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Statistical characteristics of sustained wind environment for a long-span bridge based on long-term field measurement data

  • Ding, Youliang;Zhou, Guangdong;Li, Aiqun;Deng, Yang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.43-68
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    • 2013
  • The fluctuating wind induced vibration is one of the most important factors which has been taken into account in the design of long-span bridge due to the low stiffness and low natural frequency. Field measurement characteristics of sustained wind on structure site can provide accurate wind load parameters for wind field simulation and structural wind resistance design. As a suspension bridge with 1490 m main span, the Runyang Suspension Bridge (RSB) has high sensitivity to fluctuating wind. The simultaneous and continuously wind environment field measurement both in mid-span and on tower top is executed from 2005 up to now by the structural health monitoring system installed on this bridge. Based on the recorded data, the wind characteristic parameters, including mean wind speed, wind direction, the turbulence intensity, the gust factors, the turbulence integral length, power spectrum and spatial correlation, are analyzed in detail and the coherence functions of those parameters are evaluated using statistical method in this paper. The results indicate that, the turbulence component of sustain wind is larger than extremely strong winds although its mean wind speed is smaller; the correlation between turbulence parameters is obvious; the power spectrum is special and not accord with the Simiu spectrum and von Karman spectrum. Results obtained in this study can be used to evaluate the long term reliability of the Runyang Suspension Bridge and provide reference values for wind resistant design of other structures in this region.

Flexural performance of cold-formed square CFST beams strengthened with internal stiffeners

  • Zand, Ahmed W. Al;Badaruzzaman, W.H. Wan;Ali, Mustafa M.;Hasan, Qahtan A.;Al-Shaikhli, Marwan S.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2020
  • The tube outward local buckling of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube (CFST) beam under high compression stress is still considered a critical problem, especially for steel tubes with a slender section compared to semi-compact and compact sections. In this study, the flexural performance of stiffened slender cold-formed square tube beams filled with normal concrete was investigated. Fourteen (14) simply supported CFST specimens were tested under static bending loads, stiffened with different shapes and numbers of steel stiffeners that were provided at the inner sides of the tubes. Additional finite element (FE) CFST models were developed to further investigate the influence of using internal stiffeners with varied thickness. The results of tests and FE analyses indicated that the onset of local buckling, that occurs at the top half of the stiffened CFST beam's cross-section at mid-span was substantially restricted to a smaller region. Generally, it was also observed that, due to increased steel area provided by the stiffeners, the bending capacity, flexural stiffness and energy absorption index of the stiffened beams were significantly improved. The average bending capacity and the initial flexural stiffness of the stiffened specimens for the various shapes, single stiffener situations have increased of about 25% and 39%, respectively. These improvements went up to 45% and 60%, for the double stiffeners situations. Moreover, the bending capacity and the flexural stiffness values obtained from the experimental tests and FE analyses validated well with the values computed from equations of the existing standards.

Current Effect on the Motion and Drift Force of Cylinders Floating in Waves (주상체(柱狀體)의 운동(運動) 및 표류력(漂流力)에 미치는 해류(海流)의 영향(影響))

  • Sei-Chang,Lee
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1986
  • A two-dimensional linear method has been developed for the motion and the second-order steady force arising from the hydrodynamic coupling between waves and currents in the presence of a body of arbitrary shape. Interaction between the incident wave and current in the absence of the body lies in the realm beyond our interest. A Fredholm integral equation of the second kind is employed in association with the Haskind's potential for a steadily moving source of pulsating strength located in or below the free surface. The numerical calculations at the preliminary stage showed a significant fluctuation of the hydrodynamic forces on the surface-piercing body. The problem is approximately solved by using the asymptotic Green function for U20. The original Green function, however, is applied for the fully submerged body. Numerical calculations are made for a submerged and for a half-immersed circular cylinder and extensively for the mid-ship section of a Lewis-form. Some of the results are compared with other analytical results without any available experimental data. The current has strong influence on roll motion near resonance. When the current opposes the waves, the roll response are generally negligible in the low frequency region. The current has strong influence on roll motion near resonance. When the current opposes the wave, the roll response decreases. When the current and wave come from the same direction, the roll response increases significantly, as the current speed increases. The mean drift forces and moment on the submerged body are more affected by current than those on the semi-immersed circular cylinder or on the ship-like section in the encounter frequency domain.

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Network City as a New Urban Growth Model: A Review on Its Formation, Spatial Structure, Management, and Growth Potential (새로운 도시성장 모형으로서의 네트워크 도시 -형성과정, 공간구조, 관리 및 성장전망에 대한 연구동향-)

  • Sohn, Jung-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.181-196
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the network city in detail as a new model for explaining urban growth in the changing economic environment in recent years. For this purpose, starting from Batten's (1995) pioneering work on network city in the mid 1990s to the most recent ones, literature is reviewed and various aspects of network city model are examined including formation process, spatial structure, application to management and urban planning, and growth potential. With this, the study aims at providing comprehensive knowledge necessary for evaluating if the network city model is appropriate in explaining the urban phenomena in the 21st century. The result of the review shows that network city model is the one appropriately explaining the changing urban system associated with the economic globalization and the development of transport and information technology. In addition, more and more European city governments tend to adopt this as the urban planning principle.

A Case Study of Tsukuba Tornado in Japan on 6 May 2012

  • Choo, Seonhee;Min, Ki-Hong;Kim, Kyung-Eak;Lee, Gyuwon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.403-418
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    • 2018
  • This study conducted synoptic and mesoscale analyses to understand the cause of Japan Tsukuba tornado development, which occurred at 0340 UTC 6 May 2012. Prior to the tornado occurrence, there was a circular jet stream over Japan, and the surface was moist due to overnight precipitation. The circular jet stream brought cold and dry air to the upper-level atmosphere which let strong solar radiation heat the ground with clearing of sky cover. A tornadic supercell developed in the area of potentially unstable atmosphere. Sounding data at Tateno showed a capping inversion at 900 hPa at 0000 UTC 6 May. Strong insolation in early morning hours and removal of the inversion instigated vigorous updraft with rotation due to vertical shear in the upper-level atmosphere. This caused multiple tornadoes to occur from 0220 to 0340 UTC 6 May 2012. When comparing Tateno's climatological temperature and dew-point temperature profile on the day of event, the mid-level atmosphere was moister than typical sounding in the region. This study showed that tornado development in Tsukuba was caused by a combination of (a) topography and potential vorticity anomaly, which increased vorticity over the Kanto Plain; (b) vertical shear, which produced horizontal vortex line; and c) thermal instability, which triggered supercell and tilted the vortex line in the vertical.

Aircraft Position Prediction and Shadow Zone Penetration Control Using Bezier Curve (베지에 곡선을 이용한 항공기 위치 예측 및 음영 지역 진입 제어 방법)

  • Jeong, Jae-Soon;Roh, Byeong-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39C no.11
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    • pp.1011-1022
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    • 2014
  • Currently, the wireless network environment of air node is constructed mainly of ground relay station. However, as the Korean Peninsula is composed of 70% mountainous region, there are multiple shadow zones. This is calling for effective measures to prevent aircraft from losing communication link during low-mid altitude missions. In this article we propose the utilization of Bezier Curve for estimation of aircraft flight path and control method for entering shadow zone. This method successfully estimated aircraft track, and analyzed the existence, disseminated the warning, and took measures to avoid the shadow zone before entering. This article, suggested after simulated experiments, proves that the method enables seamless communication during air operations.

An Analysis of the Distribution Structure and Logistics System of Light Petroleum Products (석유제품의 유통구조와 물류체계 분석 - 경질제품을 대상으로 -)

  • 이희연;최윤선
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the distribution structure and the logistics system of light petroleum products from the spatial perspectives. The consumption structure of petroleum products has been changed since the mid 1980s. The growth rate of consumption for light products has been much faster than those of heavy products. The distribution structure of the petroleum products is hierarchically established by refining companies, agencies, and gas stations. The petroleum products agencies are distributed unevenly over the country, and the number of gas stations per one petroleum agency are very differentiated by the region. The light products are directly transported from refining factories to oil storages and then are carried to gas stations. According to the locational characteristics, oil storages which play a key role in the logistics system are categorized into three type. The first type is demand-oriented oil storages which are located near or in the large cities to supply the light petroleum products. The second type is harbors-oriented oil storages which are located within harbors. The third type is railway-oriented oil storages which are located along railway stations. In this study, the thresholds of one oil storage and one gas station are calculated based on the size of supply territory for each oil storage. The average number of population demand that allow a oil storage to stay in business is 1.9 million and average number of cars are 477,200.

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Analysis on the Characteristics and Performance of High Line as Industrial Heritage Regeneration (산업유산 재생으로서 하이라인의 특성 및 성과 분석)

  • Park, Wonseok
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.182-196
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics and performance of the High Line as an example of Industrial Heritage Regeneration, and to derive implications for setting the direction of urban regeneration. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, five measurement elements were derived from governance, physical performance, economic performance, social performance and cultural performance as an analytical framework for analyzing the characteristics and performance of the high line as a case of industrial heritage regeneration, and a total of 15 indicators were selected for each element. Second, the analysis of the characteristics and performance of the High Line regeneration shows that the High Line regeneration project has resulted in the establishment of effective governance, the physical improvement considering historicity and placeness, and the economic revitalization of the underdeveloped mid-western region of Manhattan, while the drive-out of natives due to gentrification.

Robustness Examination of Tracking Performance in the Presence of Ionospheric Scintillation Using Software GPS/SBAS Receiver

  • Kondo, Shun-Ichiro;Kubo, Nobuaki;Yasuda, Akio
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2006
  • Ionospheric scintillation induces a rapid change in the amplitude and phase of radio wave signals. This is due to irregularities of electron density in the F-region of the ionosphere. It reduces the accuracy of both pseudorange and carrier phase measurements in GPS/satellite based Augmentation system (SBAS) receivers, and can cause loss of lock on the satellite signal. Scintillation is not as strong at mid-latitude regions such that positioning is not affected as much. Severe effects of scintillation occur mainly in a band approximately 20 degrees on either side of the magnetic equator and sometimes in the polar and auroral regions. Most scintillation occurs for a few hours after sunset during the peak years of the solar cycle. This paper focuses on estimation of the effects of ionospheric scintillation on GPS and SBAS signals using a software receiver. Software receivers have the advantage of flexibility over conventional receivers in examining performance. PC based receivers are especially effective in studying errors such as multipath and ionospheric scintillation. This is because it is possible to analyze IF signal data stored in host PC by the various processing algorithms. A L1 C/A software GPS receiver was developed consisting of a RF front-end module and a signal processing program on the PC. The RF front-end module consists of a down converter and a general purpose device for acquiring data. The signal processing program written in MATLAB implements signal acquisition, tracking, and pseudorange measurements. The receiver achieves standalone positioning with accuracy between 5 and 10 meters in 2drms. Typical phase locked loop (PLL) designs of GPS/SBAS receivers enable them to handle moderate amounts of scintillation. So the effects of ionospheric scintillation was estimated on the performance of GPS L1 C/A and SBAS receivers in terms of degradation of PLL accuracy considering the effect of various noise sources such as thermal noise jitter, ionospheric phase jitter and dynamic stress error.

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A Study on the Somatotype of the Upper Body for the Women's Bodice Pattern (길 원형을 위한 상반신의 체형 연구 - 한국 성인 여성을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee Soon Won;Nam Yun Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.15 no.4 s.40
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    • pp.341-349
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    • 1991
  • This study was done to provide basic data for clothing design and thus to contribute to the academic development of the clothing and textile area. The focus of this study was to charac­terize the somatotype based on each individual's lateral view. For this purpose, firstly, categorization of the subjects based on their lateral view and definition of each category, secondly, characterization of each somatotype, and thirdly, sugges­tion of the deterministic criteria of each category were complished. The subjects in this study were female college students of 18 to 26 year-old whose somatotypes were comparatively invariable after cessation of physical growth. The metrical items characterizing upper body lateral view were chosen. Data were collected through Anthropometry and Photometry and analyzed by Factor analysis. The results were as follows; 1. Each subject's side view contour was classified as straight type, lean-back type, bend­forward type, and swayback according to its position to the relative plumb line. Straight type was defined as the type in which the plumb line passes through the lobe of the ear, the shoulder joint, and the mid abdominal region laterally. Lean-back type positioned the plumb line more posteriorly than straight type. Bend-forward type positioned the plumb line more anteriorly than straight type. Swayback positioned the plumb line at about the same line as straight type. And curvature of side view contur was more prominent in this type than in straight type. 2. Seven factors were figured out. The first factor was representing upperbody volume, and the second factor was representing size, the third factor was horizontal distance from lateral view representing size view contour. The fourth factor was front body length, the fifth factor was back body length. The sixth factor was shoulder length and shoulder width representing shoulder shape. The seventh factor was the bust shape.

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