• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mid-term evaluation

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A Study on Index Selection for ICT Evaluation of North Korea using AHP (AHP 방법론을 이용한 북한의 ICT 평가를 위한 인덱스 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cheol-Soo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.41-55
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    • 2017
  • Industrial Revolution is a concept and a development that has fundamentally changed our society and economy. Industry 4.0 focuses on the end-to-end digitization of all physical assets and integration into digital ecosystems with value chain partners. At present, we find ourselves at the beginning of this fourth stage, which is characterized by so-called "Cyber-Physical Systems". These systems are a consequence of the far-reaching integration of production, sustainability and customer-satisfaction forming the basis of intelligent network systems and processes. If South Korea ran toward global ICT with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, North Korea has adhered to a unique Juche science and technology. ICT in South Korea and North Korea seems very difficult to find common interests. However, as seen in the Internet and intranets, information and communication technology can find similarities in many areas than in general science and technology. There are many differences not only in the level of ICT and science and technology but also in the direction. And IT terminology and all technologies are also different. What are we preparing for the unification of North and South Korea? If we look at the science and technology sector at present, there seems to be no systematic preparation by the government. South Korea and North Korea need to be prepared for science and technology cooperation. First, it is necessary to understand the exact situation of North Korea's science and technology. In this study, we will perform research to establish mid and long term plans for revitalization of ICT cooperation between the two Koreas. In this study, we will determine the extent to which the two Koreas utilize ICT based on available ICT capabilities and technologies. To do this, we conducted research to measure and evaluate the ICT development index of North Korea using ICT international index.


  • Sungkon Moon;Sangwon Han;Myoungwon Kang
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2011
  • With rapid industrialization, electric power consumption has been increasing every year in Korea and in other countries. The provision of additional power stations to produce more electricity is one possible response to this steady increase in consumption. Another alternative is to improve the efficiency of existing stations through timely and effective maintenance works. Since the construction of a new power plant involves a large amount of capital as well as difficulties in the selection of sites, the improvement of existing power stations' efficiencies is often a preferred solution. Therefore, this paper focuses on maintenance project management to address this issue. Among several types of maintenance works, this paper concentrates on planned outage maintenance (POM). This focus arises from the critical impact of POM on other maintenance work, as well as the entire process of electricity production. Unlike other maintenance work, POM is done on the basis of mid and long-term plans. In addition, only POM works are conducted during the outage of all power plants. To evaluate the efficiency of POM works, budget data relating to 164 POM projects between 2001 and 2008 was collected from 7 sites in South Korea. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was selected as a methodology for evaluation. From this analysis, comparative study was used to determine the categories of projects that had performed well, and those with the most optimized budget structures. Moreover, through discussion with industry, this research develops a feasible proposed method by which to enhance the efficiency of POM projects.

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Evaluation of Healthy City Project Using SPIRIT Checklist: Wonju City Case (SPIRIT 체크리스트를 활용한 건강도시평가: 원주시 사례)

  • Nam, Eun-Woo;Moon, Ji-Young;Lee, Albert
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: The objectives of this study was to evaluate Wonju Healthy City project and identify its problems, and seeking a way for its improvement based on the Healthy City project philosophy and strategies. Methods: We used the SPIRIT Checklist that was a process evaluation tool and developed by Alliance for Healthy Cities for the study. We analyzed 39 related materials and gathered opinions on the evaluation result with Healthy City Team staffs, related department staffs and the advisory committee. Finally, a joint meeting with AFHC SPIRIT evaluation expert verified the result of the analysis. Results: The evaluation of Wonju Healthy City project confirmed that Wonju city is equipped with the resources, such as mid-term plan, infrastructure, cooperative organizations, and the Healthy City network to enable the consistent implementation of the Healthy City project based on strong political commitment. However, the necessity of additional complementary processes as well as the application of further improvements to assist health promotion strategies was evident. Conclusion: It is required to improve Wonju Healthy City project that activation of health promotion programs based on the political support and cooperation with public health center and Healthy City project departments in city hall.

A Study on the Strategy for Improvement of Operational Test and Evaluation of Weapon System and the Determination of Priority (무기체계 운용시험평가 개선전략 도출 및 우선순위 결정)

  • Lee, Kang Kyong;Kim, Geum Ryul;Yoon, Sang Don;Seol, Hyeon Ju
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2021
  • Defense R&D is a key process for securing weapons systems determined by mid- and long-term needs to cope with changing future battlefield environments. In particular, the test and evaluation provides information necessary to determine whether or not to switch to mass production as the last gateway to research and development of weapons systems and plays an important role in ensuring performance linked to the life cycle of weapons systems. Meanwhile, if you look at the recent changes in the operational environment of the Korean Peninsula and the defense acquisition environment, you can see three main characteristics. First of all, continuous safety accidents occurred during the operation of the weapon system, which increased social interest in the safety of combatants, and the efficient execution of the limited defense budget is required as acquisition costs increase. In addition, strategic approaches are needed to respond to future battlefield environments such as robots, autonomous weapons systems (RAS), and cyber security test and evaluation. Therefore, in this study, we would like to present strategies for improving the testing and evaluation of weapons systems by considering the characteristics of the security environment that has changed recently. To this end, the improvement strategy was derived by analyzing the complementary elements of the current weapon system operational test and evaluation system in a multi-dimensional model and prioritized through the hierarchical analysis method (AHP).

4.7 By-Election as Mid-term Evaluation: Why Did Voters Choose to Punish the Government? (4.7 재보궐 선거의 중간평가적 성격: 왜 유권자는 정권심판을 선택하게 되었는가?)

  • Cha, Jaekwon
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.5-40
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    • 2021
  • In the 4.7 by-election in 2021, the ruling Democratic Party suffered a record devastating defeat, breaking the trend of a post-intermediate evaluation confirmed in the recent election. Why did the Democratic Party lose by a large margin unlike the recent election trend? In order to find answers to these questions, this study analyzes the voting behavior of individual voters based on the voter consciousness survey data conducted after the 4.7 by-election, while examining the background and causes of such voter choices. As a result of the study, in the 4.7 by-election, as confirmed in previous studies, public opinion against the ruling government was strong, and negative elections were held. However, if we look at the process and results of this by-election in more detail, we can see that it is different from the general by-election. In the past by-elections, the government judgement was due to the passive participation of the ruling party-oriented voters in elections with low political weight, or the active judgement psychology that was maximized in situations where the political burden was less. However, in this by-election, on the contrary, in an election with a high political weight, the active judgement psychology of the Democratic Party and non-partisan voters had an effect on strengthening the midterm evaluation character of the election. In addition, it can be seen that the gathering of conservative voters who support the opposition also had a strong influence on the reinforcement of the midterm evaluation character of the election.

Economic Evaluation of ODA Project - A Case of Poultry Farm in Uganda - (우간다 양계부문 ODA 사업의 농가단위 경제성 평가)

  • Yang, Heon-Yong;Seo, Il-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 2020
  • As globalization, international cooperation has grown in importance. In accordance with this trend, Korea has been receiving high demands from international organizations about expanding the scale of Official Development Assistance(ODA) in line with its improved national status. In addition, in the economic aspect of Korea, the ODA project is expected to provide new growth opportunities in the mid- to long-term by promoting cooperation with developing countries. Uganda is an area with high strategic value due to good agricultural conditions and favorable geographical conditions. The poultry industry is a business that is generally carried out to the Ugandan, but due to economic problems such as initial investment cost, most of them have raised poultry on a small scale which is not enough for main income. This paper proposes the construction and operation plan of adapting to small poultry farms in the village-intensive type to sustainable income for residents in Uganda through ODA project in Korea's agricultural technology. The economic feasibility was analyzed from the long-term perspective when the initial construction cost was supported or not and the poultry species ratio was adjusted in terms of initial and operating costs. Economic analysis was performed using Net Present Value(NPV) method. As of after 10 years, when operating in the form of shifting kuroiler to layers, it was estimated to earn about 700,000 ugx more than when only kuroiler is raised, and it is able to reduce about 14 million ugx from the initial cost than when only raising layers. As of 20 years, the most profitables scenario was the breeding of 100 kuroilers and 400 layers methods. however, this case was anlayzed to be unsuitable for Uganda farmers, with initial costs more than three times higher than the shifting method of the kuroiler to layers. If the initial construction cost is supported by ODA project, the initial investment cost can be recovered in the first year with the shifting method, whereas raising only layers take two years to recoup the cost. In the meantime, when studying livestock industry in Uganda, it was examined by relying on statistical data, but this paper is meaningful in that it predicted how much it is economically effective based on field experience.

Analysis of water quality changes in the mainstream and major tributaries of the Youngsan River by AR6 climate change scenario with SWAT (SWAT을 이용한 AR6 기후변화 시나리오에 의한 영산강 및 주요 지천 수질 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Seungmoon;Lee, Eojin;Lee, Jihyung;Seo, Dongil
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.10
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    • pp.741-755
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to predict and analyze water quality changes due to climate change using the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model for the main stream and major tributaries of the Yeongsan River Basin. To enhance the reliability of the model, input data was constructed using weather and flow data provided by the government from 2007 to 2021, and the model was calibrated. The mid-emission scenario (SSP2-4.5) and extreme emission scenario (SSP5-8.5), derived using the WRF climate change model from the 6th IPCC report, were applied to SWAT to predict flow and nutrient loads. The water quality changes under future climate change scenarios were analyzed by categorizing them into short-term (2021-2040), mid-term (2041-2060), and long-term (2081-2100) periods. Water quality assessments were conducted based on the Living Environment Standards and the Real-Time Water Quality Index (RTWQI). As a result, in most areas of the Yeongsan River Basin, the concentration of TN was found to be at or above the "Poor" level, with the "Very Poor" level being predominant, especially in the main stream and downstream areas. While the concentration of TP showed some variation depending on the scenario, it exhibited a trend of improvement over the long term. The RTWQI assessment generally showed higher water quality levels compared to the evaluation based on living environment standards, with a trend of water quality improvement over time. This suggests that the concentration of TN can act as a major problem as agricultural regions are the main areas in water quality management in the Yeongsan River basin. Therefore, in order to improve water quality according to future climate change, it is expected that it is necessary to further reduce point and non-point sources such as agricultural non-point source reduction management such as fertilizer management and conservation agriculture, and improvement of roof greening and sewage treatment plants in urban areas.

Early outcomes of cleft and palatal width following anterior palate repair (vomerine flap) in infants with wide cleft lip and palate

  • Saad, Arman Zaharil Mat;Chai, Koh Siang;Sulaiman, Wan Azman Wan;Johar, Siti Fatimah Noor Mat;Halim, Ahmad Sukari
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.518-524
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    • 2019
  • Background Anterior palatal repair performed during cleft lip repair using a vomerine flap may assist in recruiting additional soft tissue for subsequent completion of palatoplasty, especially in patients with a wide cleft. We present our early results in the hope of triggering a re-evaluation of this technique regarding its advantages for maxillary growth through further studies of patients with a wide cleft. Methods A retrospective analysis of patients with complete unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate was performed, including cleft and palatal measurements taken during initial surgery (lip repair together with anterior palate repair) and upon completion of palatoplasty. Results In total, 14 patients were included in this study, of whom nine (63.3%) had unilateral cleft lip and palate and five (37.5%) had bilateral cleft. All patients had a wide cleft palate. Lip and anterior palate repair was done at a median age of 3 months, while completion of palatoplasty was done at a median age of 10.5 months. Measurements taken upon completion of palatoplasty showed significant cleft width reduction in the mid-palate and intertubercle regions; however, the palatal arch distances at nearby landmarks showed non-significant marginal changes. Conclusions Anterior palate repair using a vomerine flap significantly reduced the remaining cleft width, while the palatal width remained. Further research is warranted to explore the long-term effects of this technique in wide cleft patients in terms of facial growth.

A Study on the Development of Performance Indicator for the Operation Organization in Youth Employment Academy (청년 취업아카데미사업의 운영기관에 대한 성과지표 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kug Weon;Ghang, Bong-Jun;Lee, Woo-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.116-121
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    • 2012
  • One of the most important object in youth employment academy is to resolve the job mismatch of youth unemployment through industry oriented human resource development for which company oriented capacity building program for graduate-to-be and graduate is supported. The major characteristic of this program is to compose a network of operation organization, involved company, involved university and trainee, among those the role of operation organization is most important. The operation organization in youth employment academy is supposed to be evaluated by the last employment rate after 6 months to the day following the programs of the year completion. So performance indicator for the operation organization is needed in selecting the operation organization of the next year youth employment academy, which means a kind of mid-term evaluation. In this research, the concept of development of performance indicator for the operation organization in youth employment academy is introduced and major performance indicator are suggested.

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Improvement of Epidemiology Intelligence Service Officer Program for Preparedness and Response against Future Health Issues Included Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases in Korea (미래 보건문제 발생에 대응·대비를 위한 역학조사관제도 개선방안)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 2018
  • The development and management of epidemiology intelligence service (EIS) officer with more specialized competence to cope with and prepare for health threats, including pandemic of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, is a high priority policy issue in Korea. First of all, we need to establish the training goal of EIS officer. It is necessary to establish manpower training and management system with at least three tiers including quantitative and qualitative targets. Second, at least 50% of all EIS officer must secure a physician and secure expertise and competence for epidemic. Third, for the ultimate purpose of EIS officer, the establishment of a public health expert should expand the scope of epidemiologist's work to health and medical care, occupational environment, and various disasters. Fourth, it is essential to expand the epidemiologist training and education program to the level of advanced countries. Especially, the training course should be expanded at least twice of current times. Fifth, it is necessary to independently install and operate the 'EIS Officer Training Center' as a mid- and long-term goal. Stewardship and governance are secured with the organization, personnel, etc. that can fully manage the planning, management, and evaluation of the EIS system. In the future, it will be necessary to establish a systematic and phased operational base of education and training programs for EIS officer, and establish a sustainable implementation system for strategy development. In addition, it is urgent to revise the guidelines for training public health professionals and strengthening competencies, and for establishing professional educational institutions.