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The study of the relationship of the defense industry-specific factors effect the innovation of manufacturing technology and the market share. (방위산업의 시장구조 결정요인이 기술혁신과 시장지배에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Young-Hyun
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.5
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    • pp.241-280
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    • 2007
  • This study examines the relationship of the industry-specific factors that effect innovation of manufacturing technology and the market share within the defense industry. Since the establishment of the basic defense industry framework in 1973, there were numerous interactions of the industry-specific factors of the defense industry structure with the technological innovation and market organization of the defense industry. During last three decades, the domestic defense industry has achieved the considerable level but the framework of the basic system has not developed much in areas of the military science and the defense manufacturing technology. Industry-specific factors were formed in the process and appeared in a variety of behavioral characteristics as subsystems. Currently, there IS a growing trend where the management of defense industry is gradually deteriorating due to limitation of the domestic industry-specific factor (e.g. defense technologies, amount of demand, etc.). If there is a prominent imbalance of the industry-specific factors. it can trigger the potential problem of conflict, lack of cooperation and control, slowing the growth of the manufacturing technology thereby diminishing the market and deteriorating the defense supply/demand relationship. In a research conducted by Joe S. Bain, Bain analyzed the relationship of the traditional industrial organization where industry-specific factor(S) not only impacts the conductor(C). And, conductor(C) influences the shaping of the performance(P) of relationship of the traditional industrial organization. Consequently, the researcher has identified the demand monopoly, barriers to entry, and market competition with comparison of defense industry issues. These defense issues were three industry-specific factors identified, which are 1) The demand monopoly and The entry barriers to new market competition, 2) the industrial technical factor to a production technical competitiveness and a market sharing competitiveness, 3) the probability factor to revolution for military affairs(RMA) and a R&D production. According to baseline with these factors, the following research model is established from the special companies group(Group A), the systematization companies group(Group B), and the general companies group(Group 0. The hypothesis is that if there are more industry-specific factors, then there will be more relationships of defense industry relation statutes. This research is an empirical study on the relationship that the industry specific factors effects the innovation of manufacturing technology and the shaping of the market in the defense industry. Moreover, the existing models to evaluate the industry specific factors of the defense industry IS much to be desired with the controlled statistical analysis of the result. It is vital to study on current situation with suggesting alternative strategy to the efficient strategy. The descriptive analysis approach analysis is conducted with SPSSWIN to conduct reliability test, factor analysis, correlation analysis, cross-tabulation analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. However, there were some limitations of the survey such as the rigidity of concept about the technical factors and various market management factors. The wishes is that the decision-maker could be utilized these defence industrial factors to formulate efficient defence policy and strategy in the future.

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Reflecting on the History and Future of Republic of Korea Navy (대한민국 해군창설 : 회고와 당부)

  • Hahm, Myung-Soo
    • Strategy21
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    • s.37
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    • pp.5-31
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    • 2015
  • The Republic of Korean Navy (ROKN) started from scratch. However, ROKN demonstrated its Blue Navy capabilities successfully to the entire world by conducting "Operation Early Dawn" at the Aden Bay, Yemen in Jan 2011. On the event of the 70th anniversary of the ROKN, I would like to retrospect past gleaning from voyages and challenges we had in the past. At the very inception of the ROKN, Korean government as well as senior military leaders recognized that it had no time to spare to clean up military those were insinuated deeply by communist agents. It was the top priority of the government. The Mongumpo Operation which was not well known, conducted by ROKN was one of the clean-up drive. The Korean War sometimes called as "a fire from land put-off at the sea". The world famous "Incheon Landing" which reversed war situation from the Nakdong Perimeter also done by Sea Power. ROKN conducted various maritime operations including not only Incheon Landing, but amphibious operation at Hungnam, mine sweeping, sea convoy, Wonsan Withdrawal. On the same day of the Korean War started, 25th June 1950, unless the victory of the ROKNS Baekdusan (PC 701) at the Korean Strait, the waning lamp light of Korea could not be rekindled by the participation of the U.N. The ROKN rescued the 17th regiment of Korean Army from the isolation at the Ongjin Peninsular and transported gold and silver bars stored at the Bank of Korea to the Navy supply deposit in Jinhae safely. ROKN special intelligence unit conducted critical HUMINT which led Incheon Landing success. One of important mission ROKN conducted successfully was not only transporting war fighting materials but also U.S. provided grains to starving Koreans. ROKN participated Vietnam campaign from 1960s and conducted numerous maritime transportation operations supplying materials to Vietnam military forces along the long coastal lines. Experienced Naval Officers and enlisted men who discharged and acquired as merchant marine certificate supported most of the U.S. sea lift operations throughout the Vietnam campaign. ROK-US Combined Forces which had been honed and improved its war fighting capabilities through the Korean War and out of Vietnam jungle playing key deterrent against threat from north Korea. However, those threat level will be completely different when north Korea finish its nuclear weapon ambition. In order to stand firm against north Korean nuclear threat, I would like to expect strong political leadership supporting nuclear submarine for ROKN.

Identification of interacting proteins of retinoid-related orphan nuclear receptor gamma in HepG2 cells

  • Huang, Ze-Min;Wu, Jun;Jia, Zheng-Cai;Tian, Yi;Tang, Jun;Tang, Yan;Wang, Ying;Wu, Yu-Zhang;Ni, Bing
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.331-336
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    • 2012
  • The retinoid-related orphan nuclear receptor gamma (RORγ) plays critical roles in regulation of development, immunity and metabolism. As transcription factor usually forms a protein complex to function, thus capturing and dissecting of the RORγ protein complex will be helpful for exploring the mechanisms underlying those functions. After construction of the recombinant tandem affinity purification (TAP) plasmid, pMSCVpuro RORγ-CTAP(SG), the nuclear localization of RORγ-CTAP(SG) fusion protein was verified. Following isolation of RORγ protein complex by TAP strategy, seven candidate interacting proteins were identified. Finally, the heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) and receptor-interacting protein 140 (RIP140) were confirmed to interplay with RORγ by co-immunoprecipitation. Interference of HSP90 or/and RIP140 genes resulted in dramatically decreased expression of CYP2C8 gene, the RORγ target gene. Data from this study demonstrate that HSP90 and RIP140 proteins interact with RORγ protein in a complex format and function as co-activators in the RORγ-mediated regulatory processes of HepG2 cells.

Monitoring microRNAs Using a Molecular Beacon in CD133+/CD338+ Human Lung Adenocarcinoma-initiating A549 Cells

  • Yao, Quan;Sun, Jian-Guo;Ma, Hu;Zhang, An-Mei;Lin, Sheng;Zhu, Cong-Hui;Zhang, Tao;Chen, Zheng-Tang
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2014
  • Lung cancer is the most common causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide, and a lack of effective methods for early diagnosis has greatly impacted the prognosis and survival rates of the affected patients. Tumor-initiating cells (TICs) are considered to be largely responsible for tumor genesis, resistance to tumor therapy, metastasis, and recurrence. In addition to representing a good potential treatment target, TICs can provide clues for the early diagnosis of cancer. MicroRNA (miRNA) alterations are known to be involved in the initiation and progression of human cancer, and the detection of related miRNAs in TICs is an important strategy for lung cancer early diagnosis. As Hsa-miR-155 (miR-155) can be used as a diagnostic marker for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), a smart molecular beacon of miR-155 was designed to image the expression of miR-155 in NSCLC cases. TICs expressing CD133 and CD338 were obtained from A549 cells by applying an immune magnetic bead isolation system, and miR-155 was detected using laser-scanning confocal microscopy. We found that intracellular miR-155 could be successfully detected using smart miR-155 molecular beacons. Expression was higher in TICs than in A549 cells, indicating that miR-155 may play an important role in regulating bio-behavior of TICs. As a non-invasive approach, molecular beacons could be implemented with molecular imaging to diagnose lung cancer at early stages.

Energy Performance and Cost Assessment for Implementing GroundSource Heat Pump System in Military Building (군사시설 내 지열 히트펌프 시스템 적용에 따른 에너지 성능과 비용 절감 효과 평가)

  • Byonghu Sohn;Kyung Joo Cho;Dong Woo Cho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2022
  • The Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Korea is showing a lot of interest in net zero-energy buildings (NZEBs) to reduce energy consumption of military facilities and to promote green growth policy in military sector. The application of building passive technologies and renewable energies is essential to achieving NZEBs. This paper analyzed energy performance and energy cost on the conventional heating and cooling system (baseline scenario) and three different alternative scenarios (ALT 1, ALT 2 and ALT 3) applied in a hypothetical military building. A building modeling and simulation software (DesignBuilder V6.1) with EnergyPlus calculation engine was used to calculate the energy consumption for each scenario. Overall, when the GSHPs are applied to both space airconditioning and domestic hot water (DHW) production, Alt-2 and Alt-3, the amount of energy consumption for target building can be greatly reduced. In addition, when the building envelope performance is increased like Alt-3, the energy consumption can be further reduced. The annual energy cost analysis showed that the baseline was approximately 161 million KRW, while Alt-3 was approximately 33 million KRW. Therefore, it was analyzed that the initial construction cost increase could be recovered within about 6.7 years for ALT 3. The results of this study can help decision-makers to determine the optimal strategy for implementing GSHP systems in military buildings through energy performance and initial construction cost assessment.

Circumstance Change of GNSS & Application Strategy of Navigation Technology for Modem Weapon System (GNSS 구축 환경변화와 현대무기체계에의 항법기술 사용전략)

  • Ko, Kwang-Soob
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.267-275
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the implementation & modern policy for Global Navigation Satellite System have actively been performed by USA, RUSSIA, EU & CHINA. Therefore 100+ navigation satellites will be in orbit by 2015, and the user of military and civil will benefit from the use of a total constellation of 100+ satellites. It means that the deepest dependence to GPS would be declined. In the paper, the latest technology development & implementation policy of GNSS have been analyzed. Specially, we focused on circumstance change of GNSS & application of navigation technology for modem weapon system. Finally, the application strategy of the integrated GNSS is suggested for military and civil as well.

Innovation in how to combat the Army's military strategy for future combat victory (미래전 승리를 위한 육군의 군사전략과 싸우는 방법 혁신)

  • Jung, Min-Sub;NamKung, Seung-Pil;Park, Sang-Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.105-109
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    • 2020
  • The Future Army in 2050 should prepare for various future threats and effectively utilize its superintelligence and hyper-connected weapons systems to develop ways of fighting new concepts to dominate multi-regional battlefields and achieve victory. First, the establishment of active and offensive military strategies based on ability. Second, the battle of central strike for enemy combat will paralysis. Third, the battle of simultaneous integrated mosaic using multidisciplinary areas. Fourth, cyber warfare based on artificial intelligence that transcends time and space. Fifth, Combined Platform War. After all, future wars will be won or lost by invisible wars on cyber space.

"Peaceful Uses" of Outer Space and Japan' s Space Policy

  • Takai, Susumu
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • no.spc
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    • pp.247-270
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    • 2007
  • Space development and utilization must be conducted within a framework of "peaceful uses" principle under Space Treaty. Japan ratified the treaty in 1967, and interpreted "peaceful uses" as "non-military uses" then. A ghost of "peaceful uses" principle has been hung over Japan up to the moment. Japan's space development and utilization has been conducted with genuine academic interest, and therefore Japan did not introduce space infrastructures to national security policy and did not facilitate growth of space industry. When the Cold War ended, Northeast Asian security environment makes Japan difficult to maintain an interpretation as "non-military uses". Besides the change of external security environment, the domestic industry situation and a series of rocket launching failure needed reexamination of Japan's space policy. Japan is gradually changing its space policy, and introducing space infrastructure in a national security policy under a "generalization" theory that gave a broad interpretation of "peaceful uses" principle. Council for Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) adopted a basic strategy of Japan's space policy in 2004. Since then, a long-term report of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), an investigation report of Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies (SJAC) and a proposal of Japan Business Federation (JSF) were followed. Japan will promote space development and utilization in national security policy with a "strictly defensive defense" strategy and "non-aggressive uses"principle for protection of life and property of Japanese people and stabilization of East Asian countries.

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A Raid-Type War-Game Model Based on a Discrete Multi-Weapon Lanchester's Law

  • Baik, Seung-Won
    • Management Science and Financial Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2013
  • We propose a war-game model that is appropriate for a raid-type warfare in which, a priori, the maneuver of the attacker is relatively certain. The model is based on a multi-weapon extention of the Lanchester's law. Instead of a continuous time dynamic game with the differential equations from the Lanchester's law, however, we adopt a multi-period model relying on a time-discretization of the Lanchester's law. Despite the obvious limitation that two players make a move only on the discrete time epochs, the pragmatic model has a manifold justification. The existence of an equilibrium is readily established by its equivalence to a finite zero-sum game, the existence of whose equilibrium is, in turn, well-known to be no other than the LP-duality. It implies then that the war-game model dictates optimal strategies for both players under the assumption that any strategy choice of each player will be responded by a best strategy of her opponent. The model, therefore, provides a sound ground for finding an efficient reinforcement of a defense system that guarantees peaceful equilibria.

Progressive Test and Evaluation Strategy for Verification of KF-X AESA Radar Development (한국형 전투기(KF-X) AESA 레이다 개발 검증을 위한 점진적인 시험평가 전략)

  • Shinyoung Cho;Yongkil Kwak;Hyunseok Oh;Hyesun Ju;Hongwoo Park
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.387-394
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    • 2024
  • This paper describes a progressive test and evaluation strategy for verification of Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) AESA(Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar development. Three progressive stages of development test and evaluation were officially performed from simulated test conditions to actual operating conditions according to standards: radar function/performance and avionics integration. KF-X AESA radar development is repeatedly verified by progressive stages consisting of five tests: Roof-lab ground test, System Integration Laboratory(SIL) ground test, Flying Test Bed(FTB) test, KF-X ground test, and KF-X flight test. As a result, the risk factor decreases as stages and tests progress. Therefore, development test and evaluation of KF-X AESA radar are successfully performed at low development risk.