• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi-resonant converter

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Novel Method for Circulating Current Suppression in MMCs Based on Multiple Quasi-PR Controller

  • Qiu, Jian;Hang, Lijun;Liu, Dongliang;Geng, Shengbao;Ma, Xiaonan;Li, Zhen
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1659-1669
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    • 2018
  • An improved circulating current suppression control method is proposed in this paper. In the proposed controller, an outer loop of the average capacitor voltage control model is used to balance the sub-module capacitor voltage. Meanwhile, an individual voltage balance controller and an arm voltage balance controller are also used. The DC and harmonic components of the circulating current are separated using a low pass filter. Therefore, a multiple quasi-proportional-resonant (multi-quasi-PR) controller is introduced in the inner loop to eliminate the circulating harmonic current, which mainly contains second-order harmonic but also contains other high-order harmonics. In addition, the parameters of the multi-quasi-PR controller are designed in the discrete domain and an analysis of the stability characteristic is given in this paper. In addition, a simulation model of a three-phase MMC system is built in order to confirm the correctness and superiority of the proposed controller. Finally, experiment results are presented and compared. These results illustrate that the improved control method has good performance in suppressing circulating harmonic current and in balancing the capacitor voltage.

Phase Shift Controlled GM ZVS-MRC with Synchronous Rectifier (동기 정류기를 이용한 위상 변위 제어 클램프 모드 포워드 다중 공진형 컨버터)

  • Song, Jong-Hwa;Kim, Chang-Sun;Kim, Hee-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1997.07f
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    • pp.2016-2019
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    • 1997
  • To solve the low efficiency problem of low-voltage power supplies, it has been studied to replace the schottky barrier diode with the MOSFET synchronous rectifier. In this paper, Phase Shift-Controlled Clamp Mode Zero Voltage Switching-Multi Resonant Converter with Synchronous Rectifier (PSC CM ZVS-MRC with SR) is presented to achieve high efficiency in low-voltage power supplies. The characteristics analysis of synchronous rectifier is established by using the MOSFET equivalent circuit and efficiency comparison is established between the Synchronous Rectifier and the schottky barrier diode. To verify the validity of the analysis, 33W(3.3V, 10A) PSC CM ZVS-MRC with self-driven synchronous rectifier at switching frequency of 1MHz is designed and tested. And it is confirmed that the experimental results are well consistent with the theoretical results. The maximum efficiency of the converter is 83.4% at full load, which is 3.3% higher than conventional schottky diode rectification.

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Power Estimation and Optimum Design of a Buoy for the Resonant Type Wave Energy Converter Using Approximation Scheme (근사기법을 활용한 공진형 파력발전 부이의 발전량 추정 및 최적설계)

  • Koh, Hyeok-Jun;Ruy, Won-Sun;Cho, Il-Hyoung
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2013
  • This paper deals with the resonant type of a WEC (wave energy converter) and the determination method of its geometric parameters which were obtained to construct the robust and optimal structure, respectively. In detail, the optimization problem is formulated with the constraints composed of the response surfaces which stand for the resonance period(heave, pitch) and the meta center height of the buoy. Use of a signal-to-noise ratio calculated from normalized multi-objective results with the weight factor can help to select the robust design level. In order to get the sample data set, the motion responses of the power buoy were analyzed using the BEM (boundary element method)-based commercial code. Also, the optimization result is compared with a robust design for a feasibility study. Finally, the power efficiency of the WEC with the optimum design variables is estimated as the captured wave ratio resulting from absorbed power which mainly related to PTO (power take off) damping. It could be said that the resultant of the WEC design is the economical optimal design which satisfy the given constraints.

Small Energy Generator Using Multilayer Piezoelectric Devices (적층형 압전 소자를 이용한 미소 에너지발생장치)

  • Jeong, Soon-Jong;Kim, Min-Soo;Kim, In-Sung;Song, Jae-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.261-261
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    • 2007
  • Wearable and ubiquitous micro systems will be greatly growing and their related devices should be self-powered in order to avoid the replacement of finite power sources, for example, by scavenging energy from the environment. With ever reducing power requirements of both analog and digital circuits, power scavenging approaches are becoming increasingly realistic. One approach is to drive an electromechanical converter from ambient motion or vibration. Vibration-driven generators based on electromagnetic, electrostatic and piezoelectric technologies have been demonstrated. Among various generator types proposed so far, piezoelectric generator possesses considerable potential in micro system. To overcome low mechanical-to- electric energy conversion, the piezoelectric device should activate in resonance mode in response to external vibration. Normally, the external vibration excretes at low frequency ranging 0.1 to 200 Hz, whereas the resonant frequencies of the devices are fixed as constant. Therefore, keeping their resonant mode in varying external vibration can be one of important points in enhancing the conversion efficiency. We investigated the possibility of use of multi-bender type piezoelectric devices. To match the external vibration frequency with the device resonant frequency, the various devices with different resonant frequency were chosen. Under an external vibration acceleration of 0.1G at 120 Hz, the device exhibited a peak-to-peak voltage of 2.8 V and a power of 0.5 mw in resonance mode.

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Multi-Output LLC Series Resonant Converter (다 출력 LLC 직렬 공진 컨버터)

  • Kang, S.I.;Kim, J.H.;KIm, E.S.;Park, J.H.;Lee, H.K.;Huh, D.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.29-32
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    • 2008
  • 최근 PDP Display 시장은 해를 거듭 할수록 가격 경쟁이 치열해 지고 있다. 그에 따라 PSU(Power Supply Unit) 모듈의 저 가격화 및 경량화가 요구되고 있고, 요구조건을 만족하기 위해 여러 출력을 하나로 통합화 하는 다 출력 구조의 변압기가 적용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 서스테인 전원부($V_s$)와 어드레스 전원부($V_a$), 그리고 Multi 18V전원부($V_m$)를 하나의 변압기에 일체화 하였다. 그리고 어드레스 전원부($V_a$)와 Multi 18V전원부($V_m$)의 부하 추가에 따라 서스테인 전원부($V_s$)의 전압 이득 특성 및 공진특성 변화를 확인하였다. 또한 다 출력 LLC 직렬공진 컨버터 설계 시 고려사항과 동작 특성으로 42인치 HD PDP 전원에 적용하여 검증한 결과에 대하여 서술 하였다.

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Control Strategy for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Converters under Unbalanced and Distorted Grid Voltages Using Composite Observers

  • Nguyen, Thanh Hai;Lee, Dong-Choon
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.469-478
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes a novel scheme for the current controller for the grid-side converter (GSC) of permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) wind turbines to eliminate the high-order harmonics in the grid currents under grid voltage disturbances. The voltage unbalance and harmonics in three-phase systems cause grid current distortions. In order to mitigate the input current distortions, multi-loop current controllers are applied, where the positive-sequence component is regulated by proportional-integral (PI) controllers, and the negative-sequence and high-order harmonic components are regulated by proportional-resonance (PR) controllers. For extracting the positive/negative-sequence and harmonic components of the grid voltages and currents without a phase delay or magnitude reduction, composite observers are applied, which give faster and more precise estimation results. In addition, an active damping method using PR controllers to damp the grid current component of the resonant frequency is employed to improve the operating stability of VSCs with inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) filters. The validity of the proposed method is verified by simulation and experimental results.

A Study on Medium Voltage Power Supply with Enhanced Ignition Characteristics for Plasma Torch

  • Jung, Kyung-Sub;Suh, Yong-Sug
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2010.07a
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    • pp.242-243
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    • 2010
  • This paper investigates a power supply of medium voltage with enhanced ignition characteristics for plasma torch. Series resonant half-bridge topology is presented to be a suitable ignition circuitry. The ignition circuitry is integrated into the main power conversion system of a multi-phase staggered three-level dc-dc converter with a diode front-end rectifier. The plasma torch rated for 3MW, 2kA and having the physical size of 1m long is selected to be a high enthalpy source in waste disposal system. The steady-state and transient operations of plasma torch are simulated. The parameters of Cassie-Mary arc model are calculated based on 3D magneto-hydrodynamic simulations. Circuit simulation waveform shows that the ripple of arc current can be maintained within ${\pm}10%$ of its rated value under the existence of load disturbance. This power conversion configuration provides high enough ignition voltage around 5KA during ignition phase and high arc stability under the existence of arc disturbance noise resulting in a high-performance plasma torch system.

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Phase Shift Controlled Clamp Mode Forward Multi-Resonant Converter (위상 변위 제어 클램프 모드 포워드 다중공진형 컨버터)

  • Kim, Hee-Il;Kim, Chang-Sun;Kim, Hee-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.07a
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    • pp.191-194
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    • 1995
  • 소프트 스위칭 능동 클램프 회로와 위상 변위 제어회로를 이용하여 위상 변위 제어 클램프 모드 포워드 다중진공형 컨버터를 제안하였다. 제안된 컨버터는 일정한 스위칭 주파수에서 동작하므로 설계가 용이하고 주 스위치의 전압 스트레스를 입력 전압의 2-3배로 줄일 수 있다. 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 통해 제안된 회로의 이론적인 동작 파형을 확인하였으며 타당성을 입증하기 위하여 1MHz, 5V, 50W 위상 변위 제어 클램프 모드 포워드 다중공진형 컨버터를 제작하여 실험한 결과 주스위치의 최대 전압 스트레스는 입력전압의 3배로 저감하였고, 부하 전류가 증가함에 따라 주스위치에 걸리는 전압 스트레스와 전류 스트레스가 감소하며, 최고 84.2%의 효율을 얻었다.

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Fuel Cell PCS using the Multi level resonant Push-Pull Converter (멀티레벨 공진형 푸쉬풀 컨버터를 이용한 연료전지용 PCS)

  • Han, Donghwa;Lee, Youngjin;Choe, Jung-Muk;Jeong, Byonghwan;Choe, Gyuha
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.244-245
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    • 2010
  • 본 논문은 1kW급 가정용 연료전지의 계통연계 및 고효율 전력변환 시스템 개발에 관한 것이다. 본 시스템에서 구현된 전력변환장치는 일반적인 연료전지용 PCS와 마찬가지로 DC/DC 컨버터부와 DC/AC 인버터부로 구성되며, 전체 시스템의 동작은, DC/DC 컨버터부에서는 고효율화를 위하여 공진형으로 동작되며, DC/AC 인버터부에서는 출력전력 제어와 계통연계를 수행한다.

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A Study on the LLC Resonant Converter for Multi-Output LED Driver with Coupled Inductor (Coupled Inductor를 적용한 다중 출력 LED 조명용 LLC 공진 컨버터에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Beom;Lee, Woo-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.64-66
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    • 2020
  • 친환경적이고 수명이 길며 높은 효율을 가지고 있는 LED(Light Emitting Diode) 조명은 각광 받고 있다. LED는 응용 분야별로 필요한 용량에 따라 다양하게 정하지 않고 용량을 한가지로 표준화하여 직, 병렬로 연결하여 모듈 형태로 사용하고 큰 용량이 필요한 경우, 여러 개의 모듈로 이용하는 특징을 갖는다. 따라서 LED 구동하기 위한 컨버터는 LED 모듈을 최소 하나에서 여러 대를 구동할 수 있는 PFC 및 DC/DC 컨버터를 요구한다. 기존 단일 출력 컨버터로 LED 모듈을 구성하면 LED 시스템의 높은 효율, 높은 전력 밀도, 대용량화 및 활용도가 떨어지며 효과적으로 유지 보수가 어렵다는 문제점이 있다. 또한, 다중 출력 LED 컨버터는 각 출력이 정전류 특성을 유지하고 LED 보호 기능을 가지려면 독립적인 컨버터가 채널마다 필요하게 된다. 이에 본 논문은 다중 출력으로 복수의 LED 모듈을 문제없이 구동할 수 있는 LLC 공진 컨버터에 관한 연구이며 이를 시뮬레이션을 통해 확인하였다.

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