• Title/Summary/Keyword: Moveout correction

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A Study on Matching Pursuit Interpolation with Moveout Correction (시간차 보정을 적용한 Matching Pursuit 내삽 기법 연구)

  • Lee, Jaekang;Byun, Joongmoo;Seol, Soon Jee;Kim, Young
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2018
  • The recent research aim of seismic trace interpolation is to effectively interpolate the data with spatial aliasing. Among various interpolation methods, the Matching Pursuit interpolation, that finds the proper combination of basis functions which can best recover traces, has been developed. However, this method cannot interpolate aliased data. Thus, the multi-component Matching Pursuit interpolation and moveout correction method have been proposed for interpolation of spatially aliased data. It is difficult to apply the multi-component Matching Pursuit interpolation to interpolating the OBC (Ocean Bottom Cable) data which is the multi-component data obtained at the ocean bottom because the isolation of P wave component is required in advance. Thus, in this study, we dealt with an effective single-component matching Pursuit interpolation method in OBC data where P-wave and S-wave are mixed and spatial aliasing is present. To do this, we proposed the Ricker wavelet based single-component Matching Pursuit interpolation workflow with moveoutcorrection and systematically investigated its effectiveness. In this workflow, the spatial aliasing problem is solved by applying constant value moveout correction to the data before the interpolation is performed. After finishing the interpolation, the inverse moveout correction is applied to the interpolated data using the same constant velocity. Through the application of our workflow to the synthetic OBC seismic data, we verified the effectiveness of the proposed workflow. In addition, we showed that the interpolation of field OBC data with severe spatial aliasing was successfully performed using our workflow.

Stretch-free Normal Moveout Correction (Stretch가 없는 수직 시간차 보정)

  • Pyun, Sukjoon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.232-240
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    • 2017
  • Normal moveout correction is one of the main procedures of seismic reflection data processing and a crucial pre-processing step for AVO analysis. Unfortunately, stretch phenomenon, which is the intrinsic problem of NMO correction, degrades the quality of stack section and reliability of AVO analysis. Although muting is applied to resolve this problem, it makes far-offset traces more useful to develop an advanced NMO correction technique without stretch. In this paper, easy and detailed explanations are provided on the definition and methodology of NMO correction, and then the cause of stretch is explained with its characteristics. A graphical explanation for NMO correction is given for the intuitive understanding of stretch phenomenon. Additionally, the theoretical formulation is derived to quantitatively understand the NMO correction. Through explaining the muting process to remove NMO stretch, the limitations of conventional methods are investigated and the need for a new resolution comes to discussion. We describe a stretch-free NMO correction based on inverse theory among many different stretch-free NMO corrections. Finally, the stretch-free NMO correction is verified through synthetic example and real data.

Swell Correction of Shallow Marine Seismic Reflection Data Using Genetic Algorithms

  • park, Sung-Hoon;Kong, Young-Sae;Kim, Hee-Joon;Lee, Byung-Gul
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 1997
  • Some CMP gathers acquired from shallow marine seismic reflection survey in offshore Korea do not show the hyperbolic trend of moveout. It originated from so-called swell effect of source and streamer, which are towed under rough sea surface during the data acquisition. The observed time deviations of NMO-corrected traces can be entirely ascribed to the swell effect. To correct these time deviations, a residual statics is introduced using Genetic Algorithms (GA) into the swell correction. A new class of global optimization methods known as GA has recently been developed in the field of Artificial Intelligence and has a resemblance with the genetic evolution of biological systems. The basic idea in using GA as an optimization method is to represent a population of possible solutions or models in a chromosome-type encoding and manipulate these encoded models through simulated reproduction, crossover and mutation. GA parameters used in this paper are as follows: population size Q=40, probability of multiple-point crossover P$_c$=0.6, linear relationship of mutation probability P$_m$ from 0.002 to 0.004, and gray code representation are adopted. The number of the model participating in tournament selection (nt) is 3, and the number of expected copies desired for the best population member in the scaling of fitness is 1.5. With above parameters, an optimization run was iterated for 101 generations. The combination of above parameters are found to be optimal for the convergence of the algorithm. The resulting reflection events in every NMO-corrected CMP gather show good alignment and enhanced quality stack section.

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Removal of Seabed Multiples in Seismic Reflection Data using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 이용한 탄성파 반사법 자료의 해저면 겹반사 제거)

  • Nam, Ho-Soo;Lim, Bo-Sung;Kweon, Il-Ryong;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.168-177
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    • 2020
  • Seabed multiple reflections (seabed multiples) are the main cause of misinterpretations of primary reflections in both shot gathers and stack sections. Accordingly, seabed multiples need to be suppressed throughout data processing. Conventional model-driven methods, such as prediction-error deconvolution, Radon filtering, and data-driven methods, such as the surface-related multiple elimination technique, have been used to attenuate multiple reflections. However, the vast majority of processing workflows require time-consuming steps when testing and selecting the processing parameters in addition to computational power and skilled data-processing techniques. To attenuate seabed multiples in seismic reflection data, input gathers with seabed multiples and label gathers without seabed multiples were generated via numerical modeling using the Marmousi2 velocity structure. The training data consisted of normal-moveout-corrected common midpoint gathers fed into a U-Net neural network. The well-trained model was found to effectively attenuate the seabed multiples according to the image similarity between the prediction result and the target data, and demonstrated good applicability to field data.

Automatic velocity analysis using bootstrapped differential semblance and global search methods (고해상도 속도스펙트럼과 전역탐색법을 이용한 자동속도분석)

  • Choi, Hyung-Wook;Byun, Joong-Moo;Seol, Soon-Jee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2010
  • The goal of automatic velocity analysis is to extract accurate velocity from voluminous seismic data with efficiency. In this study, we developed an efficient automatic velocity analysis algorithm by using bootstrapped differential semblance (BDS) and Monte Carlo inversion. To estimate more accurate results from automatic velocity analysis, the algorithm we have developed uses BDS, which provides a higher velocity resolution than conventional semblance, as a coherency estimator. In addition, our proposed automatic velocity analysis module is performed with a conditional initial velocity determination step that leads to enhanced efficiency in running time of the module. A new optional root mean square (RMS) velocity constraint, which prevents picking false peaks, is used. The developed automatic velocity analysis module was tested on a synthetic dataset and a marine field dataset from the East Sea, Korea. The stacked sections made using velocity results from our algorithm showed coherent events and improved the quality of the normal moveout-correction result. Moreover, since our algorithm finds interval velocity ($\nu_{int}$) first with interval velocity constraints and then calculates a RMS velocity function from the interval velocity, we can estimate geologically reasonable interval velocities. Boundaries of interval velocities also match well with reflection events in the common midpoint stacked sections.

High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiling on Land with Hydrophones Employed in the Stream-Water Driven Trench (하천수유입과 하이드로폰을 이용한 육상 고분해능 탄성파반사법탐사)

  • Kim Ji-Soo;Han Su-Hyung;Kim Hak-Soo;Choi Won-Suk;Jung Chang-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2001
  • An effective seismic reflection technique for mapping the cavities and bedrock surface in carbonate rocks is described. The high resolution seismic reflection images were successfully registered by using the hydrophones employed in the stream-water driven trench, and were effectively focused by applying optimal data processing sequences. The strategy included enhancement of the signal interfered with the large-amplitude scattering noise, through pre- and post stack processing such as time-variant filtering, bad-trace editing, residual statics, velocity analysis, and careful muting after NMO (normal moveout) correction. The major reflections including the bedrock surface were mapped with the desired resolution and were correlated to the seismic crosshole tomographic data. Shallow major reflectors could be identified and analyzed on the AGC (auto gain control)-applied field records. Three subhorizontal layers were identified with their distinct velocities; overburden (<3000 m/s), sediments (3000-4000 m/s), limestone bedrock (>4000 m/s). Taking into account of no diffraction effects in the field records, gravel-rich overburdens and sediments are considered to be well sorted. Based on the images mapped consistently on the whole survey line and seismic velocity increasing with depth, this area probably lacks in sizable cavities (if any, no air-filled cavities).

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Estimation of Groundwater Table using Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) in a Sand Tank Model and at an Alluvial Field Site (실내 모형과 현장 충적층에서 지하투과레이더를 이용한 지하수면 추정)

  • Kim, Byung-Woo;Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Choi, Doo-Houng;Koh, Yong-Kwon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.201-216
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    • 2013
  • Ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys were conducted in a sand tank model in a laboratory and at an alluvial field site to detect the groundwater table and to investigate the influence of saturation on GPR response in the unsaturated zone. In the sand tank model, the groundwater table and saturation in the sand layer were altered by injecting water, which was then drained by a valve inserted into the bottom of the tank. GPR vertical reflection profile (VRP) data were obtained in the sand tank model for rising and lowering of the groundwater table to estimate the groundwater table and saturation. Results of the lab-scale model provide information on the sensitivity of GPR signals to changes in the water content and in the groundwater table. GPR wave velocities in the vadose zone are controlled mainly by variations in water content (increased travel time is interpreted as an increase in saturation). At the field site, VRP data were collected to a depth of 220 m to estimate the groundwater table at an alluvial site near the Nakdong river at Iryong-ri, Haman-gun, South Korea. Results of the field survey indicate that under saturated conditions, the first reflector of the GPR is indicative of the capillary fringe and not the actual groundwater table. To measure the groundwater table more accurately, we performed a GPR survey using the common mid-point (CMP) method in the vicinity of well-3, and sunk a well to check the groundwater table. The resultant CMP data revealed reflective events from the capillary fringe and groundwater table showing hyperbolic patterns. The normal moveout correction was applied to evaluate the velocity of the GPR, which improved the accuracy of saturation and groundwater table information at depth. The GPR results show that the saturation information, including the groundwater table, is useful in assessing the hydrogeologic properties of the vadose zone in the field.

A Study on the Field Data Applicability of Seismic Data Processing using Open-source Software (Madagascar) (오픈-소스 자료처리 기술개발 소프트웨어(Madagascar)를 이용한 탄성파 현장자료 전산처리 적용성 연구)

  • Son, Woohyun;Kim, Byoung-yeop
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2018
  • We performed the seismic field data processing using an open-source software (Madagascar) to verify if it is applicable to processing of field data, which has low signal-to-noise ratio and high uncertainties in velocities. The Madagascar, based on Python, is usually supposed to be better in the development of processing technologies due to its capabilities of multidimensional data analysis and reproducibility. However, this open-source software has not been widely used so far for field data processing because of complicated interfaces and data structure system. To verify the effectiveness of the Madagascar software on field data, we applied it to a typical seismic data processing flow including data loading, geometry build-up, F-K filter, predictive deconvolution, velocity analysis, normal moveout correction, stack, and migration. The field data for the test were acquired in Gunsan Basin, Yellow Sea using a streamer consisting of 480 channels and 4 arrays of air-guns. The results at all processing step are compared with those processed with Landmark's ProMAX (SeisSpace R5000) which is a commercial processing software. Madagascar shows relatively high efficiencies in data IO and management as well as reproducibility. Additionally, it shows quick and exact calculations in some automated procedures such as stacking velocity analysis. There were no remarkable differences in the results after applying the signal enhancement flows of both software. For the deeper part of the substructure image, however, the commercial software shows better results than the open-source software. This is simply because the commercial software has various flows for de-multiple and provides interactive processing environments for delicate processing works compared to Madagascar. Considering that many researchers around the world are developing various data processing algorithms for Madagascar, we can expect that the open-source software such as Madagascar can be widely used for commercial-level processing with the strength of expandability, cost effectiveness and reproducibility.