• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medium strength

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Effects of Relative humidity Conditions on the Compressive Strength Changes of Corrugating Mediums (상대습도조건에 따른 골심지의 압축강도 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 이준호;김수일;하영선
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2000
  • Changes in the compressive strength of four typical corrugating mediums (K$_2$A, AS and S) as affected by relative humidity conditions were compared and their relative cost effectiveness was analysed. All mediums lost their compressive strength as relative humidity increased. at the relative humidity of 93% , As medium lost 58% of its initial strength while S medium did about 40%. Calculations of compress factor and compress factor by price indicated that $K_2$ medium was the most cost effective and maintained the highest compressive strength among the mediums tested. It was recommended that $K_2$ medium could be effectively used to make corrugated fiberboard especially for fresh agricultural product packaging .

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Effect of MS Medium Strength and Nitrogen Concentration on Bulblet Formation and Growth of Lilium In Vitro (MS 배지 내 무기물 농도 및 질소 농도가 나리의 자구 형성과 비대에 미치는 영향)

  • 염미란;박현춘;양찬석;백기엽
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.341-346
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    • 2001
  • To investigate the effects of MS medium strength and nitrogen concentration on bulblet formation from bulblet scale segment culture and bulblet growth from bulblet of Lilium oriental hybrid 'Casa Blanca', asiatic hybrid 'Mona', and longiflorum hybrid 'Hinomoto', 0.5∼2.0 strength of MS salts and 30∼120 mM nitrogen concentrations of MS medium were examined in vitro. The number of bulblets from bulb scale segment was favored in the strength of 0.5∼1.0 strength of MS salts or 30 mM total nitrogen concentration of MS medium in three cultivars. But the growth of bulblets formed in vitro was promoted in the 2 strength of MS medium or hight concentration of total nitrogen of MS medium up to 120 mM in three experimented cultivars.

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Holding Strength of Screws in Domestic Particleboard and Medium Density Fiberboard (I) - Optimum Pilot Hole Diameter - (국산 파티클보오드와 중밀도 섬유판의 나사못 유지력(I) - 최적 예비구멍 직경 -)

  • Lee, Phil-Woo;Park, Hee-Jun;Han, Yu-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 1991
  • Screw withdrawal test was carried out on the face and edge of domestic particleboard and medium density fiberboard in order to evaluate optimum pilot hole diameter. The obtained results were as follows: 1. Maximum withdrawal strengths on the face and edge of particleboard were obtained with pilot hole diameters at about 50% of root diameters of screw. 2. Maximum withdrawal strength on the face and edge of medium density fiberboard were obtained with pilot hole diameters that were about 60% and 50% of root diameters of screw, respectively. 3. Withdrawal strength showed about 91% of maximum withdrawal strength when pilot holes were not pre bored at particleboard. but when pilot holes at 90% of root diameter of screw withdrawal strength showed about as 51.3% of maximum withdrawal strength. 4. Withdrawal strength showed about 88% of maximum strength when pilot holes were not used, but withdrawal strength indicated 55.4% of maximum strength in case of 90% of root diameters of screw. 5. Maximum withdrawal strength on the face of particleboard was about 70.5% higher than that of the edge, and however medium density fiberboard was about 19.6% higher than that of the edge.

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Holding Strength of Screw in Domestic Particleboard and Medium Density Fiberboard(II) -Predicting Formula of Withdrawal Strength of Screw- (국산(國産) 파티클보드와 중밀도섬유판의 나사못유지력(維持力)(II) -나사못 유지력(維持力) 예측식(預測式)-)

  • Lee, Phil-Woo;Park, Hee-Jun;Han, Yu-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to determine the withdrawal strength of various screws according to root diameter of screw and embeded length on the face and edge of domestic particleboard and medium density fiberboard. The obtained results were as follows: 1. The withdrawal strength of screw in domestic particleboard and medium density fiberboard was closely related to embeded length of the screw but less dependent on root diameter of the screw. 2. The withdrawal strength on the face and edge of domestic particleboard could be predicted by means of the following expression: $F_{Pf}=4.60{\times}D^{0.24}{\times}L^{1.14}(R^2=0.87)$ $F_{Pe}=0.54{\times}D^{0.43}{\times}L^{1.73}(R^2=0.84)$ Where: $F_{Pf}$ : withdrawal strength on the face of particleboard(kgf) $F_{Pe}$=withdrawal strength on the edge of particleboard(kgf) D=diameter of the screw(mm) L=embeded length(mm) 3. The withdrawal strength on the face and edge of domestic medium density fiberboard could he predicted by means of the following expression: $FM_f=1.53{\times}D^{0.53}{\times}L^{1.39}(R^2=0.93)$ $F_{Me}=1.14{\times}D^{0.66}{\times}L^{1.36}(R^2=0.87)$ where: $F_{Mf}$ = withdrawal strength on the face of medium density fiberboard(kgf) $F_{Mf}$=withdrawal strength on the edge of medium density fiberboard(kgf).

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Local bond-slip behavior of medium and high strength fiber reinforced concrete after exposure to high temperatures

  • Tang, Chao-Wei
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.477-485
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to investigate the influence of individual and hybrid fiber on the local bond-slip behavior of medium and high strength concrete after exposure to different high temperatures. Tests were conducted on local pullout specimens (150 mm cubes) with a reinforcing bar embedded in the center section. The embedment lengths in the pullout specimens were three times the bar diameter. The parameters investigated include concrete type (control group: ordinary concrete; experimental group: fiber concrete), concrete strength, fiber type and targeted temperature. The test results showed that the ultimate bond stress in the local bond stress versus slip curve of the high strength fiber reinforced concrete was higher than that of the medium strength fiber reinforced concrete. In addition, the use of hybrid combinations of steel fiber and polypropylene fiber can enhance the residual bond strength ratio of high strength concrete.

Effect of MS Medium Strength on the Sprouting Rate and Growth Characteristics in Meristem Culture of Strawberry 'Seolhyang' ('설향' 딸기의 생장점 배양 시 MS 배지 농도에 따른 발아율 및 생육특성)

  • Kim, Hye Jin;Lee, Jong Nam;Lim, Hak Tae;Yeoung, Young Rok
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.100-104
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to determine the optimal MS medium strength to improve sprouting rate of apical meristem of strawberry 'Seolhyang' in vitro. Strawberry apical meristems at size (0.2 mm to 0.3 mm) with leaf primordials were cultured on the MS media with four strength levels, ($1/4{\times}$, $1/3{\times}$, $1/2{\times}$, and $1{\times}$) and the sprouting rate and growth characteristics were evaluated after eight weeks after cultivation. Shoot rate of 'Daewang' apical meristems was 93.6%whereas 'Seolhyang' apical meristems were sprouted with 31.6% on $1{\times}$ MS medium strength. Different sprouting rates were observed in 'Seolhyang' apical meristem with 31.6% in $1{\times}$ medium, 75.0% in $1/2{\times}$ medium, and 94.4% in $1/3{\times}$ medium. The sprouting rate was improved with the decrease of medium strength, but the shoot rate in $1/4{\times}$ medium decreased up to 54.5%. Shoot length was 0.9 cm in $1{\times}$ medium, 1.2 cm in $1/2{\times}$ medium, 1.6 cm in $1/3{\times}$ medium, and 1.9 cm in $1/4{\times}$ medium. Shoot length was longer as medium strength decreased and numbers of leaves and roots were not significant differences among the medium strengths. As a result, sprouting rate was highest and plant growth was best in $1/3{\times}$ MS medium compared to the others.

Strength Estimation of T-joint Area of Composite Housing of Medium Range Surveillance Radar (중거리급 탐색레이더 복합재 하우징의 T-joint 영역 구조 강도 평가)

  • Kwon, Min-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2008
  • This article provides strength estimation of T-joint area which made of composite material. Inner and outer structures of medium range surveillance radar are all made of sandwich structure which is made with composite material(CFRP) and aluminum honeycomb core. Since the radar is voluminous and has very complex inner structure, the whole structure cannot be made as one piece. Therefore, usage of T-joints is inevitable. Since some of stress concentration areas were located around T-joint area, series of strength estimations were conducted. Three different configurations were tested to improve mechanical properties(primarily on strength). The results show an improvement on strength to meet calculated strength on stress concentrated T-joint area.

Effect of Mixed Polymer Treatment on the Physical Property of the Corrugated Container Board (혼합고분자처리에 의한 골판지 원지 및 골판지의 물성변화)

  • 권기훈;임부국;박성배;양재경;장준복;이종윤
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 1999
  • This study was performed to investigated the application of mixed resins for corrugated container board. The corrugated container board yields a sandwich structure in which a linerboard material is glued to a corrugated medium . Now, manufacturing corrugated container boards don't provide sufficient strength, and result in box failure during shipping . Therefore improvement of box strength is necessary . In this study, we intend to improve box strength by improving corrugated medium strength with mixed resins and to find the optimum treatment condition of this resins. First, we tried to mixed resins as Starch+CMC, Starch_Irea, CMC+Urea, Second, investigated to applicability of this resins for corrugated medium , and the third, measured tensile index, burst index, and edgewise compression index on liner, medium paper, and single faced corrugated container board. In this test results, we obtained that the improvement ratios of tensile index in liner and medium paper were approximately 80-185%, 60-118% , respectively. The respecting improvement ratios of edgewise compression index of single faced corrugated container board was approximately 91-124%, relatively. In addition, we concluded that optimum condition in mixing ratio was 1 :3 with CMC + Urea and the ap[plication amounts was 9% on materials. Fro manufacture of corrugated container board, optimum condition in mixing ratio was 1 : 3 with 5% CMC +Urea , because of considering to improvement of strength on cost.

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On the direct strength and effective yield strength method design of medium and high strength steel welded square section columns with slender plate elements

  • Shen, Hong-Xia
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.497-516
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    • 2014
  • The ultimate carrying capacity of axially loaded welded square box section members made of medium and high strength steels (nominal yield stresses varying from 345 MPa to 460 MPa), with large width-to-thickness ratios ranging from 35 to 70, is analyzed by finite element method (FEM). At the same time, the numerical results are compared with the predicted results using Direct Strength Method (DSM), modified DSM and Effective Yield Strength Method (EYSM). It shows that curve a, rather than curve b recommended in Code for design of steel structures GB50017-2003, should be used to check the local-overall interaction buckling strength of welded square section columns fabricated from medium and high strength steels when using DSM, modified DSM and EYSM. Despite all this, EYSM is conservative. Compared to EYSM and modified DSM, DSM provides a better prediction of the ultimate capacities of welded square box compression members with large width-thickness ratios over a wide range of width-thickness ratios, slenderness ratios and steel grades. However, for high strength steels (nominal yield strength greater than 460 MPa), the numerical and existent experimental results indicate that DSM overestimates the load-carrying capacities of the columns with width-thickness ratio smaller than 45 and slenderness ratio less than 80. Further, for the purpose of making it suitable for a wider scope, DSM has been modified (called proposed modified DSM). The proposed modified DSM is in excellent agreement with the numerical and existing experimental results.

Properties of Medium Strength Self-Compacting Concrete with Simple Mix design Method (간편 배합설계방법을 통한 중간강도 자기충전 콘크리트의 특성)

  • 최연왕;조선규;최욱;김경환;안성일
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, the medium strength self-compacting concrete with simple mix design method was manufactured and investigated about the properties of flowability and strength. Two types of binders like as fly-ash and RP(rock powder) were contained to the SCC in order to obtain the target medium strength of 270-350kgf/$cm^2$. The experimental tests about slump-flow, reaching time to the slump-flow of 50cm, V-funnel and U-box were carried out in accordance with the specified by the Japanese Society of Civil Engineering(JSCE). The mechanical properties such as compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and static modulus of elasticity were checked with the requirements specified by KS.

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