• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mono-like Si

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The current status in the silicon crystal growth technology for solar cells (태양전지용 규소 결정 성장 기술 개발의 현황)

  • Lee, A-Young;Lee, Dong-Gue;Kim, Young-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2014
  • Three kinds of crystalline silicon have been used for the solar cell grade. First of all, single crystalline silicon is the main subject to enhance the production yield. Most of the efforts are focused on the control of the melt-crystal interface shape affected by the crystal-crucible rotation rate. The main subject in the multi-crystalline silicon ingot is the contamination control. Faster Ar gas flow above the melt surface will lower the carbon contamination in the crystal. And also, twin boundary electrically inactive is found to be more effective than grain boundary for the improvement of the MCLT. In the case of mono-like silicon material, propagation of the multi-crystalline silicon growing from the inner side crucible is the problem lowering the portion of the single crystalline part at the center of the ingot. Crystal growing apparatus giving higher cooling rate at the bottom and lower cooling rate at the side crucible was suggested as the optimum solution obtaining higher quality of the mono-like silicon ingot. Proper application of the seeds at the bottom of the crucible would be one of the solutions.

TOF-MEIS System을 이용한 Ultra Thin Film 및 Composition and the Core/Shell Structure of Quantum Dot 분석

  • Jeong, Gang-Won;Kim, Jae-Yeong;Mun, Dae-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.08a
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    • pp.284-284
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    • 2013
  • 중 에너지 이온 산란 분석법(Medium Energy Ion Scattering Spectrometer, MEIS)은 50~500 keV로 이온을 가속 후 시료에 입사시켜 시료의 원자와 핵간 충돌로 산란되는 일차이온의 에너지를 측정하여 시료를 분석하는 기법으로, 원자층의 깊이 분해능으로 초박막의 표면 계면의 조성과 구조를 분석 할수 있는 유용한 미세 분석기술이다. 본 실험에서 에너지 70~100 keV의 He+ 이온을 사용하여 Pulse Width 1 ns의 Pulsed ion beam을 만들어 Start 신호로 사용하고 Delay-line-detector에 검출된 신호를 End 신호를 이용한 TOF-MEIS System을 개발하였다. 활용 가능한 분석시편으로 Ultra thin film 시편으로 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4 nm의 HfO2, 1.8, 4nm의 SiO2 시편을 분석 하였으며 Ultra Shallow Junction 시편으로 As Doped Si, Cs Doped Si 시편 및 Composition, Core/shell 구조의 Q-dot 시편으로 CdSe, CdSe/ZnS등 다양한 분석 실험을 진행 하였다. Composition, Core/shell 구조의 Q-dot 시편은 Diamond Like Carbon(DLC)의 Substrate에 Mono-layer로 형성하여 분석하였다.

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Change in Chemical Composition of Acer mono Saps Collected in Different Region and Time Depending on Storing Period (저장기간에 따른 채취 지역 및 시기별 고로쇠 수액의 성분분석)

  • Kim, Ho-Yong;Kim, Seon-Hong;Gwak, Ki-Seob;Park, Mi-Jin;Choi, Won-Sil;Kang, Ha-Young;Choi, In-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to investigate change in chemical composition of Acer mono saps collected in Hamyang, Inje, Namyangju and Yeongwol depending on storing period. pH of A. mono sap was in the range of 4.43~5.68, and it was decreased rapidly with the increase of storing period. A. mono sap collected in Yeongwol in Feb. 22 contained 2.06% sucrose. Degradation of sucrose was occurred when storing period was extended, and it caused production of organic acid like pyruvic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid and ethanol. Detected minerals in A. mono sap were K, Ca, Na, Mg, P, Si, Al, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn, however, K and Ca content reached 93%. A. mono sap collected in Inje in Mar. 03 contained 131.72 mg/${\ell}$, which was especially high K content among the A. mono sap. 1.55~3.50 mg/${\ell}$ of Ascorbic acid was found in the A. mono sap. Sap collected in early date was less degraded.