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Impact of Baekrokdam precipitation observation data on improving groundwater level prediction in mid-mountainous region of Jeju Island (백록담 강수량 관측자료가 제주도 중산간지역 지하수위 예측 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Mun-Ju;Kim, Jeong-Hun;Kang, Su-Yeon;Moon, Soo-Hyoung;Hyun, Eun Hee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.10
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    • pp.673-686
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    • 2024
  • Groundwater is an important water resource used for various purposes along with surface water. Jeju Island relies on groundwater for most of its water use, so predicting and managing groundwater volume is very important for sustainable use of groundwater. In this study, precipitation data from the Baekrokdam Climate Change Observatory was additionally used to accurately predict groundwater levels. We compared and analyzed the improvement in monthly groundwater level prediction performance of the ANN and LSTM models for two observation wells located in the mid-mountainous area of the Pyoseon watershed in Jeju Island. As a result, when Baekrokdam precipitation data was not used, the NSE values of the two artificial intelligence models were over 0.871, showing very high groundwater level prediction performance. The LSTM model showed relatively higher prediction performance at high and low groundwater levels than the ANN model. We found that the prediction performance decreases as the variation characteristics of the groundwater level become more complex. When Baekrokdam precipitation data was additionally used, the NSE values of the two artificial intelligence models were above 0.907, indicating improved prediction performance, and the NSE value was improved by up to 0.036. This means that when additional rainfall in the upstream area is used, the artificial intelligence model can more appropriately interpret the fluctuating characteristics of the groundwater level. In addition, the additional use of Baekrokdam precipitation data further helped improve groundwater level prediction for observation well, where groundwater level prediction is relatively difficult, and artificial intelligence models, which have relatively low groundwater level prediction performance. In particular, when Baekrokdam precipitation data was additionally used for a specific observation well, the groundwater level prediction performance of the ANN model was improved to a level comparable to that of the LSTM model. The methods and results of this study can be useful in future research using artificial intelligence models.

Validity and Pertinence of Administrative Capital City Proposal (행정수도 건설안의 타당성과 시의성)

  • 김형국
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.312-323
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    • 2003
  • This writer absolutely agrees with the government that regional disequilibrium is severe enough to consider moving the administrative capital. Pursuing this course solely to establish a balanced development, however, is not a convincing enough reason. The capital city is directly related to not only the social and economic situation but, much more importantly, to the domestic political situation as well. In the mid-1970s, the proposal by the Third Republic to move the capital city temporarily was based completely on security reasons. At e time, the then opposition leader Kim, Dae-jung said that establishing a safe distance from the demilitarized zone(DMZ) reflected a typically military decision. His view was that retaining the capital city close to the DMZ would show more consideration for the will of the people to defend their own country. In fact, independent Pakistan moved its capital city from Karachi to Islamabad, situated dose to Kashmir the subject of hot territorial dispute with India. It is regrettable that no consideration has been given to the urgent political situation in the Korean peninsula, which is presently enveloped in a dense nuclear fog. As a person requires health to pursue his/her dream, a country must have security to implement a balanced territorial development. According to current urban theories, the fate of a country depends on its major cities. A negligently guarded capital city runs the risk of becoming hostage and bringing ruin to the whole country. In this vein, North Koreas undoubted main target of attack in the armed communist reunification of Korea is Seoul. For the preservation of our state, therefore, it is only right that Seoul must be shielded to prevent becoming hostage to North Korea. The location of the US Armed Forces to the north of the capital city is based on the judgment that defense of Seoul is of absolute importance. At the same time, regardless of their different standpoints, South and North Korea agree that division of the Korean people into two separate countries is abnormal. Reunification, which so far has defied all predictions, may be realized earlier than anyone expects. The day of reunification seems to be the best day for the relocation of the capital city. Building a proper capital city would take at least twenty years, and a capital city cannot be dragged from one place to another. On the day of a free and democratic reunification, a national agreement will be reached naturally to find a nationally symbolic city as in Brazil or Australia. Even if security does not pose a problem, the governments way of thinking would not greatly contribute to the balanced development of the country. The Chungcheon region, which is earmarked as the new location of the capital city, has been the greatest beneficiary of its proximity to the capital region. Not being a disadvantaged region, locating the capital city there would not help alleviate regional disparity. If it is absolutely necessary to find a candidate region at present, considering security, balanced regional development and post-reunification scenario of the future, Cheolwon area located in the middle of the Korean peninsula may be a plausible choice. Even if the transfer of capital is delayed in consideration of the present political conflict between the South and the North Koreas, there is a definite shortcut to realizing a balanced regional development. It can be found not in the geographical dispersal of the central government, but in the decentralization of power to the provinces. If the government has surplus money to build a new symbolic capital city, it is only right that it should improve, for instance, the quality of drinking water which now everyone eschews, and to help the regional subway authority whose chronic deficit state resoled in a recent disastrous accident. And it is proper to time the transfer of capital city to coincide with that of the reunification of Korea whenever Providence intends.

Effects of Geological Conditions on the Geomorphological Development of the Southwestern Coastal Regions of Korea (서남해안지역(西南海岸地域)의 지형발달(地形發達)에 미친 지질조건(地質條件))

  • Kim, Suh Woon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 1971
  • The geotectonics and geomorphic structure of Korea resulted from the Song-rim Disturbance and the Daebo orogenic movements. Afterward this mountainous peninsula underwent several geological changes on a small scale, and it was also claimed that the steady rising of the elevated peneplain of the eastern coast and the submerging of the southwestern coastal area are largely due to the tilted block movement. These views have been generally accepted good in several ways, but they are limited in range or lacking in theoretical integration. The present writer investigated the geology of the Mt. Chi-ri-san and the Honam coal mining area for a geological map in 1965, respectively. The results of these studies convinced the present writer that the conventional views, which were based upon a theory of lateral pressure should be reconsidered in many respects, and more recent studies made it clear that the morphological development in the southwestern area can be better explained by the orogenic movement and rock control. The measurement of submerging speed of the western coastal area (Pak. Y. A., 1969) and a new account on the geology and tectonics of the Mid-central region of South Korea (Kim O.J., 1970) act as an encouragement to a new explanation. The present writer's researches on the extreme southwestern portion of the peninsula show that the steady submerging of this area cannot be attributed to a simple downthrown block phenomenon caused by block movement. It is no more than the result of the differential movement of uplifting in the eastern and western coastal areas and the rising of sea-level in the post-glacial period. This phenomenon could be easily explained by the comparison of the rate of rise in sea-level and amount of heat flow between Korea and other areas in the world. The existance of the erosional planes in the Sobaik-San ranges also provide an evidence of an upheaval in the western coast area. Though the Sobaik-San ranges largely follow the direction of the Sinian system. They consist of the numerous branches, whose trends run more or less differently from their main trend because of the disharmonic folding, are converged into Mt. Sobaik-San and Chupungryung. The undulation of the land is not wholely caused by orogenic movements, where as the present writer confirmed that the diversity of morphological development is the direct reflection of geological conditions such as rocks and processes which constitute the basic elements of geomorphic structure. An east-west directed mountain range which could be named as Hansan mountain range, was claimed to be oriented by the joint control. The geological conditions such as a special erosion and weathering of agglomerate and breccia tuff usually produce pot-hole like submarine features which cause the whirling phenomenon at the southwestern coast channel.

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A Case Study on Japanese Corporations' Business Transaction and Conflicts with China (일본기업의 대중거래와 분쟁에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Chung, Su-Won
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.253-275
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    • 2006
  • Ever since the open and reform policy in 1987, China has adopted the socialistic market economy system and has been moving forward in economic reform. This gradually expanded their market economy. The open and reform policy achieved the highest average annual GDP growth rate of 9% and helped the country maintain high growth. China's economic growth in recent years has a lot to do with the international trading and direct investment by foreign corporations. China's entry into the WTO dramatically increased their amount of capital and investments due to their aggressive investments with foreign corporations. It is quite amazing that investments in China has been constantly increasing while the direct investments worldwide is decreasing. Moreover, increase in such investments is contributing to China's job creation, as well as, the expansion of international trading. When international economic exchange started between Japan and China in the 1970s, it was in the form of aid for developing countries, hence the collection of the investment was out of the question. It was in the 1990s that Japan started the full-scale investments with China and it was mostly centered in transfer of the production base. Japanese corporations aim was to mass produce goods less expensively using abundant and cheap labor and to sell them to Japan and other countries. The amount of Japan's exports and imports compared with China is increasing every year but the trade deficit has gone into the red. The dollar amount has been decreased from 27billionin2001to 18 billion in 2003. The problems and damages in the system of justice and administrative confrontation that Japanese corporations are facing are continuously at a stand-still even after China's entry into the WTO. It has been 20 years since Japan's advance in China and during that period, the Japanese corporations brought many changes ranging from exports/imports to direct investment. Although Japan's new corporations tend to be located in the mid-western part of China, rather than the coastal areas, the region itself is not the cause for the confrontation. The problem stems from the Japanese treating the Chinese as if they were Japanese because they look similar due to their Asian ancestry. In reality the Chinese have completely different ways of doing business. Here we will take a look at the international trading and direct investment of Japanese corporations in China and study the conflicts that occurred in business transactions with China through real examples.

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A Study on the Characteristics and Distribution of the Time-Spatial Occurrence of Offensive Odors -Gangwon Province - (악취의 시공간적 발생 특성 및 분포도 분석 - 강원지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Byoung-Ug;Hyun, Geun-Woo;Bae, Sun-Hak;Hong, Young-Kyun;Lee, Yeong-Seob;Yi, Geon-Ho;Huh, In-Ryang;Choi, Seung-Bong
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.376-387
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study is aimed at offering basic data for making plans for offensive odor management after researching offensive odor occurrence and characteristics in Gangwon Province. Methods: The data used in the study is based on offensive odor data analyzed by the Gangwon Institute of Health and Environment from 2012 to 2019. The data were reclassified by year, month, facility, and region to identify characteristics of occurrence. Finally, a distribution map of offensive odors was created using ArcGIS. Results: The highest monthly frequency of offensive odor occurrence falls in June, August, and July, and the summer season and third quarter are the highest. According to the latest eight-year data for Gangwon Province, complaints about offensive odors in county areas are more frequent than those in city areas. There are many offensive odor complaints in Wonju, Cheorwon, and Heongsung. The main offensive odor emission facilities are livestock and waste treatment (recycling) facilities. Complaints about offensive odors are relatively lower the Yeongdong area than Yeongseo area, which is considered to be the result of characteristics of land-sea breezes and geographical factors. Offensive odors from livestock facilities count for an average of 53.9% of the total, and the inadequacy rate of livestock facilities averages 36.9%. Conclusions: To maintain a clean environment in Gangwon Province, it is strongly recommended that an offensive odor reduction plan for livestock facilities be established. Areas with a high density of offensive odor occurrence should be identified and systematically managed with short- and mid-term measures. If offensive odors is managed using GIS, it is possible to identify the characteristics of occurrence by time and space and also by facility. In addition, since systematic data management is possible, it is believed that a rapid response to offensive odors, prediction of their spread, and efficient management are possible.

Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Properties in the Korean Peninsula

  • Oh, Sung-Nam;Sohn, Byung-Ju;Chung, Hyo-Sang;Park, Ki-Jun;Park, Sang-Soon;Hyun, Myung-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2003.05b
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    • pp.423-423
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    • 2003
  • The radiative properties of atmospheric aerosol are determined by the mass and chemical characteristics, and optical properties such as aerosol optical depth (AOD), ngstr m parameter ( α) and single scattering albedo (SSA). In particular these aerosol optical properties also determine surface temperature perturbation that may give some information in understanding the regional atmospheric radiative forcing. For understanding the radiative forcing and regional surce of aerosol, this paper summarizes and compares the aerosol optical properties results from and compares the atmospheric aerosol optical properties results from two different experiments: Anmyeon 2000 and Jeju 2001. Korea Global Atmosphere Watch Observatory (KGAWO) at Anmyeon island and ACE-Asia super-site at Gosan Jeju island have measured the radiations and aerosols since the year of 2000. The sites are located in the mid-west and south of Korea peninsula where it is strongly affected by the Asian dust coming from China region in every spring. Aerosol optical properties over both sites were measured through the ground-based sun and sky radiometers were analyzed for understanding the radiation and climate properties. Number concentration and chemical components of aerosol were additionally analyzed for the source estimation in the transportation. The frequency distributions of aerosol optical depth are rather narrow with a modal vaiue of 0.38 at both sites. However, the distributions of show one peak (1.13) at Jeju but two peaks (0.63 and 1.13) at Anmyeon. In the cases of Anmyeon, one peak around 0.63 corresponds to relatively dust-free cases, and the second peak around 1.13 characterizes the situation when Asian dust is presented. The correlation between AOD and resulted high correlation on the wide range with high values of optical depth at Anmyeon, otherwise a narrow range of with moderate to low AOD at Jeju. In dust free condition SSA decrease with waveleneth while in the presence of Asian dust SSA either stays neutral or increases slightly with wavelength. The change of surface temperature shows the stronger positive correlations with aerosol optical depth increase at Anmyeon than Jeju. In the chemical properties the aerosol are related to high concentrations in inorganic matters, SO4, NO3, CA2+ in fine and coarse.

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Occurrence of Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker Disease and Control by Cultivation Ope (참다래 궤양병 발생상황과 시설재배에 의한 방제)

  • Ko, Sug-Ju;Lee, Yong-Hwan;Cha, Kwang-Hong;Lee, Seung-Don;Kim, Ki-Chung
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.179-183
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    • 2002
  • to investigate occurrence of kiwifruit bacterial canker disease,172 kiwifmit orchards in Jeonnam and Gyeong-nam provinces were surveyed from March to April in 1999. In the south coast region of Korea, such as Haenam, Wando, Jindo, Jangheung, and Bosuns, red-rusty brown bacterial oozes were observed in 17 kiwifvuit orchards. Disease incidences varied from 2.2% to 100% depending on various regions. Total 22.8 ha of kiwifruit orchards were destroyed by occurrence backerial canker at 1999 in Korea. Orchard in Wando, Jindo, and Goheng were severely damaged in 1999. The seasonal variation of bacterial canker incidence was also investigated from 1996 to 1997 on leaves, vines and twigs of kiwifruit. Red-rusty brown bacterial ooze was exuded from mid February or early March to late April in creaked site of vine and twig. The seasonal incidence of bacterial canker on leaves appeared from late April to late June, and rapidly increased during May, Optimum growth temperature of Pseudomonas sytingae pv. actinidiae was at 25C on King's B medium and did not grow at 33C. We suggest that spreading of bacterial canker was suppressed under the plastic flim and windbreak net house.

Study on the Sanitary Indicative Bacteria of Sea Water in Fish Preservatory Tanks during the Mid Summer (여름철 활어조해수(活魚槽海水)의 세균학적(細菌學的)인 연구(硏究))

  • Heo, Seong Ho;Kim, Young Man;Lee, Dong Gun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 1983
  • The purpose of the present study is to obtain some fundamental data for hygienic control of sanitary indicative bacteria of sea water in fish preservatory tanks at popular swimming beaches in Busan including Songdo, Kwanganri, Haeundae and Songjeong from July to August in 1982. The geometric mean values of coliform group and fecal coliform MPN (most probable number) of sea water of Kwanganri were 27,300/100ml and 8,700/100ml respectively, which showed the highest population of the study regions. MPN's of the sea water of beaches and fish preservatory tanks showed 21,000/100ml and 8,800/100ml respectively at Kwanganri, which were also the highest numbers. The degree of the hygienic bacteriological populations of both the seawater and that of the fish tanks at a same region showed similar trend. The pollution caused by coliform group generally increased as viable cell counts increased. The types of coliform organisms isolated from seawater in fish presorvatory tanks by IMViC reaction were 42% Escherichia coli group, 2% Citrobacter freundii group, 44% Klebsiella aerogenes group and 12% others.

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Comparison of Performance of Restrainers of Steel Cables and Shape Memory Alloy Bars for Multiple-Span-Simply-Supported Bridges (다경간 단순지지 교량의 강케이블 및 형상기억합금 변위제어장치의 성능 비교)

  • Choi, Eun Soo;Kim, Lee Hyeon;Park, Joo Nam;Cho, Hyo Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.587-597
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    • 2007
  • Steel restrainer cables for multiple frame bridges in California in the United States have been shown to be effective in preventing unseating at internal hinges during the past several earthquakes. Consequently, the steel-cable-restrainer is being tested for applications on multiple-span-simply-supported (MSSS) bridges in the mid-American region. In addition, shape memory alloy (SMA) bars in tension are being studied for the same application, multiple frame bridges, the developed seismic forces are transferred to piers through the restrainers. However, in MSSS bridges, the seismic forces are transferred to abutments by the restrainers. Therefore, the abutment' behavior should also be investigated. In this study, we assessed the seismic performance of the three types of restrainers, such as steel restrainer cables, SMA in tension, and SMA in bending for an MSSS bridge from moderate to strong ground motion, bending test of an SMA bar was conducted and its analytical model was determined for this study. Nonlinear time history analyses were conducted to assess the seismic responses of the as-built and the retrofitted bridges. All three types of restrainers reduced the hinge opening and the SMA in tension was the most effective of the three devices in preventing the unseating, all restrainers produced damage on the abutment from the pulling action of the MSSS bridge due to strong ground motions, was found that the retrofit of the abutment in the pulling action is required in the installation of restrainers in MSSS bridges.

Metapopulation Structure and Movement of a Threatened Butterfly Parnassius bremeri (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Korea (멸종위기종 붉은점모시나비(Parnassius bremeri )의 메타개체군 구조와 이주)

  • Kim, Do-Sung;Park, Doo-Sang;Kwon, Yong-Jung;Suh, Sang-Jae;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Park, Seong-Joon;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Kim, Jin-Seo;Yu, Hye-Mi;Hwang, Jong-Seok
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2011
  • Understanding the metapopulation structure and movement of a species are required for conserving the species. In this paper, migration patterns and connectivity of patches of a threatened butterfly, Parnassius bremeri Bremer, were postulated using the mark-release-recapture (MRR) technique in a habitat located in the mid-southern region of the Korean peninsula. A total of 194 individuals were captured (137 males and 57 females) and, of them, 93 individuals (73 males and 20 females) were recaptured during the MRR experiment. The migration analysis showed 23-150% immigration and 28-53% emigration. There were high correlations between the migrating individuals and the distance between patches, but there was no correlation between migrating individuals and patch size or between migrating individuals and the number of host plants. Consequently, the migration of butterflies occurred frequently between closer patches, while patch size and quantity of the food plant had minor effects on migration behavior. Additionally, males migrated more frequently than females. Analysis of the migration patterns of P. bremeri showed that the central patch played an important role on linking patch groups and more frequent migrations were monitored between nearby patches than between the remote patches. This study suggested that active migrations take place between the neighboring multiple patches and these are accelerated if there is a stepping-stone patch between them.