• Title/Summary/Keyword: Modern consciousness

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A Study on the relation of Urban Low-Paid housewives Value Consciousness and Activities of Home Management. (도시 저임금 취업주부의 가정관리에 대한 가치의식과 가정관리 행동에 관한 연구)

  • 박미금;장명욱
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1985
  • The Purpose of this study is to investigate both the value consciousness of home management and home management activities which urban low-paid housewives have and to find out the value consciousness of home management has an influence upon the home management activities. The results obtained area as follows; 1) Most of urban low-paid housewives are place in a traditional position of home management as a housekeeper or as a family leader. 2)But partially they gave more or less modern standpoints in consuming, planning and family relationship. 3) The value consciousness of home management of urban low-paid housewives is variable according to housewives' age (P<.05), education (P<.001), numbers of children(P<0.5) and wording experiences before marriage (P<0.1). The younger respondonts showed rather modernistic value consciousness of home management. The respondonts who have high educational level showed the same result. It is also strong points form them to habe few children and to have working experiences before marriage. 4) while the home management activities of urban low-paid housewives are positive as for connecting with human relationship, consuming and evaluating they are negative as for connecting with planning, creativity and housekeeping. 5)On the whole, the home management activities are variable by housewives' age (P<.05). The younger showed more effective home management abilities. 6) the home management activities of urban low-paid housewives are influenced by the value consciousness of home management. The more modernistic value consciousness of home management is connected directed directly with excellent home management activities.

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A Study on Marriage in Yi Dynasty and Modern Times in Korea (우리 나라 傳統 婚禮와 現代 婚禮에 關한 硏究)

  • 이순자
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.157-190
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    • 1995
  • This report aims at studying on marriage extravagancies in Yi Dynasty and modern time in Korea. The author argues that we have to do the reform of consciousness and our reflection, with regard to the marriage extravagancies in Yi dynasty and modern times in Korea. In the way, we have to be illuminated by the seminar for the house wives of high class, by the discussion on marriage extravagancies or on the prohibition law of that which can keep.

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The effect of social network sports community consciousness on sports attitude

  • Eunjung Tak;Jungyeol Lim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of social network sports community consciousness on loyalty and sports attitude. In order to achieve this research purpose, the population of the study was selected as adult men and women over the age of 20 who are active in the social network sports community in 2022. The sampling method used cluster random sampling to select a total of 300 people, 150 men and 150 women, as research subjects. The survey tool used was the questionnaire method, and the questionnaire whose reliability and validity had been verified in previous studies at home and abroad was used by requoting, modifying, or supplementing it to suit the purpose of this study. It was also structured on a 5-point scale. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed on the collected data using the statistical program SPSS Windows 20.0 Version. The results obtained through this process are as follows. First, social network sports community consciousness was found to have a partial effect on loyalty. Second, social network sports community consciousness was found to have a partial effect on sports attitudes. Third, social network sports community loyalty was found to have a partial effect on sports attitudes. Considering these results, various activities such as decision-making process, relationship formation, and opinion expression of modern people are carried out by the O-line community. In addition, while in the past it was a format that led from offline activities to online activities, currently, there are more and more formats that lead from online activities to offline activities. Therefore, modern people's SNS sports community activities provide many experiences, which creates a sense of community and sports attitudes are formed based on this. This can be said to lead to loyal activities.

A Study on the Aesthetic Consciousness of Body and Dress Based on the concept of the Abstract/ the Realistic of Body (인체의 추상형/사실형 개념에 따른 인체와 복식에 대한 미의식 연구)

  • 김윤희;김민자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.41
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    • pp.5-21
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    • 1998
  • This study aims to show how tradition and modernity has interacted to produce the aesthetic consciousness of body and dress in contemporary Korea. For this purpose, documentary studies were proceeded. And photos of the modern Korean dress from 1980 to 1997 were analyzed. The results are as follows: First, the body form was studied in terms of exposure and concealment of the physical body parts and the perception of body was classified into two categories, the abstract and the realistic. And the dress form was studied in silhouette and the perception of dress was assorted as body priority and clothes priority. Second, the aesthetic values of body were categorized to divinity, humanity and sexuality. And the aesthetic values of dress were defined in relation to the aesthetic values of body as ascetic beauty, pure beauty, natural beauty and erotic beauty. Third, while the traditional Korean costume (Hanbok) pursues the aesthetic values of divinity and humanity of human body and ascetic beauty, pure beauty and natural beauty on the aesthetic values of humanity of human body and the pure beauty and natural beauty of dress. The contemporary Korean fashion expresses the aesthetic values of divinity, humanity and sexuality of human body and the aesthetic values of ascetic beauty, pure beauty, natural beauty and erotic beauty of dress. In conclusion, the emphasis of sexuality of body and erotic beauty of dress in the modern Korean dress can be interpreted as the change of the aesthetic consciousness of body and dress in contemporary Korean by the influence of the western modernity.

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A basic Study on the Space in the Mixed Wooden Construction -Focused on Japanese Architects' Consciousness and the Analysis of the Space- (목조혼합구조의 공간에 관한 기초적연구 -일본 건축가의 의식 및 건축물의 공간적 분석을 중심으로-)

  • 이승훈
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.15
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 1998
  • Woods have been the familiar constructional materials because they were well suited to natural environments of Korea in terms of history regionalism and nationality. Since the modernization of Korea the wooden structure have mostly disappeared because of constructional costs regulations and convenience. But wooden constructions will reappear because of a prediction of wood demand and supply various choices for life circumstances and various investigations. There are many such cases. Among them Japan became an interesting object of investigation. New wooden constructional structures with new materials and modern skills may be observed in Japan. The purpose of this study is to trace architects' consciousness and to analyze constructions with the combination of wooden and other materials in Japan. Thus we explore a possibility to construct a new wooden structure which is suitable in modern Korea. The results were as follows: First the consciousness of Japanese architects' mixed wooden construction corresponds to the close relations between society and environment. Second the space of a structure with mixed wooden constructions in present Japan is chosen as the best way to consider functions and environments according to the form of need space scale and quality. Third the structure wooden constructional structure is a part of roof open space. in this case woods are represented and composed of japanese traditional wooden structure with new technique. Forth a mixed wooden construction has been used through a merit of each material by mixed of different materials as well as beauty of form.

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Modern Cause and Effect Model by Factors of Root Cause for Accident Prevention in Small to Medium Sized Enterprises

  • Kang, Youngsig;Yang, Sunghwan;Patterson, Patrick
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.505-510
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    • 2021
  • Background: Factors related to root causes can cause commonly occurring accidents such as falls, slips, and jammed injuries. An important means of reducing the frequency of occupational accidents in small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMSEs) of South Korea is to perform intensity analysis of the root cause factors for accident prevention in the cause and effect model like decision models, epidemiological models, system models, human factors models, LCU (life change unit) models, and the domino theory. Especially intensity analysis in a robot system and smart technology as Industry 4.0 is very important in order to minimize the occupational accidents and fatal accident because of the complexity of accident factors. Methods: We have developed the modern cause and effect model that includes factors of root cause through statistical testing to minimize commonly occurring accidents and fatal accidents in SMSEs of South Korea and systematically proposed educational policies for accident prevention. Results: As a result, the consciousness factors among factors of root cause such as unconsciousness, disregard, ignorance, recklessness, and misjudgment had strong relationships with occupational accidents in South Korean SMSEs. Conclusion: We conclude that the educational policies necessary for minimizing these consciousness factors include continuous training procedures followed by periodic hands-on experience, along with perceptual and cognitive education related to occupational health and safety.

The Consciousness of Values in the Family and Household Abilities of Female University Students (여자대학생의 가정생활에 대한 기치의식과 가사수행능력)

  • 윤현희
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 1996
  • This Study is to investigate relationship between the consciousness of values in the family household abilities of female university students and on identification of the relationship with there to phenomena. Data was collected for 536 students. Through a structured questionnaire data were analyzed by frequency distribution percentage mean ANOVA Duncan's multiple range test t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficients. Major findings are as follows: 1) The consciousness of values in the family of female university students showed a modern tendency in general. 2) Most subjects showed below medium level of household abilities(48.6 point out of a possible 100) proving to be relatively lower. 3) There were significant correlations between the consciousness of values in the family with respect to household abilities of female university students.

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A Study on the Phenomenon of Diversification of Modern Clothing (현대복장 기능의 다양화 현상에 관한 연구)

  • 이난희
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.181-196
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    • 2002
  • The functions of the clothing have been changed rapidly in modern society. That means people want to show oneself strongly by the clothing. In other words, the social aspect of the clothing's function which is the expression of own's personality and satisfaction one's desire is emphasized. This study is aimed at taking a look at the functions of modern clothing. The modern clothing has the various functions which are related to the changing of the social system. The result of the study are as follows: With the differentiation of society and institutionalization, the clothing is recognized as the medium which shows one's status and is restricted by people. In modern society as mass society, the system of the social position collapsed. People has the inclination to express own's consciousness, personality and existence intensely. Also, the functions of clothing became diverse. That means the clothing is influenced by the human's consciousness, a sense of values and became the medium which reflects the people's life. This change of the costume means the clothing focus on the functional factor of the free-style clothing getting out of rational value. Therefore, the change of clothing is not the change of the design but the change of value of the clothing, one's way of thinking about the clothing, the change of human life in whole society and the culture. With the changing way of life, the change of the clothing has the system in which the design changes. Therefore, I found that the we have to take a look not the change of the factors which influence the fashion but the functions of the clothing itself.

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A Study on the Correlation between Sustainable Slow Design and Contemporary Fashion (지속 가능한 느린 디자인 특성과 현대 패션의 상관성에 관한 연구)

  • Chae, Hye-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.531-542
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    • 2009
  • This study examines the correlation between the characteristics of sustainable slow design, The outcome derived from the pro-environmental consciousness in fashion design, and the trends of modern fashion design. The conclusion of this study is as follows. First, slow design for sustainability shows an environmental consciousness and stresses the ethical aspects of fashion design that take into account the wellbeing and sustainable development of human society. It also focuses on the continuos present in which the consistent pace of life endures, rather than pursuing speedy changes of fashion by titillating desire. Second, the five characteristics of slow design have been extracted from the analysis of the examples of fashion industry and other fashion-related areas. They are sustainability, recyclibility, handicraft, naturalness, and simplicity. Third, these characteristics of slow design have much to do with modern fashion genres. For instance, classical style fashions such as Chanel suit and Burberry coat have the same qualities of sustainability, while at the same time the Vintage fashion, which reinterprets the fashions from bygone eras in modern style, has the tendency of recyclibility, and the Hippie style, a resurrection of hand-touch spirit that emerged as a secondhand style expressionism resisting uniform mass production, has not only the quality of handicraft but also recyclibility.

A Study on the Behavior of women Student in the University about Make-up (여대생의 메이크업행동에 관한 연구)

  • Rhee Nan-Hee;Lee Sang-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2005
  • This study is to examine the modern women's awareness make-up in psychological standpoint based upon the survey of $20\~30$ years old women's consciousness of the motivation, the attention, the psychological utility, the attitude for make-up, the action behavior and the coordination with clothes. Modern women show a keen interest in make-up in company with the diversity of a fashion. This means the tendency which the intention for change and the expression of oneself are emphasizing on. The motivations of make-up are women's attention to other people and notice of evaluation of others and social meaning of make-up in relation with one's interest in appearances. Also, total coordination is concerned as another motivation. Make-up became the practical use and usual doings for women with the diversity of the information of make-up & the increase of cosmetics. Since there were so many women responded that they start to make up in their teens, we recognized that the women's sense of values has changed with the change of modern society.

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