• Title/Summary/Keyword: Modified image

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A Modified Top-hat and Bottom-hat transform for Edge Detection (에지 검출을 위한 변형된 top-hat 및 bottom-hat 변환 알고리듬에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Woon-Seok;Lee, Ha-Woon
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.901-908
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    • 2016
  • Edge is the basic characteristic of image, edge detection is very important in image processing applications and computer vision area. Many studies are being performed to detect these edges by domestic and foreign researchers. The conventional edge detection methods such as Roberts, Sobel, Prewitt, and Laplacian etc, which are using a fixed value of mask are widely used and morphological gradient which uses dilation and erosion among morphology process techniques is also widely used. But these methods does not detect edges well in the diagonal direction or gradually changing image parts. Accordingly, in this paper, the modified top-hat and bottom-hat transform algorithms which are detecting edges well in the parts of diagonal direction or gradually changing image are proposed. The proposed algorithms present the detected edge images compared with the conventional methods and are evaluated performance by using cosine similarity.

Modified Upper Gastrointestinal Study Using Methylcellulose After Administration of Barium Suspension : Comparison with Conventional Series (바륨 현탁액과 메틸셀룰로스(Methylcellulose)를 사용한 변형 상부위장관조영술 :전통적 바륨조영술과의 비교)

  • 이기창;최민철;서민호;정주현;윤정희
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.411-415
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    • 2000
  • For comparison with conventional barium-gastrointestinal study, modified method using barium and methylcellulose was performed in 16 normal dogs (4-8 kg) divided into two groups. The group 1 received 8ml/kg of 40% w/v barium suspension only, and group 2 had taken 15 ml/kg of 0.6% w/v methylcellulose after administration 4 ml/kg of 40% w/v barium suspension by feeding tube. The barium suspension was prepared mixing full strength-barium suspension with water and methylcellulose solution was produced by blending methylcellulose sterilized water Sequential radiographs, lateral and ventrodorsal projections were obtained at 5 minute, 20 minute,40 minute. 60 minute and every 30 minutes thereafter, until the contrast is seen in the large intestine Inage qual- ity was rated by three veterinary radiologists as " poor" " fair ". "good", or "excellent" We analyzed the relationship between image quality,, transit time. Between two techniques, the modified method with 4ml of 40% w/v barium suspension and 15 ml of 0.6% w/v methylcellulose showed much better image quality ["excellent" result in 7 of the 8 subjects (88%)] and shorter transit time (107 minutes) toe the cecum. In addition, the best image quality was obtained at 20 and 40 minutes after admin-istration of contrast agent. It call be concluded the modified gastrointestinal study using methylcel-lulose after administration of barium suspension was a simple technique and easily improved the image quality and diagnostic accuracy of gstrointestinal disorders in small animal.racy of gstrointestinal disorders in small animal.

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Contrast enhancement of color images using modified error diffusion (변형된 오차확산을 이용한 컬러 영상의 콘트라스트 개선)

  • Lee, Ji-Won;Park, Rae-Hong
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.651-661
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a novel contrast enhancement (CE) algorithm for color images using the modified error diffusion (ED). After conventional color histogram equalization (HE), artifacts such as false contours are produced in the contrast enhanced image. The proposed CE algorithm using the modified ED consists of two parts: CE and ED. In the first part, a low-contrast input image is enhanced by the conventional HE method. In the second part, we use the modified ED algorithm. The inputs of the second part are the average and scaled difference images of the original color input image and the HE image, in which the scaled color difference image is diffused by the ED algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, the modified ED algorithm reduces the artifacts produced in the HE image, and increases the number of color levels. Computer simulations with a number of low-contrast color images show the effectiveness of the proposed CE method in terms of the visual quality as well as the probability mass function. It can be used as a post-processing for CE with simultaneous artifact reduction in various display devices.

Detection of Surface Water Bodies in Daegu Using Various Water Indices and Machine Learning Technique Based on the Landsat-8 Satellite Image (Landsat-8 위성영상 기반 수분지수 및 기계학습을 활용한 대구광역시의 지표수 탐지)

  • CHOUNG, Yun-Jae;KIM, Kyoung-Seop;PARK, In-Sun;CHUNG, Youn-In
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • Detection of surface water features including river, wetland, reservoir from the satellite imagery can be utilized for sustainable management and survey of water resources. This research compared the water indices derived from the multispectral bands and the machine learning technique for detecting the surface water features from he Landsat-8 satellite image acquired in Daegu through the following steps. First, the NDWI(Normalized Difference Water Index) image and the MNDWI(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index) image were separately generated using the multispectral bands of the given Landsat-8 satellite image, and the two binary images were generated from these NDWI and MNDWI images, respectively. Then SVM(Support Vector Machine), the widely used machine learning techniques, were employed to generate the land cover image and the binary image was also generated from the generated land cover image. Finally the error matrices were used for measuring the accuracy of the three binary images for detecting the surface water features. The statistical results showed that the binary image generated from the MNDWI image(84%) had the relatively low accuracy than the binary image generated from the NDWI image(94%) and generated by SVM(96%). And some misclassification errors occurred in all three binary images where the land features were misclassified as the surface water features because of the shadow effects.

Development of Pipe Fault Inspection System using Computer Vision (컴퓨터 비젼을 이용한 파이프 불량 검사시스템 개발)

  • 박찬호;양순용;안경관;오현옥;이병룡
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.822-831
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    • 2003
  • A computer-vision based pipe-inspection algorithm is developed. The algorithm uses the modified Hough transformation and a line-scanning approach to identify the edge line and the radius of the pipe image, from which the eccentricity and dimension of the pipe-end is calculated. Line and circle detection was performed using Laplace operator with input image, which are acquired from the front and side cameras. In order to minimize the memory usage and the processing time, a clustering method with the modified Hough transformation is introduced for line detection. The dimension of inner and outer radius of pipe is calculated by the proposed line-scanning method. The method scans several lines along the X and Y axes, calculating the eccentricity of inner and outer circle, by which pipes with wrong end-shape can be classified and removed.

3-D underwater object restoration using ultrasonic transducer fabricated with porous piezoelectric resonator and neural network (다공질 압전소자로 제작한 초음파 트랜스듀서와 신경회로망을 이용한 3차원 수중 물체복원)

  • 조현철;박정학;사공건
    • Electrical & Electronic Materials
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.825-830
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    • 1996
  • In this study, Characteristics of Ultrasonic Transducer fabricated with porous piezoelectric resonator, 3-D underwater object restoration using the self made ultrasonic transducer and modified SCL(Simple Competitive Learning) neural network are investigated. The self-made transducer was satisfied the required condition of ultrasonic transducer in water, and the modified SCL neural network using the acquired object data 16*16 low resolution image was used for object restoration of $32{\times}32$ high resolution image. The experimental results have shown that the ultrasonic transducer fabricated with porous piezoelectric resonator could be applied for SONAR system.

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Two-dimensional / Three-dimensional convertible modified integral imaging system using functional polarizing film (기능성 편광필름을 이용한 2차원/3차원 전환가능 변형 집적 영상 시스템)

  • Song, Byeong-Seop;Park, Sun-Gi;Min, Seong-Uk
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.6-7
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    • 2009
  • We proposed the two-dimensional (2D) / three-dimensional (3D) convertible modified integral imaging system using functional polarizing film named $imazer^{TM}$, which transfer or scatter the incident light ray according to the polarizing direction of ray. When the incident light rays transfer to $imazer^{TM}$, the rays generate 3D image through the process of the modified integral imaging system. However, the scattered light rays generate 2D image through the simple backlight scheme when the incident rays are scattered by the film. The proposed method can be implemented the partial 3D display system without any mechanical movements. In this paper, we propose and verify our system using some basic experiments and its results.

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The Rheological Properties of Printing Ink according to the Molecular Weight of Rosin Modified Phenol Resin (로진 변성 페놀 수지의 분자량 변화에 따른 인쇄 잉크의 유변학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyu-Il;Kim, Sung-Bin;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • The rheological characteristics of an ink relate to its performance on the press and to the printing quality such as ink stability, transfer characteristics, mottle, squash, misting, dot gain, and so on. For lithographic print, the emulsification of ink is an important factor to determine the product. And also the rheological characteristics of the emulsified ink should be investigated. Thus, in this study, the effects of the changing molecular weight of rosin modified phenolic resin on the water-pickup ratio of neat inks were studied. And then rheological properties of neat inks and emulsified inks with changing molecular weight of rosin modified phenolic resin were analyzed by using rotational rheometer.

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Application of Modified Median Filter for Grading Produce

  • Morio, Yoshinari;Ikeda, Yoshio
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1996.06c
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    • pp.842-851
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    • 1996
  • Median filter(MF) has often been applied to color or gray images as a noise fiilter in image processing . Application of MF to binary images was tried in this study. For binary images, MF not only can remove noise but can also work as an indicator showing the dominant color in a region which is called window . Fro example, MF can be used to categorize clusters and to detect interested parts of an object. In other words, MF can also be used to remove unnecessary parts. The function of MF can be intensified by introducing a thresholding value, which is determined by the size of the interested part of an object. This improved MF for binary images is called the modified median filter(MMF), and its applicability to grade produce will be discussed in this paper.

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A Psychophysical Approach to evaluating the perceived image quality of CRT: White Uniformity Quality (CRT 모니터의 감성품질 정량화를 위한 심물리학적 접근: White Uniformity 품질 평가)

  • Lee, Uk-Gi;Kim, Seong-Hwan;Lee, Seon-Gyu;Lee, Gwang-Hui;Kim, Sang-Su
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2001
  • White uniformity is one of the important inspection factors determining the image quality of CRT screen. In the full white pattern, white uniformity means the degree of uniform distribution of white color across the whole screen. To elicit the sensitivity factors affecting the decision of the white uniformity quality, experiments in which participants were confronted with 6 evaluation points embedded in 3 measurement groups on a CRT screen were conducted to gather the psychophysical data that are the level of white uniformity subjects perceived and CA100 produced. These data were used to develop a modified CIE1976 equation for calculating white uniformity. Performance comparison between the original CIE1976 equation and the modified equation was conducted in terms of accuracy test and magnitude estimation. It was concluded the modified equation is more sensitive in the change of white uniformity, compared to the original CIE1976 equation.

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