• Title/Summary/Keyword: Modern philosophy

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Conservation Philosophy and Principles for Traditional East Asian Architecture (동아시아 전통건축의 보전철학과 원리)

  • Chung, Seung-Jin;Kim, Chang-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2009
  • The modern philosophy of historic conservation focuses on the permanence of the material aspects of monuments as historic evidence of the artistic achievement of the past. However, so strongly are European attitudes to architecture and its conservation embedded in modern conservation, that it has skewed all conservation thinking towards the concept of the European-type monument which emphasizes visual beauty through its material substance. Thus, some basic ideas of modern conservation seem ill-suited to East Asian architecture which is conceived in a different spirit from its European counterpart. The purposes of the paper are to discuss the need for approaches which are different from the modern Western view of conservation for East Asian architectural heritage, and to make suggestions for developing conservation principles more suited to the unique values and aesthetic sense of East Asian culture and architecture. Conservation principles in the East Asian societies are determined in relation to the spiritual and naturalistic sensibilities of East Asian culture and architecture.

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A Study on the Expression of Space-Time Concept in Modern Architecture (근대건축에서 시공간개념의 표현특성에 관한 연구)

  • 최은희;박영순
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.102-105
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the meanings and expressional characteristics of space-time concept in modern architecture. As the architecture spaces reflect and represent the characteristics of times, the meaning and modern expression of space-time concept was studied in the developmental process of space concept on the base of the background of philosophy, science and psychology. At the late 19th century, space concept was changed with relative time-space in philosophy and science and the theory of visual perception. In the beginning of 20th century, space-time concept that combined space with time in the process of image open space expanded movement was developed. In modern architecture, it was expressed as the freedom of movement by open space expanded infinitely and/or abstract space without spacial measure, multiple view point by superimposed and/or polyhedric space and kinetic vision by dynamic and/or continuous space.

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Value Complexity of Virtual Communities and Information Security in the Postmodern World: Semantic Focus and Language Innovations

  • Khrypko, Svitlana;ALEKSANDROVA, Olena;Stoliarchuk, lesia;Ishchuk, Olena;OBLOVA, Liudmyla;Pavlovska, Olena;Andrii, Bezuhlyi
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12spc
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    • pp.712-718
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    • 2021
  • Virtual communities are studied to analyze their characteristic features, types, and tole to modern society. The article is aimed at creating a classification of virtual communities according to specific characteristics, which can be used to model the interaction, and necessity of components that are important for the community. The classification of virtual communities will contribute to their better performance and satisfy the users' needs in information. The study reveals the value structure of virtual communities, educational and communicative influence, and the possible threats these communities may bring to society and security.

A Study on the Service Philosophy of Major Western Ideology (서양 대표사상의 서비스철학성 연구)

  • Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2019
  • This study considers service philosophy of Western representative ideology to establish service philosophy following previous studies. The service philosophy is analyzed by referring to previous researches, and the structure and operation model of service philosophy are presented together. In the analysis of the Western representative thought by the age, the ancient Mediterranean philosophy and the Athenian philosophy were analyzed in detail from the viewpoint of the service structure, and the modern thoughts were analyzed from the perspective of the service operation model consistency. We analyze whether the intangibility and process characteristics of service are consistent with the world view of Western representative ideology and analyzed whether the essential characteristics of service, such as relationship, interactivity, horizontality, and harmony, are emphasized in Western representative ideology. Also, we examined whether the spiral development model of service matches the world development model in Western representative ideology. From the ancient thought to the modern thought, mainstream thoughts emphasize the dialectical development of the conflicts, and the Taegeuk - type basic structure of service is consistent with the world 's operating structure in Western thought. In addition, it is shown that circular reasoning and process theory are central idea from ancient times to modern thought, and process theory is consistent with service operation model which creates value. Relationality and harmoniousness are presented by the majority of Western thinkers as the fundamental operating principle of the world, and both the interactive and horizontal aspects are presented as ideal operating models of the world. It is confirmed that the service philosophy can play a central role as the ideology that leads the human society.

A Service Management Model as the New Business Administration (새로운 경영으로서의 현대 서비스경영 모델)

  • Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.91-108
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    • 2020
  • This study was performed to derive a modern service management model reflecting the philosophy of the new business administration. Service management as the modern business administration should be faithful to the spirit of modernity. In addition, service management must be faithful to the essence of service in service economy era. And since modern management is to manage organizations those are the central organizations of human society, it must be managed according to the common principles of the world. Management that satisfies these three management philosophy conditions is defined as modern service management. In this study, we analyzed that the existing service management framework does not meet these standards of modern management and derived an improved modern service management model. The modern service management model must be a management model that reflects the essence of intangible goods called service, it must be a management framework that reflects the modern spirit, and it must be a management model that reflects the common principles of the world required by the central organization of the modern economic society. Therefore, this study analyzed the modern spirit in addition to the service essence and the common principle of the world analyzed in the previous study, and presented a modern service management model with these three requirements. Also, examples of modern service management were presented. This study is a conceptual model, and analytical research is needed to demonstrate that this management model can consistently produce excellent management performance by strengthening empirical studies in the future.

On the immanent Problems of Liberalism and Hegels Philosophy of Right (자유주의의 내재적 문제와 헤겔의 법철학)

  • Kwon, Young-woo
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.147
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    • pp.29-58
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that Hegel's philosophy of right is a dialectic critique of liberalism. The dialectical criticism in this article does not mean the formal logical denial, but a return to self by self-negation. Thus, if Hegel's philosophy of right is a dialectical critique of liberalism, Hegel's philosophy of right will be critical of liberalism and at the same time, it will not reject liberalism, but rather have aspects of liberalism. The criticism of liberalism implies that individual freedoms and rights can not be realized subjectively through individual free acts, but are realized intersubjectively through social mediums. And this is also found in controversies among modern liberalists because modern liberalism requires the government's role and institutional arrangements for the realization of individual freedoms and rights. We can find the aspects of liberalism in Hegel's philosophy of right since Hegel's ethical life entails ultimately the concrete realization and extension of individual freedom and rights.

Study on Influences of Religious Philosophy upon Modern Creativity-art and Artistic Volition - Focus on the Ideas of 'Panentheism' appeared in Avant-Garde Building Artists in turns of Century - (근대 창조성-예술과 예술적 자유의지에 미친 종교철학의 영향 - 세기의 전환기에 아방가르드 건축 예술가들에게서 나타난 '범재신론' 사상을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Zhang-Huan
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.112-119
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    • 2013
  • This study focuses on an innate 'spiritual' quality of arts including building art, or a meaning of the religious philosophy of 'creativity-art'. In particular, this focuses, among two aspects in roots of modernism, especially on the irrational facet veiled by the name of 'a new' religious faith, rather than the rational such as the function. In fact, although modern Avant-gardes' religious philosophical faiths called by different names respectively have generally considered as one of the sources for their designs, nevertheless it had veiled because of the religious 'orthodoxy power' at that time. Arguably, as known well, the creativity of art is intimate relation with a religious ideas. Thus, for this purpose, this study treats this theme in central these three issues; Orientalism, Universalism, and Froebelianism which are intimate in the realm of religious philosophy. Ultimately, through a research on the universal religious philosophy in all three objects as keeping a quality not of pantheism but of 'Panentheism' emphasizing the individual's 'divine' artistic volition, this study deepens the understanding on the Creativity-art as the main characteristic of modernity. Namely, it is very important to draw a distinction between pantheism and Panentheism; because, through the pantheism, it is difficult to comprehend a stream and a characteristic of the twentieth new religious thoughts including those of modern avant-garde artists, as well as their existential free-will as a whole.

A way of thinking in Ecological Philosophy and the meaning of Forest (생태철학적 사유방식과 산림의 의미)

  • Yi, Sae-Seong
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.137
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    • pp.383-407
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    • 2016
  • Considering the long time that modern man has been autonomous, it can be said that the brutal human violence prevalent around the globe today is an 'exceptional situation'. Behavior such as killing animals or devastating the natural environment are thought to be unavoidable. However, if human beings have been 'social animals' pursuing connectedness and seeking meaning in the relationships of others beyond themselves since the beginning of time, how can the incredibly powerful violence which humankind has inflicted on plants, other animals, or the earth itself be explained? With this in mind, I propose the following arguments. First, the crisis of consciousness in the loss of hope for the future of mankind under the technology of modern Western civilization has already come to a dead-end causing Western philosophers to think of ways to discover new opportunities, apparent as ecology and ecological philosophy. Second, as reality has become governed by the technology of modern Western civilization and ecological philosophical rationality fails to co-exist with this reality, an understanding of ecological philosophy should be deepened and continued. In this context, I will investigate the existential conditions for human life to continue in the future in consideration of ecological philosophy and the meaning of Forest.

A Study of Architectonic Thinking in Philosophy and Architecture as Metaphor (철학의 구축과 건축적 사유 - 은유로서 건축과 철학적 건축술 -)

  • Khang, Hyuk
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2022
  • Architecture had played a significant role model in philosophy because the construction of building represented doing philosophy. 'Architecture as metaphor' made it possible that doing philosophy was a kind of construction of thinking and western philosopher considered himself as an architect of idea. As a system of system, architectural analogy gave philosophy a chance to insist himself as a theory of theory. So architecture had always been a privileged model of discourse system and also a fundamental metaphor in philosophy. Because of its original meaning, Architecture as techne could be considered as poiesis, that was the special building(making) in western culture. The archi(arche) - structure(techne) was a ideal model and mechanism of philosophy because with this analogy doing philosophy became a kind of building act to make a logical system of idea. This kind of tradition in philosophy, especially metaphysics, made the characteristics of western philosophy 'architectonic' that implied the meaning of the rational, stable, hierarchical and holistic. But this kind of tradition exposed the problem of philosophy that focused on Identity and excluded the others. The logocentrism of western philosophy was also the limitation of architectonic thinking and its reductionism became a grand monologue which only allowed systematic, rational discourse. Its ideological position Inevitably caused the anti-architectural thinking in modern age as a diverse form of new trend of thinking as like postmodernism or deconstruction. Even Deconstructivism, or 'informe', non-representation in architecture depends upon anti-architectural thinking. Relationship between architecture as metaphor and the building of philosophy is problematique issue.