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Analysis of the February 2014 East Coast Heavy SnowFall Case Due to Blocking (블로킹에 의한 2014년 2월 동해안 지방 폭설 분석)

  • Bae, Jeong-Ho;Min, Ki-Hong
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.227-241
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the cause of the heavy snowfall that occurred in the East Coast of Korea from 6 February to 14 February 2014. The synoptic conditions were analyzed using blocking index, equivalent potential temperature, potential vorticity, maritime temperature difference, temperature advection, and ground convergence. During the case period, a large blocking pattern developed over the Western Pacific causing the flow to be stagnant, and there was a North-South oriented High-to-Low pressure system over the Korean Peninsula because of this arrangement. The case period was divided into three parts based on the synoptic forcing that was responsible for the heavy snowfall; detailed analyses were conducted for the first and last period. In the first period, a heavy snowfall occurred over the entire Korean Peninsula due to strong updrafts from baroclinic instability and a low pressure caused by potential vorticity located at the mid-troposphere. In the lower atmosphere, a North-South oriented High-to-Low pressure system over the Eastern Korea intensified the easterly airflow and created a convergence zone near the ground which strengthened the upslope effect of the Taebaek Mountain range with a cumulative fresh snowfall amount of 41 cm in the East Coast region. In the last period, the cold air nestled in the Maritime Province of Siberia and Manchuria strengthened much more than that in the first half and extended to the East Sea. The temperature difference between the 850 hPa air and the SST was large and convective clouds developed over the sea. The highest cumulative fresh snow amount of 39.7 cm was recorded in the coastal area during this period. During the entire period, vertically oriented equivalent potential temperature showed neutral stability layer that helped the cloud formation and development in the East Coast. The 2014 heavy snowfall case over the East Coast provinces of Korea were due to: 1) stagnation of the system by blocking pattern, 2) the dynamic effect of mid-level potential vorticity of 1.6 PVU, 3) the easterly air flow from North-South oriented High-to-Low pressure system, 4) the existence of vertically oriented neutral stable layer, and 5) the expansion of strong cold air into the East Sea which created a large temperature difference between the air and the ocean.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.559-563
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    • 2015
  • Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) is a Japanese X-ray all-sky surveyer mounted on the International Space Station (ISS). It has been scanning the whole sky since 2009 during every 92-minute ISS rotation. X-ray transients are quickly found by the real-time nova-search program. As a result, MAXI has issued 133 Astronomer's Telegrams and 44 Gamma-ray burst Coordinated Networks so far. MAXI has discovered six new black holes (BH) in 4.5 years. Long-term behaviors of the MAXI BHs can be classified into two types by their outbursts; a fast-rise exponential-decay type and a fast-rise flat-top one. The slit camera is suitable for accumulating data over a long time. MAXI issued a 37-month catalog containing 500 sources above a ~0.6 mCrab detection limit at 4-10 keV in the region b > 10. The SSC instrument utilizing an X-ray CCD has detected diffuse soft X-rays extending over a large solid angle, such as the Cygnus super bubble. MAXI/SSC has also detcted a Ne emission line from the rapid soft X-ray nova MAXI J0158-744. The overall shapes of outbursts in Be X-ray binaries (BeXRB) are precisely observed with MAXI/GSC. BeXRB have two kinds of outbursts, a normal outburst and a giant one. The peak dates of the subsequent giant outbursts of A0535+26 repeated with a different period than the orbital one. The Be stellar disk is considered to either have a precession motion or a distorted shape. The long-term behaviors of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXB) containing weakly magnetized neutron stars are investigated. Transient LMXBs (Aql X-1 and 4U 1608-52) repeated outbursts every 200-1000 days, which is understood by the limit-cycle of hydrogen ionization states in the outer accretion disk. A third state (very dim state) in Aql X-1 and 4U 1608-52 was interpreted as the propeller effect in the unified picture of LMXB. Cir X-1 is a peculiar source in the sense that its long-term behavior is not like typical LMXBs. The luminosity sometimes decreases suddenly at periastron. It might be explained by the stripping of the outer accretion disk by a clumpy stellar wind. MAXI observed 64 large flares from 22 active stars (RS CVns, dMe stars, Argol types, young stellar objects) over 4 years. The total energies are 10341036 erg s1. Since MAXI can measure the spectrum (temperature and emission measure), we can estimate the size of the plasma and the magnetic fields. The size sometimes exceeds the size of the star. The magnetic field is in the range of 10-100 gauss, which is a typical value for solar flares.

Psychophysiological Effects of Orchid and Rose Fragrances on Humans

  • Kim, Sung Min;Park, Seongyong;Hong, Jong Won;Jang, Eu Jean;Pak, Chun Ho
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.472-487
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to determine the effects of floral fragrances on human brain waves and moods. A total of 44 subjects participated in this experiment. Group 1 consisted of 11 male and 14 female college students with a mean age of 24.5 years (±2.23) and Group 2 consisted of 10 males and 9 females with a mean age of 54.3 years (±2.98). Subjects were exposed to floral fragrances of Rosa hybrida, 'Hera' (hereafter referred to as "rose"), Cymbidium faberi (hereafter referred to as "orchid"), or odorless control flowers (hereafter referred to as "control"). Experiments took place in three rooms (rose, orchid, and control). Electroencephalographs (EEGs) were recorded during exposure to the odors and the data were processed using quantitative electroencephalographic (QEEG) techniques. The changing EEG patterns were analyzed by brain mapping and compressed spectral arrays, and the subjects' preferences (hedonic evaluations) were quantified with an A1 index. Increased activation of absolute alpha waves was verified on six of the eight EEG channels, with the right frontal and left occipital lobes exhibiting no changes and the left parietal region showing the greatest activation. According to the QEEG measurements in the electrode sites over the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes, the strongest absolute alpha waves were induced in the parietal lobes, followed by the temporal lobes, with the other lobes showing no significant changes. On brain maps, the orchid fragrance induced greater absolute alpha and absolute mid-beta activities compared with the rose and control fragrances, and the rose fragrance induced high absolute mid-beta activation. To identify emotional responses to floral fragrances, the subjects were requested to fill in a questionnaire and the resulting odor-related emotional descriptors were analyzed using semantic differential and factor analysis. Principal component analysis identified "elegant" as the first principal component describing the floral fragrance, followed by "refreshing" and "aromatic." The subjects gave orchid higher scores for "elegant" and "refreshing," while finding rose more "aromatic." Differences in hedonic evaluation revealed by the A1 index appeared in the 65-115 sec range of scent exposure time. The subjects with ages of around 50 years showed olfactory preferences throughout the entire experimental time of 160 sec, most markedly in the later time segment (115-165 sec), showing an increasing preference with increasing exposure time. We conclude that rose fragrance can improve concentration by creating an aromatic environment conducive to a concentrated and calm state of mind, and orchid fragrance can make people feel pampered and relaxed by creating an elegant and refreshing environment.

Phylogenetic classification and pathogenicity analysis of IHNV isolated from salmonids in Gangwon-do (강원도의 연어과 어류에서 분리된 IHNV 분리주의 계통분류 및 병원성 분석)

  • Lim, Jongwon;Go, Eunho;Hong, Suhee
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the phylogenetic classification and pathogenicity of 6 infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) strains isolated from salmonid fish in Gangwon-do, Korea. Based on the nucleotide sequence of mid-G region, all six strains belong to J genotype, of which 5 are J-Nagano type and 1 J-Shizuoka type. In a challenge test, 5 isolates of J-Nagano type IHNV showed a various mortalities as 2 isolates induced a high mortality of 100% and the other 3 isolates induced mortalities of 50, 30, and 20% after intraperitoneal injection in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Meanwhile no mortality was occurred by 1 isolate of J-Shizuoka type virus. Thus, it seems that there might be no relation between genotype and pathogenicity within IHNV J genotypes. This is contrary to previous studies where reported a higher pathogenicity of J-Shizuoka type virus than J-Nagano type virus in rainbow trout. Further examination will be required to clarify this since only one J-Shizuoka type virus was analyzed in this study.

The Mask-Dance Performances in the Shaman Rituals: and (굿 속의 탈놀이:<영산 할아?.할?굿>과 <탈굿>)

  • Lee, Meewon
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.40
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2010
  • The Korean Mask-Dance Theatre has been developed closely related to Korean Shaman rituals. As many scholars noticed, the performers of the Mask-Dance Theatre were closely related to the Shaman family. In addition, there are mask-dance performances in actual shaman rituals. and are the representative performances among them. This essay intends to compare these two mask-dance performances in the shaman rituals to the similar performance of Old Grandpa and Grandma episode in the regional Mask-Dance Theatre. This study would bring us further in proving the close relation between the shaman ritual and the Mask-Dance Theatre. is one episode, Keori, in the shaman ritual of 'Baeyeonsin-kut' and 'Taedong-kut' in the mid-west seashore area. 'Taedong-kut' is the village shaman ritual for fertility and prosperity, while 'Baeyeonsin-kut' is a private shaman ritual for a large catch of the ship. is held in the later part of the whole shaman ritual since the later part tend to be more for entertainment than actual ritual. The story of is very similar that of in Pongsan Mask-Dance Theatre of the mid-west region. In addition, some of their dialogues are very similar. Only the later part is different. These similarities indicate that the Mask-Dance Theatre, which came into being in later period than the shaman ritual, has likely taken the story motif of the shaman ritual. is also a performance in the shaman ritual of east coasts. is more elaborate and recreational than of the west coasts. is also performed near the end of the ritual, and sometimes it is not performed at all. This indicates that has little ritual meaning left. When we compare it with the regional Mask-Dance Theatres such as Keosung Okwangdae, Tongyong Okwangdae, and Suyong Yaryu, the structure and the story lines are also very similar. It is a question why only the motif of the Grandpa and Grandma isfound both in the shaman ritual and the Mask-Dance Theatre. Many other motifs of other episodes in the Mask-Dance Theatre are not found in the shaman rituals. It seems that the Grandpa and Grandma motif is related to the ur-belief in fertility. In other words, this motif seems to be originated from the old belief in the fertility couple of Chonha Taechanggun and Jiha Yeochanggun. The shaman ritual for fertility first picked up this motif, and then the mask-dance theatre also adapted this motif for its recreational purpose. When we compare with , still has more aspects of fertility ritual, while lost its ritualistic meaning and its main purpose is to develop dramatic needs. and are invaluable existent performances to prove theatre's origin in ritual. The existence of mask-dance performances in the shaman rituals shows us the transit performance between theatre and ritual.

Practical Numerical Model for Wave Propagation and Fluid-Structure Interaction in Infinite Fluid (무한 유체 영역에서의 파전파 해석 및 유체-구조물 상호작용 해석을 위한 실용적 수치 모형)

  • Cho, Jeong-Rae;Han, Seong-Wook;Lee, Jin Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.427-435
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    • 2021
  • An analysis considering the fluid-structure interaction is required to strictly evaluate the seismic behavior of facilities such as, environmental facilities and dams, that store fluids. Specifically, in the case of an infinite domain in the upstream direction, such as a dam-reservoir system, this should be carefully considered. In this study, we proposed a practical numerical model for both wave propagation and fluid-structure interaction analyses of an infinite domain, for a system with a semi-infinite domain such as a dam-reservoir system. This method was applicable to the time domain, and enabled accurate boundary analysis. For an infinite fluid domain, a small number of mid-point integrated acoustic finite elements were applied instead of a general acoustic finite element, and a viscous boundary was imposed on the outermost boundary. The validity and accuracy of the proposed method were secured by comparing analytic solutions of a reservoir having infinite domain, with the parametric analysis results, for the number of elements and the size of the modeling region. Furthermore, the proposed method was compared with other fluid-structure interaction methods using additional mass.

Measurements of mid-frequency transmission loss in shallow waters off the East Sea: Comparison with Rayleigh reflection model and high-frequency bottom loss model (동해 천해환경에서 측정된 중주파수 전달손실 측정: Rayleigh 및 HFBL 모델과의 비교)

  • Lee, Dae Hyeok;Oh, Raegeun;Choi, Jee Woong;Kim, Seongil;Kwon, Hyuckjong
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.297-303
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    • 2021
  • When sound waves propagate over long distances in shallow water, measured transmission loss is greater than predicted one using underwater acoustic model with the Rayleigh reflection model due to inhomogeneity of the bottom. Accordingly, the US Navy predicts sound wave propagation by applying the empirical formula-based High Frequency Bottom Loss (HFBL) model. In this study, the measurement and analysis of transmission loss was conducted using mid-frequency (2.3 kHz, 3 kHz) in the shallow water of the East Sea in summer. BELLHOP eigenray tracing output shows that only sound waves with lower grazing angle than the critical angle propagate long distances for several kilometers or more, and the difference between the predicted transmission loss based on the Rayleigh reflection model and the measured transmission loss tend to increase along the propagation range. By comparing the Rayleigh reflection model and the HFBL model at the high grazing angle region, the bottom province, the input value of the HFBL model, is estimated and BELLHOP transmission loss with HFBL model is compared to measured transmission loss. As a result, it agrees well with the measurements of transmission loss.

Study on Gas Concentration Measurement of O2 and NO Using Calibration-free Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy in Visible and Mid-Infrared Region (가시광선과 중적외선 영역의 무보정 파장 변조 분광법을 이용한 O2와 NO 가스 농도 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Aran Song;Geunhui Ju;Kanghyun Kim;Jungho Hwang;Daehae Kim;Changyeop Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2023
  • Air environment regulations have been strengthened due to increasing air pollutant emissions, the target of reducing emissions has increased and interest in gas measurement methods is also increasing. The sampling method is mainly used, but due to the spatial and temporal measurement limitations, the laser absorption spectroscopy which is a real-time and in-situ method is in the spotlight. In this study, we studied the wavelength modulation spectroscopy and described the calibration-free algorithm. The developed algorithm was modified to reflect 46 multi-absorption lines and was applied to light absorption signal analysis in visible and mid-infrared regions. In addition, the difference between the modulation parameters of laser was analyzed. As a result of reviewing the performance through O2 and NO gas measurement experiments of various concentration conditions, the linearity was R2O2=0.99999 and R2NO=0.99967.

Scientific Objectives and Mission Design of Ionospheric Anomaly Monitoring by Magnetometer And Plasma-Probe (IAMMAP) for a Sounding Rocket in Low-Altitude Ionosphere (저고도 전리권 관측을 위한 사운딩 로켓 실험용 IAMMAP(Ionospheric Anomaly Monitoring by Magnetometer And Plasma-Probe)의 과학적 목표와 임무 설계)

  • Jimin Hong;Yoon Shin;Sebum Chun;Sangwoo Youk;Jinkyu Kim;Wonho Cha;Seongog Park;Seunguk Lee;Suhwan Park;Jeong-Heon Kim;Kwangsun Ryu
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.153-168
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    • 2024
  • Sounding rockets are cost-effective and rapidly deployable tools for directly exploring the ionosphere and microgravity environments. These rockets achieve their target altitudes quickly and are equipped with various scientific instruments to collect real-time data. Perigee Aerospace plans its inaugural test launch in the first half of 2024, followed by a second performance test launch in January 2025. The second launch, scheduled off the coast of Jeju Island, aims to reach an altitude of approximately 150 km with a payload of 30 kg, conducting various experiments in the suborbital region. Particularly in mid-latitude regions, the ionosphere sporadically exhibits increased electron densities in the sporadic E layers and magnetic fluctuations caused by the equatorial electrojet. To measure these phenomena, the sounding rocket version of ionospheric anomaly monitoring by magnetometer and plasma-probe (IAMMAP), currently under development at the KAIST Satellite Research Center, will be onboard. This study focuses on enhancing our understanding of the mid-latitude ionosphere and designing observable missions for the forthcoming performance tests.

Studies on the Distribution and Fluctuation of the Purse-Seine Fishing Grounds in Relation to Oceanographic Conditions in the East China Sea 1 . The Distribution of Mackerels and Jack Mackerel Fishing Grounds (동지나해의 해황과 선망어장의 분포변동에 관한 연구 1. 고등어전갱이 어장의 분포)

  • CHO Kyu-Dae
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.239-252
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    • 1981
  • The East China Sea is an important region as nursery and spawning grounds for pelagic fishes such as jack mackerel, common mackerel etc. , and thus constitutes a major fishing area for purse-seine fishery. The environment surrounding in this region is under the influence of the Yellow Sea Cold Water, China Coastal Water and Kuroshio Current. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of oceanographic conditions and thermal fronts on the formation of the fishing grounds for the mackerels in the East China Sea. Through the analyses of fisheries statistics during 1968-1976 and temperature data, the following facts are found: 1) Approximately 70% of the total mackerel(common) catches appeared to be come from the Tsushima Current region which includes Sakai coast of the Japan Sea, eastern Tsushima and Shirase Island, and Jeju Island of Korea. This area covers only about 8% of the East China Sea. 2) Main fishing grounds for the jack mackerel are also centered around the area of southwestern Goto, Shirase and eastern Tsushima Island where the catches accounted for about 54% of the total jack mackerel catches. 3) Fluctuations in annual catches are relatively small in the Tsushima Current region, compared to other regions such as Yellow Sea, southwestern coast of Kyushu and mid-western part of the East China Sea, where the fisheries yields varied considerably due to unstable fishing conditions. 4) It appears that the fishing grounds for the jack mackerel are mainly distributed along the warmer region (1520C) of the thermal front, and those for the common mackerel are in somewhat colder region (1316C) in the Tsushima Current.

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