Kim, Haksang;Choi, Jihye;Jung, Joohyun;Chang, Jinhwa;Choi, Mincheol;Yoon, Junghee
Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
Discospondylitis is an infection of intervertebral discs, associated end plates, and adjacent vertebral bodies causing destruction and proliferation. A 10-year-old intact female Rhodesian Ridgeback dog was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Seoul National University with paraparesis and severe pain at T13-L1 region for one week duration. The treatment with PDS for one week by referring veterinarian showed no clinical improvement. At time of presentation, clinical signs of the patient included depression, vaginal discharge, and fever. In T-L spine radiography, osteolytic change was found between caudal endplate of T13 and cranial endplate of L1. The affected vertebral bodies were shortened and intervertebral disc space was widened. In abdominal radiography, a dilated soft tissue opacity tubular structure was found in mid-caudal abdomen. The abdominal ultrasonography revealed the uterus dilated with echogenic fluid. The CT findings showed concentric lysis of T13-L1 endplates. The dog was diagnosed as diskospondylitis at T13-L1 and pyometra. Urine and blood were cultured, and Staphylococcus (S.) intermedius was identified. The patient had surgical treatment for pyometra but died for septicemia.
Proceedings of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology Conference
한국미생물생명공학회 2000년도 Proceedings of 2000 KSAM International Symposium and Spring Meeting
Strain BH5 was isolated from naturally fermented Kimchi and identified as a bacteriocin producer, which has bactericidal activity against Micrococcus flavus ATCC 10240. Strain BH5 was identified tentatively as Lactococcus lactis by the API test and some characteristics. Lactococcus lactis BH5 showed a broad spectrum of activity against most of the non-pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms tested by the modified deferred method. The activity of lacticin BH5, named tentatively as the bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis BH5, was detected at the mid-log growth phase, reached its maximum during the early stationary phase, and decreased after the late stationary phase. Lacticin BH5 also showed a relatively broad spectrum of activity against non-pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms as tested by the spot-on-lawn method. Its antimicrobial activity on sensitive indicator cells was completely disappeared by protease XIV or α-chymotrypsin. The inhibitory activities of lacticin BH5 were detected during treatments up to 100∘C for 30 min. Lacticin BH5 was very stable over a pH range of 2.0 to 9.0 and was stable with all the organic solvents examined. The cell concentration and bacteriocin production in strain BH5 were maximum when grown at 30∘C in a modified MRS medium supplemented with 0.5% tryptone, 1.0% yeast extract, and 0.5% beef extract as nitrogen sources. It demonstrated a typical bactericidal mode of inhibition against Micrococcus flavus ATCC 10240. Lacticin BH5 was purified through ammonium sulfate precipitation, ethanol precipitation, and CM-Sepharose column chromatography. The apparent molecular mass of lacticin BH5 was estimated to be in the region of 3.7 kDa, by the direct detection of bactericidal activity after SDS-PAGE. Mutant strain NO141 which was isolated by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis produced about 4 fold more bacteriocin than the wild type.
This research, which is designed to introduce the concept of the WHO's health promoting hospital project to Korea, was conducted in a total of 34 local hospitals across the nation. To evaluate the level of health promotion at hospitals, an evaluation index for health promoting hospital environments was made using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Decision-Making Method, from which a total of 20 questions were developed in the five areas of no-smoking, moderation in drink, exercise, nutrition and rest in Korea. Through this analysis, it was found that local hospitals across the nation were on average excellent in terms of their no-smoking environments, but poor in their rest and moderation in drink environments. A comparison of local public hospital environments by region showed that Busan, Daegu, and South Gyeongsang Province were good, while South Chungcheng Province, Jeju Province and Gwangwon Province were poor. In terms of the number of beds, mid-size local hospitals (200-299 beds) came first. This research revealed that local hospitals across the nation had different health promotion environments according to area and size, and in particular, their environments for rest and moderation in drink turned out to be lacking, which vividly showed that these areas desperately needed to be supplemented in order to introduce the concept of health promotion at hospitals in Korea.
PURPOSE. The study was conducted to compare the radiographic and clinical methods of measuring the horizontal condylar guidance (HCG) values. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The condylar guidance was measured using the radiographic (CT scan) and three clinical methods i.e. the wax protrusive records, Lucia jig record and intraoral central bearing device in 12 patients aged between 20-40 years irrespective of sex. The records were taken and transferred on the semi-adjustable articulator to record the HCG values. The CT scan was taken for 3D reconstruction of the mid facial region. Frankfort horizontal plane (FHP) and a line extending from the superior anterior most point on the glenoid fossa to the most convex point on the apex of articular eminence (AE) was marked on the CT scan. An angle between these two lines was measured on both right and left sides to obtain condylar inclination angle. Three interocclusal protrusive wax and jig records were taken and transferred to the semi adjustable articulator. Three readings were recorded on each side. Similarly the records were taken and transferred to the same articulator using the intra oral central bearing device to record the readings. RESULTS. The statistical analysis showed insignificant differences in the HCG values between the right and left sides [(P=.589 (CT), P=.928 (wax), P=.625 (jig), P=.886 (tracer)]. The clinical methods provided low Pearsons correlation values [(R = 0.423 (wax), R = 0.354 (jig), R = 0.265 (tracer)] for the right as well as the left sides when compared with the CT values. Among the clinical methods, jig and wax method showed strong level of association which is statistically significant while the intra-oral tracer showed weak association with the other two methods. CONCLUSION. The right and left HCG values were almost similar. The CT scan showed higher HCG values than the clinical methods and among the clinical methods, values obtained from all the methods were comparable.
Due to speech recognition problems in noisy environment, Audio Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) system, which combines speech information and visual information, has been proposed since the mid-1990s,. and lip reading have played significant role in the AVSR System. This study aims to enhance recognition rate of utterance word using only lip shape detection for efficient AVSR system. After preprocessing for lip region detection, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) techniques are applied for utterance period detection and lip shape feature vector extraction, and Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are then used for the recognition. As a result, the utterance period detection results show 91% of success rates, which are higher performance than general threshold methods. In the lip reading recognition, while user-dependent experiment records 88.5%, user-independent experiment shows 80.2% of recognition rates, which are improved results compared to the previous studies.
Kim, Jae-Ho;Lee, Yong-Gil;Kim, Dong-Eui;Lee, Sae-Hun;Kim, Jung-Dal
Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
대한전기학회 1994년도 하계학술대회 논문집 C
The influence due to metallic particle contaminated on spacer surface is remarkable in the decreasing of dielectric strength in SF6 GIS. In relation with this problem, We studied, AC flash-over voltage characteristics and breakdown mechanism are investigated under metallic particle initiated condition in SF6 gas by varying the particle position, particle shape with a plane-plane electrode. The main results arc as follows 1. The small amount of the metallic particle in the gap do not make flash-over voltage to be influence, but the significant decrease of th flash-overed voltage is result in case of the big and long size of the metallic paraticle. 2. Influence of the flash-over voltage are lowest in the mid and are highest in the electrode of metallic particle position. 3. In case of the initiated metallie particle, The more the pressure are high, the more the recluced ratio of flash-over voltage are high. 4. The metallic particle shape which results in the reduced flash-over voltage forced the critical pressure to move in to the region of low pressure. 5. The existance of the metallic particle on the upper electrode side and high pressure make the decreasing ratio of flash-over voltage bigger than that of the ground side electrode.
Using the gravity model, this paper analyzes empirically how the world trade in goods is affected by regional trade agreements(RTAs) which have been spreading rapidly since the mid-1990s. This paper attempt to do the panel data analysis about 174 countries during the period of 1994-2008. These panel data include 157 RTAs. It is meaningful that this paper uses comprehensive data to analyze the net effect of regional trade agreements on the global trade volume. This provides a clue as to the answer to the stumbling block debate raised early in the regional trade agreement. Also, confirming how the participation of the WTO affected the trade volume among the member countries, the WTO-related dummy variables are additionally introduced to this gravity model. And as far as we know, the state system-related variables is first considered in this model. This variable reflects the social and cultural environments of countries as the proxy variable representing the sociocultural homogeneity. In all regressions, joining to the WTO and consistency of the state system have a positive effect on increasing the trade volumes between countries. According to the analysis of RTA trade effects, RTAs, on average, increase the volume of trade within the RTA region by 27%~37%, and decrease the volume of trade between the regional and the non-regional nation by 1.2%~3.4%.Therefore, the net effect of regional trade agreements on the promotion of global welfare is positive. For robustness check, we also introduce the interaction term of the dummy variable which reflects the RTA tightening and the continuous variable which reflects the distance effect. As a result, the RTAs alleviate the trade-decreasing effect which is caused by the distance between the countries.
The ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of the family Cobitidae, 6 genera and 12 species, was examinated under electron microscopes. Spermatozoa of the observed species consist of a head(nucleus), a short midpiece, and a single tai1(flagellum). It is of anacrosomal aquasperm type, lacking an acrosome. However, the spermatozoa of Nemacheilus toni has vestigal acrosome or acrosome-like vesicle in the anterior region of the nucleus during spermiogenesis, The nucleus of Cobitidae is approximately spherical except that N. toni is conic. The mid piece was under 3.0μm in length and contained 5-8 ring-shaped mitochodria. Genera Cobitis, Iksookimia, Niwaella, and Nemacheilus. have shorter midpiece, whereas Misgurnus and Lefua have longer midpiece. The flagellum was uniflagellate consisting of a typical 9+2 axoneme without fins.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether labial tooth inclination and alveolar bone loss affect the moment per unit of force (Mt/F) in controlled tipping and consequent stresses on the periodontal ligament (PDL). Methods: Three-dimensional models (n = 20) of maxillary central incisors were created with different labial inclinations (5∘, 10∘, 15∘, and 20∘) and different amounts of alveolar bone loss (0, 2, 4, and 6 mm). The Mt/F necessary for controlled tipping (Mt/Fcont) and the principal stresses on the PDL were calculated for each model separately in a finite element analysis. Results: As labial inclination increased, Mt/Fcont and the length of the moment arm decreased. In contrast, increased alveolar bone loss caused increases in Mt/Fcont and the length of the moment arm. When Mt/F was near Mt/Fcont, increases in Mt/F caused compressive stresses to move from a predominantly labial apical region to a palatal apical position, and tensile stresses in the labial area moved from a cervical position to a mid-root position. Although controlled tipping was applied to the incisors, increases in alveolar bone loss and labial tooth inclination caused increases in maximum compressive and tensile stresses at the root apices. Conclusions: Increases in alveolar bone loss and labial tooth inclination caused increases in stresses that might cause root resorption at the root apex, despite the application of controlled tipping to the incisors.
Gandhi, Kusum Rajendra;Wabale, Rajendra Namdeo;Siddiqui, Abu Ubaida;Farooqui, Mujjebuddeen Samsudeen
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the incidence, location, and orientation of maxillary sinus septa in formalin embalmed cadavers. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 210 cadaveric heads available in our department. After taking the mid-sagittal section the specimens were opened from the medial aspect and the sinus sinus septa, their anatomical plane, location and dimensions. Results: The mean linear distance between maxillary sinus floor and its anatomical ostium was 26.76±5.21mm and 26.91±4.96mm on right and left side, respectively. A total of 59 maxillary sinus septa (28.1%) were observed in 210 maxillary specimens. Septae were most common, 33 septa (55.9%), in the middle region (between first and second molar tooth) of the sinus cavity. The maxillary sinus membrane (Schneiderian membrane) adhered tightly to the maxillary sinus and over the septae. Significantly more maxillary sinus septa were observed in edentulous maxillae in comparison to the dentate upper jaw. Conclusion: Knowledge of location of maxillary sinus ostium is mandatory for the rhinologist for drainage of secretions in maxillary sinusitis. The morphological details of maxillary sinus septa, particularly their location and anatomical planes, will guide dentists in performance of safe implant surgeries. The maxillary antrum septa of category I and II may complicate the procedure of inversion of bone plate and elevation of sinus membrane during maxillary augmentation surgeries. The category III septa observed in the sagittal plane were embedded by one of the branches of the infraorbital nerve in it, and if accidentally cut will lead to infraorbital nerve palsy in maxillary sinus surgeries.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.