• 제목/요약/키워드: Military Application

검색결과 727건 처리시간 0.027초

Ground Test & Evaluation of Conformal Load-bearing Antenna Structure for Communication and Navigation (통신 항법용 다중대역 안테나 내장 스킨구조의 지상시험평가)

  • Kim, Min-Sung;Park, Chan-Yik;Cho, Chang-Min;Jun, Seung-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • 제41권11호
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    • pp.891-899
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    • 2013
  • This paper suggests a test and evaluation procedure of conformal load-bearing antenna structure(CLAS) for high speed military jet application. A log periodic patch type antenna was designed for multi-band communication and navigation antenna. Carbon/Glass fiber reinforced polymer was used as a structure supporting aerodynamic loads and honeycomb layer was used to improve antenna performance. Multi-layers were stacked and cured in a hot temperature oven. Gain, VSWR and polarization pattern of CLAS were measured using anechoic chamber within 0.15~2.0 GHz frequency range. Tension, shear, fatigue and impact load test were performed to evaluate structural strength of CLAS. Antenna performance test after every structural strength test was conducted to check the effect of structural test to antenna performance. After the application of new test and evaluation procedure to validate a new CLAS, a design improvement was found.

A Study on Algorithm of the Integrated Communication System in Radio Station (무선국의 통합 시스템에 대한 알고리즘의 연구)

  • 조학현;최조천;김기문
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • 제2권4호
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    • pp.545-551
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    • 1998
  • The Radio communication by existing SSB, VHF, etc. in a coast station and a base station for military affairs is still used to a very important the device of information delivery or transmitting and receiving by the remote controller to using to the exclusive cable for a equipment established at a long distance. When a number of consumer to connected and operated by a number of transceiver is essential for a circuit controller of ICS, in KOREA, is devoted by import to considerable quantity because of to be delayed development of this field. This Paper has been realized to optimal algorithm and designing of a circuit connection controller by multi-processor to pre-stage for the development of ICS. The H/W is composed able to remote control to circuit connector with the several slave processor and a processor for master, and this has taken possible through without any obstacle to communication circuits of a control signal by FSK system. The S/W make possible monitoring for communication condition of other circuits by means of a serial communication system by the multi-processing. This paper has been studied for connecting to a circuits wished to rapidly and precisely by the full application to a interrupt technique. A technique to control by remote to a number of transceiver is a way increasing to application for a frequency resource of the limited MF/SF, VHF and the existing radio communication technique. According to, this paper will achieve to be the reduction of energy & equipment and multiplicity of information delivery in the general communication and disposal to rapid and exact for the important communication as distress, urgency and safety on the sea.

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A Scheme on applying IT technology for TLCSM improvements (TLCSM 개선을 위한 IT기술의 적용방안)

  • Choi, Myoungjin;Kwon, Daeil;Yang, Jeakyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제17권12호
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    • pp.26-33
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    • 2016
  • The cost of preparing munitions in weapon system operation and management has been rapidly increasing and current weapon systems have become complicated and diverse due to new warfare pattern changes and the rapid growth of advanced scientific technology. Moreover, as a part of the execution plans of creative economics, the Korean government is actively reviewing how to minimize the costs of preparing munitions. Accordingly, this study derived the issues of munitions management for decreasing munitions preparing costs. First, the issues of munitions management were introduced through review and analysis with respect to the munitions classification criteria, regulations and systems, and equipment maintenance information systems. Second, we proposed the application and necessity for the real-name system which is responsible for munitions management and the fragmentation of the maintenance instructions status classification criteria.. Also, we were analyzed that the effects depending on the application. Finally, we proposed that the linkage system which is currently military active with equipment maintenance information systems as well as the total life-cycle management system (TLCSM) improvements to the itemized data and records management system by utilizing IT technology CMB that must be done in order to improve the issues.

Improvement Plans for Private Security Guard Certification System -mainly on application prerequisites and partially exemptible qualifications- (신변보호사 자격검정제도의 개선방안 - 응시자격 및 자격검정 일부면제를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Dong Beom;Kim, Sang Jin
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • 제15권6_2호
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2015
  • Private security guard certification system was recognized as a national certification in 12. 2012 after it was first given in 2006 as a civil certification and then became a national test in 2013. Thinking it short of regulations on some of exemptible requirements as well as test-taking age limit due to the certification's specificity, the current researcher tried to present the following improvement plans. First, in taking the test, only the bottom age limit is given with no top age limit, so a regulation on its top age limit needs to be newly made so that it can select those substantially able to protect persons. Second, it can expand some of its exemptible requirements to not only police civil officials, private security guard civil officials but also military civil officials and college graduates who have taken all the courses for its primary test and have career in private security guard. Third, certain validity period can be set by standard of the date when the certification test application is accepted after retirement from related occupations so that they can maximally exert their ability in actual works. Fourth, the exemptible courses of the test must be limited to the primary test only while its hands-on test must not be exempted to meet the requirement of the ability for actual personal protection. In this manner, it's necessary that the personal protection certification system, as a national certificate, should be carefully reviewed to keep abreast with the growing civil protection industry.

Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis Technique in Landfill Investigation (매립물 특성 조사를 위한 다변량 통계분석 기법의 응용)

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo;Kim, Cha-Soup
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.515-521
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    • 1997
  • To investigate the nature of the waste materials in the Nanjido Landfill, we have conducted multivariate statistical analysis of geophysical data set comprised of magnetic, gravity, LandSat TM thermal band and surface depression measurement data. Because these data sets show different responses to the depth, we have transformed the observed total field magnetic data and gravity data to the residual reduced-to-pole(RTP) magnetic anomalies and the three dimensional density anomalies, respectively, and utilized the informations about the upper shallow part of the landfills only in the following process. For the statistical analysis at the points of depression measurement, the magnetic, density and LandSat data values at these points are determined by interpolation process. Since the multivarite statistical analysis technique utilizes a clustering algorithm for classification of data set and we have measured the dissimilarity between objects by using Euclidean distance, standardization was applied prior to distance calculation in order to eliminate any scaling effects due to different measurement unit of each data set. The hierarchial grouping technique was used to construct the dendrogram. The optimum number of statistical groups(clusters), which are classified on the basis of geophysical and geotechnical characteristics, appeared to be six on the resulting dendrogram. The result of this study suggests that the dimension and nature of the multicomponent waste landfills can be identified by application of the multivarite statistical analysis technique to integrated geophysical data sets.

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Method for Restoring the Spatial Resolution of KOMPSAT-3A MIR Image (KOMPSAT-3A 중적외선 영상의 공간해상도 복원 기법)

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Lee, Kwang-Jae;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Park, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Jeong-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제35권6_4호
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    • pp.1391-1401
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    • 2019
  • The KOMPSAT-3A is a high-resolution optical satellite launched in 2015 by Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). KOMPSAT-3A provides Panchromatic (PAN-0.55 m), Multispectral (MS-2.2 m), and Mid-wavelength infrared (MIROR-5.5 m) image. However, due to security or military problems, MIROR image with 5.5m spatial resolution are provided down sampled at 33 m spatial resolution (MIRrd). In this study, we propose spatial sharpening method to improve the spatial resolution of MIRrd image (33 m) using virtual High Frequency (HF) image and optimal fusion factor. Using MS image and MIRrd image, we generated virtual high resolution (5.5 m) MIRORfus image and then compared them to actual high-resolution MIROR image. The test results show that the proposed method merges the spatial resolution of MS image and the spectral information of MIRrd image efficiently.

A Study on the Wireless Ship Motion Measurement System Using AHRS (AHRS를 이용한 무선 선체 운동 측정 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Hae;Lee, Sang-Min;Kong, Gil-Young
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • 제37권6호
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    • pp.575-580
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    • 2013
  • The IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit) which is the expensive equipment has been used as a special limited area, usually in measurement of posture of applying to the areas of ship, submarine, aircraft and military equipment application. However, in the current situation, MEMS AHRS technology can replace the high-priced IMU in MEMS AHRS selected application field. In this paper, wireless hull motion measurement system was suggested for measuring key elements of ship's movement such as rolling, pitching and yawing using gyro, acceleration and magnetic sensors of AHRS. In order to reduce the error such as instantaneous acceleration, effects and vibration of geomagnetic, we have adopted the sensors equipped with Kalman filtering. The Wireless hull motion measurement system using AHRS sensors was tested in actual ship and it could easily be applied in limited installation circumstances of the ship. In the future, this system can be useful in the navigation safety and marine accident analysis by using with ship equipment such as INS or VDR in the maritime.

A Study of DEM Generation in the Ganghwado Southern Intertidal Flat Using Waterline Method and InSAR (수륙경계선 방법과 위상간섭기법을 이용한 강화도 남단 갯벌의 DEM 생성 연구)

  • Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Ryu, Joo-Hyung;Hong, Sang-Hoon;Won, Joong-Sun;Yoo, Hong-Rhyong
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2006
  • Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of intertidal flat can be widely used not only for scientific fields, coastal management, fisheries, ocean safety, military, but also for understanding natural and artificial topographic changes of the tidal flat. In this study, we generated DEM of the Ganghwado southern intertidal flat, the largest tidal flat in the west coast of the Korean Peninsula, using waterline method and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). Constructed DEM which applied waterline method to the Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ images closely expresses overall topographic relief of tidal flat. We found that the accuracy was determined by the number of waterlines which reflect various tidal conditions. The application of InSAR to the ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT images showed that only ERS-1/2 tandem pairs successfully generated DEM in the part of northern Yeongjongdo, but construction of DEM in the other areas was difficult due to the low coherence caused by a lot of surface remnant waters. In the near future, Kompsat-2 will provide satellite images having multi-spectral and high spatial resolution within a relatively short period at different sea levels. Application of waterline method to these images will help us construct a high precision tidal flat DEM. Also, we should develop DEM generation method using single-pass microwave satellite images.

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Current Status of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: Principle, Data Processing Techniques, and Applications (초분광 원격탐사의 특성, 처리기법 및 활용 현용)

  • Kim Sun-Hwa;Ma Jung-Rim;Kook Min-Jung;Lee Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.341-369
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    • 2005
  • Hyperspectral images have emerged as a new and promising remote sensing data that can overcome the limitations of existing optical image data. This study was designed to provide a comprehensive review on definition, data processing methods, and applications of hyperspectral data. Various types of airborne, spaceborne, and field hyperspectral image sensors were surveyed from the available literatures and internet search. To understand the current status of hyperspectral remote sensing technology and research development, we collected several hundreds research papers from international journals (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment and AVIRIS Workshop Proceedings), and categorized them by sensor types, data processing techniques, and applications. Although several hyperspectral sensors have been developing, AVIRIS has been a primary data source that the most hyperspectral remote sensing researches were relied on. Since hyperspectral data have very large data volume with many spectral bands, several data processing techniques that are particularly oriented to hyperspectral data have been developed. Although atmospheric correction, spectral mixture analysis, and spectral feature extraction are among those processing techniques, they are still in experimental stage and need further refinement until the fully operational adaptation. Geology and mineral exploration were major application in early stage of hyperspectral sensing because of the distinct spectral features of rock and minerals that could be easily observed with hyperspectral data. The applications of hyperspectral sensing have been expanding to vegetation, water resources, and military areas where the multispectral sensing was not very effective to extract necessary information.

The Characteristic of Shang Yang's Legal Reforms and Thought - Focusing on the application of the three-step theory of norms - (상앙의 변법과 법치사상의 특성 - 규범 3단계설의 적용을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-sung
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • 제147권
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    • pp.333-356
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    • 2018
  • Shang Yang was a person who, as a representative of the former School of Law, not only had an effect of thought on Han Fei Tzu, but also put a cornerstone of Qin Shi Huang's great universal unification by placing small and weak Qin Dynasty in a border area in the rank of a newly rising powerful nation. He is especially regarded as a person who valued laws and established the theoretical framework of legalist thought of School of Law systematically. To begin with, this writing examines the contents of the enforcement of legal reforms relevant to the prerequisite of Shang Yang's legal thought in historical archives, and confirms that Shang Yang succeeded in accomplishing legal reforms twice and that the aim of the legal reforms was to realize national prosperity and military power for the universal unification. This writing also takes notice of the fact that Shang Yang's legal thought went through specific steps for unifying the legal authority and the power of the monarch. Especially this writing focuses on applying the three-step theory of norms that was presented in the western social and political norm theory to Shang Yang's legal thought and on examining the characteristic and meaning explicitly. In short, the social and political norms go through emergence, cascade, and internalization. This writing aims to confirm that Shang Yang's legal thought also went through these three steps and was specified. Specifying this critical mind, this writing is a result which discusses that Shang Yang's legal thought went though the steps of the selective prescriptivism of emergence, the monarchical absolutism through sever punishment, and the internal monarchism for national prosperity and military power, and that the thought was systemized. Finding that the contents of Shang Yang's legal thought correspond to the three-step theory of norms and produce the individual meaning is the independent characteristic of this writing. It is the aim of this writing that the system and meaning of Shang Yang's legal thought will be confirmed more explicitly through this contextual examination.