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Seasonal and solar activity variations of the Weddell Sea Anomaly observed in the TOPEX TEC measurements

  • Jee, Geon-Hwa;Burns, Alan G.;Kim, Yong-Ha;Wang, Wen-Bin
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.25.1-25.1
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    • 2008
  • The Weddell Sea Anomaly (WSA) in the ionosphere is characterized by higher plasma density at night than during the day in the region near the Weddell Sea. According to previous studies on the WSA, it is known to occur mostly in southern summer and has not been reported in other seasons. We have utilized more than 13-year TOPEX TEC measurements in order to study how the WSA varies with seasons and how it changes with solar activity. The TOPEX TEC data have been extensively utilized for the climatological study of the ionosphere due to its excellent spatial and temporal coverage. We investigate the seasonal and solar activity variations of the WSA using four seasonal cases (Mar. equinox, Jun. solstice, Sep, equinox, and Dec. solstice) and two solar activity conditions (F10.7<120 for solar minimum and F10.7>120 for solar maximum conditions) for geomagnetically quiet periods. Our analysis shows that the WSA occurs only in the southern summer hemisphere for low F10.7, as in previous studies, but the WSA occurs all of seasons except for winter when F10.7 is high: it is most prominent during the December solstice (southern summer) and still strong during both equinoxes. The WSA appears to be an extreme case of global longitudinal variations at mid- and high-latitudes.

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Adaptive mesh refinement/recovery strategy for FEA

  • Choi, Chang-Koon;Lee, Eun-Jin;Yu, Won-Jin
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.17 no.3_4
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    • pp.379-391
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    • 2004
  • This paper deals with the development of h-version adaptive mesh refinement and recovery strategy using variable-node elements and its application to various engineering field problems with 2D quadrilateral and 3D hexahedral models. The variable-node elements which have variable mid-side nodes on edges or faces are effectively used in overcoming some problems in connecting the different layer patterns of the transition zone between the refined and coarse mesh. A modified recovery technique of gradients adequate for variable-node elements and proper selection of error norms for each engineering field problems are proposed. In the region in which the error is greater than the permissible refinement error, the mesh is locally refined by subdivision. Reversely, in some parts of the domain having the error smaller than the permissible recovery error, the mesh is locally recovered (coarsened) by combination. Hierarchical structures (e.g. quadtrees and octrees) and element-based storage structures are composed to perform this adaptive process of refinement and recovery. Some numerical examples of a 3D heat conduction analysis of the concrete with hydration heat and a 2D flow analysis of vortex shedding show effectiveness and validity of the proposed scheme.


  • Grankov, Alexander Georgievich;Mil'shin, Alexander Alexeevich;Krapivin, Vladimir Fedorovich;Golovachev, Sergey Petrovich
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.1001-1002
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    • 2006
  • Special problem emphasized by specialists in the field of analyzing the heat interchanges in the system ocean-atmosphere (SOA) is a necessity of determination of the near-surface atmospheric temperature, which can be only indirectly connected with characteristics of the SOA natural microwave radiation measured from satellites. That is why, the following dilemma is not obvious, but interesting and promised: what is better - to use the satellite methods for retrieving the partial parameters of the SOA or for analysis its state as a whole. To our opinion, this task is similar to the idea recognized by specialists engaged in the heat infrared region (8-12 mcm) of electromagnetic spectrum and its applications, where an intensity of natural infrared radiation (effective radiation) is used as the inherent property (the attribute) of the SOA heat balance. Here we studied important aspects of this problem: a) what medium initiates a heat transfer in the SOA and disturbs its heat balance - the ocean or the atmosphere b) what SOA parameters directly influence on its natural microwave radiation intensity (brightness temperature) measured from satellites? We relate these processes mainly to the synoptic range of time scales enriched by various events in the SOA interface such as the mid-latitude and tropical cyclones.

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  • Son, Tong Phuoc Hoang;Khin, Lau Va;Ben, Hoang Xuan;Knee, Tan Chun;Ishizaka, Joji;Ransibrahmanakul, Varis;Tripathy, Sarat Chandra
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.463-466
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    • 2006
  • During Mid October of 2005 a mass mortality of the corals occurred surrounding Con Dao Islands (South Vietnam) where is the recognized as one of the most famous marine parks of Vietnam. Results from the field survey in October 2005 showed that the mass mortality of corals and benthos focused only on the North-West of the islands whereas there was almost no death recorded in the South - East parts. Based on field data it was assumed that an overlap between high water temperature (>30C) and low salinity (<25%o) during short term was the impact causing the situation. In this paper, we try to explain this phenomenon based on the hydrographical view together with analyzing ocean colour images. A coral bleaching warning system also is proposed for Condao site.

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    • Acta Via Serica
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.33-50
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    • 2016
  • The article studies the new situation in international long distance trade after the emergence of new superpower - Arab Caliphate - in Eurasian overland tracks of the Great Silk Road. The stages of Arab advancement along trade routes and outcomes of their contestation with the strong tribal confederations of Turkic nomads in Central Asia and the Caucasus are highlighted. A special focus is made upon the relationship of Arabs with Khazar Turks who have endured severe clashes with strongest army of the time in the region. Khazar kingdom survived and even expanded its control over the tracks of international trade in the western part of Eurasia. The research describes the way how trade partnership between Arabs and Turks was shaped in the aftermath of military clashes. Existing scholarly views on the role of Khazar in Silk Road are reviewed and unattended evidence of Arab sources are involved to support concluding points that Khazar state managed to consolidate various actors for maintenance of international trade such as so called Rus warriors and merchants in the west of Volga, nomadic tribes in Eurasian steppes, and Jewish trading gild named ar-rahdaniyya in Arab sources. It is asserted that Khazar state since the second half of 9th century through its decline in mid 10th century not only served as transit space for goods of exporting countries but also exported goods of its own crafts and natural resources.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.15 no.spc1
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    • pp.133-145
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    • 2000
  • Symbiotic stars are known as binary systems with both cool and hot components with enshrounding nebulous gas. The cool component, M-type giant, is presumably loosing its mass into a hot white or main sequence companion star through the inner Lagrangian point. The lines emit from the ionized nebulous region around the hot star while the mass loss or accretion activity is believed to be the main cause of sudden variation of the continuum and line fluxes. We selected 17 symbiotics for which the emission line fluxes were measured from the IUE SWP, LWR data, to find variability of spectrum. We also investigated the periodic variation of emissions or eclipsing effect from the IUE lines. All of our symbiotics show very high electron densities in the emission regions. For other optical symbiotics, the observations had been carried in 1999 with BOAO mid-resolution spectrometer. We classified symbiotics based on their outburst activities, or emission line characteristics, i.e., OVIλ6830.TheOVIλ6830 emission lines are also found in S-type symbiotics, which have been known as charateristics of D-types.

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Numerical Study on Effects of Splitter Chord Length and Pitchwise Location on the Flow Characteristics in a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor (스플리터의 코드길이와 피치방향 위치가 천음속 원심압축기의 유동 특성에 미치는 영향에 대한 전산해석적 연구)

  • Lee, Byung Ju;Kim, Dae Hyun;Chung, Jin Taek
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to design the transonic centrifugal compressor impeller with splitter blades and analyze the flow fields with respect to various splitter blades. Seven impellers with different splitter chord length or pitchwise location were tested by using CFD method. To investigate aerodynamic performance, Mach number distribution and entropy distribution were confirmed. As a result, it is found that the size of transonic region and shock wave location are related to the splitter chord length and pitchwise location. Also the impeller with long chord length of splitter shows higher total pressure ratio but lower efficiency than those of the impeller with short chord length of splitter. In terms of pitchwise location, the impeller with the splitter located in mid-pitch of main blades shows the best performance with respect to pressure ratio and efficiency.

Characteristic Features Observed in the East-Asian Cold Anomalies in January 2011 (2011년 1월의 동아시아 한랭 아노말리 특성)

  • Choi, Wookap;Jung, Jiyeon;Jhun, Jong-Ghap
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.401-412
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    • 2013
  • East Asia experienced extremely cold weather in January 2011, while the previous December and the following February had normal winter temperature. In this study National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data are used to investigate the characteristic features observed in the meteorological fields such as temperature, sea-level pressure, geopotential height, and wind during this winter period. In January the planetary-wave pattern is dominated by stationary-wave form in the mid-to-high latitude region, while transient waves are significant in the previous month. To understand the planetary-wave features quantitatively, harmonic analyses have been done for the 500-hPa geopotential height field. In the climatological-mean geopotential heights the wave numbers 1, 2, and 3 are dominant during the whole winter. In January 2011 the waves of number 1, 2, and 3 are dominant and stationary as in the climatological-mean field. In December 2010 and February 2011, however, the waves of number 4, 5, and 6 play a major role and show a transient pattern. In addition to the distinctive features in each month the planetary-wave patterns dependent on the latitude are also discussed.

Dose dependent effect of benzene extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves on cauda epididymal spermatozoa of albino rats

  • Ahmed, Mukhtar;Ahamed, R. Nazeer;Aladakatti, R.H.;Ghodesawar, M.G.
    • Advances in Traditional Medicine
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.339-349
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    • 2009
  • An attempt has been made to assess whether the dose dependent effect of benzene extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves on the morphological changes in the cauda epididymal spermatozoa and sperm parameters in male albino rats. Scanning Electron Microscope observations illustrate the disturbance in plasma membrane as well as acrosomal membrane. Most of the sperms appear morphologically abnormal in the mid region of the tail; there is formation of balloon like cytoplasmic droplet. Sperm parametric study exhibits decrease in the total sperm count, sperm motility, forward velocity and increase in the percentage of abnormal sperms in dose dependent manner on treatment benzene extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves. The results suggest that the effects may have resulted from a general disturbance in the proteins and alteration in cauda epididymal milieu probably due to androgen deficiency consequent upon antiandrogenic property of Ocimum sanctum leaves.

Incidence of Severe Crown Gall Disease on Tetraploid Cultivars of Grape in Korea

  • Park, Kwang-Hoon;Jeong, Kyu-Sik;Cha, Jae-Soon
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.290-293
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    • 2000
  • The main grape producing regions in Korea were surveyed for the occurrence and relative incidence of crown gall disease on grapevine. The results of the survey showed that the disease tended to affect tetraploid cultivars, which produce a large and sweet fruit but are very weak to cold weather. Incidence of crown gall disease was high on the tetraploid cultivars, Kyoho (Gerbong), Daebong, and Black Olympia while it was low on the diploid cultivars, Cambell Early and Sheridan. The disease incidence was very high on Anseong, Cheonan, and Chincheon, where the major growing areas of tetraploid cultivars and grapevines were burried in the winter to protect from freeze injury, whereas it was low in Yungdong, Kimcheon, and Nonsan. Crown gall disease did not increased with grapevine age on both Cambell Early and Kyoho. It remained low in Cambell Early, but high for all ages on Kyoho, Galls were found on the crown region and mid part of the trunk, but more galls were on small branches and canes on Kyoho grapevines. More than one third of ZKyoho grapevines inspected had galls on multiple locations on grapevines. On Kyoho, 56.3% of the galls covered more than 50% of the crown gall disease affects severely on the cultivar.

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