upper and lower) and a diplexer matching network connected to the end of the feed line such that the LC matching networks are interleaved in the lower radiator and spring mount. By employing the diplexer matching network, the designed antenna can perform wideband impedance matching for the fifty ohm feed line. The designed LC networks aid in varying the effective electrical length of the antenna according to the operation frequency. The primary objective behind adjusting the electrical length is to vary the current distribution above and below the LC networks. The proposed antenna was fabricated and tested in an open site. The obtained evaluation results show that the designed antenna can achieve a relative bandwidth of 190% with a VSWR value of 3.5:1, and can attain good antenna gains over VHF and UHF bands.

Seismic Evidence and Characteristics of Gas Hydrate in the Ulleung Basin (탄성파 자료에서 나타난 울릉분지내 가스수화물의 증거와 특성)

  • Kim, Han-Joon;Jou, Hyeong-Tae;Koo, Nam-Hyeong;Yoo, Dong-G.;Suk, Bong-Chool;Yoo, Hai-Soo;Lee, Ho-Young;Park, Keun-Pil
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.148-152
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    • 2008
  • Multichannel seismic profiles reveal a strong bottom simulating reflector (BSR) occurring below the seafloor in the plain of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea). The essential characteristics of the BSR include its cross-cutting relationship to strata, strong amplitude, and reverse polarity with respect to the seafloor reflection, representing the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (BHSZ). The BSR reflection coefficient ranging from -0.23 to -0.26 is 1.51.7 times that of the seafloor reflection and interval velocities decrease to less than 700 m/s below the BSR. These features indicate the existence of free gas beneath the GHSZ. Heat flow, estimated from the BSR depth as 9598mW/m2, is in good agreement with measured values. Therefore, the BSR can be efficiently used to estimate regional distribution of heat flow in the Ulleung Basin.

Distribution and characteristics of Quaternary faults in the coastal area of the southeastern Korean Peninsula: Results from a marine seismic survey (해양 탄성파 탐사 결과로 본 한반도 남동부연안 4기 단층의 분포와 특성)

  • Kim Han-Joon;Jou Hyeong-Tae;Hong Jong-Kuk;Park Gun-Tae;Nam Sang-Heon;Cho Hyun-Moo
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지구물리탐사학회 2002년도 정기총회 및 제4회 특별심포지움
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    • pp.46-66
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    • 2002
  • High-resolution multichannel seismic data were collected in the coastal area near the Gori nuclear power plant to investigate Quaternary fault pattern and timing. A 12 channel streamer, a sparker, and a portable recorder were used for data acquisition. Because the group interval of the streamer was 6.25 m and the sparker can generate acoustic waves with the frequency content of up to 500 Hz, the data show a significant improvement both in horizontal and vertical resolution. The area surveyed is covered with 30-40 m thick Holocene sediments that constitute the mud belt along the southeastern coast of Korea. The survey area is characterized by the well discriminated Pleistocene and Holocene boundary and shallow gas-charged zones. A number of Quaternary faults were found in the sediment column, that are nearly vertical and extend north-south. The Quaternary faults, arranged at a spacing of a few hundred meters, suggest that they were formed in response to compression, although some of them reveal extensional characteristics. Locally, faults disrupt Incised-channel fills that are interpreted to have formed in the early stage of transgression after the beginning of the Holocene. Seismic sections suggest that shallow gas in the mud belt sediments made its way upward through the fractured fault planes. The tectonism responsible for the opening of the East Sea has not persisted since the late Miocene, but vigorous Quaternary faulting activity in the vicinity of the southeastern Korean Peninsula indicates that tectonic stability has yet to be achieved in this region underlain by the hotter than normal mantle.

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A study on Evaluating Validity of SNR Calculation Using a Conventional Two Region Method in MR Images Applied a Multichannel Coil and Parallel Imaging Technique (다중채널코일과 병렬영상기법 이용 시 두영역측정법을 사용한 신호대잡음비 측정의 문제점)

  • Choi, Kwan-Woo;Son, Soon-Yong;Min, Jung-Whan;Kwon, Kyung-Tae;Yoo, Beong-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Seok
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.403-410
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the problems of a signal to noise ratio measurement using a two region measurement method that is conventionally used when using a multi-channel coil and a parallel imaging technique. As a research method, after calculating the standard SNR using a single channel head coil of which coil satisfies three preconditions when using a two region measurement method, we made comparisons and evaluations after calculating an SNR by using a two region measurement method of which method is problematic because it is used without considering the methods recommended by reputable organizations and the preconditions at the time of using a multi-channel coil and a parallel imaging technique. We found that a two region measurement method using a multi-channel coil and a parallel imaging technique shows the highest relative standard deviation, and thus shows a low degree of precision. In addition, we found out that the difference of SNR according to ROI location was very high, and thus a spatial noise distribution was not uniform. Also, 95% confidence interval through Blend-Altman plot is the widest, and thus the conformity degree with a two region measurement method using the standard single channel head coil is low. By directly comparing an AAPM method, which serves as a standard of a performance evaluation test of a magnetic resonance imaging device under the same image acquisition conditions, an NEMA method which can accurately determine the noise level in a signal region and the methods recommended by manufacturers of a magnetic resonance imaging device, there is a significance in that we quantitatively verified the inaccurate problems of a signal to noise ratio using a two region measurement method when using a multi-channel coil and a parallel imaging technique of which method does not satisfy the preconditions that researchers could overlook.