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  • 제목/요약/키워드: Mid-term evaluation

검색결과 112건 처리시간 0.021초

Enhanced immunity effect of Korean Red Ginseng capsule: A randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial

  • Yi Yang;Jing Li;Shengyuan Zhou;Daoyan Ni;Cailing Yang;Xu Zhang;Jian Tan;Jingrui Yan;Na Wang
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제48권5호
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    • pp.504-510
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    • 2024
  • Background: As a physiological function of body, immunity can maintain health by identifying itself and excluding others. With economic development and increasingly fierce social competition, the number of sub-healthy population is gradually increasing, and the most basic problem exposed is human hypoimmunity. Hypoimmunity can be manifested as often feeling tired, catching colds, mental depression, etc. In order to enhance immunity, eating healthy foods with the effect of enhancing immunity may become an effective choice. KRG has pharmacological effects of enhancing immunity. Because the screening and evaluation method of immune population are not unified, there are relatively few KRG immunity tests for sub-health population. It is of great significance to study the effect of KRG on people with hypoimmunity to improve sub-health status. Methods: This was a 180-day, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. According to the trial scheme design, 119 qualified subjects were included and randomly divided into the test group taking KRG and the placebo control group. Subjects need to check safety indicators (blood pressure and heart rate, blood routine, liver and kidney function, urine routine and stool routine) and efficacy indicators (main and secondary) inspection at baseline, efficacy indicators inspection during the mid-term of the test (90th days of administration), safety and efficacy indicators inspection after the test (180th days of administration). Results: After the test, the safety indicators of placebo control group and KRG test group were basically within the normal range, and there is no significant difference in fireness score between the two groups. Through follow-up interviews, it was found that the subjects in the test group and the control group had no adverse reactions and allergic reactions such as nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain during the test period. Self-comparison of the test group, the results of the main efficacy indicators: (1) immune related health scores were significantly improved in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.01), (2) CD3 and CD4/CD8 increased significantly after the test (P < 0.05), (3) IgG, IgA, IgM and WBC increased significantly in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.01); the results of the secondary efficacy indicators: (1) TNF-α decreased significantly in the midterm (P < 0.05), IFN-γ decreased significantly in the mid-term (P < 0.01), (2) NK increased significantly in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.05), (3) monocyte increased significantly in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.01). Inter-group comparison of the test group and the control group, the results of the main efficacy indicators: (1) immune related health scores were higher than that of the control group in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.01), (2) IgA of the test group was higher than that of the control group in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.05); the results of the secondary efficacy indicators: (1) WBC of the test group was higher than that of the control group in the mid-term (P < 0.05); (2) monocytes of the test group were higher than that of the control group in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.05), neutrophils of the test group were higher than that of the control group in the mid-term (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Taking KRG has no adverse effects on the health of the subjects. According to the standard of clinical trial scheme, the immune related health scores and IgA in the main efficacy indicators were positive, which shows that KRG is helpful in enhancing human immunity.

Investigation of Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Mid-old Aged Woman Caregiver at a Long-term Hospital

  • You, Young-Youl;Lee, Byoung-Hee
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2011
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors of the musculoskeletal workload of mid-old-age female caregivers by identifying work postures and subjective symptoms. Method: This study was carried out on a total of 206 subjects 206 mid-old-age caregivers(45~65 years old) from November 2009 to April 2010: 206 mid-old-age caregivers (45~65 years old) at the long-term hospital. A questionnaires survey on general factors and subjective symptoms of subjects was conducted. The risk factors of the musculoskeletal workload evaluation method is based on OWAS, RULA, REBA according to occupation properties. Results: The analysis of the rates of the subjective symptoms showed that 78.6% subjects experience low back pain. The analysis of the work type showed that transfer is the highest rate(36.3%) and position change is the second(18.2%). The analysis of the work postures showed that the thrusted back with twisting position over 20 is highest rate(37.4%), the bended back forward with twisting position is the second(27.5%). Conclusion: This study suggested that the need of preventive education for caregivers and workload improve. It is hoped that subsequent study on the difference of subjective symptoms between educated caregivers and non educated caregivers will be conducted.

금강수계 수변구역의 생태 기능 평가를 통한 매수토지 중장기 관리 방안 기초 연구 (Basic Research on Mid-to-Long-term Management Plan of Purchased Land by Evaluating Ecological Function of Waterfront Area of Geum River)

  • 서정영
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to propose an efficient management plan for purchased land considering the hydrological, watershed characteristics and ecological functions of the target land and surrounding area based on the result of monitoring the water quality improvement effect obtained by purchasing the land in the watershed area in the Geum river system. For this purpose, this study investigated through literature review, and examined ways to apply them to this research by deriving implications from a comprehensive analysis of previous research cases. After that, the components of assessment were derived to evaluate the ecological function of the purchase land, and the ecological function evaluation model for each land and area was proposed. In order to select purchase and restoration priorities of the land, this study analyzed the ecological status of the purchased land in main watersheds and tributaries using Arc GIS ver 10.1. Through this, a process to select restoration priorities was developed. And this study constructed the integrated management process with proposing a mid - to long - term plan by integrating the purchased land valuation and restoration priority selection process. Based on this process, this study suggested an effective management plan for purchased land through the integrated ecological management system of lands purchased. It can be used systematically in appraisal valuation, land purchase system, restoration project, and follow-up management of land purchase.

의료의 질 평가 우선순위 설정 (Priority Areas for National Health Care Quality Evaluation in Korea)

  • 신숙연;박춘선;김선민;김남순;이상일
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : To identify target areas and set priorities among those areas identified for national quality evaluation. Methods : Target areas were identified from: i) analysis of the national health insurance claims data, mortality and prevalence data ii) various group surveys, including representatives from 22 medical specialty associations, 19 physician associations, QI staffs in hospital, civil organizations, and commissioners of Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service(HIRA) ⅲ) literature reviews and RAM(RAND/UCLA appropriateness method). The priority areas for national quality evaluation represented the full spectrum of health care and the entire life span. The criteria for selecting the priority areas were impact, improvability, and measurability. The priority areas were divided into three categories : short-term, mid-term, long-term. Results: Based on the group surveys and the data analysis, 46 candidates were selected as quality evaluation priority areas. 13 areas were selected as having a short-term priority areas: tuberculosis, community acquired pneumonia, stroke, ischaemic heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, chronic lower respiratory disease(asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), intensive care unit, emergency room, nosocomial infection, use of antibiotics, multiple medication and renal failure. This results suggested that we need to enlarge the target priority areas to the chronic diseases in short-term. Conclusions: The priority areas identified from the study will assist healthcare quality associated institutions as well as HIRA in selecting quality evaluation areas. It is required to develope and implement strategies for improving the quality of care within the next 5 years.

지질정보 및 광물자원 분야 국외 중장기 연구개발 주제 및 시장정보 분석 (Analysis of Abroad Mid- to Long-Term R&D Themes and Market Information in the Geological Information and Mineral Resources Fields)

  • 안은영
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제52권6호
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    • pp.637-645
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    • 2019
  • 지능정보사회 전환에 따라 급격한 삶의 모습과 환경 변화가 예상되고 있으며, 과학기술부와 국가과학기술연구회는 기존의 3년 단위의 과학기술계 출연연구원의 기관평가를 중장기 관점으로 5년 단위의 기관 사업계획과 평가를 도입하였다. 따라서 지질자원 분야에 대해서도 공공적 관점으로 중장기 연구개발 주제 도출이 시급하다. 본 연구는 국외 지질자원 관련 공공 연구기관의 중장기 전략 수집, 국외 대학 및 연구기관의 전문가 서면 조사, 국외 시장정보 보고서 분석을 통해 산·학·연 분야를 두루 포함한 국외 벤치마킹 정보를 수집한다. 영국지질조사소, 일본산업기술종합연구소, 미국지질조사소는 중장기 계획에서 3차원 국가 지질정보, 화산/지진/토양 침식/산사태 등 지질환경재해 예측, 저탄소 경제 전환 및 4차 산업혁명 시대에 중요한 금속/소재 광물자원 개발 등을 제시했다. 프랑스 IPGP-CNRS와 핀란드 지질조사소 등의 국외 연구소 및 대학의 전문가 조사를 통해서 중장기계획으로 지질정보에 대한 기초·기반연구를 강조하고 있으며, 세부 연구 주제로 지구 핵에서부터 표면에까지 지구/지진의 변형 과정 연구, 최신 지질 정보 생산을 살펴볼 수 있었다. 광업자동화 및 디지털 지도 분야 시장 분석으로 시장에서 요구하는 공공연구기관의 역할이 기대되는 분야를 도출할 수 있었다. 육상·공중에서 데이터 수집 및 모바일/3차원 정보 제작, 자연스럽고 빠르며 실시간의 지도 제공, 주문제작 지도 설계, 여러 플랫폼에 적용가능한 지도 제작 지원, 지질환경재해 위험평가/재난관리 정보 및 지도 제공에 대한 지질자원 분야의 중장기적인 연구개발이 요구된다.

협소 대동맥 판륜을 가진 환자에서의 대동맥치환술시 판륜 확장술의 중기 성적 (Midterm results of aortic root enlargement with AVR in patients with narrow aortic root and AS)

  • 박광훈;김하늘루;최강주;이양행;황윤호;조광현
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.285-289
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    • 2000
  • Background: For AVR using conventional prosthetic valves in adult patients with a narrow aortic root, aortic root enlargement is necessary to reduce postoperative pressure gradient across the aortic valve (ΔP). An evaluation of early and mid-term results of aortic root enlargement with AVR and echocardiographic follow up of ΔP and left ventricular function was performed. Method: From Aug. 1991 to Feb. 1998, eighteen patients aged 17 to 59 years(mean, 38±12 years) underwent Manouguian procedure with AVR. Aortic annular circumstance was enlarged 10.0mm to 18.0mm(mean, 12.6±6.3mm). Eight patients(44.0%) had NYHA class III status before operation, and seven cases of them underwent concomitant MVR. Valve pathology was ASr in 6 cases, AS in 4 cases, nd ASr+MSr in 8 cases. Replaced valve size was 21mm in 8 cases and 23 mm in 10 cases, and St. Jude Medical mechanical valve was used in 10 cases and Carbomedics in 8 cases. Result: Follow-up duration was 6 to 57 months (mean, 26±18 months), and total follow-up was 287 patient-year. There were one hospital death and one late death, therefore, actuarial survival rate was 85.7% at 56 months. Peak ΔP wad decreased significantly at postoperative mid-term period as 13±5mmHg, compared with thepreoperative one (42±8mmHg) (p<0.01). LVM(gm/m2) was also diminished as 35.8%(115±36gm/m2)at postoperative mid-term period, compared with preoperative one (179±56gm/m2)(p<0.05). Conclusion: There were no specific complications related to the procedure. And we could have adequate enlargement of aortic annulus to suitable prosthetic valve that have no effect of patient-prosthese mismatch.

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중일정계획을 고려한 선체 생산설계 작업할당 시뮬레이션 (Job Assignment Simulation of Ship Hull Production Design in Consideration of Mid-Term Schedule)

  • 손명조;김태완
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제50권5호
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    • pp.334-342
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we analyze the procedure of the design manager for the enhancement of the hull production design process by use of the simulation method. Normally, design manager assigns design jobs according to various methods and estimates the corresponding results. When the construction drawing which is the output of the detail design where a design is dealt by zones, the design manager identifies blocks and analyzes their work difficulties, and assigns jobs to design engineers who are different in capabilities. These processes including the design engineer who can be modeled with man-hours evaluation model are represented in detail as a simulation model. As the high-level modeling for the discrete-event system, we use Event Graph model. And we implemented the simulation using Simkit which is open simulation engine for the discrete-event system. We made the simulation scenario to be written by a user in the scenario generator which is separated from the simulation model, and made the simulation result to be visualized in the form of Gantt chart in a Web. In the scenario of the irregular issuance for various construction drawings which contain different numbers of blocks, we performed the Monte-Carlo simulation according to various assignment methods to find the assignment result that satisfies the mid-term schedule.

중학교 자유학기제 형성평가 방안 탐색 (An Exploration on Formative Evaluation Methods for Free Semester System in Middle School)

  • 원효헌
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.289-299
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the study was to develop evaluation methods which would measure student achievement and progress without traditional paper-pencil tests such as mid-term and final examinations. More specifically, the main research focus were to establish general directions of student assessment during free semester, to build evaluation models supporting student's participation and learning, and to report and record various student evaluation results. As research results, we found that student evaluation of free semester should be organized to improve a) experience learning activity, self-regulatory and collaboratory study, b) high-order thinking ability and character-building, and c) teacher-student-parent cooperation. Since traditional paper-pencil tests were restricted in free semester, student achievement should be provided by a way of performance descriptions on transcripts rather than quantitative grade points. Student performance descriptions had to show not only subject knowledge but also students efforts, motivation, and participation. These multiple and educationally meaningful information would be collected by teacher-student-parent communication and collaboration.

Analysis of Drought Characteristics in Gyeongbuk Based on the Duration of Standard Precipitation Index

  • Ahn, Seung Seop;Park, Ki bum;Yim, Dong Hee
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제28권10호
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    • pp.863-872
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    • 2019
  • Using the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI), this study analyzed the drought characteristics of ten weather stations in Gyeongbuk, South Korea, that precipitation data over a period of 30 years. For the number of months that had a SPI of -1.0 or less, the drought occurrence index was calculated and a maximum shortage months, resilience and vulnerability in each weather station were analyzed. According to the analysis, in terms of vulnerability, the weather stations with acute short-term drought were Andong, Bonghwa, Moongyeong, and Gumi. The weather stations with acute medium-term drought were Daegu and Uljin. Finally the weather stations with acute long-term drought were Pohang, Youngdeok, and Youngju. In terms of severe drought frequency, the stations with relatively high frequency of mid-term droughts were Andong, Bonghwa, Daegu, Uiseong, Uljin, and Youngju. Gumi station had high frequency of short-term droughts. Pohang station had severe short-term ad long-term droughts. Youngdeok had severe droughts during all the terms. Based on the analysis results, it is inferred that the size of the drought should be evaluated depending on how serious vulnerability, resilience, and drought index are. Through proper evaluation of drought, it is possible to take systematic measures for the duration of the drought.

우리나라 중장기 전략기술의 수준평가에 관한 연구 (The Evaluation of Technology Level on Korea‘s Mid & Long-term Strategic Technologies)

  • 최문정;정근하;이상엽;서혜원
    • 기술혁신학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.650-676
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    • 2005
  • It is important to identify the mid and long-term strategic technologies and evaluate technology level for the establishment of national R&D policy to upgrade technology level in Korea. This paper summarizes the result of technology level evaluation for 99 key technologies of 'National Technology Road Map', which consists of 5 visions, of Korea. The technology level, the technological gap between Korea and world-top country, the role of government to upgrade technology level, etc. were investigated by the survey (total 1,067 respondents) and the interview with experts related to key technologies. The average technology level of Korea was 65.1% of that of world-top country and average technological gap was 5.8 years. The technology level of vision I 'Building an Information-Knowledge-Intelligence Society' was 71.6% and highest among 5 visions. The highest technology level among 99 key technologies was 85.6% for 'Digital Broadcasting Technology' and the lowest was 20% for 'weather Control Technology'. The major reasons of technological gap were investigated as the lack of R&D personnel (23.8%), the shortage of R&D funds (17.8%), and the insufficiency of basic research (15.4%), in sequence. The average technology level of USA was evaluated to highest in the world. It was presented that the technological power of China increased rapidly in the expert interview. The result of technology level evaluation would be primary information for various national S&T planning, such as S&T basic plan, S&T foresight, technology road map, etc.

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