• Title/Summary/Keyword: Monitoring data

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Correlation Between Vegetation Structure and Environmental Factors of Dracocephalum argunense Habitats in South Korea (국내 용머리 자생지의 식생구조와 환경인자 상관관계)

  • Byeong-Joo Park;Sung-Kyung Han;Sung-Hyuk Park;Kwang-Il Cheon;Sang-Hoon Che;Tae-Im Heo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.3
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    • pp.271-281
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to establish baseline data on the habitat status of Dracocephalum argunense Fisch. ex Link by identifying its vegetation structure and correlating environmental factors. A total of 9 vegetation plots (10 m×10 m) were surveyed. Cluster analysis revealed a total of three clusters: Quercus aliena (Group 1), Pinus thunbergii-Rubus parvilolius (Group 2), and Indigofera kirilowii-Zanthoxylum piperitum (Group 3). The importance value of D. argunense was the highest in Group 2, with a value of 6.19. Diversity analysis indicated a range of 2.747-3.166, but differences among the groups was not statistically significant (p>0.05). In the areas surrounding sedimentary rock zones, invasive plants were identified as indicator species, emphasizing the need for monitoring invasive species in the future. Although D. argunense exhibits good adaptability to moisture and atmospheric conditions due to its diverse habitats (forest and coast), there is a risk of decline due to interspecific competition and human activities, as analyzed in this study.

A Study on the Optimization of Fire Awareness Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network: Layer Importance Evaluation-Based Approach (합성곱 신경망 기반 화재 인식 모델 최적화 연구: Layer Importance Evaluation 기반 접근법)

  • Won Jin;Mi-Hwa Song
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.444-452
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    • 2024
  • This study proposes a deep learning architecture optimized for fire detection derived through Layer Importance Evaluation. In order to solve the problem of unnecessary complexity and operation of the existing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based fire detection system, the operation of the inner layer of the model based on the weight and activation values was analyzed through the Layer Importance Evaluation technique, the layer with a high contribution to fire detection was identified, and the model was reconstructed only with the identified layer, and the performance indicators were compared and analyzed with the existing model. After learning the fire data using four transfer learning models: Xception, VGG19, ResNet, and EfficientNetB5, the Layer Importance Evaluation technique was applied to analyze the weight and activation value of each layer, and then a new model was constructed by selecting the top rank layers with the highest contribution. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that the implemented architecture maintains the same performance with parameters that are about 80% lighter than the existing model, and can contribute to increasing the efficiency of fire monitoring equipment by outputting the same performance in accuracy, loss, and confusion matrix indicators compared to conventional complex transfer learning models while having a learning speed of about 3 to 5 times faster.

Distribution Survey of Babesia and Assessment of Tick-borne Diseases in Jeju, Republic of Korea (Babesia의 제주 지역 내 분포 조사)

  • Jiro KIM;YoungMin YUN
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2024
  • From March to November 2021, a study conducted in Jeju used the dry ice trap method to collect 17,855 ticks across six regions, examining their distribution and potential as disease vectors. The ticks were identified and categorized by species and growth stage. In addition, the study focused on Babesia, a disease transmitted by hard ticks. Of 17,641 ticks from which DNA had been extracted, 581 pools underwent polymerase chain reaction testing. Of these, 43 pools tested positive for Babesia, with the highest positivity found in Western Seogwipo (23 pools, 53.5%), followed by eastern Seogwipo and central Jeju. The peak times for positive results were April and July. This study highlights an increased risk of tick bites linked to the rising number of abandoned pets in Jeju, necessitating ongoing environmental management and monitoring. These findings provide fundamental data for formulating strategies to prevent and manage tick-borne diseases in Jeju. This involves reducing the disease incidence through targeted preventive measures and detailed epidemiological research. These results underscore the necessity for continued vigilance and proactive intervention to address the health challenges ticks pose in the region.

Eruption Precursors and Volcanic Activities of Fissure Eruptions on Sundhnúkur, Iceland between 2023 and 2024 (아이슬란드 순드누쿠르(Sundhnúkur)에서 2023-2024년 발생한 틈새 분화의 전조현상과 화산활동)

  • Cheolwoo Chang
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2024
  • Iceland is located at the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean and there are about 130 volcanoes. Volcanoes in Iceland that are predominantly active include the Reykjanes Volcano Belt, the West Volcanic Zone, the Mid-Island Belt, the East Volcanic Zone, the Northern Volcanic Zone, the Öræfi Volcanic Belt, and the Snæfellsnes Volcanic Belt. In these regions, there are over 30 volcanic systems, each of which is primarily composed of central volcanoes and fissures surrounding them. Since October 24th in 2023, an intensive earthquake swarm in the Svartsengi Volcanic System of the Reykjanes Volcano Belt had been detected by the Icelandic Meteorological Administration's monitoring system. Furthermore, surface uplift near Blue Lagoon which is located about 1.5 km northwest of Þorbjörn, was observed in cGPS data and inSAR images, suggesting magma intrusions in the area. On November 10th, 2023, the frequency and intensity of earthquakes increased, and more than 20,000 earthquakes were recorded with the maximum magnitude M5.3. (the same comment as above) Eventually, fissure eruptions with lava fountains up to 100 m high started in the Sundhnúkur fissure row of the Svarthenghi volcanic system on December 18th, 2023. The eruption ended on December 21st, but a new eruption occurred on January 14th, 2024. Eruptions continued to occur in February, March, May, and August in this area. The volcanic unrest in this area that can lead to future eruptions continues as of September 2024.

A Review of Image Analysis Techniques for Investigating Solute Transport in Porous Media (비파괴적 기법을 활용한 다공성 매체에서의 용질 이동 메커니즘 분석에 대한 고찰)

  • Seonggan Jang;Taeseop Kim;Changmin Kim;Minjune Yang
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.473-496
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    • 2024
  • This study reviewed image analysis techniques used in non-destructive investigations of solute transport mechanisms in porous media during contaminant transport. Commonly employed image analysis methods include X-ray imaging, light-transmission visualization, and light-reflection visualization using ultraviolet or visible light. These techniques provide precise, high-resolution data on solute concentration distributions, fluid flow dynamics, and multiphase systems. Through continuous monitoring without alteration of the experimental setup, they provide accurate insights into solute transport mechanisms. We outline the principles, applications, advantages, and limitations of each method, and explore their contribution to the understanding and prediction of solute transport. We also examine case studies in which these methods have been effectively applied. This review provides a comprehensive understanding of how image analysis techniques can contribute to addressing environmental issues such as groundwater contamination.

Study on the Horizontal Distribution of Squid Gill-Net Fishing Ground in the North Pacific Ocean (북태평양 오징어유자망어장의 수평분포에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Lee, Byoung-Gee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 1990
  • The horizontal distribution of squid gill-net fishing ground in the North Pacific Ocean was examined within the main fishing season, May to October, during 1986~1989. Data of sea surface temperature were selected from Technical Reports of National Fisheries Research Development Agency of Korea, Data Records of Hokkaido University, Deep-sea Training Reports of Korea Fishing Training centre, Fishing Operation Reports of Daelim Fisheries Co., Ltd., Oyang Fisheries Co., Ltd. and Dong-won Industrial Co., Ltd.. Data of catch were also collected from Deep-sea Training Reports of Korea Fishing Training Centre and Fishing Operation Report of three fisheries companies in Korea. The fishing ground was segmented in every 1 degree of latitude from $34^{\circ}N$ to $46^{\circ}N$ and 2 degree of longitude from $144^{\circ}E$ to $162^{\circ}W.$ The distribution and centeroid of fishing ground, fished and optimum surface temperature, catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the fishing ground were computed, based on the above data. The resulted obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. Range of fishing ground can be estimated as $35^{\circ}~40^{\circ}N,$ $178^{\circ}~166^{\circ}W$ in May, $36^{\circ}~41^{\circ}N,$ $178^{\circ}E~166^{\circ}W$ in June, $38^{\circ}~44^{\circ}N,$ $170^{\circ}E~170^{\circ}W$ in July, $39^{\circ}~44^{\circ}N,$ $144^{\circ}~180^{\circ}E$ in August, $39^{\circ}~44^{\circ}N,$ $144^{\circ}~170^{\circ}E$ in September and $40^{\circ}~44^{\circ}N,$ $144^{\circ}~154^{\circ}E$ in October. 2. Fishing ground in May, June and October is similarly distributed along longitude and latitude, but the range of the former is larger than that of the latter in July, August and September. Monthly centeroids of fishing sectors is estimated as #3888 in May, #3884 in June, #4078 in July, #4154 in August, #4146 in September and #4044 in October respectively. 3. Fished temperature and optimum and temperature are estimated as $14.0~18.5^{\circ}C$ and $15.0~16.0^{\circ}C$ in May, $13.5~18.5^{\circ}C$ and $14.5~16.0^{\circ}C$ in June, $14.0~20.0^{\circ}C$ and $14.5^{\circ}C,$ $19.0^{\circ}C$ in July, $16.0~21.5^{\circ}C$ and $18.0~20.0^{\circ}C$ in August, $14.5~22.0^{\circ}C$ and $17.0~18.5^{\circ}C$ in September, $14.0~18.0^{\circ}C$ and $16.0~17.0^{\circ}C$ in October. 4. Monthly mean CPUE which corresponds to the net weight of catch(kg) divided by the sheet number of operated gillnets is calcuted as 3.2, 4.5, 4.3, 5.1, 6.4 and 5.8 kg/sheet respectively. 5. Considering the monitoring program of the squid gill-net fishery in the North Pacific Ocean during 1989~1990, set by the Korean Government, 12 sectors may be restricted out of 21 fishing sectors in May, 7 out of 24 in June, 4 out of 25 in July. They are free from restriction hereafter August.

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Implementation Strategy of Global Framework for Climate Service through Global Initiatives in AgroMeteorology for Agriculture and Food Security Sector (선도적 농림기상 국제협력을 통한 농업과 식량안보분야 전지구기후 서비스체계 구축 전략)

  • Lee, Byong-Lyol;Rossi, Federica;Motha, Raymond;Stefanski, Robert
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2013
  • The Global Framework on Climate Services (GFCS) will guide the development of climate services that link science-based climate information and predictions with climate-risk management and adaptation to climate change. GFCS structure is made up of 5 pillars; Observations/Monitoring (OBS), Research/ Modeling/ Prediction (RES), Climate Services Information System (CSIS) and User Interface Platform (UIP) which are all supplemented with Capacity Development (CD). Corresponding to each GFCS pillar, the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) has been proposing "Global Initiatives in AgroMeteorology" (GIAM) in order to facilitate GFCS implementation scheme from the perspective of AgroMeteorology - Global AgroMeteorological Outlook System (GAMOS) for OBS, Global AgroMeteorological Pilot Projects (GAMPP) for RES, Global Federation of AgroMeteorological Society (GFAMS) for UIP/RES, WAMIS next phase for CSIS/UIP, and Global Centers of Research and Excellence in AgroMeteorology (GCREAM) for CD, through which next generation experts will be brought up as virtuous cycle for human resource procurements. The World AgroMeteorological Information Service (WAMIS) is a dedicated web server in which agrometeorological bulletins and advisories from members are placed. CAgM is about to extend its service into a Grid portal to share computer resources, information and human resources with user communities as a part of GFCS. To facilitate ICT resources sharing, a specialized or dedicated Data Center or Production Center (DCPC) of WMO Information System for WAMIS is under implementation by Korea Meteorological Administration. CAgM will provide land surface information to support LDAS (Land Data Assimilation System) of next generation Earth System as an information provider. The International Society for Agricultural Meteorology (INSAM) is an Internet market place for agrometeorologists. In an effort to strengthen INSAM as UIP for research community in AgroMeteorology, it was proposed by CAgM to establish Global Federation of AgroMeteorological Society (GFAMS). CAgM will try to encourage the next generation agrometeorological experts through Global Center of Excellence in Research and Education in AgroMeteorology (GCREAM) including graduate programmes under the framework of GENRI as a governing hub of Global Initiatives in AgroMeteorology (GIAM of CAgM). It would be coordinated under the framework of GENRI as a governing hub for all global initiatives such as GFAMS, GAMPP, GAPON including WAMIS II, primarily targeting on GFCS implementations.

Estimation of Uranium Particle Concentration in the Korean Peninsula Caused by North Korea's Uranium Enrichment Facility (북한 우라늄 농축시설로 인한 한반도에서의 공기중 우라늄 입자 농도 예측)

  • Kwak, Sung-Woo;Kang, Han-Byeol;Shin, Jung-Ki;Lee, Junghyun
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2014
  • North Korea's uranium enrichment facility is a matter of international concern. It is of particular alarming to South Korea with regard to the security and safety of the country. This situation requires continuous monitoring of the DPRK and emergency preparedness on the part of the ROK. To assess the detectability of an undeclared uranium enrichment plant in North Korea, uranium concentrations in the air at both a short and a long distance from the enrichment facility were estimated. $UF_6$ source terms were determined by using existing information on North Korean facility and data from the operation experience of enrichment plants from other countries. Using the calculated source terms, two atmospheric dispersion models (Gaussian Plume Model and HYSPLIT models) and meteorological data were used to estimate the uranium particle concentrations from the Yongbyon enrichment facility. A maximum uranium concentration and its location are dependent upon the meteorological conditions and the height of the UF6 release point. This study showed that the maximum uranium concentration around the enrichment facility was about $1.0{\times}10^{-7}g{\cdot}m^{-3}$. The location of the maximum concentration was within about 0.4 km of the facility. It has been assumed that the uranium sample of about a few micrograms (${\mu}g$) could be obtained; and that few micrograms of uranium can be easily measured with current measurement instruments. On the contrary, a uranium concentration at a distance of more than 100 kilometers from the enrichment facility was estimated to be about $1.0{\times}10^{-13}{\sim}1.0{\times}10^{-15}g{\cdot}m^{-3}$, which is less than back-ground level. Therefore, based on the results of our paper, an air sample taken within the vicinity of the Yongbyon enrichment facility could be used to determine as to whether or not North Korea is carrying out an undeclared nuclear program. However, the air samples taken at a longer distance of a few hundred kilometers would prove difficult in detecting a clandestine nuclear activities.

An Effect of the Self-Regulation Program for Hypertensives -Synthesis & testing of Orem and Bandura's theory- (본태성 고혈압 환자의 자가간호증진을 위한 자기조절 프로그램 효과 -Orem이론과 Bandura이론의 합성과 검증-)

  • Park, Young-Im;Hong, Yeo-Shin
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.109-129
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    • 1994
  • Chronic health problems has become a major concern and challenge to the health care professionals today. Especially hypertension, one of the leading primary cause of death in Korea, is a typical chronic disease requiring adequate and continuous management. Though these hypertensives need to maintain desirable health practice by themselves for their life time, many previous studies indicated that most of the essential hypertensives have no specific symptoms and thus, reluctant to follow appropriate medical regimens causing the condition further aggravated and complicated. Self-care is an essential factor that keeps chronic patients in control of their health and wellness. Thus this study was conducted to identify the effect of the comprehensive self-regulation program as a nursing intervention on the promotion self-care performance and improvement in physical parameters of hypertensives. For this purpose, a one group quasi-experimental research with pre and post test design was used. The subjects of the study was consisted of thirty persons with mild or moderate essential hypertension from two companies in Cheong-ju city. The whole program was carried out from October, 1993 to February, 1994. The self-regulation program was consisted with group education on hypertension and self-care, self-regulation including the blood pressure self-monitoring and recording, recording of daily self-care activities, and encouraging and reinforcing self-efficacy through verbal persuation and enactive attainment. The subjects were asked to measure their own blood pressure by themselves twice per day and to record blood pressure and the daily self-care performance according to the instructions provided during the whole period of 9 weeks. The instruments used for data collection in this study were as follows : 1) Instruments used for measuring the knowledge about hypertension, multiple health locus of control, and perceived benifits and barriers were adapted from previous studies and modified by author to be fit for the subjects. 2) Self-efficacy scale and self-care performance record were developed by the author. 3) Physiological parameters included systolic / diastolic blood pressure, body weight, level of blood cholesterol, and 24hour ambulatory blood pressure. The post-experimental Cronbach's Alpha as the reliability test of scales were 0.703-0.897, an appropriate level of confidence. The effect of the program was analyzed by experimental stages ; the first week, the fifth week, and the ninth week since the experimental imput began. Data were analyzed by the SPSS PC+ program with paired t-test and t-test, repeated measure ANOVA, and pearson's correlation to de termine the effect of program. The results were as follows : 1) After the self-regulation program, scores on knowledge(t=-2.41, p=.011), perceived self-efficacy (F=5.60, p=.001), self-care performance(F=22.31, p=.0001) were significantly higher than those before the program. 2) After the program, both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly lower than those before the program(F=10.89 -13.11, p=.0001). However in 24hour ambulatory blood pressure, systolic mean pressure was nearly significantly lower, but not in diastolic mean pressure. 3) After the program, the body weight was significant decresed(t=5.53, p=.0001), but the blood cholesterol level was not decreased significantly except in those cases with higher cholesterol level. 4) There were significant relationships between changes in self-care performance and diastolic pressure at 1st week (r=.3389, p=.033) and changes in self-care performance and systolic pressure at 9th week(r=.3651, p=.024). 5) There were significant relationship between perceived self-efficacy and self-care performance at 5th week(r=.5313, p=.001) and 9th week (r=.3026, p=.052). 6) After the program, internal health locus of control and perceived benefits did not show significant change, but perceived barriers was significantly lower than those before the program (t=3.57, p=.0001). From the above results, it can be concluded that 1) The self-regulation program is an effective nursing strategy to promote self-care performance of hypertensives and to lower the blood pressure. Thus this program can be recommended in the management of the hypertensives in workplaces and community settings. 2) The synthesis of Orem's self-care theory and Bandura's self-regulation & self-efficacy theory in this study was proved to enhance explanation and prediction of the change of self-care behavior. Thus the result of the study would contribute in development of the self-care theory and an expansion of practice-theory.

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Evaluation of the Water Quality Changes in Agricultural Reservoir Covered with Floating Photovoltaic Solar-Tracking Systems (수상 회전식 태양광 발전시설 설치에 따른 농업용 저수지의 수질변화 평가)

  • Lee, Inju;Joo, Jin Chul;Lee, Chang Sin;Kim, Ga Yeong;Woo, Do Young;Kim, Jae Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.255-264
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    • 2017
  • To evaluate the water quality changes in agricultural reservoir covered with floating photovoltaic solar-tracking systems, the water quality variations with time and depth were monitored on both six sites for light blocking zones and four sites for light penetration zones after the installation of floating photovoltaic solar-tracking systems in Geumgwang reservoir at Anseong-si, Kyeonggi province. For one year with 16 monitoring events, water quality parameters [i.e., water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), and blue-green algae (BGA)] were monitored at depths of 0.3 m, 1 m, 3 m, and 5 m, while chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) were monitored at depths of 0.3 m. Statistically, the difference in all water quality parameters was not significantly different (p > 0.05) at the level of significance of 0.05. Based on these results, the water quality data from light blocking zones (site 1~6) and light penetration zones (site 7~10) were clustered, and were compared with time and depth. As a result, the difference in water temperature, pH, DO, COD, TN, TP, Chl-a, and BGA between light blocking zones and light penetration zones was not significant (p > 0.05) with different time and depth. For Chl-a and BGA, some data from light blocking zones greater than light penetration zones were temporary observed due to the severe drought, low water storage rate, and over growth of periphyton. However, this temporal phenomenon did not impact the water quality. Considering the small water surface area (${\leq}0.5%$) covered by floating photovoltaic solar-tracking systems, the mixing effect of whole Geumgwang reservoir caused by Ekman current and continuous discharge were more dominant than the effect of reduced solar irradiance. Further study is warranted to monitor the changes in water quality and aquatic ecosystems with greater water surface area covered by floating photovoltaic solar-tracking systems for a long time.