• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi Project

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Multi-objective production scheduling of precast concrete based on reinforcement learning

  • Leting ZU;Wenzhu LIAO
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2024
  • To enhance energy efficiency and reduce emissions in prefabricated construction, optimizing the production scheduling of precast concrete is considered an effective approach. Due to the unique characteristics of precast concrete during production, traditional scheduling models are no longer applicable. This present study introduces practical considerations, such as a limited number of molds, buffers, uncertainty of order arrivals and vehicles. Furthermore, to meet the requirements of contemporary industrial development, a mulit-objective optimization scheduling model is formulated by integrating total processing time, on-time delivery rate and work station idle time. A solution based on reinforcement learning algorithm is devised. Results indicate that this method can effectively undergo training and achieve outstanding performance in addressing such issues. The model has the potential to significantly reduce decision-making time in precast production, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of prefabricated construction.

The Future of Tatami Outside Japan

  • Arno SUZUKI
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1264-1271
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    • 2024
  • Tatami serves as a multi-functional flooring and furniture material in traditional Japanese houses, and Westerners use it with suitable arrangements. Some choose to sleep on tatami for health reasons, while others adopt the lifestyle of 'floor living' to solve the spatial problems in cities. In any case, people use tatami for practical reasons rather than due to a cultural preference. I surveyed 750 respondents, including 463 non-Japanese people, and conducted both quantitative and qualitative analysis. I also interviewed European vendors and users of tatami during 2022-2023. The results showed that non-Japanese customers, especially Europeans, wanted authentic tatami mats made of natural materials such as igusa and rice straw to ensure health and sustainability. On the other hand, Japan's tatami industry is shifting towards artificial, or alternative, tatami-like mats. Few authentic tatami rooms exist in Japanese homes nowadays, and producers of tatami materials are almost extinct in Japan. Chinese farmers who supply almost 80% of igusa to the Japanese market may also discontinue their trade because the production is time-consuming and yields low profit. This paper discusses the possibilities of continuously producing and selling tatami in and outside Japan.

Evaluating of the Effectiveness of RTK Surveying Performance Based on Low-cost Multi-Channel GNSS Positioning Modules (다채널 저가 GNSS 측위 모듈기반 RTK 측량의 효용성 평가)

  • Kim, Chi-Hun;Oh, Seong-Jong;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2022
  • According to the advancement of the GNSS satellite positioning system, the module of hardware and operation software reflecting accuracy and economical efficiency is implemented in the user sector including the multi-channel GNSS receiver, the multi-frequency external antenna and the mobile app (App) base public positioning analysis software etc., and the multichannel GNSS RTK positioning of the active configuration method (DIY, Do it yourself) is possible according to the purpose of user. Especially, as the infrastructure of multi-GNSS satellite is expanded and the potential of expansion of utilization according to various modules is highlighted, interest in the utilization of multi-channel low-cost GNSS receiver module is gradually increasing. The purpose of this study is to review the multi-channel low-cost GNSS receivers that are appearing in the mass market in various forms and to analyze the utilization plan of the "address information facility investigation project" of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security by constructing the multi-channel low-cost GNSS positioning module based RTK survey system (hereinafter referred to as "multi-channel GNSS RTK module positioning system"). For this purpose, we constructed a low-cost "multi-channel GNSS RTK module positioning system" by combining related modules such as U-blox's F9P chipset, antenna, Ntrip transmission of GNSS observation data and RTK positioning analysis app through smartphone. Kinematic positioning was performed for circular trajectories, and static positioning was performed for address information facilities. The results of comparative analysis with the Static positioning performance of the geodetic receivers were obtained with 5 fixed points in the experimental site, and the good static surveying performance was obtained with the standard deviation of average ±1.2cm. In addition, the results of the test point for the outline of the circular structure in the orthogonal image composed of the drone image analysis and the Kinematic positioning trajectory of the low cost RTK GNSS receiver showed that the trajectory was very close to the standard deviation of average ±2.5cm. Especially, as a result of applying it to address information facilities, it was possible to verify the utility of spatial information construction at low cost compared to expensive commercial geodetic receivers, so it is expected that various utilization of "multi-channel GNSS RTK module positioning system"

A Simple Methodology for Estimating the Capacity of Multi-lane Smart Tolling (다차로 톨링시스템(SMART Tolling)의 용량추정 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Keechoo;Lee, Jungwoo;Park, Sangwook
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.4D
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    • pp.305-311
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    • 2012
  • With the rapid deployment of hipass$^{(R)}$, the congestion is inevitable due to the operation of the hipass lane system. Recently, SMART Highway project have developed a multi-lane mainline tolling system, called SMART Tolling system. To analyze the effectiveness of the system in terms of capacity, this study tries to estimate the capacity and its improvement of multi-lane tolling system based on current hipass$^{(R)}$ data. The methodology uses the saturation time headway. This follows three steps; 1) estimate the saturation time headway, using hipass$^{(R)}$ data, and capacity. 2) estimate two factors (the first one is dividing the one side lane width and lateral clearance factor ($f_w$) into two side one, the second one is dividing the capacity of hipass lane operating a circuit breaker into the capacity of hipass lane not operating, the last one is increasing factor of lane width). 3) calculate the capacity of multi-lane mainline tolling system. The results of method produced 2172~2187 veh/hour as smart tolling capacities, respectively. Those are higher about 370 veh/hour than the values from existing literature reviews. Additionally, saturation time headways were identified as lower by 0.5 seconds/veh than existing headways based on hi-pass$^{(R)}$ based one, which naturally implies the improvement in capacity. Some limitations and future research agenda have also been discussed.

The Selection of Optimal Distributions for Distributed Hydrological Models using Multi-criteria Calibration Techniques (다중최적화기법을 이용한 분포형 수문모형의 최적 분포형 선택)

  • Kim, Yonsoo;Kim, Taegyun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how the degree of distribution influences the calibration of snow and runoff in distributed hydrological models using a multi-criteria calibration method. The Hydrology Laboratory-Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM) developed by NOAA-National Weather Service (NWS) is employed to estimate optimized parameter sets. We have 3 scenarios depended on the model complexity for estimating best parameter sets: Lumped, Semi-Distributed, and Fully-Distributed. For the case study, the Durango River Basin, Colorado is selected as a study basin to consider both snow and water balance components. This study basin is in the mountainous western U.S. area and consists of 108 Hydrologic Rainfall Analysis Project (HRAP) grid cells. 5 and 13 parameters of snow and water balance models are calibrated with the Multi-Objective Shuffled Complex Evolution Metropolis (MOSCEM) algorithm. Model calibration and validation are conducted on 4km HRAP grids with 5 years (2001-2005) meteorological data and observations. Through case study, we show that snow and streamflow simulations are improved with multiple criteria calibrations without considering model complexity. In particular, we confirm that semi- and fully distributed models are better performances than those of lumped model. In case of lumped model, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values improve by 35% on snow average and 42% on runoff from a priori parameter set through multi-criteria calibrations. On the other hand, the RMSE values are improved by 40% and 43% for snow and runoff on semi- and fully-distributed models.

Establishment of the large-scale longitudinal multi-omics dataset in COVID-19 patients: data profile and biospecimen

  • Jo, Hye-Yeong;Kim, Sang Cheol;Ahn, Do-hwan;Lee, Siyoung;Chang, Se-Hyun;Jung, So-Young;Kim, Young-Jin;Kim, Eugene;Kim, Jung-Eun;Kim, Yeon-Sook;Park, Woong-Yang;Cho, Nam-Hyuk;Park, Donghyun;Lee, Ju-Hee;Park, Hyun-Young
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.55 no.9
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    • pp.465-471
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    • 2022
  • Understanding and monitoring virus-mediated infections has gained importance since the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Studies of high-throughput omics-based immune profiling of COVID-19 patients can help manage the current pandemic and future virus-mediated pandemics. Although COVID-19 is being studied since past 2 years, detailed mechanisms of the initial induction of dynamic immune responses or the molecular mechanisms that characterize disease progression remains unclear. This study involved comprehensively collected biospecimens and longitudinal multi-omics data of 300 COVID-19 patients and 120 healthy controls, including whole genome sequencing (WGS), single-cell RNA sequencing combined with T cell receptor (TCR) and B cell receptor (BCR) sequencing (scRNA(+scTCR/BCR)-seq), bulk BCR and TCR sequencing (bulk TCR/BCR-seq), and cytokine profiling. Clinical data were also collected from hospitalized COVID-19 patients, and HLA typing, laboratory characteristics, and COVID-19 viral genome sequencing were performed during the initial diagnosis. The entire set of biospecimens and multi-omics data generated in this project can be accessed by researchers from the National Biobank of Korea with prior approval. This distribution of large-scale multi-omics data of COVID-19 patients can facilitate the understanding of biological crosstalk involved in COVID-19 infection and contribute to the development of potential methodologies for its diagnosis and treatment.

Development of Analytic Hierarchy Process or Solving Dependence Relation between Multicriteria (다기준 평가항목간 중복도를 반영한 AHP 기법 개발)

  • 송기한;홍상연;정성봉;전경수
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2002
  • Transportation project appraisal should be precise in order to increase the social welfare and efficiency, and it has been evaluated by only a single criterion analysis such as benefit/cost analysis. However, this method cannot assess some qualitative items, and cannot get a proper solution for the clash of interests among various groups. Therefore, the multi-criteria analysis, which can control these problems, is needed, and then Saaty has developed one of these methods, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. In AHP, the project is evaluated through weighted score of the criteria and the alternatives, which is surveyed by a questionnaire of specialists. It is based on some strict suppositions such as reciprocal comparison, homogeneity, expectation, independence relationship between multi-criteria, but supposing that each criterion has independence relation with others is too difficult in two reasons. First, in real situation, there cannot be perfect independence relationship between standards. Second, individuals, even though they are specialists of that area, do not feel the degree of independence relation as same as others. This paper develops a modified AHP method for solving this dependence relationship between multi-criteria. First of all. in this method, the degree of dependence relationship between multi-criteria that the specialist feels is surveyed and included to the weighted score of multi-criteria This study supposes three methods to implement this idea. The first model products the degree of dependence relationship in the first step for calculating the weighted score, and the others adjust the result of weighted score from the basic AHP method to the dependence relationship. One of the second methods distributes the cross weighted score to each standard by constant ratio, and the other splits them using Fuzzy measure such as Bel and Pl. Finally, in order to validate these methods, this paper applies them to evaluate the alternatives which can control public resentments against Korean rail path in a city area.

Effect of PMIS Quality on Intention to Use and User Satisfaction (건설 PMIS 품질이 사용의도 및 사용자 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung, Min-Woo;Kim, Ka-Ram;Lee, Seul-Ki;Yu, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.122-132
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    • 2012
  • Establishing a success model of a specific information system is critical to understanding the mechanism of IS success, the various dimensions of IS performance, and the factors and their causal relations in IS success. As one of the key IT applications, the project management information system (PMIS), particularly the web-based PMIS (Web-PMIS), has played a significant role in construction management processes in Korea. However, there have been few research attempts made to construct a Web-PMIS success model. This study primarily aims to propose a Web-PMIS success model based on DeLone and McLean's IS success model, and to discuss whether or not the D&M IS success model can be applied to the construction Web-PMIS. A questionnaire was sent out to Web-PMIS users (construction managers and constructors), and 253 completed questionnaires were received. Through multi-regression analysis, it was confirmed that it is statistically acceptable to apply the D&M IS success model to the Web-PMIS. However, the explanatory power of the model is not sufficient, and some of the model factors are not statistically significant enough. Relying on the statistical analysis results, this study also discusses the development direction for the Web-PMIS success model.

A Study on Monitoring the Land Surface Temperature Changes Caused by Constructions of Rainwater Villages Using the Multi-temporal Landsat-8 Satellite Images (다중시기 Landsat-8 위성영상을 활용한 빗물마을 조성 사업에 의한 지표면 온도 변화 모니터링에 관한 연구)

  • CHOUNG, Yun-Jae;YU, Ki-Kwang;LEE, Yong Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.30-40
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    • 2020
  • Monitoring the urban environmental changes caused by the urban regeneration project is necessary for evaluating the effect of the various types of urban regeneration projects that have been carried out in Seoul, South Korea. However, there is few available data and professional expert for evaluating the effect of these urban regeneration projects. This research evaluated the effect of the construction of rainwater village in Jangwi-dong area, constructed through the Seoul urban regeneration project, by utilizing the land surface temperatures derived from the multi-temporal Landsat-8 satellite images through the following steps. In the first step, the land surface temperature images were generated using the multispectral bands of the Landsat-8 satellite images. In the final step, the effect of constructing the rainwater villages was assessed by calculating the seasonal LST statistics for Jangwi-dong area, its neighbor area and entire Seoul area. The experimental results led the following conclusion: the construction of rainwater villages did not have the significant effect on the land surface temperature changes in Jangwi-dong area.

Landscape Design of Gamcheon Wholesale Fish Market (감천항 수산물 도매시장 조경설계)

  • 권영휴;민권식;황용득
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2002
  • The landscape disign of Gamcheon wholesale fish Market was designed around a turnkey base to promote the economy of Busan Metropolitan City, to establish a fishery marketing center and to modernize existing facilities. The objectives of the project were to promote the mood of an old market, while preserving its functions and efficiency as a market, to design outdoor spaces with natural resources and amenities in balance, and to create attractive tourist spots in connection with the wide area development plan. The project was oriented, fast, to enhance the functions of the market. For this purpose, a multi-dimensional space layout was designed in consideration of functions as a wholesale market. The safety of pedestrians was secured by separating lathes for vehicles and for pedestrians. Tree planting with various functions such as sheltering, wind breaking and guiding was planned. Secondly, nature-friendly and human-friendly landscaping design was attempted. For this, the beautiful natural resources of Amnam Park were utilized, and green spaces such as green bridges linking buildings in the wholesale market, and rooftop gardens were to be arranged. In addition, environment-friendly facilities such as roads paved with natural materials(i.e. gravel, shells) and program parking lots were to be planned. Thirdly, landscape design was considered to create attractive tourist spots. For example, a fish farm was created as a theme street for pedestrians and various water-friendly spaces such as pedestrian ramps, observatories and seaside streets were to be secured. The main contents are as follows. First, a green bridge to Ahnnam Park was introduced for a tour source and flower garden, an event plan and viewing deck open to the sea were planned on the bridge's axis. Secondly, for the effective land use plan concerning open space and convenience to visitors, a promenade was planned, which is connected with the theme plaza and small plazas by environmental sculptures in front of the market hall and at the gate. As well, an observatory and a roof garden help create three dimensional multi leveled space, with a good view of the natural landscape of the sea, sky and park Thirdly, landscape materials, such as trees and those for facilities, strengthened for protection against the seawind and salt damage were selected. The commercial market area was intended to be transformed a traditional functional area of efficiency and economy into an attractive marine leisure area where both tourists and neighbors can make use of it.