• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mental Friendly

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Commute Type and Academic Stress among South Korean Undergraduate Students -Sustainable Transport and Academic Environments- (한국 대학생의 통학방법과 학업 스트레스 사이의 연관성 -지속가능한 교통과 학업 환경-)

  • Ji Won Kim;Yujeong Jin;Yun-Hee Choi;Habyeong Kang;Hyunsoo Kim;Wonhee Jo;Seongeun Choi;Wonho Choi;Yoon-Hyeong Choi
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2024
  • Background: Several previous studies have shown that commuting is a source of stress for undergraduate students. However, few studies have investigated the effect of commuting on academic stress among undergraduate students, and there has been little awareness of the environmental impact of commuting. Objectives: To evaluate the associations between commute type and/or time and academic stress among undergraduate students in South Korea, focusing on environmental sustainability. Methods: We conducted an online survey and obtained information on commute types, commute times, and academic stress from 510 undergraduate students aged ≥19 years. Academic stress was comprised of five sub-categories of stress, and total academic stress ranged from 5 to 25 points. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the associations between commute type and commute time and academic stress. Furthermore, the students were grouped into 21 categories based on their transportation mode for commuting. CO2 emission factors per each commuting category were calculated using the transportation type's CO2 emission data from previous studies. Spearman's correlation analysis was used to confirm the correlation between CO2 emission factors and total academic stress. Results: Students using home-to-school transportation without transfers (vs. walking) showed a significantly higher total academic stress of 2.19 points (95% CI: 0.58, 3.80). In contrast, students using school-to-home transportation without transfers (vs. walking) showed a significantly lower total academic stress of 1.96 points (95% CI: -3.55, -0.38). Moreover, students using transportation with lower CO2 emission factors had lower academic stress scores (home-to-school: correlation coefficient = 0.507, p<0.001; school-to-home: correlation coefficient = 0.491, p<0.001). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that both commute type and time are significantly associated with academic stress among South Korean undergraduate students. When students select environmentally-friendly transportation, they may not only improve their mental health but also improve climate resilience.

A Study on the Measure to Maximize the Effects of Functional Games in Relation to the Changes in Visual and Auditory Stimulations (시각 및 청각 자극 변화에 따른 기능성 게임의 효능 극대화 방안 연구)

  • Shin, Jeong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2013
  • Functional game, which is the combination of play and learning and a futuristic tool, can minimize the dysfunction and maximize the proper functions, and furthermore, has taken root as a new alternative that can change the game industry and game culture. Recently, the focus of game and education markets is shifting to the development of more advanced learning contents, rather than emphasizing the self-control and motivation of users. Along with that, the game market has excluded the socially dysfunctional elements, such as the addiction and learning disabilities, and has witnessed a diversification into the human-friendly entertainment business that emphasizes the mental and physical health and pursues scientific educational effects. In addition, functional games are expanding its reach from the professional sectors - such as medical aide/medical learning, military simulation, health, auxiliary tools, special education and learning tools - to the realm of routine education, mental health, etc., and has seen a steady growth. However, most functional games, which are being currently planned and developed to cope with the special characteristics of the market, have not undergone accurate scientific assessment of their functions and have not proven their effectiveness. An overwhelming proportion of the functional games are being developed based on the intuition and experience of game developers. Moreover, the type of games, which involve the repetition of simple tasks or take the form of simple puzzles, cannot effectively combine the practically interesting factors and the learning effects. Most games incorporate unscientific methods leading to the vague anticipation of improvement in functions, rather than the assessment of human functions. In this paper, a study was conducted to present the measures that could maximize the effects of functional games in relation to the changes in the visual and auditory stimulations in order to maximize the effects of functional games, i,e., the immersion and concentration. To compare the degree of effects arising from the visual stimulation, the functional game contents made in the form of 2D and 3D were utilized. In addition. ultra sound and 3-dimensional functional game contents were utilized to compare the degree of effects resulting from the changes in the auditory stimulation. The brainwave of the users were measured while conducting the experiments related to the response to the changes in visual and auditory stimulations in 3 steps, and the results of the analysis were compared.

Autopoietic Machinery and the Emergence of Third-Order Cybernetics (자기생산 기계 시스템과 3차 사이버네틱스의 등장)

  • Lee, Sungbum
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.52
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    • pp.277-312
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    • 2018
  • First-order cybernetics during the 1940s and 1950s aimed for control of an observed system, while second-order cybernetics during the mid-1970s aspired to address the mechanism of an observing system. The former pursues an objective, subjectless, approach to a system, whereas the latter prefers a subjective, personal approach to a system. Second-order observation must be noted since a human observer is a living system that has its unique cognition. Maturana and Varela place the autopoiesis of this biological system at the core of second-order cybernetics. They contend that an autpoietic system maintains, transforms and produces itself. Technoscientific recreation of biological autopoiesis opens up to a new step in cybernetics: what I describe as third-order cybernetics. The formation of technoscientific autopoiesis overlaps with the Fourth Industrial Revolution or what Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee call the Second Machine Age. It leads to a radical shift from human centrism to posthumanity whereby humanity is mechanized, and machinery is biologized. In two versions of the novel Demon Seed, American novelist Dean Koontz explores the significance of technoscientific autopoiesis. The 1973 version dramatizes two kinds of observers: the technophobic human observer and the technology-friendly machine observer Proteus. As the story concludes, the former dominates the latter with the result that an anthropocentric position still works. The 1997 version, however, reveals the victory of the techno-friendly narrator Proteus over the anthropocentric narrator. Losing his narrational position, the technophobic human narrator of the story disappears. In the 1997 version, Proteus becomes the subject of desire in luring divorcee Susan. He longs to flaunt his male egomaniac. His achievement of male identity is a sign of technological autopoiesis characteristic of third-order cybernetics. To display self-producing capabilities integral to the autonomy of machinery, Koontz's novel demonstrates that Proteus manipulates Susan's egg to produce a human-machine mixture. Koontz's demon child, problematically enough, implicates the future of eugenics in an era of technological autopoiesis. Proteus creates a crossbreed of humanity and machinery to engineer a perfect body and mind. He fixes incurable or intractable diseases through genetic modifications. Proteus transfers a vast amount of digital information to his offspring's brain, which enables the demon child to achieve state-of-the-art intelligence. His technological editing of human genes and consciousness leads to digital standardization through unanimous spread of the best qualities of humanity. He gathers distinguished human genes and mental status much like collecting luxury brands. Accordingly, Proteus's child-making project ultimately moves towards technologically-controlled eugenics. Pointedly, it disturbs the classical ideal of liberal humanism celebrating a human being as the master of his or her nature.

Study on Amenity and Economical Efficiency of Multi-functionality on the Grassland (초지형 축산의 어메니티 및 경제성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Cheon, D.W.;Lee, S.Y.;Park, M.S.;Park, H.S.;Hwang, K.J.;Yun, S.H.;Ko, M.S.
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.297-312
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    • 2007
  • This study is conducted to evaluate economical value of Jeju grassland and validity of its preservation, and draw up several measures to support. To measure its economical value, this study examined its environmental value and social and cultural value. For environmental value, this study used replacement method while it applied CVM method, a widely used method, to assess social and cultural value and two-level two-best choice selection method, which ask questions by assuming virtual circumstances to avoid reflecting some biased opinions. Jeju grassland has multiple functions-environmental functions such as preventing soil corrosion and flood, handling animal excrement, and purifying air, and social and cultural functions such as promoting physical and mental health and providing recreation places. From the results of the feasibility study, Jeju grassland's annual multiple functions are assessed to have a total $397,115{\sim}418,995$ million won worth. In addition, it is found that Jeju visitors recognize Jeju grassland for its functions to contribute to public interests. That is, they think it can provide attractive views and educational and recreational places and promote emotional development. Especially, many people presented their ideas that it be continuously preserved since it is worthwhile for us and our next generations. To preserve grassland's cultural resource, which create a huge economic value like this, the Government has to support a certain amount of financial aid for turning to a better grassland environment and its maintenance to realize environment-friendly livestock farming on Jeju Island and promote its tourism industry and consequently, add more value to Jeju.

A Systematic Review of Community Elder Abuse Studies in South Korea (한국 지역사회 거주 노인학대 연구의 체계적 고찰)

  • Kim, Dong Ha;Kang, Serin;Lee, Yoon Kyoung;Cha, Ye Won;Yoo, Seunghyun;Kim, Hongsoo
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1003-1024
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    • 2016
  • The human rights of older people have gotten more attention recently in South Korea, a country that is in transition to a super-aged society. This study aimed to systematically review studies on elder abuse and related factors among community-dwelling older adults in South Korea over twenty years (1994-2016). We searched major databases (Riss, DBpia, KISS, KMbase, and PubMed) and identified published studies relevant to the topic. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria related to study quality, a total of 31 studies were selected for this review. We examined types, measurements, and risk factors of elder abuse as well as study designs in the selected studies, guided by Johannesen's theoretical framework on elder abuse. All of the reviewed studies on elder abuse in Korea were cross-sectional studies, most of which focused on older people living in urban areas, using a non-random sampling method. All of the studies focused on certain types of elder abuse only. Some adopted elder-abuse instruments that were not validated, and others used self-developed instruments without psychometric tests. As for the risk factors of elder abuse in South Korea, the physical and mental health of the victims and aggressors impacted the risk of elder abuse, but general sociodemographic factors such as age, sex, and education were less likely to be related to the risk. In addition, decreasing caregiver burden and building elder-friendly communities are important for the prevention of elder abuse. Needed are further empirical studies on elder abuse with a theoretical framework that gives consideration to the unique sociocultural contexts of Korea. It is also recommended to develop instruments to measure elder abuse reflecting the sociocultural contexts of Korea, and to examine the multi-dimensional risk factors of elder abuse.

A Study on the Development of Environment Color Checklists for Senior Center Based on Characteristics of the elders (재가노인의 특성을 고려한 경로당 환경색채 체크리스트 개발)

  • Choi, Yerim;Park, Heykyung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.34
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    • pp.327-337
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    • 2018
  • Korea is rapidly becoming an aging society as much as it takes the first place among OECD countries, and as the life expectancy of Korea gradually increases, the proportion of the elders in society increases. Accordingly, the happiness of the elders is contributed to the overall social atmosphere and happiness, however, the lower quality of life of the elders due to physical, psychological and social changes can be developed into social problems such as depression and rising suicide rate. As a result, there is a social interest in improving the quality of life and satisfaction of the elders, and the senior citizen center is receiving renewed attention as a form of welfare facility that can play a pivotal role in the social activities of the elders. In recent years, efforts to improve the environment of the senior citizen center have been made due to the growing role of it, however, there is a controversy over whether the quality of the indoor environment is user-friendly or not due to the limitations of material resources and human resources. It is considered that the quality of the color environment should be improved in the senior citizen center in the way that the color environment is not only an indoor environmental factor which gives high psychological and mental effects to users but also a way to improve the environmental satisfaction at the lowest cost. Previous studies on the facilities related to the elders have been actively carried out, but they were very sporadic and there was very little information about the color environment in the related laws or in the guideline presented by cities. It is necessary to integrate guidelines that are scattered within a comprehensive range without any specific target in order to grasp the current status of the color environment and to properly evaluate it. In addition, considering that the senior citizen center is an important leisure facility for the elders that functions in a residential area with a nationwide network, the results of this study are expected to contribute to the environmental improvement of existing senior citizen center which will be activated in the future by enabling the improvement of psychological satisfaction of the elders.

Literature Review on Applying Digital Therapeutic Art Therapy for Adolescent Substance Addiction Treatment (청소년 마약류 중독 치료를 위한 디지털치료제 예술치료 적용을 위한 문헌연구)

  • Jiwon Kim;Daniel H. Byun
    • Trans-
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    • v.16
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2024
  • The advent of digital media has facilitated easy access for adolescents to environments conducive to the purchase of narcotics. In particular, there's an increasing trend in the purchase and consumption of narcotics mediated through Social Network Services (SNS) and messenger services. Adolescents, sensitive to such environments, are at risk of experiencing neurological and mental health issues due to narcotic addiction, increasing their exposure to criminal activities, hence necessitating national-level management and support. Consequently, the quest for sustainable treatment methods for adolescents exposed to narcotics emerges as a critical challenge. In the context of high relapse rates in narcotic addiction, the necessity for cost-effective and user-friendly treatment programs is emphasized. This study conducts a literature review aimed at utilizing digital platforms to create an environment where adolescents can voluntarily participate, focusing on the development of therapeutic content through art. Specifically, it reviews societal perceptions and treatment statuses of adolescent drug addiction, analyzes the impact of narcotic addiction on adolescent brain activity and cognitive function degradation, and explores approaches for developing digital therapeutics to promote the rehabilitation of the addicted brain through analysis of precedential case studies. Moreover, the study investigates the benefits that the integration of digital therapeutic approaches and art therapy can provide in the treatment process and proposes the possibility of enhancing therapeutic effects through various treatment programs such as drama therapy, music therapy, and art therapy. The application of art therapy methods is anticipated to offer positive effects in terms of tool expansion, diversification of expression, data acquisition, and motivation. Through such approaches, an enhancement in the effectiveness of treatments for adolescent narcotic addiction is anticipated. Overall, this study undertakes foundational research for the development of digital therapeutics and related applications, offering economically viable and sustainable treatment options in consideration of the societal context of adolescent narcotic addiction.