• 제목/요약/키워드: Monochromatic Light

검색결과 87건 처리시간 0.019초

광학 입자 계수기의 응답특성 및 오계수에 관한 연구 (A Study of Response Characteristics and False Counts in Optical Particle Counter)

  • 안강호;이재헌
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.547-554
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    • 1992
  • 본 연구에서는 Climet사의 백색광원 OPC인 CI226와 PMS사의 laser 광원 OPC인 LAS-X 및 HS-LAS의 응답특성을 측정하여 제작사가 제시한 응답특성과 비교하여 그 정 확성을 논하였으며 아울러 고유량(high flow rate) Clean Room용 OPC인 Climet CI- 7300, Met One 200, Hiac/Royco5120 등 3가지 장치에 관한 오계수의 원인을 박히고자 하였다.

고출력 3색 LED를 이용한 휴대용 무영등의 개발 (Development of Portable Astral Light using the High Power 3-Color LEDs)

  • 유성미;천민우
    • 한국항행학회논문지
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.1111-1117
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 의료용 신조명 부품으로 주목받고 있는 고출력 LED를 사용해 구강구조 확인을 위한 치과영역, 진료 및 수술실에서 환부에 대한 작은 범위(국소부위)의 무영 촬영이 가능한 휴대용 LED Light를 설계 개발하였다. 개발에 적용한 LED는 피사체 고유의 Tone에 대한 섬세한 표현력과 입체감을 부각시키기 위해 다양한 색상 구현 및 광량조절이 가능하도록 3색 LED를 사용했다. 사용된 LED의 전기적 특성 및 광학적 특성을 고려해 고효율의 Light Module를 개발했으며 휴대 사용을 위해 낮은 전압에서도 구동이 가능한 SMPS를 제작했다. 또한 PWM 제어방식을 이용해 단색광부터 백색광까지 32,768개의 다양한 색상 구현이 가능했다.

식물재배용 LED 광원의 광질과 PPFD에 따른 청치마상추의 성장에 관한 연구 (A Study on Growth of the Green Leaf Lettuce Depends on PPFD and Light Quality of LED Lighting Source for Growing Plant)

  • 양준혁;최원호;박노준;박대희
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.142-147
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    • 2015
  • The artificial light sources for growth of plant are usually high-pressure sodium lamp, metal haloids lamp, and fluorescent light; however, these light sources have relatively weaker Red and Blue lights that are necessary for growth of plants. Especially the effect of Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) is pointed out as the weakness. Meanwhile, LED light source can be selected by specific wavelength to greatly improve the effect of PPFD. In this regard, this paper aims to investigate the promotion of plant growth by measuring photosynthetic photon flux density (hereafter referred to as PPFD) according to changes in light quality of the LED light sources. Towards this end, LED light sources for plant growth were produced with 4 kinds of mono-chromatic lights and 6 kinds of combined lights by mixing red, blue, green and white lights. A comparative analysis was conducted to investigate the effects of optical properties and PPFD on plants (green leaf lettuce) using the produced light sources. The results monochromatic light has fastest growth rate, but plant growth conditions have poor. This being so, mixed light is suitable for the green leaf lettuce.

치매요양시설에서의 치료를 위한 빛·색채의 시설적 적용 특성에 관한 고찰 - 정성적 및 정량적 적용 특성을 중심으로 (A Study on the Characteristics of Application for Therapeutic Light and Color in Dementia Care Facilities - Focused on Qualitative and Quantitative Application Characteristics)

  • 지수인
    • 의료ㆍ복지 건축 : 한국의료복지건축학회 논문집
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.69-87
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study has been started with the awareness that light and color are the main visual sensors of the multi-sensory stimulation environment to achieve the therapeutic environment for demented elderly. The purpose of this study therefore is for clarifying the application characteristics of therapeutic light and color for dementia care facilities. Methods: Internal and external literature reviews have been conducted for the investigation into a)disorders and visual system in demented elderly, b)therapeutic effects of light and color, c)heliotherapy, light therapy and color therapy to deduce the therapeutic characteristics of light and color for demented elderly, and finally into d)the application characteristics of it for dementia care facilities. Results: The application characteristics of the therapeutic light and color for dementia care facilities are classified into both qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Qualitative application characteristics of light represented using of daylight, using of lighting approximate to daylight, expansion of iluminance level, equality in iluminance Level, reduction of shadow, and as well as exclusion of blare. Quantitative application characteristics of it represented iluminance level, color temperature and color rendering index prescribed in international lighting standards. Qualitative application characteristics of color represented non-monochromatic color, color contrast, long wavelength of yellow-red colors, exclusion of short wavelength of blue colors and patterns, and as well as different colors for idenfication. Quantitative application characteristics of it represented kontrast(K) prescribed in DIN32975:2009 and light reflectance value(LRV) prescribed in BS8300:2009. Implications: To form dementia care facilities as therapeutic environment both qualitative and quantitative application characteristics of therapeutic light and color in dementia care facilities are needed.

Increase in the Contents of Ginsenosides in Raw Ginseng Roots in Response to Exposure to 450 and 470 nm Light from Light-Emitting Diodes

  • Park, Sang-Un;Ahn, Deok-Jong;Jeon, Hyeon-Jeong;Kwon, Tae-Ryong;Lim, Hyoun-Sub;Choi, Bo-Seong;Baek, Kwang-Hyun;Bae, Han-Hong
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.198-204
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    • 2012
  • An light-emitting diode (LED)-based light source was used as a monochromatic light source to determine the responses of raw ginseng roots (Panax ginseng Meyer) to specific emission spectra with respect to the production of ginsenosides. The ginsenoside content in the ginseng roots changed in response to the LED light treatments at $25^{\circ}C$ relative to the levels in the control roots that were treated in the dark or at $4^{\circ}C$ for 7 d. Ginseng roots were exposed to LEDs with four different peak emission wavelengths, 380, 450, 470, and 660 nm, in closed compartments. Compared with the control $4^{\circ}C$-treated roots, roots that were treated with 450 and 470 nm light showed a significantly increased production of ginsenosides (p<0.05), with increases of 64.9% and 74.1%, respectively. The contents of the ginsenosides $Rb_2$, Rc, and $Rg_1$ were significantly higher (p<0.05) in the 450 and 470 nm-treated root samples. The ratio of protopanaxadiol ginsenosides ($Rb_1$, $Rb_2$, Rc, and Rd) to protopanaxatriol ginsenosides ($Rb_1$, $Rb_2$, Re, and Rf) was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the 450 and 470 nm-treated root samples than in the control $4^{\circ}C$-treated roots. This is the first report that demonstrates the increase and conversion of ginsenosides in raw ginseng roots in response to exposure to LED light.

흡광 광도 분석법을 이용한 기름의 두께 측정 연구 (Oil Thickness Measurement by Light Absorption Analysis)

  • 오상우;이문진
    • 한국해양환경ㆍ에너지학회지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.263-267
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구에서는 단일 파장의 빛이 기름과 해수로 구성된 혼합물을 투과하는 과정에서 굴절과 산란으로 인해 감쇠되는 빛의 세기를 평가하는 방법을 통해, 물위에 존재하는 기름의 두께를 측정할 수 있는 새로운 광학적 기름 탐지 방법론을 제시한다. 단일 파장의 광원으로 직진성이 좋고 단색광의 빛을 발산할 수 있는 레이저를 이용하였으며, 기름-물 혼합물을 투과한 빛의 세기를 정량적으로 측정하기 위해서 광 에너지를 전기 에너지로 변환할 수 있는 광전자소자인 포토다이오드를 선택하였다. 기름의 두께가 증가함에 따라서 투과된 빛의 크기가 점차적으로 감쇠되는 성질을 가진 광원의 파장 대역을 실험적으로 도출하기 위해서, 3개의 서로 다른 파장대역을 갖는 레이저를 이용하여 기름의 두께별로 투과된 광량을 측정하여 감쇠되는 경향을 비교하는 실험을 진행하였다. 해당 실험을 통해서 470 nm 파장을 갖는 청색 레이저를 이용하였을 경우, 기름의 두께가 증가함에 따라 투과된 광량의 세기가 점차적으로 감쇠되는 현상을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 수행한 실험 결과를 통해서 레이저 광원에 대한 기름의 흡광 광도를 분석하는 방법으로 해수위에 존재하는 기름의 두께를 정량적으로 측정할 수 있는 가능성을 제시하였다.

Influence of Stocking Density with Different Light System on the Growth Performance and Behavior in Broiler Chickens

  • Lim, Chun Ik;Rana, Md Masud;Choi, Il Bok;Ryu, Kyeong Seon
    • 한국가금학회지
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    • 제46권4호
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2019
  • This study evaluated the effects of stocking density on performance and behavioral activities of 35-day-old broilers in relation to incandescent white bulb (IB) light and LED yellow and white light. A total of 1,650 day-old chicks were weighed and randomly allocated into six treatment groups in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement based on stocking density (14 birds m-2 and 22 birds m-2) and color of lights (IB; monochromatic LED yellow and white light) with five replicates for each treatment. The results showed that final body weight, weight gain and feed conversion of broilers were improved at a stocking density of 14 birds m-2 with exposure to LED lights. Similarly, broilers spent more time exhibiting inactive behavior (e.g. standing) and active behaviors (e.g. walking and walking plus pecking) under 14 birds m-2 with exposure to lights as compared that of other treatment groups. Regarding a stocking density of 22 birds m-2, broilers performance traits were negatively affected and also activities were less. The performance of broilers was not significantly altered for the main factor of different lights but broilers were less inactive (e.g less time spent sitting plus standing) and more time spent active behavior in walking under IB light than LED light. Thus, we concluded that a stocking density 14 birds m-2 with exposure to LED light significantly improved broiler performance and behavioral activity and these conditions could therefore improve the overall welfare of farmed chickens.

Actionspectra for Circadian Melatonin Rhythms in the Avian Pineal In Vitro

  • Kondo, Chieko;Haldar, Chandana;Tamotsu, Satoshi;Oishi, Tadashi
    • Journal of Photoscience
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.249-251
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    • 2002
  • The avian pineal as well as the retina has been known to contain several types of photoreceptors with different visual pigments such as rhodopsin, iodopsin and the pineal specific opsin, pinopsin. These organs are also known to have circadian clock to regulate melatonin production. Exposure of animals to light causes a decline of the melatonin level and the phase shifts of melatonin rhythms in the pineal and retina. Therefore, the circadian clock system of these organs seem to consist of three elements, i.e., light input, oscillator and melatonin output systems. In birds, it was suggested that rhodopsin might be involved in the entrainment of pineal melatonin rhythms from the action spectrum experiment for controlling NAT activity rhythms. However, there are much more pinopsin-immunoreactive (Pino-IR) cells than rhodopsin (Rho-IR) and iodopsin (Iodo-IR) cells in the avian pineal. We found that Pino-IR cells appeared earlier embryonic stages than Rho-IR and Iodo-IR cells. So, we tried to identify the visual pigments involved in the circadian melatonin rhythms in the pineal and retina. Organ cultured pineals were exposed to monochromatic light to find out which opsin participates in regulation of melatonin rhythms. The action spectra showed a peak at 475nm, suggesting that pinopsin is the major photopigment to regulate melatonin production in birds.

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쏙(Upogebia major)의 광반응 분석시스템 구축과 발광다이오드(Light-Emitting Diode) 파장별 행동분석 (Behavioral Monitoring System for Mud Shrimp Upogebia major and the Photoresponse to Illumination with Different Wavelength LEDs)

  • 장준철;정종균;허윤성;송재희;김종명
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제50권4호
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 2017
  • The increase in the number of mud shrimps Upogebia major is a concern because of their negative effects on shellfish aquaculture, including Manila clam Venerupis philippinatum along the west coast of Korea. This study developed a behavioral analysis system for aquatic animals using a set of monochromatic light-emitting diode (LED) modules covering the visible light range at similar intervals. Movements of mud shrimp were monitored using a tracking system under illumination with infra-red light and an LED of 660 nm wavelength without provoking stimulation. The minimum light intensity needed to induce a photoresponse by the mud shrimp was $10{\mu}mole/m^2/s$ under the conditions tested. Of the six kinds of LED illuminations tested, the most sensitive response was obtained with illumination with the 505 nm LED, followed in order by LEDs with peak wavelengths of $525nm{\fallingdotseq}465nm$ > $405nm{\fallingdotseq}590nm$ > 660 nm. These findings should help to identify LED sources that efficiently induce movement of the mud shrimp and also for monitoring movement without stimulating.

고온 안정성이 우수한 자동차 LED용 Red CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ 형광체/Glass 세라믹 복합체 개발 (Development of Red CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ Phosphor in Glass Ceramic Composite for Automobile LED with High Temperature Stability)

  • 윤창번
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.324-329
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    • 2018
  • Red phosphor in glasses (PiGs) for automotive light-emitting diode (LED) applications were fabricated with 620-nm $CaAlSiN_3:Eu^{2+}$ phosphor and Pb-free silicate glass. PiGs were synthesized and mounted on high-power blue LED to make a monochromatic red LED. PiGs were simple mixtures of red phosphor and transparent glass powder. After being fabricated with uniaxial press and CIP at 300 MPa for 20 min, the green bodies were thermally treated at $550^{\circ}C$ for 30 min to produce high dense PiGs. As the phosphor content increased, the density of the sintered body decreased and PiGs containing 30% phosphor had a full sintered density. Changes in photoluminescence spectra and color coordination were studied by varying the thickness of plates that were mounted after optical polishing. As a result of the optical spectrum and color coordinates, PiG plate with $210{\mu}m$ thickness showed a color purity of 99.7%. In order to evaluate the thermal stability, the thermal quenching characteristics were measured at temperatures of $30{\sim}150^{\circ}C$. The results showed that the red PIG plates were 30% more thermally stable compared to the AlGaInP red chip.