• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mixed-source

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Experimental Study on Microseismic Source Location by Dimensional Conditions and Arrival Picking Methods (차원 및 초동발췌방법에 따른 미소진동 음원위치결정 실험연구)

  • Cheon, Dae-Sung;Yu, Jeongmin;Lee, Jang-baek
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.243-261
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    • 2019
  • Microseismic monitoring technologies have been recognized for its superiority over traditional methods and are used in domestic and overseas underground mines. However, the complex gangway layout of underground mines in Korea and the mixed structure of excavated space and rock masses make it difficult to estimate the microseismic propagation and to determine the arrival time of microseismic wave. In this paper, experimental studies were carried out to determine the source location according to various arrival picking methods and dimensional conditions. The arrival picking methods used were FTC (First Threshold Cross), Picking window, AIC (Akaike Information Criterion), and 2-D and 3-D source generation experiments were performed, respectively, under the 2-D sensor array. In each experiment, source location algorithm used iterative method and genetic algorithm. The iterative method was effective when the sensor array and source generation were the same dimension, but it was not suitable to apply when the source generation was higher dimension. On the other hand, in case of source location using RCGA, the higher dimensional source location could be determined, but it took longer time to calculate. The accuracy of the arrival picking methods differed according to the source location algorithms, but picking window method showed high accuracy in overall.

The Surface fCO2 Distribution of the Western North Pacific in Summer 2002 (2002년 여름 북서태평양 표층 해수의 이산화탄소 분포 특성)

  • Choi, Sang-Hwa;Kim, Dong-Seon;Shim, Jeong-Hee;Min, Hong-Sik
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.395-405
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    • 2006
  • We measured the fugacity of $CO_2$ $(fCO_2)$, temperature, salinity, nutrients and chlorophyll a in the surface water of the western North Pacific $(4^{\circ}30'{\sim}33^{\circ}10'N,\;144^{\circ}20'{\sim}127^{\circ}35'E)$ in September 2002. There were zonally several major currents which have characteristics of specific temperature and salinity (NECC, North Equatorial Counter Current; NEC, North Equatorial Current; Kuroshio etc.). Surface $fCO_2$ distribution was clearly distinguished into two groups, tropical and subtropical areas of which boundary was $20^{\circ}N$. In the tropical Int surface $fCO_2$ was mainly controlled by temperature, while in the subtropical area, surface $fCO_2$ was dependent on total inorganic carbon contents. Air-sea $CO_2$ flux showed a large spatial variation, with a range of $-0.69{\sim}0.79 mmole\;m^{-2}day^{-1}$. In the area of AE (Anticyclonic Eddy), SM(Southern Mixed region) and NM (Northern Mixed region), the ocean acted as a weak source of $CO_2$ $(0.6{\sim}0.79 mmole\; m^{-2}day^{-1})$. In NECC, NEC, Kuroshio and ECS (East China Sea), however, the fluxes were estimated to be $-0.3mmole\; m^{-2}day^{-1})$ for the first three regions and $-1.2mmole\; m^{-2}day^{-1})$ for ECS respectively, indicating that these areas acted as sinks of $CO_2$. The average air-sea flux in the entire study area was $0.15mmole\;m^{-2}day^{-1})$, implying that the western North Pacific was a weak source of $CO_2$ during the study period.

Frequency Domain Analysis for Hydrodynamic Responses of Floating Structure using Desingularized Indirect Boundary Integral Equation Method (비특이화 간접경계적분방정식 방법을 이용한 부유식 구조물의 유체동역학적 거동에 대한 주파수영역 해석)

  • Oh, Seunghoon;Jung, Dongho;Cho, Seok-kyu;Nam, Bo-woo;Sung, Hong Gun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, a Rankine source method is applied and validated to analyze the hydrodynamic response of a three-dimensional floating structure in the frequency domain. The boundary value problems for radiation and diffraction problem are solved by using a desingularized indirect boundary integral equation method (DIBIEM). The DIBIEM is simpler and faster than conventional methods based on the numerical surface integration of Green's function because the singularities of Green's function are located outside of fluid regions. In case of floating structure with complex geometry, it is difficult to desingularize the singularities of Green's function consistently. Therefore a mixed approach is carried out in this study. The mixed approach is partially desingularized except singularities of the body. Wave drift loads are calculated by the middle-field formulation method that is mathematically simple and has fast convergence. In order to validate the accuracy of the developed program, various numerical simulations are carried out and these results are analyzed and compared with previously published calculations and experiments.

Effects of the Light Source of LEDs on the Physiological and Flowering Response of Endangered Plant Silene capitata Kom. (LED광질에 따른 분홍장구채(Silene capitata Kom.)의 생리 및 개화 반응)

  • Park, Jae Hoon;Lee, Eung Pill;Lee, Soo In;Jang, Rae Ha;An, Kyung Ho;You, Young Han
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.821-828
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    • 2016
  • We examed physiological and flowering response of S. capitata, the endangered plant in Korea, under LED light conditions in plant factory to cultivate artificially for conservation. We cultivated S. capitata and measured its physiological responses and the number of flowers under red, blue, white, red+far-red mixed, red+blue mixed, and red+blue+white mixed light. The results showed that its photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content were recorded relatively high in red+blue+white and red+blue mixed light respectively. Transpiration rate and stomatal conductance appeared relatively high in the white single light while water use efficiency was no difference. Photochemical efficiency of photochemical photosystem II by minimum and maximum chlorophyll fluorescence was the highest in the red+blue+white mixed light condition than other ones. The number of flowers of S. capitata was at its peak under the red light or red+far-red mixed light. Therefore, we conclude that the most efficient way to grow for flowering of S. capitata is to provide red light or red+far-red mixed light in the plant factory.

A study on the correlation between non-point source pollutants from the forest of Juam basin and algae bloom in the Juam lake. (주암호유역 산림기원 비점오염원물질과 주암호에 서식하는 조류번식간의 상관성 규명)

  • Kim, Nam-Jong;Shin, Dae-Yewn
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.21 no.4 s.62
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2006
  • In Juam basin, the ratio of non-point pollution source among pollutant loading of basin was significantly high, since the utilization level of land was high. In addition, the most pollutants were not treated and flowed out. In this study, the correlation between non-point source pollutants from the forest area and increasing algae was investigated. 1. Chl-a concentration flowed out to runoff from forest area and stream water was low as $0.1{\sim}20.3{\mu}g/{\ell}$ and $0.1{\sim}9.3{\mu}g/{\ell}$, respectively, and chl-a concentration ($0.1{\sim}28.5{\mu}g/{\ell}$) of branch stream was higher $5{\sim}7$ times than that of runoff from forest area. 2. In correlation between runoff from forest area and Juam lake water, annual chl-a concentration of area front Juam dam was higher twice than forest area. 3. In runoff from forest area within Juam basin, flagellate, green, diatom and blue algae occupied $33.0{\sim}41.7%$, $22.2{\sim}30.8%$, $17.3{\sim}22.5%$ and $13.7{\sim}17.6%$, respectively. 4. In runoff from forest area, both green and diatom algae were maintained constantly irrespectively of season, and flagellate algae dominated since August. 5. In characteristics by forest tree types, four types algae were inhabited in mixed forest, and flagellate algae were higher in conifer and broadleaf forest than in other area. And green algae in herbaceous forest were higher than other area.

Effects of Maize Source and Complex Enzymes on Performance and Nutrient Utilization of Broilers

  • Tang, Defu;Hao, Shengyan;Liu, Guohua;Nian, Fang;Ru, Yingjun
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.1755-1762
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of maize source and complex enzymes containing amylase, xylanase and protease on performance and nutrient utilization of broilers. The experiment was a $4{\times}3$ factorial design with diets containing four source maize samples (M1, M2, M3, and M4) and without or with two kinds of complex enzyme A (Axtra XAP) and B (Avizyme 1502). Nine hundred and sixty day old Arbor Acres broiler chicks were used in the trial (12 treatments with 8 replicate pens of 10 chicks). Birds fed M1 diet had better body weight gain (BWG) and lower feed/gain ratio compared with those fed M3 diet and M4 diet (p<0.05). Apparent ileal crude protein digestibility coefficient of M2 was higher than that of M3 (p<0.05). Apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and nitrogen corrected AME (AMEn) of M1 were significant higher than those of M4 (p<0.05). Supplementation of the basal diets with enzyme A or B improved the BWG by 8.6% (p<0.05) and 4.1% (p>0.05), respectively. The fresh feces output was significantly decreased by the addition of enzyme B (p<0.05). Maize source affects the nutrients digestibility and performance of broilers, and a combination of amylase, xylanase and protease is effective in improving the growth profiles of broilers fed maize-soybean-rapeseed-cotton mixed diets.

A study on the solar assisted heating system with refrigerant as working fluid (냉매를 작동유체로 사용하는 태양열 난방시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Ko, Gawng-Soo;Park, Youn-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2005
  • An experimental study was conducted to analyze performance of a heating system with variation of control logic of the system. The system uses a solar as heat source and composed with heat pump that uses R-22 as working fluid. The difference between the developed system and the commercially available heating system is working fluid. The solar assisted heating system which was widely distributed in the market uses water as a working fluid. It could be freezing in case of the temperature drops down under freezing point. The anti-freezing fluids such as methyl-alcohol or ethylene-glycol are mixed with the water to protect the freezing phenomena. However, the system developed in this study uses a refrigerant as a working fluid. It makes the system to run under zero degree temperature conditions. Another difference of the developed system compare with commercial available one is auxiliary heating method. The developed system has removed an auxiliary electric heater that has been used in conventional solar assisted heating system. Instead of the auxiliary electric heater, an air source heat exchanger which generally used as an evaporator of a heat pump was adapted as a backup heating device of the developed system. As results, an efficiency of the developed system is higher than a solar assisted heat pump with auxiliary electric heater. The merit of the developed system is on the performance increment when the system operates at a lower solar energy climate conditions. In case of the developed system operates at a normal condition, COP of the solar collector driven heat pump is higher than the air source heat exchanger driven heat pump's.

Study on the Emission Properties of Visible Light Source using Energy Transfer (에너지전달을 이용한 가시광 Light Source의 발광특성에 관한 연구)

  • Gu, Hal-Bon;Kim, Ju-Seung;Kim, Jong-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.1212-1217
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    • 2004
  • Red organic electroluminescent (EL) devices based on tris(8-hydroxyquinorine aluminum) (Alq$_3$) doped with red emissive materials, 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-t-butyl -6-(l,1,7,7-tetramethyljulolidyl-9-enyl)4H-pyran (DCJTB). poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). rubrene and 4-dicyanomethylene-2-methyl-6[2-(2,3.6.7-tetrahydro-lH,5H-benzo-[i,j]quinolizin-8yl)vinyl]-4H-pyran (DCM2) were fabricated for applying to the red light source, The photoluminescence (pL) intensities of red emissive materials doped in Alq$_3$ are limited by the concentration quenching with increasing the doping ratio and the doping concentration of DCJTB, DCM2, P3HT and rubrene measured at the maximum intensity showed 5, 1, 0.5 and 2 wt%, respectively. Time-resolved PL dynamic results showed that the PL lifetime of red emissive materials doped in Alq$_3$ were increased more than the value of material itself. It means that the efficient energy transfer occurred in the mixed state and Alq$_3$ is a suitable host materials for red emissive materials, The device which was used DCJTB as a dopant achieved the best result of the maximum luminance of 594 cd/$m^2$ at 15 V and showed the chromaticity coordinates of x=0,624, y=0,371.

Deep learning-based approach to improve the accuracy of time difference of arrival - based sound source localization (도달시간차 기반의 음원 위치 추정법의 정확도 향상을 위한 딥러닝 적용 연구)

  • Iljoo Jeong;Hyunsuk Huh;In-Jee Jung;Seungchul Lee
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.178-183
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    • 2024
  • This study introduces an enhanced sound source localization technique, bolstered by a data-driven deep learning approach, to improve the precision and accuracy of direction of arrival estimation. Focused on refining Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA) based sound source localization, the research hinges on accurately estimating TDOA from cross-correlation functions. Accurately estimating the TDOA still remains a limitation in this research field because the measured value from actual microphones are mixed with a lot of noise. Additionally, the digitization process of acoustic signals introduces quantization errors, associated with the sampling frequency of the measurement system, that limit the precision of TDOA estimation. A deep learning-based approach is designed to overcome these limitations in TDOA accuracy and precision. To validate the method, we conduct comprehensive evaluations using both two and three-microphone array configurations. Moreover, the feasibility and real-world applicability of the suggested method are further substantiated through experiments conducted in an anechoic chamber.

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-adipogenesis activities and proximate composition of Hermetia illucens larvae reared on food waste enriched with different wastes

  • Jung Hwan Oh;Fatih Karadeniz;Jiho Yang;Hyunjung Lee;Mi-Na Choi;Seongeun Jeon;Gwangsic Park;Jongju Kim;Kwanho Park;Chang-Suk Kong
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.66 no.5
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    • pp.1034-1048
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    • 2024
  • The use of insects as a food source is not a new idea, but it has gained momentum in recent years due to the need for sustainable protein source in livestock feedstuffs and for more environmentally friendly organic waste treatment. In the case of black soldier fly larvae, Hermetia illucens, research has focused on their ability to convert organic waste into usable nutrients and their potential as a protein source for animal and human consumption. In this study, black soldier fly larvae were reared on raw food waste (FW) mixed with garlic peel waste (G) and hydronic growth media waste (H) and the proximate composition and bioactive potential of black soldier fly larvae extract (SFL) were compared. Analysis showed that protein content of SFL fed with G was 4.21% higher and lipid content was 9.93% lower than FW. Similar results were obtained for SFL fed with H. Antioxidant activity of SFL-G was higher than that of SFL-FW and SFL-H. SFL-G treatment exhibited enhanced anti-inflammatory and anti-adipogenesis activities as well compared to SFL-FW. Current results suggested that feeding black soldier fly larvae with food waste added with garlic peel and hydroponic growth media waste resulted in increased nutritional value, polyphenol content and bioactivity for SFLs. In this context, garlic peel waste-added food waste was suggested a promising substrate for black soldier fly larvae to obtain high-quality protein source with enhanced antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-adipogenic potential.