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Study of Revitalizing of Daegu International Airport (대구국제공항 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Seok-Jin;Jeong, Ung-Gi;Song, Sang-Hwa;Seo, Jeong-Uk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.6 s.92
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2006
  • Due to the continuous expansion of the highway, the opening of the high-speed railway(KTX), etc, the demands of domestic air transport decreasing. In the circumstances, airports and local governments are spending themselves in taking a measure to activate local airports. In this aspect, this study seeks the smooth flow of human movement through the activation of Daegu International Airport by analyzing the present condition of Daegu International Airport in relation to the appearance of the high-speed railway, deducing plans for activating airports, and presenting the roadmaps for long-, mid- and short-term roles for the development of Daegu Airport, and Presents substantial fulfilling plans to secure the competitive power of Daegu International Airport by speeding up the flow of air goods of the area for the long run. It is suggested in the study that by setting up an organization exclusively responsible for activating Daegu International Airport in the city of Daegu, supporting local travel agencies to promote consistent demands, supporting aviation companies to employ Daegu International Airport as a major air base, establishing airlines with priority for airports that open newly in local cities of Japan and establishing and expanding airlines in China areas be promoted actively. Ministry of Construction & Transportation makes it a means of main airport Policy to only support Incheon International Airport to be a hub. However not only Incheon International Airport should be an amok representing the country, but also the wide Metropolitan area should supply the demands, and airports based in the West and East Coast areas need to be developed in the future. It is suggested that since air demands of domestic local airports are based on the demands of the of gin destination in neighboring region, multiple bases need to be developed. It is suggested that by developing not 1 in mega hub (Incheon International Airport) but 1 in mega hub. 2 in regional hub (the West and East Coast) and Jeju foy the tourism hub in our developing airports system.

Holocene Glaciomarine Sedimentation and Its Paleoclimatic Implication on the Svalbard Fjord in the Arctic Sea (북극해 스발바드 군도 피오르드에서 일어난 홀로세의 빙해양 퇴적작용과 고기후적 의미)

  • Yoon, Ho-Il;Kim, Yea-Dong;Yoo, Kyu-Cheul;Lee, Jae-Il;Nam, Seung-Il
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • Analyses of sedimentological and geochemical parameters from two radiocarbon-dated sediment cores (JM98-845-PC and JM98-818-PC) retrieved from the central part of Isfjorden, Svalbard, in the Arctic Sea, reveal detailed paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic histories over the last 15,000 radiocarbon years. The overconsolidated diamicton at the base of core JM98-845-PC is supposed to be a basal till deposited beneath pounding glacier that had advanced during the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum). Deglaciation of the fjord commenced after the glacial maximum, marked by the deposition of interlaminated sand and mud in the ice-proximal zone by subglacial meltwater discharge, and prevailed between 13,700 and 10,800 yr B.P. with enriched-terrigenous organic materials. A return to colder conditions occurred at around 10,800 yr B.P. with a drop in TOC content, which is probably coincident with the Younger Dryas event in the North Atlantic region. At this time, an abrupt decrease of TOC content as well as an increase in C/N ratio suggests enhanced terrigenous input due to the glacial readvance. A climatic optimum is recognized between 8,395 and 2,442 yr B.P., coinciding with 'a mid-Holocene climatic optimum' in Northern Hemisphere sites (e.g., the Laurentide Ice sheet). During this time, as the sea ice receded from the fjord, enhanced primary productivity occurred in open marine conditions, resulting in the deposition of organic-enriched pebbly mud with evidence of TOC maxima and C/N ratio minima in sediments. Fast ice also disappeared from the coast, providing the maximum of IRD (ice-rafted debris) input. Around 2,442 yr B.p. (the onset of Neoglacial), pebbly mud, characterized by a decrease in TOC content, reflects the formation of more extensive sea ice and fast ice, which might cause decreased primary productivity in the surface water, as evidenced by a decrease in TOC content. Our results provide evidence of climatic change on the Svalbard fjords that helps to refine the existence and timing of late Pleistocene and Holocene millennial-scale climatic events in the Northern Hemisphere.

Latitudinal Variation of Nutritional Condition and Diet for Copepod Species, Euchaeta sp. and Pleuromamma spp., from the Northwest Pacific Ocean Using Lipid Biomarkers (지방 바이오마커를 활용한 북서태평양에서 요각류(Euchaeta sp. and Pleuromamma spp.)의 서식 위도별 영양상태 및 먹이원 연구)

  • Ju, Se-Jong;Ko, Ah-Ra;Lee, Chang-Rae
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.33 no.spc3
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    • pp.349-358
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    • 2011
  • In order to ascertain latitudinal variation of lipid contents and compositions in copepods, we collected warm water copepod species (Euchaeta sp. and Pleuromamma spp.) from four different regions from low (sub-tropical) to mid (temperate) latitudes in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Total lipid contents of Pleuromamma spp. were about 11 ugind1 with little latitudinal variation, whereas Euchaeta sp. showed slightly higher lipid content (20 ugind1) than Pleuromamma spp. with latitudinal gradient (low at subtropic and high at temperate). Wax esters, known as the major storage lipid classes, were found to be the dominant lipid classes (accounting for more than 35% of total lipids) in Euchaeta sp., whereas in Pleuromamma spp., phospholipids, known as cellular membrane components, were the dominant lipid classes. However, the exception was specimens from warm pool region exhibiting dominance in storage of lipids as a form of triacylglycerols. Among fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA : 22:6(n-3)) (about 35% of total fatty acids), were most abundant in Euchaeta sp., while saturated fatty acids (SAFA), specially hexadecanoic acid (16:0) (about 30% of total fatty acids), were most abundant in Pleuromamma spp.. Among the neutral fraction of lipids, phytol, originated from the side chain of chlorophyll, was found in all samples which generally indicate active copepods feeding on algae. While only trace amounts of short-chain fatty alcohols were found in Pleuromamma spp., significant amounts of fatty alcohols were found in Euchaeta sp.. Particularly, significant amounts of long chain monounsaturated fatty alcohols (20:1 and 22:1), generally found in cold water species, were found in Euchaeta sp. from low latitudes. The latitudinal variation of trophic lipid markers in these copepods could be significantly related with in-situ food availability and species-specific diet preference. The result of this study suggests that the lipid contents and compositions in copepods may not only indicate their nutritional condition and feeding ecology but also provide insight into species-specific living strategies under different environmental conditions (i.e. water temperature, food availability).

Evolution of Industrial Cluster and Policy: The Case of Gumi City, Korea (산업 클러스터와 정책의 진화: 구미를 사례로)

  • Park, Sam-Ock;Chung, Do-Chai
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.226-244
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    • 2012
  • This paper aims to analyze the process of the evolution of Gumi electronics industrial cluster and to understand the role of governments for local industrial dynamics. Gumi was a typical satellite platform type new industrial district up to mid-1990s. At that time, Gumi industrial park was the agglomeration of branch plants headquartered in Capital Region with weak local linkages. During the last two decades, however, Gumi has evolved to an electronics industrial cluster with considerable local interfirm linkages and innovation activities of SMEs. Recognizing government industrial policies is critical in understanding the process of the evolution of Gumi electronics cluster. At the early stage, the state was the developer and locator of business activities within the confines of the Gumi industrial park. In recent years, central government's innovative cluster policy contributed to strengthening networks among firms, universities, and research centers to form local innovation networks as well as networks between large branch plants and SMEs. Gumi city and Gyungsangbuk-do promoted innovative activities of SMEs through the supports of cooperative networks between universities and SMEs. The increasing roles of SMEs and local governments in addition to the large branch plants and the central government have become the basis of the evolution of industrial cluster in Gumi.

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Comparative Morphology of Tanakius kitaharae and Glyptocephalus stelleri (Pleuronectidae) Larvae (갈가자미, Tanakius kitaharae와 기름가자미, Glyptocephalus stelleri (가자미과) 자어의 형태 비교)

  • Jang, Seo-Ha;Jung, Kyung-mi;Park, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Jin-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.164-174
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    • 2016
  • Tanakius kitaharae and Glyptocephalus stelleri, belonging to the family Pleuronectidae, were very similar in external morphology not only during adult periods, but also during larval periods. In this study, we compared larval development and growth of the two pleuronectids species in detail. Fifty-eight specimens of T. kitaharae larvae and five specimens of G. stelleri larvae were collected from the East Sea, southern Korean Strait, and the adjacent waters of Jeju Island during 2014~2016, and were identified using morphological and molecular markers. Flexion larvae of T. kitaharae (10.23~16.77 mm total length, TL) and G. stelleri (14.33 mm TL) were similar in morphometrics, but can be distinguished by the melanophores in the fin membranes (present in the former vs. absent in the latter), and the melanophores at posterior margin of shoulder girdle (absent in the former vs. present in the latter). Postflexion larvae of T. kitaharae (17.12~24.92 mm TL) and G. stelleri (27.71~32.95 mm TL) differed in the number of melanophores on the mid-lateral caudal region (two in the former vs. five in the latter), and that on the dorsal and anal fin pterygiophores (five or six in the former vs. one row in the latter). Tanakius kitaharae and G. stelleri larvae differed in size at the beginning of metamorphosis. The left eye of T. kitaharae larvae between 23.13~24.92 mm TL reached the dorsal margin of the head while that of G. stelleri larvae between 38.66~42.67 mm TL did not reached yet.

Measurement of soft tissue thickness on posterior palatal area by using computerized tomography in Korean population (전산화단층촬영법을 통한 한국인의 구개 저작 점막 두께에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Ji-Eun;Chae, Gyung-Joon;Jung, Ui-Won;Kim, Chang-Sung;Choi, Seong-Ho;Cho, Kyoo-Sung;Kim, Chong-Kwan;Chai, Jung-Kiu
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the thickness of masticatory mucosa in the hard palate as a donor site for mucogingival surgery by using computerized tomography(CT), Thickness measurements were performed in 84 adult patients who took CT on maxilla for implant surgery and 24 standard measurement points were defined in the hard palate according to the gingival margin and mid palatal suture. Radiographic measurements were utilized after calibration for standardization. Data were analyzed to determine the differences in mucosal thickness by gender, age, tooth positions and depth of palatal vault. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Mean thickness of palatal masticatory mucosa was 3.93±0.6mm and females had significantly thinner mean masticatory mucosa(3.76±0.56mm) than males(4.04±0.6mm)(p<0.05). 2. The thickness of palatal masticatory mucosa increased by aging. 3. Depending on position, masticatory mucosa thickness increased from canine to premeolar, but decreased at the first molar, and increased again in the second molar region(p<0.0001). 4. No significant difference in mean thickness of palatal masticatory mucosa were indentified between low palatal vault group and high palatal vault group(p>0.05). The results suggest that canine and premolar area appears to be the most appropriate donor site for soft tissue grafting procedure. The measurement of the thickness of palatal masticatory mucosa by using computerized tomography can offer useful information clinically but further studies in as-sessing the validity and reliability of the method using computerized tomography is needed.

Use of Geographical Information Systems in Analyzing Large Area Distribution and Dispersal of Rice Insects in South Korea (벼 해충의 분포와 분산의 해석에 있어서 지리정보처리체계의 활용)

  • ;K. L. Heong
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.307-316
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    • 1993
  • The potential of using GIS in analyzing pest surveillance data was explored. The Spatial Analysis System (SPANS) was used to construct a spatial data base to study pest distributions using pest surveillance data collected from 152 stations in South Korea. The annual spatIal distributions of the striped rice borer(SRB), Chdo suppressalis, showed that high densities started to expand in the early 1980s, reaching a peak in 1988. The pattern change appears to be related to cultivation of japonica and indica-japonica hybrid varieties in South Korea. Japo7l!ca varieties have longer duration resulting in the SRB haVlng more time to mature and hibernate in wmter. The locus of SRB spread appears to be located in the mid-west region near lri, Chun~ Buk Province. High brown planthopper (BPH) populations in South Korea are often related to the early immigration and temperature. The simulated distribution of PPH densities in September using these two factors was compared with the actual distribution obtained using 1990 data. The two density maps corresponded closely excepL for differences in the south eastern valley. By overlaying the simulated map layer with the elevation and rice area maps, more specific BPH risk zones could be identified.

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First Report of Charcoal Rot Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina on Glycine max in Korea (Macrophomina phaseolina에 의한 콩 균핵마름병(가칭) 발생)

  • Ko, Young Mi;Choi, Jiyoung;Lee, Yeong Hee;Kim, Heung Tae
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2020
  • Stem blight symptom of soybean was severely developed in 2016 in Hwaseong and Yeoncheon. During the seedling period, the damping-off of seedlings and the brown or black spots of cotyledons were observed. After August, the leaves began to be yellowed, and partially browned areas on leaves began to develop. After September, microsclerotia began to form even on the surface of the stems that had exhibited water-soaking symptom. After mid-October of the harvest season, the epidermis of the stem was peeled off, resulting in the formation of a large number of microsclerotia in the cortex. The pathogens isolated from these symptoms were the best in mycelial growth at 32-35℃, and the formation of microsclerotia was the most at 20-28℃. The pathogen was identified as Macrophomina phaseolina through the morphological characteristics of the pathogen and the sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region gene. In addition, when inoculated with a soybean stem using toothpicks cultured with the pathogen, the same symptoms as seen on the soybean field occurred. When the pathogen was re-isolated at the lesion site, the same pathogen was isolated and identified as Macrophomina phaseolina. Based on the results, the disease is reported as soybean charcoal rot.

Modification of Sea Water Temperature by Wind Driven Current in the Mountainous Coastal Sea

  • Choi, Hyo;Kim, Jin-Yun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2003
  • Numerical simulation on marine wind and sea surface elevation was carried out using both three-dimensional hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic models and a simple oceanic model from 0900 LST, August 13 to 0900 LST, August 15, 1995. As daytime easterly meso-scale sea-breeze from the eastern sea penetrates Kangnung city in the center part as basin and goes up along the slope of Mt. Taegullyang in the west, it confronts synoptic-scale westerly wind blowing over the top of the mountain at the mid of the eastern slope and then the resultant wind produces an upper level westerly return flow toward the East Sea. In a narrow band of weak surface wind within 10km of the coastal sea, wind stress is generally small, less than l×10E-2 Pa and it reaches 2 × 10E-2 Pa to the 35 km. Positive wind stress curl of 15 × 10E-5Pa m1 still exists in the same band and corresponds to the ascent of 70 em from the sea level. This is due to the generation of northerly wind driven current with a speed of 11 m S1 along the coast under the influence of south-easterly wind and makes an intrusion of warm waters from the southern sea into the northern coast, such as the East Korea Warm Current. On the other hand, even if nighttime downslope windstorm of 14m/s associated with both mountain wind and land-breeze produces the development of internal gravity waves with a hydraulic jump motion of air near the coastal inland surface, the surface wind in the coastal sea is relatively moderate south-westerly wind, resulting in moderate wind stress. Negative wind stress curl in the coast causes the subsidence of the sea surface of 15 em along the coast and south-westerly coastal surface wind drives alongshore south-easterly wind driven current, opposite to the daytime one. Then, it causes the intrusion of cold waters like the North Korea Cold Current in the northern coastal sea into the narrow band of the southern coastal sea. However, the band of positive wind stress curl at the distance of 30km away from the coast toward further offshore area can also cause the uprising of sea waters and the intrusion of warm waters from the southern sea toward the northern sea (northerly wind driven current), resulting in a counter-clockwise wind driven current. These clockwise and counter-clockwise currents much induce the formation of low clouds containing fog and drizzle in the coastal region.

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A Study on the Demonstration of Yellow Plume Elimination System from Combined Cycle Power Plant Using Liquid Injection System (액상 직분사 시스템을 이용한 복합화력 황연제거 실증 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Kim, Younghee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2020
  • Combined cycle power plants (CCPP) that use natural gas as fuel are easier to start and stop, and have lower pollutant emissions, so their share of domestic power generation facilities is steadily increasing. However, CCPP have a high concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emission in the initial start-up and low-load operation region, which causes yellow plume and civil complaints. As a control technology, the yellow plume reduction system was developed and operated from the mid-2000s. However, this technology was unable to control the phenomenon due to insufficient preheating of the vaporization system for 10 to 20 minutes of the initial start-up. In this study, CFD analysis and demonstration tests were performed to derive a control technology by injecting a reducing agent directly into the gas turbine exhaust duct. CFD analysis was performed by classifying into 5 cases according to the exhaust gas condition. The RMS values of all cases were less than 15%, showing a good mixing. Based on this, the installation and testing of the demonstration facilities facilitated complete control of the yellow plume phenomenon in the initial start-up.