• 제목/요약/키워드: Mongolian cow

검색결과 8건 처리시간 0.019초

Comparison of Embryo Production Performance and Conception Rate after Embryo Transfer between Mongolian Cattle and Korean Native Cattle

  • Chuluundorj, Gantugs;Lee, Ho-Jun;Son, Dong-Soo;Ganbaatar, Enkhmanlai;Tumur, Baldan;Yoon, Jong-Taek
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.319-324
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    • 2017
  • This study is to compare the effect of estrus synchronization and embryo transfer between Korean and Mongolian cattle. Embryos were collected from 9 donors housed in Asan city in South Chungcheong Province, South Korea. Embryos were collected 9 donors from Khushaat sum, Selenge province and Bayanchandmani sum, Tov province in Mongolia. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR) and Prostaglandin (PG) were used for superovulation. Subsequently, Artificial Insemination (AI) was done for donor cow and embryo was collected after 7 and 8 days. Collected embryos were compared between Mongolian and Korean cattle. Finally, good quality and fresh embryos were transferred to 50 and 22 recipients of cows in Korea and Mongolia respectively. The findings show that Korean native cattle each donor cow produced on an average 16.9 embryos and, 10.9 embryos were found transferable. But in case of Mongolia the average production of embryos per donor cow was 8.6 embryos and, 6.2 embryos were found transferable. Embryo collection after 7 and 8 days was not difference in embryo production in Korea. But, in Mongolia embryo production after 8 days was found more efficient than the 7 days. Korean native recipient's cows (74.6%) and Mongolian recipient's cows (71.0%) respectively were found transferable ovarian stage. The result suggested that efficiency of embryo production from the superovulation method treated of Korean cow were higher than the Mongolian cow. The pregnancy rate of Korea native cattle was 72%, which was about 10% higher than that of Mongolia cattle.

Surgical Management of Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis in a Mongolian Cow

  • Junho Yang;Donghyuk Yang;Jongtae Cheong;Youngmin Yun;Woo-Jin Song;Byambatsogt Senge;Bilguunchinzorig Ganbold;Gereltuya Jagj;Junho Lee;Hyohoon Jeong
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2024
  • Traumatic reticuloperitonitis (TRP) often referred to as hardware disease is a common disease of cattle, which is considered the most frequent cause of anterior abdominal pain in cattle. The incidence of TRP has decreased significantly, but the diagnosis and treatment of TRP are still clinically significant because of its economic impact. An eight-year-old female Mongolian cow weighing 400 kg, was presented to the Korean (College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University)-Mongolian (School of Veterinary Medicine, Mongolian University of Life Science) volunteer team (KMVT) with the primary complaints of depression and anorexia during their outreach activity for veterinary volunteer service in the field of the suburban farm of Mongolia. TRP was diagnosed based on the clinical symptoms, auscultation, and back grip test results. An emergency rumenotomy was performed with the consent of the owner. The patient was anesthetized using distal paravertebral anesthesia and the inverted L block method while a makeshift restraint frame was constructed on-site. The rumenotomy was performed to explore the rumen and reticulum. Foreign bodies were identified and removed. The surgery was performed successfully. The patient's recovery after the surgery was normal, and the appetite was restored. This paper describes a case of TRP in a Mongolian cow, including the diagnosis, surgical preparation, and surgery successfully performed in the field of suburban farm of Mongolia in detail.

Mongolian 수란우에 한우 동결수정란의 이식 후 산자 생산 (Production of Korean Native Cow from Mongolian Cow following Transfer of Vitrified Blastocyst)

  • Kong, I.K.;Sanjjav, G.;Yang, C.J.;Cho, S.G.;Bae, I.H.;Oh, D.H.
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구는 체내, 체외 소 배반포기 배의 GMP vitrification 후 활력도의 비교와 한우 수정란을 몽골 소에 수정란이식 후 산자생산 가능성을 조사하고자 실시하였다. 한우 수정란은 체외수정란 또는 과배란처리에 의한 체내수정란을 생산하여 GMP vitrification 방법으로 동결 후 몽고로 수송하였다. 수란우는 CIDR과 $PGF_2\alpha$ 처리에 의하여 동기화를 유도하였다 체내수정란생산을 위하여 7두를 과배란처리하였다. 총 64개의 배반포기를 회수하였다. ($9.1\pm2.94$per cow). 체외수정란생산은 80.1% 분할율(174/217)과 40.8% 배반포기 발달율(71/174)을 얻었다. 체내수정란(93.7%; 45/48)의 동결융해 후 생존율은 체외수정란(82.5%; 52/63)보다 유의적으로 높았다(P<0.05). 8두의 몽골 소에 2개의 수정란을 이식하여 5두가 이식 후 60일째 임신이 확인되었으나, 그 중 1두는 240째 유산을 확인하였다. 그 중 2두의 수란우에서 2두의 산자를 275일째 생산에 성공하였다. 이러한 결과는 GMP vitrification 방법은 체내, 체외수정란의 동결보존방법으로 이용될 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 동결융해란의 몽골 소에 이식 후 한우를 생산할 수 가능성을 확인하였다.

Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Mongolian Goat, Sheep and Cow Milk

  • Chuluunbat, Tsend-Ayush;Yoon, Yoh-Chang;Kim, Soo Yeon
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2013
  • For purposes of substantiation of organizing measures on industrial processing of goat's and sheep's milk in Mongolia and the production of dairy products we have conducted the studied physico-chemical characteristics of the Mongolian goat's and sheep's milks especially to recognize amino acids, minerals and vitamins in the milk and compare with the Mongolian cow's milk. And also was studied fractional structure of goat's milk whey proteins.

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활쏘기를 통해 본 몽골 신화상의 후흐데이 메르겐의 형상과 성격 (A Study on the Forms and Character of Huhdai Mergen in Mongolian Mythology through the archery)

  • 이안나
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제35권
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    • pp.185-214
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents an investigation into the forms of master archer Huhdai Mergen from Mongolian mythology and his character through archery. In Mongolian mythology, master archer Huhdai Mergen is usually connected to the regulation of the sun, the moon, and the stars in Heaven and the creation of stars. Such a series of acts are conducted through archery, which used to be performed as an incantatory ritual to resolve a disaster in life, dispel an evil spirit, and pray for affluence as well as for hunting. In Mongolian mythology, Huhdai Mergen is a master archer and hunter that rises to Heaven while hunting a deer and becomes Sirius with the deer becoming Orion. The Mongolian have believed that the two constellations protect them since ancient times. While Orion is related to the deer totem, Huhdai Mergen or Sirius is related to the wolf totem faith. Huhdai Mergen takes too much pride in his archery skills and ends up causing damage to himself, which can be understood as a pattern of controlling the power of personified Huhdai Mergen through excessive natural force. He also has something to do with Polaris, which is regarded as the stake to bind his horse to by the Mongolian. They also believe that their ancestral gods reside in the horse stake or column. The stake is the residence of Huhdai Mergen protecting the Mongolian people, which reflects his aspect as an ancestral god. He is also depicted as the god of thunder and lightning born in a cow. The stones he throws and the arrows he shoots in Heaven are the embodiments of thunder and lightning. The Mongolian have understood lightning of dispelling an evil spirit and striking wicked things as the arrow of Huhdai Mergen. The god of thunder and lightning has the attributes of a fertility god such as eliminating bad devils and bringing affluence. Huhdai Mergen is also manifested as the creator to create the earth and the savior to save mankind. Such forms all derive from his archery skills.

Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer Project to Foster Mongolia Dairy Industry

  • Kwon, Tae-Hyeon;Choi, Byeong-Hyun;Cho, Su-Jin;Tsolmon, Munkhbatar;Durevjargal, Naidansuren;Baldan, Tumur;Min, Chan-Sik;Kong, Il-Keun
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.289-292
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    • 2009
  • Mongolia has 80% livestock of total agriculture industry, 170,000 farms are engaged, 2,500,000 of cows that were beef and dairy cows are raised. Despite of Mongolian has great application with milk, there are not clear differences between cow and dairy cattle, and the production of milk is also low. But the milk suppliers are varied (horse, sheep, goat, etc), so that the total milk production is 500 thousand ton per year. It's really considerable to improve the breed of owing to many problems with big differences among milk qualities. For carrying out for first year project, artificial insemination project was operated with 3rd grade Holstein semen that were imported from S. Korea, and initiation and field training were also carried out through appropriate AI technique we developed for Mongolia environment. Local information research and MOU conclusion were done with professor D. Altangerel in May $10^{th}{\sim}13^{th}$, 2009, and development for AI technique and AI equipments were supplied for Mongolia breeding and natural environment in July $10^{th}{\sim}17^{th}$ in 2009. All cows were treated by synchronization for AI. To do this, $PGF_{2\alpha}$ injection were treated for luteal phase cow, if it wouldn't work, try again after 11 days. After confirmation of estrus, AI and AI training were carried out with sperm injection in the uterus or cervix by rectum-vagina method which is common worldwide, the most effective artificial insemination technique. If cows were return to next estrus cycle, second AI was carried out about approximately 21 days after artificial insemination. After 2 months, all cows not showing return estrus should be taken pregnancy test. Every pregnant cow will be cared thoroughly. Total 48 cows administrated by $PGF_{2\alpha}$ for synchronization and after 48 hours 45 cows (93.8%) showing estrus were detected and then artificial inseminate them within who 8 cows (27.8%) showed return estrus. Therefore, Using $PGF_2{\alpha}$ for synchronization is effective to use for Mongolia breeding conditions. There are possibility of base for food production after all, including increase of livestock production in Mongolia by improvement of breeding cow with AI and embryo transfer project.

Application of Artificial Insemination Technology for Dairy Breeding in Mongolia

  • Jin, Jong-In;Kim, Sung-Su;Cho, Hyun-Tae;Choi, Byung-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Gyu;Kim, Yun-Shik;Kim, Sam-Churl;Cho, Kyu-Woan;Baldan, Tumor;Kong, Il-Keun
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.271-276
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    • 2011
  • This study was focused on improvement of milk production in Mongolian dairy industry by artificial insemination (AI) technology, supported by ODA of KOICA in Republic of Korea. This program was started in January 2009 and it is in $3^{rd}$ years. This manuscript summarized the data especially on estrus synchronization and pregnancy establishment in dairy cows (Holstein) this year. A total of 81 dairy cows from 4 private farms (38 from Undarmal milk and that of 30, 8 and 5 dairy cows from Onjin (Enkhbayer), Jargalant, and BRM School farms respectively) were synchronized with 5 ml Lutalyse (i.m.) in the dump of dairy cows and then estrus was detected 2 to 3 days after $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ injection. The synchronized dairy cows were inseminated with 0.5 ml dairy frozen semen by conventional artificial insemination (AI) techniques. Pregnancy was diagnosed about 60 days after AI by palpation method. About 96.3% (78/81) of synchronized cows were responded to single $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ injection. Total 75 over 78 dairy cows (90.1%) inseminated were diagnosed as pregnant. The estrus induction and pregnancy rates were very effective using Lutalyse injection and conventional AI techniques in Mongolian dairy cow. The present results indicated that AI after estrus induction in Mongolian dairy cows could be applied to dairy breeding technology for improving breeding efficiency and milk production of the country.

설렁탕, 수라상의 어원 고찰 (The Study on the Etymology of Solontan and Sura-Sang)

  • 김기선
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 1997
  • The two Korean words, Solon-Tang and Su-Ra-Sang, are generally assumed as the names of Mongolian foods which seem to have been used in Korea due to the influence from the enhanced close relationships between Mongolia and Koryo. This indicates that the two words have very important meaning in stdying the relationship between the food culture in the central asia in those days and the terminologies used in the palaces in the eras of Koryo and chosun and so have attracted continuously the related scholars‘ attention. 1. The theory of folk etymology; it is originated from its cooking that first they cut meat into small pieces and put them into a cauldron and boil sulrong sulrong (which means such boiling state in that its water bubbles up) for a along time. 2. Early of the chosun time, the king himself comes to 'Sun-Nong-Dan' where he teaches the people how to farm and hold a large festival and after that they boil the cow meat soup and feed the people around there. At that time, they name and call the kuk-bub (soup with rice) which they eat at the 'Sun-Nong-Dan' 'Sun-Nong-Tang'. 3. The India Sanskrit Sura, a kind of liquid (in which component that have someone who takes it drunken) which gods enjoy themselves over, comes into the palace on the latter half of Koryo time via Mongolia and affects and becomes the Korean words. 4. The Mongol Suru or Sulru which is a cooking in that they boil meat putted in plain water comes into Korea under the special historic relation between Mongolia and becomes Solon-Tang. For the details of the above mentioned theories, we will fully discuss the origin through studying concretely the related books and mutual comparing history, linguistic periods and phonetic changes accordingly and the changes in meaning and vocabulary forms here.

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