• Title/Summary/Keyword: Movement Right

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A Study on the Active Force of Extraocular Muscles (외안근의 운동력에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Moon
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to measure the active force of extraocular muscles on mono- and binocular movements for 62 healthy koreans (male: 29, female: 33). Methods: The force of adduction, abduction, elevation and depression, of right and left eye on monocular movement were tested with horizontal moving distance based on corneal limbus and the force of superior oblique muscle and inferior oblique muscle on binocular movement were measured with vertical moving distance between corneal limbus. The distances were obtained by high resolution digital image processing. Results: At monocular movements of tested subjects. the power of abduction, adduction, elevation and depression of right and left eye were (male) 9.35 nun, 9.75 mm, (female) 9.02 mm, 9.52 mm, (male) 10.23 mm, 10.16 mm, (female) 10.17 mm, 10.07 mm, (male) 7.01 mm,6.91 mm, (female) 6.98 mm, 6.64 mm, (male) 7.52 mm, 6.82 mm, (female) 7.52 mm, 6.67 mm, respectively. The active force of binocular movements were 54.8% hyperergasia and 45.1% hypergasia/67.7% hyperergasia and 32.2% hypergasia with inferior oblique muscle, 64.5% hyperergasia and 35.5% hypergasia/58.1% hyperergasia and 41.9% hypergasia with superior oblique muscle, respectively. Conclusions: The force of horizontal movement was higher than vertical movement. The value of adduction was higher than abduction on horizontal movement, and the value of depression was higher than elevation on vertical movement. In the both of inferior and superior oblique muscle, the ratio of hyperergasia was higher than that of hypergasia.

Trend of Dispute on the Right to Be Forgotten and Acceptance Task of Internet Laws in Korea (잊혀질 권리의 논의 동향과 우리나라 인터넷 법제의 수용과제)

  • Chung, Sang-Ki;Kim, Kyung-Yeol
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2013
  • Matters related to the right to be forgotten started the dispute Europe to introduce it first when Data Protection Directive established in 1995 proceeded revision. Relating to this, diverse disputes proceed on responding to personal information protection and internet laws in our nation. Especially as our National Assembly submitted the law regarding the promotion of information and communication network use and protection of information and amendment of copyright, it is necessary to look into the movement on introduction of law of right to be forgotten closely in detail. EU which attempted the institutionalization for the first time, relating to review of General Data Protection Regulation, proposed opinions such as the necessity to define subjects of personal information concretely and specifically and or protection target and balanced consideration on freedom of expression which is constitutional value. In the case of our nation, there was legislation attempt to introduce the regulation but it was limited in the form of fallen effectiveness without concrete and detailed review on internet law. To solve such problems, it is necessary to look into issues and matters to be considered required to accept right to be forgotten closely and discuss possibility of introducing right to be forgotten, conflicts between fundamental rights becoming issue, effect of goal achievement of personal information protection through the system introduction, and other rational acceptance method.

Analysis of instrument exercise using IMU about symmetry

  • Yohan Song;Hyun-Bin Zi;Jihyeon Kim;Hyangshin Ryu;Jaehyo Kim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.296-305
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to measure and compare the balance of motion between the left and right using a wearable sensor during upper limb exercise using an exercise equipment. Eight participants were asked to perform upper limb exercise using exercise equipment, and exercise data were measured through IMU sensors attached to both wrists. As a result of the PCA test, Euler Yaw(Left: 0.65, Right: 0.75), Roll(Left: 0.72, Right: 0.58), and Gyro X(Left: 0.64, Right: 0.63) were identified as the main components in the Butterfly exercise, and Euler Pitch(Left: 0.70, Right 0.70) and Gyro Z(Left: 0.70, Right: 0.71) were identified as the main components in the Lat pull down exercise. As a result of the Paired-T test of the Euler value, Yaw's Peak to Peak at Butterfly exercise and Roll's Mean, Yaw's Mean and Period at Lat pull down exercise were smaller than the significance level of 0.05, proving meaningful difference was found. In the Symmetry Index and Symmetry Ratio analysis, 89% of the subjects showed a tendency of dominant limb maintaining relatively higher angular movement performance then non-dominant limb as the Butterfly exercise proceeds. 62.5% of the subjects showed the same tendency during the Lat pull down exercise. These experimental results indicate that meaningful difference at balance of motion was found according to an increase in number of exercise trials.

Research on Gender Specification and Their Visual Preferences at Department Store Display Space - Target Department Store Space - (백화점 매장공간의 성별 탐색 특성과 주시경향에 관한 연구 - 백화점 매장 공간을 대상으로 -)

  • Choi, Gae-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2016
  • Observation about space is looked steady in an instant, but in continuous movement, one's observation unconsciously stays at different points. In department store, customer actually observes around the store for buying, not focusing on certain point. By studying customer's movement and observation feature, buying desire and interest can be found. For analysis of the different searching-features according to the continuous-observation depending on sex, the study is set up to record movements of customers at women in Department store. The following are the findings. First, Men observed 0.2-0.4 units more in I-II section which are assumed as predominant. The result shows that men can focus on more section (around +0.4%) and longer (around +5.7%) than women do. Second, the same feature of observation depending on sex is that both men and women observe left and right section while keep focusing on middle section. Third, according to the fact that right-focused observation magnificently occurred in the image curved to right, the Space-composition has influenced on the observation of both men and women on the space. Forth, excessive number of display can cause avoidance of observation. Moreover, observation does not stay on the coverage due to wall or post, but is attracted to the brand name. As brand name causes right-focused observation in the image [(8)], brand name can be one of the reasons to attract observation in women apparel store. To sum up, this study is noticeable as it researches about continuous-observation. Furthermore, verifying the result that the composition of space and the placement of products can cause big differences in the observation feature is meaningful outcome.

The Effect on Activity of Cerebral Cortex by Key-point Control of The Adult Hemiplegia with fMRI (fMRI를 이용한 성인 편마비의 항조절점 운동이 대뇌피질의 활성화에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee Won-Kil
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.295-345
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    • 2003
  • This study investigated activation of cerebral cortex in patients with hemiplegia that was caused by neural damage. Key-point control movement therapy of Bobath was performed for 9 weeks in 3 subjects with hemiplegia and fMRI was used to compare and analyze activated degree of cerebral cortex in these subjects. fMRI was conducted using the blood oxygen level-dependent(BOLD) technique at 3.0T MR scanner with a standard head coil. The motor activation task consisted of finger flexion-extension exercise in six cycles(one half-cycles = 8 scans = $3\;sec{\times}\;8\;=\;24\;sec$). Subjects performed this task according to visual stimulus that sign of right hand or left hand twinkled(500ms on, 500ms off). After mapping activation of cerebral motor cortex on hand motor function, below results were obtained. 1. Activation decreased in primary motor area, whereas it increased in supplementary motor area and visual association area(p<.001). 2. Activation was observed in bilateral medial frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus of left cerebrum, inferior frontal gyrus, inter-hemispheric, fusiform gyrus of right cerebrum, superior parietal lobule of parietal lobe and precuneus in subjedt 1, parahippocampal gyrus of limbic lobe and cingulate gyrus in subject 2, and inferior frontal gyrus of right frontal lobe, middle frontal gyrus, and inferior parietal lobule of left cerebrum in subject 3 (p<.001). 3. Activation cluster extended in declive of right cellebellum posterior lobe in subject 1, culmen of anterior lobe and declive of posterior lobe in subject 2, and dentate gyrus of anterior lobe, culmen and tuber of posterior lobe in subject 3 (p<.001). In conclusion, these data showed that Key-point control movement therapy of Bobath after stroke affect cerebral cortex activation by increasing efficiency of cortical networks. Therefore mapping of brain neural network activation is useful for plasticity and reorganization of cerebral cortex and cortico-spinal tract of motor recovery mechanisms after stroke.

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Analysis of Static Stability by Modified Mathematical Model for Asymmetric Tractor-Harvester System: Changes in Lateral Overturning Angle by Movement of Center of Gravity Coordinates

  • Choi, Kyu-hong;Kim, Seong-Min;Hong, Sungha
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Purpose: The usability of a mathematical model modified for analysis of the static stability of an asymmetric tractor-harvester system was investigated. Method: The modified asynchronous mathematical model was validated through empirical experiments, and the effects of movements of the center of gravity (CG) coordinates on the stability against lateral overturning were analyzed through simulations. Results: Changes in the lateral overturning angle of the system were investigated when the coordinates of the CG of the system were moved within the variable range. The errors between simulation results and empirical experiments were compared, and the results were -4.7% at the left side overturning and -0.1% at the right side overturning. The asymmetric system was characterized in such a way that the right side overturning had an increase in overturning angle in the (+) variable range, while it had a decrease in overturning angle in the (-) variable range. In addition, the left side overturning showed an opposite result to that of the right side. At the declination angle (296<${\gamma}$<76), the right side overturning had an increase in the maximum overturning angle of 3.6%, in the minimum overturning angle of 20.3%, and in the mean overturning angle of 15.9%. Furthermore, at the declination angle (284<${\gamma}$<64), the left side overturning had a decrease in the maximum overturning angle of 29.2%, in the minimum overturning angle of 44%, and in a mean overturning angle of 39.7%. Conclusion: The modified mathematical model was useful for predicting the overturning angle of the asymmetric tractor-harvester system, and verified that a movement of the CG coordinates had a critical effect on its stability. In particular, the left side overturning was the most vulnerable to stability, regardless of the direction of declination angle.

Effects of Preparatory Movements on Performance of Sideward Responsive Propulsion Movement (사전동작이 좌우 반응 추진운동의 수행력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong-Woon;Yoon, Te-Jin;Seo, Jung-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of three different types of preparatory movement(squat, countermovement and hopping) in sideward responsive propulsion movement. 7 healthy subjects performed left and right side movement task by external output signal. 3D kinematics were analyzed The results were followed First, performance time in the countermovement and hopping conditions was shorter(10-20%) than that in the squat condition. The hopping condition that is more related to pre-stretch showed excellent performance. Second, time difference between after turned on the external signal and until take off was the primary factor in performance results among movement conditions. The preparatory phase before the propulsive phase in the squat condition produced more time than that in other conditions. The hopping condition showed the most short time in both the preparatory and the propulsive phase, therefore it was advantage for performance result Third, significant difference was not found in take-off velocity among movement conditions although there was difference of the time required in the propulsive phase. The maximum acceleration in the propulsive phase was larger in order of the hopping. countermovement, and squat condition. The countermovement and hopping conditions showed high take-off velocity although the propulsive phase in those conditions was shorter than that in squat condition. The pre-stretch by preparatory countermovement was considered as the positive factor of producing power in concentric contraction. Fourth, the hopping condition produced large angular velocity of joints. In hopping condition, large amount of moment for rotation movement was revealed in relatively short time and it was considered to cause powerful joint movements. In conclusion, the hopping movement using countermovement is advantage of responsive propulsion movement. It is resulted from short duration until take off and large amount of joint moment and joint power in concentric contraction by pre-stretch.

Change of activation of the supplementary motor area in motor learning: an fMRI case study (운동학습에 따른 대뇌 보조운동영역의 활성화 변화: fMRI 사례연구)

  • Park, Min-Chull;Bae, Sung-Soo;Lee, Mi-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The contribution of the supplementary motor area (SMA) to the control of voluntary movement has been revealed. We investigated the changesin the SMA for motor learning of the reaching movement in stroke patient using functional MRI. Methods: The subject was a right-handed 55 year-old woman with left hemiparesis due to an intracerebral hemorrhage. She performed reaching movement during fMRI scanning before and after reaching training in four weeks. The motor assessment scale and surface EMG were used to evaluate the paretic upper limb function and muscle activation. Results: In the fMRI result, contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex (SM1) was activated before and after training. SMA was only activated after training. In addition, muscle activation of the paretic upper limb was similar to that of the unaffected upper limb after training. Conclusion: These findings suggest SMA is related to the execution of a novel movement pattern resulting in motor learning in stroke patients.

Correlation Analysis between Dance Experience and Smoothness of Dance Movement by Using Three Jerk-Based Quantitative Methods

  • Park, Yang Sun
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the association between dance experience and smoothness of hand trajectory during dance by using three jerk-based quantitative methods (integrated squared jerk, mean squared jerk, and dimensionless jerk). Methods: Eleven Korean traditional dancers whose experience of dancing ranged from 5 years to 20 years participated in this study. Dancers performed the Taeguksun motion in Korea traditional dance. Six infrared cameras were used to capture the movement of the hands of the dancers. The smoothness of hand movement was calculated using three jerk-based methods. Results: With regard to the smoothness of the right hand, dance experience was significantly correlated with dimensionless jerk (r=0.656, p=0.028), while dance experience was not significantly correlated with integrated squared jerk (r=0.581, p=0.552) and mean squared jerk. With regard to the smoothness of the left hand, there was no correlation between dance experience and any of the three jerk values. Conclusion: Our results showed that individuals with more dance experience performed the task more smoothly. This study suggests that dimensionless jerk should be used as a predictor for smoothness in dance movement. Thus, our results support the idea that smoothness is an aspect of movement quantity distinct from speed and distance.

A Pantographic Study on the Mandibular Movements in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Sounds (Pantograph를 이용한 악관절잡음자의 하악운동에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Pung Ho;Han, Kyung Soo
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 1987
  • The author studied on the effect of TMJ sounds to the patterns and ranges of mandibular border movements in horizontal plane with Pantograph (Denar Corp.). For study, 19 patients with TMJ sounds only and 16 students with no TM disorder were selected and classified as experimental group and control group, respectively. The subject performed right lateral movement, left lateral movement, and forward movement. Each movement were performed 3 times and the movement trajectory obtained with mechanical pantograph were observed for accordance of centric relation position, reproducibility and/or restriction of lateral movement paths, deviation of protrusive path in anterior table, restriction of protrusive condylar movement path in posterior horizontal table, presence of Fisher angle in posterior vertical table. And pantographic reproducibility Index (PRI) were obtained with pantronic by the same movement method as in the mechanical pantograph record. The obtained results were as follows : 1. In experimental group, PRI scores in those who show accordance of centric relation position were 14.4, and were 26.53 in those who did not show accordance of centric relation position. However, the PRI scores of the two subgroups show no statistically significant difference in control group. Therefore, in experimental group, the capability of accordance of centric relation position affected largely the PRI scores than in control group. 2. Deviation of protrusive path was opposite to the affected side in experimental group, and was left side in control group. 3. Restriction side of condylar movement in protrusion was ipsilateral to the deviation side in experimental group, but in control group, restriction side was not related to the deviation side. 4. PRI scores in experimental group were 23.2 (moderate dysfunction category), and in control group, were 17.8 (slight dysfunction category). The PRI scores in control group, however, implies that the evaluation of temporomandibular disorders by the PRI scores only may be unreasonable.

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