• Title/Summary/Keyword: Momentum Strategy

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Reality Check Test on the Momentum and Contrarian Strategy (모멘텀전략과 반대전략에 대한 사실성 체크검정)

  • Yoon, Jong-In;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.189-220
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    • 2009
  • This study tests the significance of momentum and contrarian strategy which challenge the weak efficient market hypothesis (EMH). If momentum and contrarian strategy can make extra return above the market, this can be a significant critics to the weak EMH. By using Monte Carlo simulation we have found that many existing returature, which test the significance of momentum and contrarian strategy, have a significance distortion problem. We test the significance of momentum and contrarian strategy by using reality check test of White(2000) which solve the problem of data snooping bias. The results are following. When we use the KOSPI index as the benchmark portfolio, we can get the best strategy of momentum strategy in the case of mean return. But in the case of Sharp ratio which is the performance measure adjusting risk, we find that the best strategy in the momentum and contrarian strategy can not dominate the performance of benchmark portfolio. Therefore we argue that weak EMH can not be rejected because of superior performance of momentum and contrarian strategy when we consider risk.

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Contrarian Strategy Based on Past Stock Return and Volatility (변동성을 이용한 반대투자전략에 대한 실증분석)

  • Park, Kyeong-In;Jee, Chang
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2006
  • This paper studied the performance of momentum strategy and contrarian strategy based or past stock return ratio of Korean stock market. The comparative study shows that the volatility of stock markets that can be found the performance of momentum strategy is smaller than that of emerging stock market. Accordingly, This paper examines that the performances of momentum strategy and contrarian strategy are affected by the larger volatility in Korean stock market. Further analysis using the 6 years sub-portfolios reveals that the momentum strategy is significant only during 1980 to 1986 time period when it had the least market volatility. Additionally, we investigate whether firm-level volatility as well as market volatility influence on the performance of contrarian strategy, and figure out that the momentum strategy is significant for the portfolio composed of firms with smaller volatility for previous period, while not significant for the portfolio composed of firms with larger volatility.

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The Momentum Strategy of Small Foreign Investors in the Indonesia Stock Exchange

  • SYAMNI, Ghazali;AZIS, Nasir;MUSNADI, Said;FAISAL, Faisal
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.361-372
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    • 2021
  • This research aimed to analyze the momentum strategy of foreign investors with the smallest trading transactions in the Indonesian stock market. This study applied a quantitative method approach using intraday transaction data of companies listed on the LQ-45 Index for March, April, and May 2017, obtained from the Indonesia Capital Market Institute (TICMI) which is a subsidiary of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The number of companies with available data is 35 companies, consisting of 23 non-government stocks and 12 government stocks. The number of observations from the 35 companies was 8,686,030 observations where the government companies recorded 2,751, 545 and the non-government companies 1,387,016 observations. All data was then squeezed and grouped into small, medium, and large trade transaction orders. The data analysis method used was paired t-test with SPSS to analyze cumulative abnormal returns in the formulation and test periods. This study found that small foreign investors carried out momentum strategies on stocks listed on the LQ-45 Index. However, re-testing was done by separating government and non-government shares. It turned out that small foreign investors performed a momentum strategy on non-government and a contrarian strategy on government.

Convergent Momentum Strategy in the Korean Stock Market (한국 주식시장에서의 융합적 모멘텀 투자전략)

  • Koh, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2015
  • This study attempts to empirically investigate if relative momentum strategy is effective in the Korean stock market. The sample of the study is comprised of companies which are traded in both Kospi and Kosdaq stock markets in Korea for the period between 2001~2014. The study observes that the momentum strategy buying past winner stocks and selling past loser stocks is negatively correlated with the value strategy buying value stocks with high book to market ratio and selling glamour stocks with low book to market ratio. And each strategy is alternatively effective from period to period. The study demonstrates that the momentum strategy is effective when both strategies which are negatively correlated are treated as one system by estimating Fama and French's[1] 3 factor regression model.

Sector Investment Strategy with the Black-Litterman Model (블랙리터만 모형을 이용한 섹터지수 투자 전략)

  • Song, Jung-Min;Lee, Young-Ho;Park, Gi-Gyoung
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we deal with a sector investment strategy by implementing the black-litterman model that incorporates expert evaluation and sector rotation momentum. Expert evaluation analyzes the relative performance of the industry sector compared with the market, while sector rotation momentum reflects the price impact of significant sector anomaly. In addition, we consider the portfolio impact of sector cardinality and weight constraints within the context of mean-variance portfolio optimization. Finally, we demonstrate the empirical viability of the proposed sector investment strategy with KOSPI 200 data.

Analysis of intraday price momentum effect based on patterns using dynamic time warping (DTW를 이용한 패턴 기반 일중 price momentum 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Chunju;Ahn, Wonbin;Oh, Kyong Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.819-829
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to analyze intraday price momentum. When price trends are formed, price momentum is the phenomenon that future prices tend to follow the trend. When the market opened and closed, a U-shaped trading volume pattern in which the trading volume was concentrated was observed. In this paper, we defined price momentum as the 10 minute trend after market opening is maintained until the end of market. The strategy is to determine buying and selling in accordance with the price change in the initial 10 minutes and liquidating at closing price. In this study, the strategy was empirically analyzed by using minute data, and it showed effectiveness, indicating the presence of an intraday price momentum. A pattern in which returns are increasing at an early stage is called a J-shaped pattern. If the J-shaped pattern occurs, we have found that the price momentum phenomenon tends to be stronger than otherwise. The DTW algorithm, which is well known in the field of pattern recognition, was used for J-shaped pattern recognition and the algorithm was effective in predicting intraday price movements. This study showed that intraday price momentum exists in the KOSPI200 futures market.

Momentum Effect in the Oman Stock Market Over the Period of 2005-2018

  • GHARAIBEH, Omar Khlaif;AL-KHAZALI, Ahmad;AL-QURAN, Ali Zkariya
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.711-724
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the profitability of the momentum effects on the Oman Stock Market (OSM). This study uses the monthly returns of all stocks listed on the OSM, with a total of 107 companies used in the study for the period from 2005 to 2018. According to the methodology developed by Jegadeesh and Titman (1993), this study builds momentum portfolios based on various sizes. Moreover, the January effect is also examined to recognize if this effect is related to the momentum effect. The results find that there is evidence of momentum returns and these returns are statistically and economically significant. The sub-periods confirmed the profitability of the momentum strategy. This paper shows that momentum returns are evident at different sizes; big, medium, and small-sized portfolios. Besides, the result shows that the classic January effect does not play an important role in the momentum returns. Thus, the implication is that the momentum should not take into account the annual, seasonal, and size returns. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) or the three-factor model cannot explain momentum returns generated by individual stocks in the Oman Stock Market. These results are useful to academia and investors alike.

Enhanced Indexation Strategy with ETF and Black-Litterman Model (ETF와 블랙리터만 모형을 이용한 인핸스드 인덱스 전략)

  • Park, Gigyoung;Lee, Youngho;Seo, Jiwon
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we deal with an enhanced index fund strategy by implementing the exchange trade funds (ETFs) within the context of the Black-Litterman approach. The KOSPI200 index ETF is used to build risk-controlled portfolio that tracks the benchmark index, while the proposed Black-Litterman model mitigates estimation errors in incorporating both active investment views and equilibrium views. First, we construct a Black-Litterman model portfolio with the active market perspective based on the momentum strategy. Then, we update the portfolio with the KOSPI200 index ETF by using the equilibrium return ratio and weighted averages, while devising optimization modeling for improving the information ratio (IR) of the portfolio. Finally, we demonstrate the empirical viability of the proposed enhanced index strategies with KOSPI 200 data.

Study on Triaxiality Velocity of COMS induced by Wheel Off-loading

  • Park, Young-Woong;Kim, Dae-Kwan;Lee, Hoon-Hee
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.36.3-36.3
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    • 2008
  • KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) is going to launch a Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) at summer of 2009. It will be first thing to be developed for a geostationary satellite through domestic technology. Of course, KARI has performed this development program with EADS Astrium in France since 2005. COMS has the non-symmetric configuration that the solar array is only attached on the south panel. Due to the configuration, momentum of satellite will be rapidly accumulated induced by solar pressure and then 3 wheels of large momentum are located on roll-yaw plane for attitude control. Therefore, to prevent the saturation of wheel momentum, wheel off-loading will be performed two times per day during 10 minutes for each one. At the moment, translation movement on 3-axes direction appears because of using thrusters. In this paper, strategy of the wheel off-loading and triaxiality which is the translation effect on 3-axes are introduced. Consequently, the result of optimized triaxiality considering the wheel off-loading strategy is summarized.

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A Converging Approach on Investment Strategies, Past Financial Information, and Investors' Behavioral Bias in the Korean Stock Market (주식투자 전략, 과거 재무정보, 투자자의 행태편향에 대한 융합적 연구)

  • Koh, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2016
  • This study attempts to empirically investigate if value strategy and momentum strategy could be improved by using past financial data such as ROE and PER in the Korean stock market. The study observes that both strategies which are refined by the portfolios consisting of companies with higher ROE/PER ratio show higher positive excessive returns than the traditional value strategy and momentum strategy. The study discusses that the excessive returns could be due to investors' behavioral biases such as conservatism, anchoring, confirmation, and herding by using convergent approach based on psychology theory. The results are not consistent with the efficient market hypothesis insisting investors' rational behavior.