• Title/Summary/Keyword: Monitoring data

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Effects of Restaurants' e-Wom Characteristics on Attitude and Visit Intention: Focused on Visit Intention Over Time (레스토랑의 e-Wom 특성이 시간 경과에 따른 방문의도를 중심으로 한 태도 및 방문의도에 미치는 영향)

  • KIM, Sung-Hwan;JEON, Young-Mi;LEE, Ji-Ah
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: With the development of the Internet, consumers can quickly access the electronic word-of-mouth. Consumers seek to reduce uncertainty by referring to the opinions of other consumers about products and services when making purchase decisions. In the food service industry, evaluating a restaurant before an actual visitation is difficult. Therefore, electronic word-of-mouth is important to interact with the customer in restaurants. as it can be used as an exchange of information in which consumers participate and interact with other customers. This study was conducted to verify how online word-of-mouth characteristics (Consensus, Vividness, Neutrality) on attitudes and visit intention from the perspective of social exchange theory. And it was performed to verify the structural relationship between short-term visit intention, mid-term visit and long-term visit intention. Research design, data, and methodology: A survey was conducted on customers who have visited restaurants. Of a total of 312 responses, 306 responses were used, excluding insincere responses and missing values for factors analysis. SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0 were used for statistical analysis, and hypothesis testing was conducted after verifying the validity and reliability of the questionnaire items. Result: The result of the analysis showed that, consensus and neutrality have a positive effect on attitude but not much on vividness. In addition, consensus, vividness, and neutrality have no effect on the short-term visit intention. Finally, the short-term visit intention has a positive effect on mid-term visit intention, and mid-term visit intention has a positive effect on long-term visit intention. Conclusions: Based on the results, this study suggested that it is necessary to have practical implications for marketing and monitoring restaurant reviews in consideration of the characteristics of electronic word-of-mouth. When managing electronic-word-of-mouth, it is necessary to manage the consensus and neutrality is essential to provide sufficient information about the restaurant. The focus should not only be on vividness, such as photos and videos. In addition, restaurants should also provide a good experience for first-time visitors as the short-term visit intention positively affects mid-term and long-term visit intention.

A Study on the Development of "Bufo gargarizans" Habitat Suitability Index(HSI) (두꺼비 서식지 적합성 지수(HSI) 모델개발을 위한 연구)

  • Cho, Gun-Young;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 2022
  • This study investigates the characteristics and physical habitat requirements for each Bufo gargarizans life history through a literature survey. After deriving variables for each component of Bufo gargarizans, in order to reduce regional deviations from eight previously studied literature research areas for deriving the criteria for variables, a total of 12 natural habitats of Bufo gargarizanss are selected as spatial ranges by selecting four additional sites such as Umyeonsan Ecological Park in Seoul, Wonheungibangjuk in Cheongju in the central region, Changnyeong Isan Reservoir in the southern region, and Mangwonji in Daegu. This study presents Bufo gargarizans SI, a species endemic to Korea, whose population is rapidly declining due to large-scale housing site development and road development, and develops a Bufo gargarizans HSI model accordingly to improve the function of the damaged Bufo gargarizans habitat and to present an objective basis for site selection of alternative habitat. At the same time, it provides basic data for adaptive management and follow-up monitoring. The three basic habitat requirements of amphibians, the physical habitat requirements of Bufo gargarizans, synthesized with shelter, food, and water, and the characteristics of each life history, are classified into five components by adding space and threats through literature research and expert advice. Variables are proposed by synthesizing and comparing the general characteristics of amphibians, among the previously studied single species of amphibians, the components of HSI of goldfrogs and Bufo gargarizans, and the ecological and physical environmental characteristics of Bufo gargarizans. Afterwards, through consultation with an amphibian expert, a total of 10 variables are finally presented by adjacent forest area(ha), the distance between spawning area and the nearest forest land(m), the soil, the distance from the wetland(m), the forest layered structure, the low grassland space, the permanent wetland area(ha), shoreline slope(%), PH, presence of predators, distance from road(m), presence or absence of obstacles. n order to derive the final criteria for each of the 10 variables, the criteria(alternative) for each variable are presented through geographic information analysis of the site survey area and field surveys of the previously studied literature research area. After a focus group interview(FGI) of 30 people related to the Bufo gargarizans colony in Cheongju, a questionnaire and in-depth interviews with three amphibians experts are conducted to verify and supplement the criteria for each final variable. Based on the finally developed Bufo gargarizans HSI, the Bufo gargarizans habitat model is presented through the SI graph model and the drawing centering on the Bufo gargarizans spawning area

Changes in School Foodservice during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown based on Focus Group Interviews (포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 통한 COVID-19 유행 동안 학교 급식의 변화)

  • Ji, Mirim;Um, Mihyang;Kye, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2022
  • This qualitative study analyzed various environmental factors and difficulties faced by school foodservices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Focus group interviews were conducted by enrolling 12 nutrition teachers and nutritionists. Data collected were subsequently analyzed for changes implemented during the pandemic, in hygiene management, diet management, and distribution management of the school meal. The content and method of delivery of information related to diet guidance and school foodservice by related organizations were also examined. Results of the survey show that personal hygiene (such as maintaining student-to-student distance, checking students for a fever, and hand disinfection) was duly applied, installation of table coverings and distancing between school cafeteria seats were conducted, and mandatory mask-wearing to prevent droplet transmission was enforced. Depending on the COVID-19 situation, the number of students having school meals was limited per grade, and time-spaced meals were provided. To prevent infection, menus that required frequent hand contact were excluded from the meal plan. Overall, it was difficult to manage the meal plan due to frequent changes in tasks, such as the number of orders and meal expenses. These changes were communicated by nutrition teachers and nutritionists wherein the numbers of school meals were adjusted, depending on situations arising from each COVID-19 crisis stage. Furthermore, in some schools, either face-to-face nutrition counseling was stopped entirely, or nutrition education was conducted online. Parent participation was disallowed in the monitoring of school meals, and the prohibition on conversations inside the school cafeteria resulted in the absence of communication among students, nutrition teachers, and nutritionists. Additionally, confusion in meal management was caused by frequent changes in the school meal management guidelines provided by the Office of Education and the School Health Promotion Center in response to COVID-19. In anticipation of the emergence of a new virus or infectious diseases caused by mutations in the years to come, it is suggested that a holistic, well-thought-out response manual for safe meal operation needs to be established, in close collaboration with schools and school foodservice-related institutions.

Development of an Intelligent Illegal Gambling Site Detection Model Based on Tag2Vec (Tag2vec 기반의 지능형 불법 도박 사이트 탐지 모형 개발)

  • Song, ChanWoo;Ahn, Hyunchul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.211-227
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    • 2022
  • Illegal gambling through online gambling sites has become a significant social problem. The development of Internet technology and the spread of smartphones have led to the proliferation of illegal gambling sites, so now illegal online gambling has become accessible to anyone. In order to mitigate its negative effect, the Korean government is trying to detect illegal gambling sites by using self-monitoring agents or reporting systems such as 'Nuricops.' However, it is difficult to detect all illegal sites due to limitations such as a lack of staffing. Accordingly, several scholars have proposed intelligent illegal gambling site detection techniques. Xu et al. (2019) found that fake or illegal websites generally have unique features in the HTML tag structure. It implies that the HTML tag structure can be important for detecting illegal sites. However, prior studies to improve the model's performance by utilizing the HTML tag structure in the illegal site detection model are rare. Against this background, our study aimed to improve the model's performance by utilizing the HTML tag structure and proposes Tag2Vec, a modified version of Doc2Vec, as a methodology to vectorize the HTML tag structure properly. To validate the proposed model, we perform the empirical analysis using a data set consisting of the list of harmful sites from 'The Cheat' and normal sites through Google search. As a result, it was confirmed that the Tag2Vec-based detection model proposed in this study showed better classification accuracy, recall, and F1_Score than the URL-based detection model-a comparative model. The proposed model of this study is expected to be effectively utilized to improve the health of our society through intelligent technology.

New record and prediction of the potential distribution of the invasive alien species Brassica tournefortii (Brassicaceae) in Korea (국내 침입외래식물 사막갓(Brassica tournefortii; Brassicaceae)의 보고 및 잠재 분포 예측)

  • KANG, Eun Su;KIM, Han Gyeol;NAM, Myoung Ja;CHOI, Mi Jung;SON, Dong Chan
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.184-195
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    • 2022
  • The invasive alien species Brassica tournefortii Gouan (Brassicaceae) is herein reported for the first time in Korea, from Gunsan-si, Gochang-gun, and Jeju-si. Brassica tournefortii can easily be distinguished from B. juncea and B. napus by its dense stiff hairs at the base of the stem and leaves, basally and distally branched stems, partially dehiscent fruits, and seeds that become mucilaginous in the presence of moisture. Although some taxonomists have classified this species as belonging to Coincya Rouy based on its fruit and seed characteristics, the existence of one vein on the fruit valves and our maximum likelihood analysis using internal transcribed spacer sequences placed it in Brassica. Distribution data, photographs, and a description of B. tournefortii are presented herein. Moreover, potential changes in the distribution of B. tournefortii were predicted under different climate scenarios, but our analysis showed that the probability of the spreading of this species is low. Nevertheless, continuous monitoring is necessary for an accurate assessment. The results of the present study can be used to conduct an invasion risk assessment and can assist with the effective management of this invasive alien species.

Analysis on Results and Changes in Recent Forecasting of Earthquake and Space Technologies in Korea and Japan (한국과 일본의 지진재해 및 우주이용 기술예측에 대한 최근의 변화 분석)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzes emerging earthquake and space use technologies from the latest Korean and Japanese scientific and technological foresights in 2022 and 2019, respectively. Unlike the earthquake prediction and early warning technologies presented in the 2017 study, the emerging earthquake technologies in 2022 in Korea was described as an earthquake/complex disaster information technology and public data platform. Many detailed future technologies were presented in Japan's 2019 survey, which includes largescale earthquake prediction, induced earthquake, national liquefaction risk, wide-scale stress measurement; and monitoring by Internet of Things (IoT) or artificial intelligence (AI) observation & analysis. The latest emerging space use technology in Korea and Japan were presented in more detail as robotic mining technology for water/ice, Helium-3, and rare earth metals, and manned station technology that utilizes local resources on the moon and Mars. The technological realization year forecasting in 2019 was delayed by 4-10 years from the prediction in 2015, which could be greater due to the Corona 19 epidemic, the declaration of carbon neutrality in Korea and Japan in 2020 and the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2022. However, it is required to more active research on earthquake and space technologies linked to information technology.

A Study on the Effectiveness of the Hazardous Chemical Transport Vehicle Management System (유해화학물질 운반차량 관리제도 실효성 연구)

  • Kim, Sungbum;Lee, HyunSeung;Jeong, Seongkyeong
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.794-801
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The effectiveness of the transport vehicle management system of the Chemical Substances Control Act will be studies and used as basic data for future system improvement plans. Method: After the enforcement of the Chemical Substances Control Act, the effectiveness for the transport vehicle management system was studies by comparing the transport plan, guidance and inspection status, safety training completion management, ect., and the reduction rate of chemical accidents. Results: The average number of chemical accidents in transport vehicles nationwide is 20 each year. And It is decreasing with the stabilization of the Chemical Substances Control Act('15.1.1). The first reason for the decrease in chemical accidents is the increase in submission of transport plans. Second, as the guidance and inspection rate increased every year, the shipper company's management of transport companies was naturally strengthened. Finally, it is judged that chemical accident caused by transport vehicles decrease through safety education. Conclusion: The current tranport vehicle management system of the Chemical Substances Control Act is effective. However, further research is needed to improve the practical and efficient transport vehicle management system.

A Discussion on Container Loss Accidents and Responses During Ship Voyage (선박 운항 중 컨테이너 해상유실 사고 및 대응에 관한 고찰)

  • Hwang, Daejung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.331-337
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    • 2022
  • In 2021, the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), a U.N. advisory research institute, cited container loss as one of six sources of marine litters in shipping. The sinking of the X-P ress Pearl in May 2021 caused a catastrophic environmental pollution accident in which the loaded containers were moved to the shore, and the plastic pellets were loaded inside covered the coast of Sri Lanka. With this history, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will discuss prevention and follow-up measures for container loss during ship voyages, as an agenda at the 8th Sub Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers meeting in September 2022. To establish Korea's response direction at the IMO meeting, this study identified major causes of container loss accidents, and considered the response through analysis based on the accident investigation report and related professional data. As a result, it was found that the major cause of container loss during voyages was the enlargement of container ships, bad weather, and poor loading of containers. In particular, the need to prepare countermeasures for the deterioration of the operational safety of large container ships due to bad weather was identified. Additionally, integrated monitoring of the implementation of international conventions is required, for the safe sea transportation of container cargo. In particular, in terms of preservation of the marine environment, it is necessary to supplement the system for the recovery of lost containers. Finally, it was found that it is necessary to establish systems that can complement each other in the shipbuilding and shipping industries, in terms of shipbuilding as well as ship operation, to fundamentally prevent container loss accidents at sea. It is judged that it is difficult to resolve the various factors of container loss at sea during voyages, by responding from an individual perspective.

Survey of Institutional Review Board Risk Level Classification of Clinical Trials Among Korean University Hospitals (임상시험심사위원회(Institutional Review Board)의 임상시험에 대한 위험평가 분류조사연구)

  • Lee, Sun Ju;Kang, Su Jin;Maeng, Chi Hoon;Shin, Yoo Jin;Yoo, Soyoung
    • The Journal of KAIRB
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.36-41
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate how university hospital Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) in Korea classify risk when reviewing clinical trial protocols. Methods: IRB experts (IRB chairman, vice chairman, IRB administrator) in the university hospitals obtaining a Human research protection program (HRPP) or IRB accreditation in Korea were asked to fill out the Google Survey from September 1, 2020 to October 10, 2020. Result: Among the 23 responder hospitals, 8 were accredited by the American Association for Human Research Protection Program (AAHRPP) and 8 were accredited by the HRPP of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS). Seven were accredited by Forum for Ethical Review Committees in Asia and the Western Pacific or Korea National Institution for Bioethics Policy. Thirteen of 23 hospitals (56.5%) had 4 levels (less than minimal, low, moderate, high risk), 4 hospitals had 3 levels (less than, slightly over, over than minimal risk), 1 hospital had 5 levels (4 levels plus required data safety monitoring board), and 1 hospital had 2 levels (less than, over than minimal risk) risk classification system. Thirteen of 23 hospitals (56.5%) had difficulty classifying the risk levels of research protocols. Fourteen hospitals (60.9%) responded that different standards among hospitals for risk level determination associated with clinical trials will affect the subject protection. Six hospitals (26.1%) responded that it will not. Three hospitals (13.0%) responded that it will affect the beginning of the clinical trial. To resolve differences in standards between hospitals, 14 hospitals (60.9%) responded that either the Korean Association of IRB or MFDS needs to provide a guideline for risk level determination in clinical trials: 5 hospitals (21.7%) responded education for IRB members and researchers is needed; 3 hospitals (13.0%) responded that difference among institutions needs to be acknowledged; and 1 hospital (4.3%) responded that there needs to be communication among IRB, investigator, and sponsor. Conclusion: After conducting a nationwide survey on how IRB in university hospital determines risk during review of clinical trials, it is reasonable to use 4-level risk classification (less than minimal, low, moderate, high risk); the most utilized method among hospitals. Moreover, personal information and conflict of interest associated with clinical trials have to be considered when reviewing clinical trial protocols.

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Modern Paradigm of Organization of the Management Mechanism by Innovative Development in Higher Education Institutions

  • Kubitsky, Serhii;Domina, Viktoriia;Mykhalchenko, Nataliia;Terenko, Olena;Mironets, Liudmyla;Kanishevska, Lyubov;Marszałek, Lidia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2022
  • The development of the education system and the labor market today requires new conditions for unification and functioning, the introduction of an innovative culture in the field of Education. The construction of modern management of innovative development of a higher education institution requires consideration of the existing theoretical, methodological and practical planes on which its formation is based. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the modern paradigm of organizing the mechanism of managing the innovative development of higher education institutions. Innovation in education is represented not only by the final product of applying novelty in educational and managerial processes in order to qualitatively improve the subject and objects of management and obtain economic, social, scientific, technical, environmental and other effects, but also by the procedure for their constant updating. The classification of innovations in education is presented. Despite the positive developments in the development of Education, numerous problems remain in this area, which is discussed in the article. The concept of innovative development of higher education institutions is described, which defines the prerequisites, goals, principles, tasks and mechanisms of university development for a long-term period and should be based on the following principles: scientific, flexible, efficient and comprehensive. The role of the motivational component of the mechanism of innovative development of higher education institutions is clarified, which allows at the strategic level to create an innovative culture and motivation of innovative activity of each individual, to make a choice of rational directions for solving problems, at the tactical level - to form motives for innovative activity in the most effective directions, at the operational level - to monitor the formation of a system of motives and incentives, to adjust the directions of motivation. The necessity of the functional component of the mechanism, which consists in determining a set of steps and management decisions aimed at achieving certain goals of innovative development of higher education institutions, is proved. The monitoring component of the mechanism is aimed at developing a special system for collecting, processing, storing and distributing information about the stages of development of higher education institutions, prediction based on the objective data on the dynamics and main trends of its development, and elaboration of recommendations.