• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mental Friendly

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Unveiling the Meaning of Walking for Health Promotion: The Perspectives of Urban Walkers (건강증진을 위한 걷기의 의미와 영향 요인: 도시 걷기 실천자들의 경험)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Yoo, Seung-Hyun;Sim, Sor-Young
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: This study identifies the meaning of walking and its facilitating factors and barriers from the perspective of urban walkers in Seoul. Methods: The participants consisted of twelve people who either lived or worked in Gangnam district of Seoul. The study applied the data collection process featured in the photovoice, in which the participants took photographs and shared their stories through focus group interviews. Results: Walking is regarded as one of the easiest types of physical activity. While walking, participants find mental tranquility, communication opportunities, and a chance to step back from their everyday lives. Facilitating factors include: access to walking-friendly venues and attractive surrounding environments; the participant's assimilation into the surrounding area; having the feeling of ease and relaxation; and friends and family to walk together. Barriers consist of physical factors such as street design and the busy urban streets, insensitive traffic and low civic awareness, and personal situational factors. Conclusions: The benefit of walking exceeds beyond those of physical health promotion. Actions to encourage walking in urban areas should address the multiple meanings perceived by their citizens.

WILLIAMS SYNDROME : TWO CASES (Williams 증후군 환아의 치의학적 소견에 대한 증례 보고)

  • Kim, Ji-Hee;Choi, Byung-Jai;Choi, Hyung-Jun;Song, Je-Seon;Lee, Jee-Ho
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.12-16
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    • 2008
  • Williams syndrome is a rare genetic disorder with a frequency of one per 20,000~50,000 live births. It is caused by a deletion of one elastin allele located within chromosome subunit 7q11.23(long arm). This syndrome is frequently accompanied by disorders such as congenital heart disease, facial anomalies, mental retardation, and so on. The characteristic facial appearance includes full lips, rounded cheeks, broad forehead, periorbital fullness, flattened bridge of nose, small nose with anteverted nostril, long filtrum and low-set ears. In oral features, hypodontia, high prevalence of dental caries, microdontia, enamel hypoplasia, delayed eruption, and malocclusions have been found. Most adult patients with Williams syndrome lack social adaptability and lead seclusive lives, however, young patients are rather very friendly and talkative, and seem smarter than their actual intellectual quotients. They also tend to favor staying with grown-ups rather than mixing with their peers, and tend to present problematic temper tantrum during dental treatment.

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The Influencing Factors on Working Men's Depression: Focusing on Relationship Stress at Work and Family Relationship Stress (직장 남성의 우울감에 영향을 미치는 요인: 직장 내 대인관계 스트레스와 가족관계 스트레스를 중심으로)

  • Lee, So-Hui;Kim, Sunghee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.75-95
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of relationship stress at work and family relationship stress on working men's depression in order to improve their mental health. Data were collected via questionnaire from 313 white-collar workers living in Seoul, Daejeon and Gwangju. There were significant differences in depression depending on age, spouse, age of child, family size and years of labor. There were positive correlations among depression, relationship stress at work and family relationship stress. The family relationship stress was the most influential factor on depression, followed by relationship stress at work. Family relationship stress had a mediating effect on depression and relationship stress at work. These results showed that employers should manage depression of workers in a family friendly way to reduce the stress in relationship at work and home such as work and family balance policy.

A Study on the Ecologic Design for Urban Collective Dewelling (생태학적 개념을 적용한 도심형 공동주택 공간디자인 연구)

  • Kyonne, Jin-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2007
  • The past concept of constructing houses was focused on how to overcome the limitation of consuming natural resources such as energy and materials, which increased the official cost and the environmental pollution. On the other hand, the echo-friendly concept has considered the harmony between human being and nature more critically and has applied the characteristics of natural environment into a unique dwelling design by developing constructs and materials adjusted to the particular climate, making them into a unit of impacting positively the complicated system. The current environmental issue is how a dwelling adapts into a given climate in which the design is applied by ecology without damaging the natural environment. In another word, the main issue in the twenty first century will be how we meet the human needs to dwellings applied by the residential environment. Therefore, we have to provide a hospitable place for residents' mental and physical health through "Green Design", emerging as the critical design of urban collective dwellings. Based on these conceptions, the purpose of this study is to suggest the way of designing the urban collective dwelling applied by ecology, proffering wealthy life style to residents with the preservation of natural environment as applying an ecological concept into the design of collective dwellings that represent a contemporary housing type for urban residents.

Effective Model and Methods for Analysing Human Factors in Software Design for Efficient User Experience

  • Abduljalil, Sami;Kang, Dae-Ki
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.100-104
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    • 2011
  • In software system development, an application interface is the main communication platform between human developers and applications. Interaction in any software application requires human's mental and physical activities. Although software systems have increased drastically in diverse sectors and many forms to quench human's needs and satisfactions, human always concern about the ease in usability of the software application so that it can be easily understood and navigated. Since many software developers still focus on the quantity of contents instead of the quality of the interface from the user's point of view, it is important to address human factors need in the early stage of the design and to continue addressing them during the entire stages of the software design for the persistent support of usability. In this paper, we propose the Modified Prototype Model (MPM), which helps the software designers and developers to design user-friendly software systems with easy-to-navigate interfaces by uncovering human factors in a convenient way. Moreover, we propose methods that assist to identify more human factors regarding software design. In this paper, we also study the implications of the proposed model and the proposed methods.

Design Development for Activation of Women s Hanbok (여성 생활한복을 위한 디자인 개발)

  • 조오순;전정희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1378-1385
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    • 2001
  • Textile The purpose of this research is to develop the design for activation of women s hanbok focused on functionality and convenience as well as on keeping the traditional beauty, and then to produce them. As a result of these explorations, I have reached conclusions as follows. first, the transformation of jackets and skirts are mainly limited to partial change in elements of the dress design-width and length of a jacket string and the upper strip on the outside of a jacket, change in width, and granting of symbolic meaning. Second, aesthetic features and formative beauty of traditional hanbok that the harmonization of mainstream colors and highlighting colors and curved silhouettes evoke were mental by products created as our people wished to become friendly to and to harmonize with nature. Third, grounded upon study of lines form and survey on brands, I have developed designs that maintain hanbok’superiority and at the same time incorporate functionality and convenience to fit modern life. I believe that the outcome of these of these explorations will contribute greatly to carrying the traditional beauty of Korean dresses to the maximun, and to developing and popularizing functional and practical living-fitted Korean dresses.

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Generative Interactive Psychotherapy Expert (GIPE) Bot

  • Ayesheh Ahrari Khalaf;Aisha Hassan Abdalla Hashim;Akeem Olowolayemo;Rashidah Funke Olanrewaju
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2023
  • One of the objectives and aspirations of scientists and engineers ever since the development of computers has been to interact naturally with machines. Hence features of artificial intelligence (AI) like natural language processing and natural language generation were developed. The field of AI that is thought to be expanding the fastest is interactive conversational systems. Numerous businesses have created various Virtual Personal Assistants (VPAs) using these technologies, including Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, and Google Assistant, among others. Even though many chatbots have been introduced through the years to diagnose or treat psychological disorders, we are yet to have a user-friendly chatbot available. A smart generative cognitive behavioral therapy with spoken dialogue systems support was then developed using a model Persona Perception (P2) bot with Generative Pre-trained Transformer-2 (GPT-2). The model was then implemented using modern technologies in VPAs like voice recognition, Natural Language Understanding (NLU), and text-to-speech. This system is a magnificent device to help with voice-based systems because it can have therapeutic discussions with the users utilizing text and vocal interactive user experience.

A Validation Study of the Korean Version of the Connectedness to Nature Scale

  • Gim, Wan-Suk;Lee, Min-Hyung;Kim, Kwang-Hyune
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.621-628
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Connectedness to Nature Scale(K-CNS), which was translated from the Connectedness to Nature Scale(CNS) developed by Mayer and Frantz. For this study, questionnaires were conducted with a sample of 407 Korean citizens from various backgrounds and regions, with the ages ranging from 17 to 60. Exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency test and correlation checks were conducted on this questionnaires data. The results of exploratory factor analysis supported that the K-CNS has 10 items in a single factor. The internal consistency of the K-CNS was .880. The K-CNS was positively correlated to the NEP (New Environmental Paradigm), satisfaction with life, mental health, compassionate love, and negatively correlated to stress response. In addition, differences were found by group and age, but not by the gender. The K-CNS was higher in the natural-friendly group than in the general group. By age, the K-CNS scores was high in 40s and 50s than 10-39 years old.

The impact of leisure sports activities in older adults on wellness awareness, perceived freedom, and subjective well-being

  • Yanke Zhang;Sunmun Park
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.244-254
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between leisure sports activities among the elderly, wellness awareness, perceived freedom, and subjective well-being. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the study subjects were selected as the population aged 65 or older who lived in the Gwangju Metropolitan City area in 2022 and engaged in leisure sports activities. As for the sampling method, samples were extracted using cluster random sampling. A total of 300 people, 150 male and 150 female, were sampled. The survey tool was modified and supplemented according to this study based on the questionnaire that had been verified for reliability and validity in previous studies, and all questionnaire items were composed of a 5-point scale. The statistical analysis used for data analysis was frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Windows 21.0 Version. First, it was found that the wellness perception of the elderly partially affects the perceived sense of freedom. Second, it was found that the wellness perception of the elderly partially affects psychological happiness. Third, the elderly's perceived sense of freedom was found to affect their subjective well-being. Considering these research results, in order to effectively improve the quality of life in old age, it is important to promote physical, mental, emotional, and social relationships through nature-friendly sports activities to improve subjective life motivation, satisfaction, and happiness. It can be said that it increases the sense of well-being.

Survey of Diease and Weed Control in Organic and Free-pesticide Cultivation of Chunnam Area 'Ssam' Vegegable (전남지역 쌈채류 무농약.유기재배농가의 잡초, 병해충관리 실태분석)

  • Lim, Kyeong-Ho;Kim, Sun-Guk;Choi, Kyong-Ju;Kim, Do-Ik;Kim, Seon-Gon;Lee, Yong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2007
  • For developing standard method for diease, pest and weed control in environmental friendly 'Ssam' vegetable cultivation, this study was carried out to investigating agriculture material use in organic agriculture and no pesticide cultivation for lettuce, kale, leafy perilla and korean cabbage. The 28.6% of investigated farmer carried out seed sterilization by seed selection with salt solution and soaking in chitosan that not validated. For raising seedling periods, the 55.6% of farmer did not use environmental-friendly agriculture material for, diease control and the 50% of farmer used one time for. pest control. Therefore, the control of disease and pest could be achieved with one or two times use of environmental-friendly agriculture material. Seed sterilization was carried out by soil solar sterilization, one time per year in 71.4% of farmer. Weed was controled by black PE film for weed germination of furrow in many farmer, by man-power weeding for weed of ridge in 85% of farmer and by machine weeding and mulching in some farmer. During cultivation period, the major pest were Aphis gossypii in lettuce, Plutella xylostella in kale, Plutella xylostella and Phyllotreta striolata (Fabricius) in korean cabbage and Pyrausta panopealis (Walke) in feat perilla. The many farmers used environ-mental-friendly agriculture material for control of pest over 10 times for spring season, and more used sold materials in market than home-made materials. In result, it needs to develop standardized method and validate cultivation methods for control of disease and pest, and seed sterilization treatment environmental-friendly 'Ssam' vegetable.

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