• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multichannel Distribution

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Customer's Satisfaction About Mobile Banking Distribution Channel in Vietnamese Commercial Banks

  • NGUYEN, Minh Phuong;PHAN, Anh
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: In the context of the emergence of industry 4.0, using mobile phones as a modern distribution channel to execute financial services is a significant solution for commercial banks' retail services and a gateway to promote financial inclusion and market development. Despite that service quality and customer satisfaction are two diverse notions and closely related to each other in the service sector, there is hardly a research which empirically examines the impacts of each dimensions of mobile banking service quality and customer satisfaction. Research design, data and methodology: This study first employs in-depth interview to explore various aspects of mobile banking service quality dimensions, including empathy, responsiveness, tangibility, assurance, and reliability that serves to develop measurement scales and hypothesis development. A quantitative survey is followed to collect data from 265 Vietnamese bank customers to empirically test the conceptual model. Resutls: Our findings indicate that more human-related factors including empathy, assurance, and responsiveness show the strongest impacts on customer satisfaction with mobile banking service while tangibility and reliability, as technical aspects, are less influential factors. Conclusions: Finally, some crucial implications are drawn for the banks to manage consumer behavior in mobile banking.

Research on the relationship between the thermal characteristics and the type of land cover in Beijing urban area by ASTER data

  • Zhu, QiJiang;Zhang, Xin;Bai, Xianghua
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.277-279
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    • 2003
  • The study utilizes remote sensing as the main monitoring means. With different spatial high-resolution, multichannel ASTER remote sensing image as the main information in Beijing city zone; with regional border and statistical data as auxiliary factor a study between the thermal space distribution character and the underground medium is analyzed based on the GIS logical algorithm and synthetic analysis technology. Results show thermal forming mechanism and the rule of distribution is mainly related to the underground medium and the change of the city distribution. Different underground medium has different degree and intensity influence on the thermal space distribution. Furthermore, urban greenbelt and water areas can reduce the thermal effect and large-scale greenbelt creates green island effect. In addition, Road net, residential area, population density, heat resources and so on have some positive effect on the thermal distribution, which increase the local temperature and intensity on the other hand. It is important to study the thermal distribution and its related factors, which contributes to the plan, construction and development of the city.

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The Design and Implement of Transport Module for Digital Broadcasting Service (디지털 방송 서비스를 위한 AXMEDIS 암호화 툴 전송 모듈 설계 및 구현)

  • Hwang, Kyung-Min;Ahn, Sang-Woo;Lee, Joo-Young;Nam, Je-Ho;Hong, Jin-Woo;Jung, Hoe-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.913-916
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    • 2008
  • The growth of digital content market inducted to develope consuming device of various content, and through this, digital content consuming is more Promoted. AXMEDIS(Automating Production of Cross Media Content for Multichannel Distribution) offer various digital broadcasting solution via AXMEDIS Framework for supporting consumption of digital content on various platform. AXMEDIS Framework use cryption tool for protecting and consuming of digital content on device. But, cryption tool management is impossible on device, because of flexible transfer of cryption tool can't be supported between device. In this paper, we designed and implemented transfer module of AXMEDIS cryption tool for flexible operating protection and consumption of digital program on AXMEDIS Framework.

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A Tunable Transmitter - Tunable Receiver Algorithm for Accessing the Multichannel Slotted-Ring WDM Metropolitan Network under Self-Similar Traffic

  • Sombatsakulkit, Ekanun;Sa-Ngiamsak, Wisitsak;Sittichevapak, Suvepol
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.777-781
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents an algorithm for multichannel slotted-ring topology medium access protocol (MAC) using in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks. In multichannel ring, there are two main previously proposed architectures: Tunable Transmitter - Fixed Receiver (TTFR) and Fixed Transmitter - Tunable Receivers (FTTR). With TTFR, nodes can only receive packets on a fixed wavelength and can send packets on any wavelengths related to destination of packets. Disadvantage of this architecture is required as many wavelengths as there are nodes in the network. This is clearly a scalability limitation. In contrast, FTTR architecture has advantage that the number of nodes can be much larger than the number of wavelength. Source nodes send packet on a fixed channel (or wavelength) and destination nodes can received packets on any wavelength. If there are fewer wavelengths than there are nodes in the network, the nodes will also have to share all the wavelengths available for transmission. However the fixed wavelength approach of TTFR and FTTR bring low network utilization. Because source node with waiting data have to wait for an incoming empty slot on corresponding wavelength. Therefore this paper presents Tunable Transmitter - Tunable Receiver (TTTR) approach, in which the transmitting node can send a packet over any wavelengths and the receiving node can receive a packet from any wavelengths. Moreover, the self-similar distributed input traffic is used for evaluation of the performance of the proposed algorithm. The self-similar traffic performs better performance over long duration than short duration of the Poison distribution. In order to increase bandwidth efficiency, the Destination Stripping approach is used to mark the slot which has already reached the desired destination as an empty slot immediately at the destination node, so the slot does not need to go back to the source node to be marked as an empty slot as in the Source Stripping approach. MATLAB simulator is used to evaluate performance of FTTR, TTFR, and TTTR over 4 and 16 nodes ring network. From the simulation result, it is clear that the proposed algorithm overcomes higher network utilization and average throughput per node, and reduces the average queuing delay. With future works, mathematical analysis of those algorithms will be the main research topic.

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Omnichannel's Perception Effect on Omnichannel Use and Customer-Brand Relationship (옴니채널의 지각된 편리성과 유용성이 옴니채널 사용과 소비자-브랜드 관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Yim, Duk-Soon;Han, Sang-Seol
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - This study focuses on new type distribution channel that named as Omnichannel. Omnichannel is developed from Multichannel which is used in many distribution channels to buy or selling goods. Omnichannel basically needs an Information and Communications Technologies(ICT) to use, so researcher conduct a Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) to research model. Customer-brand relationship was used as dependent variable to focus on the role of Omnichannel. Research design, data, and methodology - The subject of this study is customer who purchase goods or service through omnichannel. Based on the literature from the preceding research analysis of TAM and customer-brand relationship, this study was constructed by the reference to previous studies, final research model design for figure out casual relationship among perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, omnichannel use and customer-brand relationship. From 2016 February 3 to March 17, questionnaire survey targeted customers who use online and offline channels. 273 questionnaire survey had conducted, then, 252 survey data were available for empirical analysis. Researcher provide descriptive statistics for checking generality. Cronbach's alpha value was used to check the reliability of data. Exploratory factor analysis was used for purification of values and eigenvalue checking. After EFA, Confirmatory factor analysis was used to prepare structural equation modeling with executing structural equation modeling for confirming hypothesis which developed by researcher. Results - The main results of this empirical study are as follows. First, omnichannel's perceived ease of use has positive significant effect on perceived usefulness(estimate: 0.579). Moreover, omnichannel's perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness has positive significant effect on omnichannel use(estimate: 0.325,0.648). Second, using omnichannel has positive significant effect on brand-customer relationship(estimate: 0.521). Every hypothesis adopted as researcher designed. This study found out the intermediate relationship between perceived ease of use and omnichannel use by investigating hypothesis. Conclusions - Base on the empirical result, this study confirmed that TAM theory perceived has relation with omnichannel. First, factors of TAM has positive effect on omnichannel use, so it highlights the important role of customer based interface and usefulness. Especially, perceived usefulness has high indirect influence on ease of use and use of omnichannel. It seems that when customers try to decide use or not use omnichannel, customers focus on percept benefits from omnichannel. Thus, a provider should applicate attractive price table, accurate product or service information and high switching cost strategy to emphasize the usefulness of omnichannel. Second, using omnichannel enhances the relationship between customers and brand, because there are more time and frequency to serve customers. It is important because good relationship between customers can increase the future's financial performance through word of mouse, positive brand image and loyalty to brand or company. Finally, despite of empirical result and implications, this study has limitations. First, there are only a few previous studies about omnicahnnel, so literature reviews are restricted. While set up the factors which can affect the use of omnichannel, next study should be considered with broader theories or models(ex: contingency theory). Second, omnichannel has developed from multichannel, so comparative analysis is needed between these methods because there is a possibility about different forte character of each distribution system on customer's consuming patterns.

Implementation of Local Distribution Audio System Based on AoIP (AoIP 기반 지역분산형 오디오시스템의 구현)

  • Kang, Min-Soo;Lee, Sang-Wook;Park, Yeoun-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.2165-2170
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    • 2008
  • In this parer, it is implemented a Local distribution Audio System, based on AoIP(Audio over Internet Protocol) of a part of TCP/IP Network which belongs to Internet transmission technology. The system is controlled based on SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol) and it is transferred to UDP as packet after changing from Analog audio sources to Digital audio sources. The implemented Local distribution Audio System have presented practical possibilities in PA system transmitting various audio sources to several areas, dispersedly and using multichannel audio like Home theaters in the limelight, recently.

Partial Principal Component Elimination Method and Extended Temporal Decorrelation Method for the Exclusion of Spontaneous Neuromagnetic Fields in the Multichannel SQUID Magnetoencephalography

  • Kim, Kiwoon;Lee, Yong-Ho;Hyukchan Kwon;Kim, Jin-Mok;Kang, Chan-Seok;Kim, In-Seon;Park, Yong-Ki
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 2003
  • We employed a method eliminating a temporally partial principal component (PC) of multichannel-recorded neuromagnetic fields for excluding spatially correlated noises from event-evoked signals. The noises in magnetoencephalography (MEG) are considered to be mainly spontaneous neuromagnetic fields which are spatially correlated. In conventional MEG experiments, the amplitude of the spontaneous neuromagnetic field is much lager than that of the evoked signal and the synchronized characteristics of the correlated rhythmic noise makes it possible for us to extract the correlation noises from the evoked signal by means of the general PC analysis. However, the whole-time PC of the fields still contains a little projection component of the evoked signal and the elimination of the PC results in the distortion of the evoked signal. Especially, the distortion will not be negligible when the amplitude of the evoked signal is relatively large or when the evoked signals have a spatially-asymmetrical distribution which does not cancel out the corresponding elements of the covariance matrix. In the period of prestimulus, there are only the spontaneous fields and we can find the pure noise PC that is not including the evoked signal. Besides that, we propose a method, called the extended temporal decorrelation method (ETDM), to suppress the distortion of the noise PC from remanent evoked signal components. In this study, we applied the Partial Principal component elimination method (PPCE) and ETDM to simulated signals and the auditory evoked signals that had been obtained with our homemade 37-channel magnetometer-based SQUID system. We demonstrate here that PPCE and ETDM reduce the number of epochs required in averaging to about half of that required in conventional averaging.

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Development of Multichannel On-line Thermometry System (다 채널 직결 온도측정 시스템의 설계 및 제작)

  • Shin, Sei-One;Shin, Hyun-Jin;Kim, Myung-Se;Kim, Sung-Kyu
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 1999
  • Background: Measurement of body temperature is an important parameter in patient management in many clinical conditions. Failure to reach minimal acceptable body temperature standards has been associated with physiological derangements and has necessitated the application of additional therapy. The authors developed a new, simple, accurate thermometry system, which could be used to undertake precise temperature measurement for various clinical conditions. Materials and Methods: A new thermometry system using a specially designed temperature detecting and display system was developed. This system contains a temperature detecting sensor(LM 35CZ), which enables multiple serial checking of heat, data collection and processing computer, and 3-dimensional display system. It provides real time volumetric visualization of temperature distribution of a defined volume and stores and prints the data. Results: With this system, temperature can be measured at multiple interesting sites simultaneously, demonstrated as a 3-dimensional temperature distribution and stored. In well-controlled, systematic experiments a significant correlation has been observed between standard temperature and temperature using this system at various measuring points. Conclusion: This thermometry system is a real-time measurement system, which can demonstrate 3-dimensional heat distribution in experimental phantom and human body and can be used for diagnosing abnormal clinical conditions. In addition, this system reduces the nursing staff work load, providing them more time for long term care to patients.

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Geostatistical Integrated Analysis of MASW and CPTu data for Assessment of Soft Ground (연약지반 평가를 위한 MASW탐사와 CPTu 자료의 지구통계학적 복합 분석)

  • Ji, Yoonsoo;Oh, Seokhoon;Im, Eunsang
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.187-199
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    • 2016
  • In order to delineate the soft ground distribution, an integrated geostatistical analysis was performed using the MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave) which has the information of overall region and CPTu (Piezo Cone Penetration Test) which provides the direct information of the measuring point of the ground. MASW results were known to have close relationship with the ground stiffness. This correlation was confirmed through the comparison of MASW data obtained from two survey lines to the laboratory test with extracted soil samples. 3D physical property distribution in the study area was acquired by geostatistical integrated analysis with the data of tip resistance (qc) and pore pressure (u) from the CPTu obtained at 6 points within the study area. The integrated analysis was conducted by applying the COSGSIM (Sequential Gaussian Co-Simulation) technology which can carry out the simulation in accordance with the spatial correlation between the MASW results and both tip resistance and pore pressure. Besides the locations of CPTu, borehole investigations were also conducted at two different positions. As a result, the N value of SPT and borehole log could be secured, so these data were used for the analysis of the geotechnical engineering accuracy of the integrated analysis result. For the verification of reliability of the 3D distribution of tip resistance and pore pressure secured through integrated analysis, the geotechnical information gained from the two drilling areas was compared, and the result showed extremely high correlation.

Cross-Validation of SPT-N Values in Pohang Ground Using Geostatistics and Surface Wave Multi-Channel Analysis (지구통계기법과 표면파 다중채널분석을 이용한 포항 지반의 SPT-N value 교차검증)

  • Kim, Kyung-Oh;Han, Heui-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2020
  • Various geotechnical information is required to evaluate the stability of the ground and a foundation once liquefaction occurs due to earthquakes, such as the soil strength and groundwater level. The results of the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) conducted in Korea are registered in the National Geotechnical Information Portal System. If geotechnical information for a non-drilled area is needed, geostatistics can be applied. This paper is about the feasibility of obtaining ground information by the Empirical Bayesian Kriging (EBK) method and the Inverse Distance Weighting Method (IDWM). Esri's ArcGIS Pro program was used to estimate these techniques. The soil strength parameter of the drilling area and the level of groundwater obtained from the standard penetration test were cross-validated with the results of the analysis technique. In addition, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) was conducted to verify the techniques used in the analysis. The Buk-gu area of Pohang was divided into 1.0 km×1.0 km and 110 zones. The cross-validation for the SPT N value and groundwater level through EBK and IDWM showed that both techniques were suitable. MASW presented an approximate section area, making it difficult to clearly grasp the distribution pattern and groundwater level of the SPT N value.