• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mesh sensitivity

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Analysis of Sensitivity, Correlation Coefficient and PCA of Input and Output Parameters using Fire Modeling (화재모델링을 이용한 입출력 변수의 민감도, 상관계수 분석과 주성분 분석)

  • Nam, Gi Tae;Kim, Jeong Jin;Yoon, Seok Pyo;Kim, Jun Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2019
  • Even though the fire performance-based design concept has been introduced for various structures and buildings, which have their own specific fire performance level, the uncertainties of input parameters always exist and, then, could reduce significantly the reliability of the fire modeling. Sensitivity analysis was performed with three limited input parameters, HRRPUA, type of combustible materials, and mesh size, which are significantly important for fire modeling. The output variables are limited to the maximum HRR, the time reaching the reference temperature($60^{\circ}C$), and that to reach limited visible distance(5 m). In addition, correlation coefficient analysis was attempted to analyze qualitatively and quantitatively the degree of relation between input and output variables above. Finally, the relationship among the three variables is also analyzed by the principal component analysis (PCA) to systematically analyze the input data bias. Sensitivity analysis showed that the type of combustible materials is more sensitive to maximum HRR than the ignition source and mesh size. However, the heat release parameter of the ignition source(HRR) is shown to be much more sensitive than the combustible material types and mesh size to both time to reach the reference temperature and that to reach the critical visible distance. Since the derived results can not exclude the possibility that there is a dependency on the fire model applied in this study, it is necessary to generalize and standardize the results of this study for the fire models such as various buildings and structures.

Aerodynamic Shape Optimization using Discrete Adjoint Formulation based on Overset Mesh System

  • Lee, Byung-Joon;Yim, Jin-Woo;Yi, Jun-Sok;Kim, Chong-Am
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2007
  • A new design approach of complex geometries such as wing/body configuration is arranged by using overset mesh techniques under large scale computing environment. For an in-depth study of the flow physics and highly accurate design, several special overlapped structured blocks such as collar grid, tip-cap grid, and etc. which are commonly used in refined drag prediction are adopted to consider the applicability of the present design tools to practical problems. Various pre- and post-processing techniques for overset flow analysis and sensitivity analysis are devised or implemented to resolve overset mesh techniques into the design optimization problem based on Gradient Based Optimization Method (GBOM). In the pre-processing, the convergence characteristics of the flow solver and sensitivity analysis are improved by overlap optimization method. Moreover, a new post-processing method, Spline-Boundary Intersecting Grid (S-BIG) scheme, is proposed by considering the ratio of cell area for more refined prediction of aerodynamic coefficients and efficient evaluation of their sensitivities under parallel computing environment. With respect to the sensitivity analysis, discrete adjoint formulations for overset boundary conditions are derived by a full hand-differentiation. A smooth geometric modification on the overlapped surface boundaries and evaluation of grid sensitivities can be performed by mapping from planform coordinate to the surface meshes with Hicks-Henne function. Careful design works for the drag minimization problems of a transonic wing and a wing/body configuration are performed by using the newly-developed and -applied overset mesh techniques. The results from design applications demonstrate the capability of the present design approach successfully.

Numerical stability and parameters study of an improved bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method

  • Huang, X.;Xie, Y.M.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a modified and improved bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method for topology optimization. A sensitivity filter which has been used in other optimization methods is introduced into BESO so that the design solutions become mesh-independent. To improve the convergence of the optimization process, the sensitivity number considers its historical information. Numerical examples show the effectiveness of the modified BESO method in obtaining convergent and mesh-independent solutions. A study of the effects of various BESO parameters on the solution is then conducted to determine the appropriate values for these parameters.

Novel Mesh Regeneration Method Using the Structural Deformation Analysis for 3D Shape Optimization of Electromagnetic Device (전자소자의 3차원 형상최적화를 위한 구조변형 해석을 이용한 새로운 요소망 변형법)

  • Yao Yingying;Jae Seop Ryu;Chang Seop Koh;Dexin Xie
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.247-253
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    • 2003
  • A novel finite element mesh regeneration method is presented for 3D shape optimization of electromagnetic devices. The method has its theoretical basis in the structural deformation of an elastic body. When the shape of the electromagnetic devices changes during the optimization process, a proper 3D finite element mesh can be easily obtained using the method from the initial mesh. For real engineering problems, the method guarantees a smooth shape with proper mesh quality, and maintains the same mesh topology as the initial mesh. Application of the optimum design of an electromagnetic shielding plate shows the effectiveness of the presented method.

Shape Optimization of 3D Nonlinear Electromagnetic Device Using Design Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Relocation Method (설계 민감도법과 요소망 변형법을 이용한 3차원 비선형 전자소자의 형상최적화)

  • Ryu, Jae-Seop;Yingying, Yao;Koh, Chang-Seop
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.11d
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    • pp.124-127
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a 3D shape optimization algorithm for electromagnetic devices using the design sensitivity analysis with finite element method. The structural deformation analysis based on the deformation theory of the elastic body under stress is used for mesh renewing. The design sensitivity and adjoint variable formulae are derived for the 3D nonlinear finite element method with edge element. The proposed algorithm is applied to the shape optimization of 3D electromagnet to get a uniform flux density at the air gap.

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Effect of Strain Rate Sensitivity and Mesh Size on Constitutive Equation Fitting Using Finite Element Analysis (유한요소해석을 사용한 구성 방정식 피팅 시 변형률 속도 민감도 및 요소 크기의 영향)

  • Gu, G.H.;Kim, Y.;Seo, M.H.;Kim, H.S.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.200-206
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    • 2022
  • The finite element analysis is one of the representative methods for predicting the materials behavior for experiments that are difficult to perform empirically. Constitutive equations are essential for reducing computation time and sharing data because they enable finite element analysis simulations through simple formulae. However, it is difficult to derive accurate flow curves for all materials as most constitutive equations are not formulated based on their physical meaning. Also, even if the constitutive equation is a good representation of the flow curve to the experimental results, some fundamental issues remain unresolved, such as the effect of mesh size on the calculation results. In this study, a new constitutive equation was proposed to predict various materials by modifying the combined Swift-Voce model, and the calculation results with various mesh sizes were compared to better simulate the experimental results.

Elastic Modulus Extraction of Wire Mesh for Vibration Mount Development (방진마운트 개발을 위한 와이어 메쉬 탄성계수 추출)

  • Kim, Tae-Yeon;Shin, Yun-ho;Moon, S.J.;Jung, B.C.;Lee, T.J.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.806-813
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    • 2016
  • To alleviate the vibration problem or to satisfy the required criteria for manifesting the guaranteed performance of precise equipment, various vibration isolation materials or apparatus, such as viscoelastic material, air and coil spring, have been developed and applied. Among them, a wire mesh material is regarded as one of the good candidate for reducing the vibration in terms of moderate material price, easy shape machining and long life cycle without the property deterioration induced by the aging or environmental effects. In this paper, prior to wire mesh isolator design, the static and dynamic elastic modulus of wire mesh materials are extracted from the experiment by the simple shaped cylindrical specimens and their characteristics for applying to vibration isolator design are examined. The simple shaped specimens were made as considering the design parameters of a wire mesh mount; i.e. the density, wire diameter and wire mesh slope, and the sensitivity analysis were also performed from a view point of the extracted elastic modulus.

Optimum mesh size of the numerical analysis for structural vibration and noise prediction (구조물 진동.소음의 수치해석시 최적 요소크기는 .lambda./4이다.)

  • Kim, Jeung-Tae;Kang, Jun-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.1950-1956
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    • 1997
  • An engineering goal in vibration and noise professionals is to develope quiet machines at the preliminary design stage, and various numerical techniques such as FEM, SEA or BEM are one of the schemes toward the goal. In this paper, the research has been focused on the sensitivity effect of mesh sizes for FEM application so that the optimum size of the mesh that leads to engineering solution within acceptable computing time could be generated. In order to evaluate the mesh size effect, three important parameters have been examined : natural frequencies, number of modes and driving point mobility. First, several lower modes including the fundamental frequency of a 2-D plate structure have been calculated as mesh size changes. Since theoretical values of natural frequencies for a simple structure are known, the deviation between the numerical and theoretical values is obtained as a function of mesh size. The result shows that the error is no longer decreased if the mesh size becomes a quarter wavelength or smaller than that. Second, the mesh size effect is also investigated for the number of modes. For the frequency band up to 1.4 kHz, the structure should have 38 modes in total. As the mesh size reaches to the quarter wavelength, the total count in modes approaches to the same values. Third, a mobility function at the driving point is compared between SEA and FEM result. In SEA application, the mobility function is determined by the modal density and the mass of the structure. It is independent of excitation frequencies. When the mobility function is calculated from a wavelength to one-tenth of it, the mobility becomes constant if the mesh becomes a quarter wavelength or smaller. We can conclude that dynamic parameters, such as eigenvalues, mode count, and mobility function, can be correctly estimated, while saving the computing burden, if a quarter wavelength (.lambda./4) mesh is used. Therefore, (.lambda./4) mesh is recommended in structural vibration analysis.

Thermal Characteristics Investigation of Space-borne Deployable Mesh Antenna according to the Mesh Weaving Density (OPI) (메쉬 제직 밀도(OPI)에 따른 우주용 전개형 메쉬 안테나의 열적 특성 분석)

  • Bong-Geon Chae;Hye-In Kim;Hyun-Kyu Baek;Hyun-Ung Oh
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • Recently, as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), communication, and signal surveillance missions of spacecraft have become more advanced, research has been actively conducted on the deployable large mesh antenna system with excellent storage efficiency compared to the deployment area, and light weight. Deployable Mesh antennae are characterized by an increase in the number of Openings Per Inch (OPI), which is a measure of mesh weaving density as the mission frequency band increases, and this OPI change directly affects the thermal optical properties of the mesh antenna, so research on this is required. In this paper, to verify the thermal relationship between the optical properties of the mesh and antenna reflector, thermal sensitivity analysis between the mesh and the antenna reflector is performed by in-orbit thermal analysis with various optical characteristics of the mesh based on existing overseas research cases. In addition, the temperature gradient effect of the mesh reflector is analyzed.

Multi-Point Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Rotor Blades Using Unstructured Meshes

  • Lee, Sang-Wook;Kwon, Oh-Joon
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2007
  • A multi-point aerodynamic shape optimization technique has been developed for helicopter rotor blades in hover based on a continuous adjoint method on unstructured meshes. The Euler flow solver and the continuous adjoint sensitivity analysis were formulated on the rotating frame of reference. The 'objective function and the sensitivity were obtained as a weighted sum of the values at each design point. The blade section contour was modified by using the Hicks-Henne shape functions. The mesh movement due to the blade geometry change was achieved by using a spring analogy. In order to handle the repeated evaluation of the design cycle efficiently, the flow and adjoint solvers were parallelized based on a domain decomposition strategy. A solution-adaptive mesh refinement technique was adopted for the accurate capturing of the wake. Applications were made to the aerodynamic shape optimization of the Caradonna-Tung rotor blades and the UH-60 rotor blades in hover.