The conformation of a neuropeptide, substance P (SP), in isotropic (q = 0.5) acidic bicelles was investigated using two-dimensional NMR techniques. By the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) cross peaks between SP and long-chain lipid molecules SP was probed to bind on the flat surface of the disc-like bicelles. Structural analysis of NMR data indicated that the helical conformation of SP extended to the C-terminal region of Leu10 as well as in the mid-region from Pro4 to Phe8. As compared with the conformations of SP bound on the sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) or the dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles with curved surfaces, the surface curvature of the membrane mimics was found to be one of the major factors inducing the biologically relevant conformation of SP. The negative surface charge of the membrane is also a key factor inducing both the binding of SP on the membrane and its biologically active structure.
Meiosis and postmeiotic mitosis in Boletus rubinellus were examined ultrastructurally. Meriosis occurred at the apex of the basidium. A sausage-shaped spindle pole body(SPB) was observed along with the presence of synaptonemal complexes during pachytene and a diglobular SPB was present on late pachytene or diplotene nuclei. During metaphase I, the monoglobular SPB at the spindle pole was surrounded bya membrane and the nuclear enveloope was discontinuous. At anaphase I, the chromosomes became better defined and formed a central spindle. The nucleolus was extruded from the nucleus. During anaphase I, the SPB was excluded from the chromosomal region by a membrane and both poles were fully separated to opposite sides of the basidial wall. In meiosis II, the two nuclei divided synchronously and the spindles were parallel. The spindles were smaller than in meiosis I, while the SPB was approximately the same size as that of the similar stage in meiosis I. During anaphasetelophase II, the SPB was surrounded by a cap of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that delimited it from the spindle. The postmeiotic interphase nuclei migrated to the mid-region of the basidium before migration to the spores. The SPB at this stage was diglobular. A postmeiotic mitosis occurred within the basidiospore, and the plane of the spindle was obique to the long axis of the spore. The spindle and SPB were smaller than at meiosis I and there were fewer nonchromosomal microtubules. At anaphase, the nucleolus was present inside the nuclear envelope but lateral to the spindle.
The authors performed the underwater explosion analysis for the liquified oxygen tank - a kind of fuel tank of a mid-size submarine, and tried to verify the structural safety for this structure. First, the authors reviewed the theory and application of underwater explosion analysis, using a Structure-Fluid Interaction technique and its finite element modeling scheme. Next, the authors modeled the explosive and sea water as fluid elements, the LOX tank as structural elements, and the interface between the two regions as the ALE scheme. The effect on shock pressure and impulse of fluid mesh size and shape are also investigated. Upon analysis, it was found that the shock pressure due to explosion propagated into the water region, and hit the structure region. The plastic deformation and the equivalent stress were apparent at the web frame and the shock mount of LOX structure, but these values were acceptable for the design criteria.
The paddling technique is a Kind of secondary treatments in the process of ceramic forming, which appeared in the Chinese Neolithic Age pottery making. In the case of Korean prehistoric pottery making, it was first introduced together with the kiln firing method from Tongpei region(東北地方) of China in Yan(燕) dynasty occupation period. Korean archaeologists have recognized the adoption of the new technologies as a drastic innovation of ceramic production. And most of them have thought that the diffusion of new techniques, accompanied by the migration of the northern ethnic groups, had been immediately followed by the innovative changes in pottery procdution. However, rejecting the arguments from the simple diffusionist viewpoint, I have first tried to describe the innovation processes in the ceramic production systems as a spatio-temporal process. The paddling technique by the cord-wound paddle, which was first introduced among the various paddles, was associated with the new sort of pottery, round pots fired in low temperature of reducing atmosphere condition. The cord-marked round pots first tried by the indigenous potters in the southern part of Korean were characterized by the relatively low leveled techniques in forming and firing, compared to those of north-east China. The techniques of the round pots were hardly improved in the domestic production system until the appearance of the fully-specialized one. The specialized production system of the round pot, which appeared first in the mid-western region of Korea, showed the diversified paddling techniques and made the noticeable improvements in forming and firing processes.
Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
The Korean Peninsula, jutting southward from the Asian mainland into the Pacific Ocean, is surrounded by numerous bays and islands on three sides. The study area of this research is the coastal area surrounding the Sacheon Bay, which is located in the mid-southern tip of the peninsula. Historically, the bay region took the role of the main gate leading to the western part of Kyung-nam Do(Province) due to the fact that the bay is the nearest coast to Chinju, the central city of the province. The Sacheon Bay had provided important sea routes from the old days until the early twentieth century. Because of the bay's sea routes, the bay region has been militarily of great significance. Recently, road/rail/highway/airplane transportation functions have become gradually increased but sea transportation function has been decreased in the region. As the Sacheon Bay was rich in fishery resources, dozens of fishing villages in the bay region depended on fishery and marine product industries for long years. But the inflow of the fresh water used to cause serious damage to the fishing industry in the bay region after a drainage canal from the Nam River was constructed in 1969. As a result, the industry has dwindled gradually for last decades. Recently, a couple of industrial parks were constructed along the coast and many manufacturing factories were built on the parks. It has been expected that many jobs lost in fishery and agriculture are replaced by new opportunities in industry. More than half of the workers employed in the parks' factories commute from the city of Chinju. It is asserted in this paper that the transportation, fishery, manufacturing, and tourism functions of the Sacheon Bay region are closely associated with. The characteristics of the region can be well understood through the functional changes and associations.
It is generally believed that the occurrence of a magnetic storm depends upon the solar wind conditions, particularly the southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) component. To understand the relationship between solar wind parameters and magnetic storms, variations in magnetic field polarity and solar wind parameters during magnetic storms are examined. A total of 156 storms during the period of 1997~2003 are used. According to the interplanetary driver, magnetic storms are divided into three types, which are coronal mass ejection (CME)-driven storms, co-rotating interaction region (CIR)-driven storms, and complicated type storms. Complicated types were not included in this study. For this purpose, the manner in which the direction change of IMF By and Bz components (in geocentric solar magnetospheric coordinate system coordinate) during the main phase is related with the development of the storm is examined. The time-integrated solar wind parameters are compared with the time-integrated disturbance storm time (Dst) index during the main phase of each magnetic storm. The time lag with the storm size is also investigated. Some results are worth noting: CME-driven storms, under steady conditions of Bz < 0, represent more than half of the storms in number. That is, it is found that the average number of storms for negative sign of IMF Bz (T1~T4) is high, at 56.4%, 53.0%, and 63.7% in each storm category, respectively. However, for the CIR-driven storms, the percentage of moderate storms is only 29.2%, while the number of intense storms is more than half (60.0%) under the Bz < 0 condition. It is found that the correlation is highest between the time-integrated IMF Bz and the time-integrated Dst index for the CME-driven storms. On the other hand, for the CIR-driven storms, a high correlation is found, with the correlation coefficient being 0.93, between time-integrated Dst index and time-integrated solar wind speed, while a low correlation, 0.51, is found between timeintegrated Bz and time-integrated Dst index. The relationship between storm size and time lag in terms of hours from Bz minimum to Dst minimum values is investigated. For the CME-driven storms, time lag of 26% of moderate storms is one hour, whereas time lag of 33% of moderate storms is two hours for the CIR-driven storms. The average values of solar wind parameters for the CME and CIR-driven storms are also examined. The average values of ∣Dstmin∣ and ∣Bzmin∣ for the CME-driven storms are higher than those of CIR-driven storms, while the average value of temperature is lower.
We report multi-epoch, simultaneous 22 GHz water and 44 GHz Class I methanol maser line survey towards 180 intermediate-mass young stellar objects, including 14 Class 0, 19 Class I objects, and 147 Herbig Ae/Be stars. We detected H2O and CH3OH maser emission towards 16 (9%) and 10 (6%) sources with one new H2O and six new CH3OH maser sources. The detection rates of both masers rapidly decrease as the central (proto)stars evolve, which is contrary to the trends in high-mass star-forming regions. This suggests that the excitations of the two masers are closely related to the evolutionary stage of the central (proto)stars and the circumstellar environments. H2O maser velocities deviate on average 9 km s-1 from the ambient gas velocities whereas CH3OH maser velocities well match with. For both maser emissions, large velocity difference (${\mid}v_{H2O}-v_{sys}{\mid}\;>\; 10kms^{-1}\; and\;{\mid}v_{CH3OH}-v_{sys}{\mid}\;>\;1kms^{-1}$) is mostly confined to Class 0 objects. The formation and disappearance of H2O maser lines are frequent and the integrated intensities of them change up to two orders of magnitude. In contrast, CH3OH maser lines usually show no significant change in the intensity, shape, and velocity. This consistent with the previous suggestion that H2O maser emission originates from the base of an outflow while 44 GHz Class I CH3OH maser emission arises from the interaction region of the outflow with the ambient gas. The isotropic maser luminosities are well correlated with the bolometric luminosities of the central the objects. The fitted relations are LH2O=1.71∗10−9(Lbol)0.97 and LCH3OH=1.71∗10−10(Lbol)1.22.
The embryonic and larval development of Chelon lauvergnii (Eydoux & Souleyet) was surveyed by incubating artificially inseminated eggs with parent fishes obtained at Kang-wha island in the mid-western coastal area of Korea on June, 1997. The fertilized eggs were transparent, spherical in shape, measuring 0.95~1.08 mm in diameter, having a large oil globule, and their perivitelline space narrow, and began to hatch at 40 hrs. in water temperature 22±1∘C. The newly hatched larvae were 2.35~2.68 mm in total length with 23 myomeres, anus opened, mouth closed, preanal length 58.7~61.6% of total length, oil globule located in posterior end of yolk sac. Melanophores, branch in shape, were distributed mainly along the ventro-lateral region of trunk part and a few on the anterior end of caudal part and surface of oil globule. The larvae measuring 3.08~3.36 mm in total length absorbed yolk material completely in 3 days after hatching, in which air bladder began to appear and mouth opened. In 8 days after hatching, the larva was measured 5.09 mm in total length, its posterior end of notochord began to flex upward and the caudal fin rays differentiated as 7, finfold of the second dorsal and anal fins appeared. In this time, melanophores, branch in shape, were concentrated in the anterior half region of the caudal part and a few also distributed on the top of head, snout region, ventral margin of lower jaw and isthmus region. In 12 days after hatching, the larva measuring 8.48 mm in total length completed all the fins (D. IV-9; P1. 16; P2. I, 5; A. II, 9) and reached to the juvenile stage. Melanophores, in this time, were distributed on the mid-lateral region of the caudal part in enlargment than before and a few also found in the dorso-lateral region of the trunk part, and in the cheek region.
We examined the correlations between lactation curve shape, including persistency and changes in body condition score (BCS) during early-stage (0 to 30 days in milk (DIM)), nadir-stage (31 to 90 DIM), and late-stage (91 to 240 DIM) lactation in 191 first-lactation cows. Data used were first-parity BCS records, scored twice every month after calving, and daily milk yields. Individual lactation curves were depicted by the Wilmink function. Lactation persistency was defined as the difference in estimated milk yields between 240 DIM and 60 DIM. Changes in BCSs in the early and late stages were defined as linear regression coefficients. There were no significant correlations between traits for lactation curve shape and change in BCS in early-stage lactation. Peak yield and total milk yield were negatively correlated with BCSs in nadir- and late-stage lactation and with BCS change in late-stage lactation, suggesting that cows with high lactation yields had low body reserves and health status in mid- to late lactation and had delayed recovery of body reserves. Lactation persistency was positively correlated with change in BCS in late-stage lactation, suggesting that cows with high lactation persistency tended to be healthy and to recover their body reserves well in late lactation.
The zodiacal light emission is the thermal emission from the interplanetary dust and the dominant diffuse radiation in the mid- to far-infrared wavelength region. Even in the far-infrared, the contribution of the zodiacal emission is not negligible at the region near the ecliptic plane. The AKARI far-infrared all-sky survey covered 97% of the whole sky in four photometric bands with band central wavelengths of 65, 90, 140, and 160μm. AKARI detected the small-scale structure of the zodiacal dust cloud, such as the asteroidal dust bands and the circumsolar ring, in far-infrared wavelength region. Although the most part of the zodiacal light structure in the AKARI far-infrared all-sky image can be well reproduced with the DIRBE zodiacal light model, there are discrepancies in the small-scale structures. In particular, the intensity and the ecliptic latitude of the peak position of the asteroidal dust bands cannot be reproduced precisely with the DIRBE models. The AKARI observational data during more than one year has advantages over the 10-month DIRBE data in modeling the full-sky zodiacal dust cloud. The resulting small-scale zodiacal light structure template has been used to subtract the zodiacal light from the AKARI all-sky maps.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.