• 제목/요약/키워드: Moldboard Plow

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플라우 작업 곡면의 컴퓨터 원용 설계 (Computer-Aided Design of Plow Working Surfaces)

  • 정창주;박진식;우상하
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 1992
  • This study was intended to develop the design program of the working surface of moldboard-plow by use of the computer-aided design. The mathematical model of the working surfaces of moldboard-plows by use of computer graphics was developed and plotted in two dimension on three major planes. The surfaces of moldboard-plows were represented with "B-spline surface fitting" by selecting the twenty-five three-dimensional data that could well describe the working surface of moldboard-plow. The shape of moldboard-plow on three major planes was drawn for varied design parameters. The representation of the mathematical model for the working surfaces of various types of moldboard-plows was manipulated by translation, rotation and scaling about arbitrary axes in space. By using three-dimensional graphics techique to describe moldboard-plows, it was capable of plotting the three-dimensional shape of moldboard-plow easily and quickly in comparison with the existing design methods that were difficult to grasp the shape of moldboard-plow as a whole. The design theories of moldboard plow and three-dimensional computer graphic technique were applied to find out the improved reversible Jaenggi bottom. It was resulted in the newly developed shape of Jaenggi which may be used for improving the performance compared to existing ones.

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시뮬레이션에 의한 한국 논 토양의 경운저항 특성 (Draft Characteristics of Korea Paddy Field by Computer Simulation)

  • 이규승;박원엽;우상하
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 1999
  • A computer simulation was carried out to investigate draft characteristics of Korean paddy field for obtaining the basic reference to the selection of optimum moldboard type suitable for Korean paddy field conditions. Cylindrical, cylindroidal, semihelical moldboard plows, and one type of oriental Janggi were used for simulation. A series of soil bin experiments was conducted to compare the experimental results with the predicted drafts from computer simulation using the cylindroidal moldboard plow. The computer model predicted draft force with 1~12% error at 12~16cm plowing depth which is the most conventional plowing depth in the rural area in Korea. Thus, the computer model was considered to be good enough for simulation. Due to the different plowing width of experimental plows, specific draft was selected for comparison by computer simulations. Specific draft of cylindrical moldboard plow was ranged from 3 to 6 N/$\textrm{cm}^2$ according to the soil conditions, plowing speed and plowing depth, 2.5~3.0 N/$\textrm{cm}^2$ for semihelical moldboard plow.

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Evaluation and Modification on the New Concept Plow

  • Shoji, Koichi;Namikawa, Kiyosi;Umeda, Mikio
    • 한국농업기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농업기계학회 1993년도 Proceedings of International Conference for Agricultural Machinery and Process Engineering
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    • pp.1026-1035
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    • 1993
  • Further evaluation and modification were done on the new concepts plow (frontal plow), a plow which inverts the soil furrow without lateral displacement . First, kinematics of soil cutting section was analyzed and an experiment was conducted to report draft and power requirement. Second, function of main moldboards was examined and modification was made. As a result of the modification , force applied to the moldboard was reduced, but the furrow inversion became less stable.

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토양의 제자리 반전을 위한 몰드보드 플라우의 개발 (Development of a Moldboard Plow to Invert Furrow Slice at the Same Position)

  • 이규승;박원엽;권병기
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2004
  • On the basis of design theory of soil inversion, two types of moldboard plow with secondary soil mover was designed and constructed to invert furrow slice at same position with furrow bottom. A series of soil bin experiment was carried to investigate the performance of prototypes. First prototype of new concept plow showed two kinds of problems during the preliminary experiment. For the plowing depth of 6cut the prototype did not invert the furrow slice, instead it just cut furrow bottom and the furrow slice returned to the original position. For the plowing depth of 8cm, there was soil clogging problem at the rear part of plow. From the above results it was concluded that the first prototype can not be used for the inversion of furrow slice at same position with furrow bottom. Second prototype could invert furrow slice at the same position with furrow bottom, but the performance was affected by soil moisture content soil hardness and plowing speed very much. For the higher soil moisture content, for the higher soil hardness and higher plowing speed, the prototype showed higher soil inversion performance. For the second prototype the inversion ratio was almost 100%, inversion angle was in the range of 90 to 100 degree and side displacement was less than 4 cm. But the furrow slice was not continuous, it was cut in the length of 30 to 40 cm. The reason why the furrow slice was cut in that length is blamed for the design of moldboard surface. The specific draft of prototype was in the range of 37.24 kN/㎡ to 42.14 kN/㎡ this value is a little higher than that of the conventional plow, or from 30.38 kN/㎡ to 33.32 kN/㎡. But the difference was not so big. The inversion performance of the second prototype for the field experiment was much better than that of soil bin experiment due to the better soil and operational conditions. Sticky and compacted soil conditions, and higher plowing speed was suitable for the plowing operation of the second prototype

유사기구에 의한 경운작업기의 견인저항 예측을 위한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study for Draft Prediction of Tillage Implement by Analog Tool)

  • 이규승;조성찬;박원엽
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 1997
  • A series of soil bin experiment was carried out on sandy loam to investigate if it is possible to predict implement draft by some analog tool. Chisel configuration resembling a cone penetrometer section was used as an analog tool. The angle of cone was 30 degree. Three types of tillage implement, or oriental janggi, moldboard plow and chisel plow were chosen for this study. Experimental tillage speed was 0.22, 0.33, 0.49 m/s ad tillage depth was 8, 12, 16cm. For the experimental tillage speed range, the increase of tillage speed did not affect the tillage draft for the three types of implement and analog tool, but as the tillage depth increased, tillage draft of the three types of implement and analog tool increased linearly. The linear relationship was found between the tillage draft of analog tool and that of three types of tillage implement for the experimental tillage depth and speed range with high value of $R^2$ Thus it was concluded from the above results that an analog tool can be used to predict the tillage draft of oriental janggi, moldboard plow and chisel plow. But more experiment for various soil types and theoretical verification are needed for more generallization.

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경운성능(耕耘性能) 향상(向上)을 위한 쟁기 이체(犂體)의 적정(適正) 설계(設計)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -쟁기 이체곡면(犂體曲面)의 기하학적(幾何學的) 특성(特性)- (Optimum Design of Jaenggi(Korean plow) Bottoms to Improve the Tillage Performance(I) -The Geometrical Characteristics of the Jaenggi Bottoms-)

  • 정창주;한명범
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.30-41
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    • 1987
  • The geometrical shape of a plow bottom may be the most important factor affecting the performance of a plow for a given soil and operating conditions. There are various designs of the Jaenggi (Korean plow) available commercially, which may be different from each other and from the plow (Western plow) in respect to the shape and performance. This study was intended to investigate the geometrical characteristics of Jaenggi. The coordinate digitizer equipped with 3 potentiometers was designed and manufactured for measurement of the shape of curved plane of moldboard and share. The digitizer was connected to a microcomputer having the data acquisition system. This device was used to analyze the plow bottoms of 5 differently-made Jaenggis and one cylindrical plow. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. It was possible to measure easily and quickly the curved plane of plow bottom and to plot the view on three major plans using the coordinate digitizer electrically connected to a microcomputer system. 2. The shape of five Jaenggi bottoms analyzed could be characterized by the cutting angle having the range of $33-42^{\circ}$, the maximum share-lift angle of $41-50^{\circ}$, and the setting angle of moldboard wing of $46-70^{\circ}$. The most critical difference of the shape factors between the Jaenggi and the plow was found in the maximum share-lift angle, the former was more than twice as much as the latter. 3. The analysis of the shape of Jaenggi bottoms showed that the share projections on 3 major plans had a varied triangle, which was quite different from that of plow bottom. Especially, it was analyzed that the shape of furrow slice for the Jaenggi had a skewed rectangle, leaving a considerable height of the ridge at the furrow bottom. 4. The dihedral angle was similar range of $30-85^{\circ}$ for the all bodies investigated, but the directional angle was somewhat different from each other. The difference in directional angle was $5^{\circ}$ for the plow, $20^{\circ}$ for the Jaenggi A and $30^{\circ}$ for the Jaenggi B. 5. Area of the spherical representation region was 0.0328 for the plow, 0.1194 for the Jaenggi A and 0.1716 for the Jaenggi B. This may indicate that the plow came close to a working surface and the Jaenggi A and the Jaenggi B departed from a working surface to a somewhat greater extent.

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이산요소법을 활용한 점성토 환경에서의 작업 속도에 따른 몰드보드 플라우 견인력 예측 (Prediction of Draft Force of Moldboard Plow according to Travel Speed in Cohesive Soil using Discrete Element Method)

  • 배보민;정대위;류동형;안장현;최세오;김연수;김용주
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2023
  • In the field of agricultural machinery, various on-field tests are conducted to measure design load for optimal design of agricultural equipment. However, field test procedures are costly and time-consuming, and there are many constraints on field soil conditions due to weather, so research on utilizing simulation to overcome these shortcomings is needed. Therefore, this study aimed to model agricultural soils using discrete element method (DEM) software. To simulate draft force, predictions are made according to travel speed and compared to field test results to validate the prediction accuracy. The measured soil properties are used for DEM modeling. In this study, the soil property measurement procedure was designed to measure the physical and mechanical properties. DEM soil model calibration was performed using a virtual vane shear test instead of the repose angle test. The DEM simulation results showed that the prediction accuracy of the draft force was within 4.8% (2.16~6.71%) when compared to the draft force measured by the field test. In addition, it was confirmed that the result was up to 72.51% more accurate than those obtained through theoretical methods for predicting draft force. This study provides useful information for the DEM soil modeling process that considers the working speed from the perspective of agricultural machinery research and it is expected to be utilized in agricultural machinery design research.

이산요소법을 활용한 점성토 환경에서의 토양 입자 크기에 따른 몰드보드 플라우 견인력 예측 시뮬레이션 (Simulation study on draft force prediction of moldboard plow according to cohesive soil particle size using the discrete element method)

  • 김민승;배보민;정대위;안장현;최세오;;성시원;김연수;김용주
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 2024
  • In the agricultural machinery field, load analysis is mostly done through field tests. However, field tests are time-consuming and costly. There are also limitations in test conditions due to weather conditions. To overcome these environmental limitations, research on load analysis through simulation in a virtual environment is actively being conducted. This study aimed to select the most appropriate soil particle size for modeling by analyzing the effect of soil particle size on the prediction of draft force of the implement using simulation and soil particle modeling in a virtual environment with the discrete element method (DEM) software. The accuracy was verified by simulating the draft force for the same moving speed by soil particle size. For soil particle modeling, DEM soil modeling was performed by designing soil property measurement procedure. Soil particle correction was performed with a virtual vane shear test. Average DEM simulation results showed an error of 27.39% (19.43~40.66%) compared to actual measured data. The possibility of improvement was confirmed through additional research. Results of this study provide useful information for selecting soil particle size in soil modeling using DEM from the perspective of agricultural machinery research.

경운 작업 전 논토양의 물리성 및 견인력 특성 (Soil Physical Properties and Traction Characteristics of Non-tilled Paddy Field)

  • 박원엽;김이열;김정동;이규승
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제36권6호
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    • pp.367-375
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 농촌지역에 많이 보급되어 있는 50 마력급 트랙터의 견인 및 작업성능을 우리나라의 주요 수도 포장을 대상으로 컴퓨터 모의실험을 통해 예측하기 위해 수행되었다. 모의실험은 트랙터의 견인력에 영향을 미치는 토양인자와 차량인자를 포함하는 수학적 모델을 이용하였다. 토양의 물리적 특성은 우리나라 수도재배의 대표적인 지역 중의 일부라고 볼 수 있는 이리, 남양간척지, 아산만지역, 평택, 밀양, 상주, 김해, 김포, 안동, 안성, 음성, 강화지역 등에서 서로 다른 면 단위 지역을 선택하여 총 40개 지역에서 측정하였다. 40개 조사지역의 토성은 미사질양토(SiL)지역이 26곳으로 가장 많았으며 양토(L)가 5곳, 사질양토(SL)가 4곳, 미사질식양토(SiCL)가 3곳 등으로 조사지역의 대부분의 토양은 양질계통이었다. 이들 지역에서 경운정지 시기의 토양수분함량은 주로 20-40%의 범위이었으며, 드물게 20% 이하 지역과 50%가 넘는 지역이 한 두 곳 있었다. 용적밀도는 대부분의 조사지역에서 $1,500-1,700kg\;m^{-3}$의 범위이었다. 원추지수는 2부터 $12kg\;cm^{-2}$까지 넓은 범위에 걸쳐 나타났다. 전체 조사지역에서 시뮬레이션에 의해 예측된 트랙터의 견인력은 63-1,469 kgf까지 매우 넓은 범위에 걸쳐 분포하였으며, 아주 연약한 지역을 제외하고는 대부분의 지역에서 1,000 kgf 이상을 나타내었다. 한편, 시뮬레이션에 의해 트랙터의 경운작업 가능성을 조사한 결과, 대부분의 지역에서 트랙터에 의한 원활한 경운작업이 가능한 것으로 조사되었으나 안동과 남양만의 일부 지역에서는 트랙터에 의한 원활한 경운작업이 어려울 뿐만 이니라 경우에 따라서 는 트랙터 자체의 이동성 문제도 발생할 수 있는 것으로 판단되었다.