• Title/Summary/Keyword: Method coping with stress

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A Study on the Effectiveness of Horticultural Therapy on the Emotional Stability of Children From Broken Homes (원예심리치료가 결손가정아동의 정서적 안정에 미치는 효과성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Jong-Gu;Lee, Nam-Sug
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1628-1636
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of horticultural therapy on children from broken homes: this treatment program, implemented in the social welfare field, targets the children's depression, self-esteem, and social and emotional stress. Its object was composed of 13 lower grade students enrolled in special facilities according to the life-cycle method, and its data were collected as making use of the structured questionnaire. The horticultural Therapy Program was practiced 14 sessions in total from September 2nd to December 16th, 2010, and its results in summary are as follows; The sociality in horticultural therapy was higher by .53 point in 2.76 after practice than in 2.23 before practice, and its value of the ability to cope with stress was higher by 0.52 point in 2.82 after coping with stress than in 2.30 before that. That was meaningful (t=-1.4398, p<.05). The value of anxiety was lower by .15 in 1.45 post-anxiety than in 1.60 pre-anxiety, and that was meaningful (t=-2.3842, p<.05). The value of self-esteem is higher by .42 in 2.92 post-self-esteem than in 2.50 pre-self-esteem, and that was strategically meaningful (t=-1.1871, p<.05). The value of emotional assessment was higher by 2.05 in 5.25 post-emotional assessment than in 3.20 pre-emotional assessment, and that was strategically meaningful (t=-2.4599, p<.05). Based on these results, this study suggests that this horticultural therapy program should apply to the issues of children in social welfare field as one of various approaches.

A study on the meaning of Death Observed by Nursing College Students (간호 대학생이 실습 중 관찰한 죽음의 의미고찰)

  • Kim, Mi–Hwa;Lee, Eun–Su
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2022
  • The purpose is a qualitative study that explores the essential meaning of death for fourth-year students of nursing college who have completed the practical training in the Department of Nursing. The participants of this study were 15 students who were 4th graders at a university in M city, Jeollabuk-do and had a strong awareness of death. As for data collection, students who read a thesis related to death and completed 1004 hours of hospital practice were asked to write a self-report within 72 hours for questions. The collected data were analyzed using Krippendorff's phenomenological method. As a result of analyzing the experience related to death, it was derived into 30 meaningful statements in 3 categories, 9 topics. The three categories were derived from 'the end and together', 'death, fighting alone,' and 'fear and fear'. It is expected that the results of this study will be used as useful basic data for developing a professional understanding of death in nursing students and coping with the stress of death faced by new nurses.

The Trend of Korean Nursing Research with the LISREL (공변량 구조분석을 이용한 국내 간호연구의 동향)

  • 임난영;강현숙;이성은;서연옥;권영은
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted by analyzing all 33 articles based on the LISREL, published from January 1991 to March 1999 in Korea. The analyses consisted of the publication date of articles, principal dependent variables, subjects of the research, adequacy of sampling, adequacy of research purposes and results, accordance between theoretical model and hypothetical model, fit measures, theoretical base of model modification, and adequacy of conclusion. The results were as follows : . The thesis of 33 articles in total were outnumbered as 25 (75.8%) to 8 (24.2%) research articles. As for a sex classification of the subjects, 45.5% of the research were conducted around a female group of subjects, while 54.5% were done for both sex, The range of the sample size was 105 to 803, and the average was 259 subjects. . A single theoretical variable was measured for each measurement variable, any difference between variables was hardly found in 8 articles (24.2%), and 19 articles (57.6%) did not consider any measurement error. To analyze if the representative has been articles (21.2%) were seen with a sign of a representative. Questionnaires were used in a majority (31 articles) of the data collecting process. Only 2 articles (6.1%) were measured with a physiologic index simultaneously. . 14 articles (42.2%) were centered on theory development, 10 articles on theory synthesis, and 9 articles on theory test. The research purposes and results were consistent in 25 articles (75.5%) and 8 articles (24.2%) were inconsistent. The quality of life and health promotion behavior were the concepts most frequently studied as a dependent variable, and 7 articles centered on them. In applied theories a health promotion model was used on 4 articles (12.1%), while role theory and stress-coping models were in 3 articles respectively. . The articles were analyzed to see if the hypothetical model was elaborated and tested by the theoretical model. Twenty-five articles proved to be rationale for the inconsistencies. Also, 56.5% proposed hypotheses were supported among the subject articles, and 30 articles (90.0%) suggested a revised model. Path coefficient (17 articles) and theoretical adequacy (17 articles) were the standards mostly used. In conclusion, the principal factors were obtained from the research are to be considered as the principes of LISREL application. First, a model has to be established on a theoretical base rather than empirical results dependent on the data. The results are also required to be globally interpreted. Secondly, at least 200 samples are necessary to satisfy the need. Third, more than 3 measurement variables are to be adjusted to a single theoretical variable; the measurement errors must be suggested as well. Finally, normal distribution characteristics of the data and the estimation method need to be reported. Based on the research result, the follows are suggested; . Systematic criteria on the LISREL application and procedure need to be developed . Agreement form is required to report the results of research using the LISREL

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A Theory Construction on the Care Experience for Spouses of Patients with Chronic Illness (만성질환자 배우자의 돌봄 경험에 대한 이론 구축)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sook;Eun, Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.122-136
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    • 2000
  • Chronic illness requiring attention and management during a long period of time puts great burden onto patients, their family and society. For patients with chronic illnesses, providing social support is the most important, and the fundamental support comes from their spouses. Amount and quality of support from spouses seems to differentiated according to the sex of patients. Female patients tend to believe that their spouses are not very supportive. Therefore, the researchers assessed the burden of husbands of female arthritis patients to discover the factors that result in greater burden. Also, they developed a theoretical model of husbands′ care for their wives through a qualitative research into husbands′ experience. Method 1: The study material was 650 female arthritis patients registered in an arthritis clinic. The questionnaire about the disease experience of female arthritis patients and the burden of husbands were sent. Returned questionnaires numbered 210(32.3%) and 27 were excluded because of inadequate answers. The remaining 183 questionnaires were analyzed. The mean age of the patients was 51 years and the mean age of spouses was 55 years. The mean marital period was 28 years. The average duration since diagnosis was 9.1 years. Education level was varied from primary school to graduate school, and average income/month was 1,517,300 won. Method 2: Initial questionnaire studies on the burden of husbands were performed. Among 183 responding husbands, 23 consented to participate for a qualitative research. Data was obtained by direct and telephone interviews. The mean age of participants was 58 years, and the educational level and socioeconomic status also varied. Result: 1. Husbands′ burden: The average burden was 57.68 with a range of 6-96. 2. Burden and general characteristics: The husband′s burden correlated with the age of the patients, numbers in the family, therapy methods, patient′s level of discomfort, patient′s disease severity, patient′s level of dependence and the husband′s understanding of the level of severity. 3. Linear correlation analysis on burden: The husbands′ burden is explained in 22.5% by husband′s recognition of level of severity and husbands′ age. 4. There were four patterns of the burden on husbands: both objectve burden and subjective burden were high(pattern I), both of objectve burden and subjective burden were low(pattern II), objective burden was high but subjective burden was low(pattern III), objective burden was low but subjective burden was high(pattern IV). The pattern was correlated with the family income, educational level of the patients and their husbands, therapy methods, patient′s level of discomfort, patient′s disease severity, patient′s level of dependence and husband′s understanding of level of severity. 5. The core category of the caring experience of the husbands with arthritis patients was "companionship". The causal factor was the patients′ experience due to symptoms : physical disfigurement, pain, immobility, limitation of house chores, and limitation of social activities. Contextural factors are husbands′ identification of housework and husbands′ concern about the disease. The mediating factors are economic problems, fear of aging, feeling of limitation and family support. The strategy for interaction is mind control and how to solve emotional stress. The "companionship" resulted from caring activities, participation of household activities, helping patients′ to coping with emotional experience. 6. Companionship is established through the process of entering intervention, and caring state of mind. Entering intervention is the phase of participation of therapy and involvement of houseworks. The caring phase consists of decision on therapy, providing therapy, providing direct care, and taking over the household role of wife. Through caring phase, the changing phase set a stage in which husbands consolidate the relationship with their wives, and are reminded of the meaning of marriage. As a result, in changing phase, husbands′ companionship is enhanced. In conclusion, nursing care of chronic illnesses should include a family member especially the spouse. All information on disease shoud be provided to patients and whole family member. Strong support should also be provided to overcome difficulties in taking over role of other sex. Then the quality of life of patients and families will be much improved.

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Qualitative Study on Experiences of Responding to COVID-19 of Therapists in Long-term Care Hospitals (요양병원 치료사의 코로나19 대응 경험에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Bae, Won-Jin;Park, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.337-347
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    • 2021
  • This study is a qualitative study conducted to provide basic data for therapists working in long-term care hospitals to improve their countermeasure strategies for new infectious diseases and improvement of the treatment room infection management system, and to help therapists understand their infection management work. Colaizzi's phenomenological research method was applied as the research method. Telephone interviews were conducted with nine occupational therapists and physical therapists working in nursing hospitals. The contents of the interview were recorded with the consent of the study subjects, and additional confirmation was received by email. The recorded content was analyzed after transcription, and the meaning and nature of the experience coping with COVID-19 were described. The content was organized into 6 themes, 17 main meaning and 49 meaning units. In accordance with the COVID-19 situation, the infection control system has been strengthened by reinforcing infection control education in nursing hospitals, practicing infection control, and supervising infection control outside business hours. It was found that the treatment environment was changed due to the restriction of treatment activities by practicing distancing in the treatment room, adjusting rest and meal times during working hours, and strengthening infection control. In addition, the therapist's role has been expanded and the paradigm of treatment has changed, such as considering the untact intervention, and they have experienced cohort quarantine, pre-tested for COVID-19, vaccinations, and side effects from COVID-19. However, due to the infection work, the therapist's work burden is increased, and the person is experiencing fear, depression, and work stress from the spread of COVID-19. They were also aware of the need for nursing hospital care personnel support, such as guaranteeing rest after vaccination and providing infection control tools and equipment. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for human and physical support for the development of infectious disease response strategy programs in nursing hospital treatment rooms and for infection control in nursing hospitals.

A Study of Effect on Quality of Life of Cancer Patient's Caregiver : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Feeling of Burden and Growth (사회적 지지와 암환자 가족의 삶의 질의 관계에서 돌봄부담감과 내적성장의 매개효과)

  • Rhee, Young-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.325-348
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    • 2009
  • This study intends to investigate the main and mediating effects which caregiving appraisal and positive reappraisal exert on quality of life (QOL) of primary family caregivers of cancer patient considering the relationship with social support. The processes of this study areas follows. First, the variables which research model were chosen on the basis of stress-appraisal-coping theory through reviews of the previous studies. Second, a survey was conducted upon 295 primary caregiver of patient with cancer at National Cancer Center. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method using AMOS 5.0. The summary of the result is as follows. First, the entire model including measurement and structural model shows sufficient fit index of CFI(.951), TLI(.940) and RMSEA(.062). Second, the results of analysis of direct effects among variables are as follows. The 'Social support' has statistically significant direct effect on the 'feeling of burden' and 'growth'. The 'feeling of burden' has statistically significant direct effect on the 'growth' and 'QOL-mental and physical'. The 'growth' has statistically significant direct effect on the 'QOL-mental'. Third, the results of analysis of mediating effects of the 'social support and QOL' and 'feeling of burden and QOL' are as follows. The effects of 'social support' on 'QOL-mental' are significantly mediated by the 'feeling of burden' and 'growth'. The effects of 'social support' on 'QOL-physical' are significantly mediated by the 'feeling of burden'. The effects of 'feeling of burden' on 'QOL-mental' are significantly mediated by 'growth'. Through this research, these implications in social work study and practice are found: (1) this study extended the scope of study in the caregiver's health area from negative sides into positive ones by using growth variables as positive reappraisalof caregiving in research model, which has not been tried on the Korean family caregivers of the cancer patient. (2) The effects of positive reappraisal on QOL-mental can provide a foundational necessity for social workers to help family caregivers find positive meaning in their caregiving experience. This approach of social work practice will improve QOL of family caregivers. (3) This study present a framework including social support, negative appraisal, positive reappraisal, and QOL variables available to social work practice and explaining affective relationships among these variables in various aspects.

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