• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical IT System

검색결과 5,211건 처리시간 0.247초

A Basic Study on Establishing Action Strategy for Introduction of Marine Telemedicine (해양 원격의료 도입을 위한 추진전략 마련 기초연구)

  • JEON, Yeong-Woo;KIM, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.1211-1220
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    • 2015
  • There exists dead zone from the aspects of health equity and health medical equity for maritime personnel. They could not have been benefited from disease prevention and health promotion in comparison with shore personnel due to the restricted medical accessibility caused by long voyage ship operation. Furthermore, the system of health management and medical assistance for maritime personnel is insufficient, the continuous health monitoring system does not exist, nor health diagnosis system, maritime industrial accidents and occupational disease control systems are adequate. The International Maritime Organization and the International Labour Organization recommend their Member Governments to take necessary measures in the management of seafarers' health and diseases through conducting continuous and systematic investigation. Thus, this study intends to propose action strategy and tasks for introducing marine telemedicine system aiming to provide seafarers with health management service for the years to come. The conclusions of this study can be given as follows. First, it is required that a systematic medical service system needs to be provided to promote seafarers' health. Second it is recommended to establish the marine telemedicine system incorporating U-Health technology. Third, it is necessary to revise the relevant laws and regulations to introduce the marine telemedicine system. Fourth, it is also necessary to provide various assistance system at the national level in the furtherance of global marketing of marine telemedicine system.

A Study on Legal Liability and Efficient Planning for Alternative Dispute Resolution in Medical Disputes (의료분쟁의 법적책임과 ADR제도의 효율적 운영방안)

  • Nam, Seon-Mo
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2016
  • Medical dispute means the dispute between the hospital and the patient due to a medical accident. In general, medical accidents must be in accordance with the terms that are used in the medical dispute adjustment method stated in Article 2 (definition). In relation to this, there is a need to discuss an efficient operation scheme for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in medical disputes. In addition, it is necessary to look at issues of civil liability and criminal liability. In particular, in the consumer dispute arbitration committee, there is a case to make a "decision not to adjust" in aggressive intervention in the process of conflict resolution. The medical staff, on the basis of its "decision," can use this as a proven material for civil and criminal cases. This is rather upon the determination of the consumer council as a typical side effect to defend the user's perspective. This is the "decision" as was expressed from an order, "not adjusted." It is also determined to be easy and clearly timely. In the medical litigation, it is requesting the burden of proof of a patient's cause-and-effect relationship with the doctors committing negligence and medical malpractice. This seems to require the promotion of legislation in the direction to reduce future cases. It is determined that the burden of proof of medical accidents must be improved. The institution receiving the medical accident should prevent a closure report. Further, it is necessary to limit the transition to a franchise point. In this paper, we understand the problems of the current medical dispute resolution system, trying to establish a medical dispute resolution system desirable through an efficient alternative. In addition, it wants help in the protection and realization in medical consumers' and patients' rights. The relevant authorities will take advantage of these measures. After all, this could contribute to the system for a smooth resolution of a medical dispute.

Problems in the Medical Dispute Medication System and Improvement Plan (의료분쟁조정제도 운영상의 문제점 및 개선방안)

  • Choi, Jang Seop
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.91-122
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    • 2014
  • For a variety of reasons, the number of medical disputes is continuously rising. Due to the intrinsic qualities of medical treatments, one would find it more apt to subject medical disputes to general conflict resolution procedures rather than to once-for-all decisions under legal suits. To address the increasing medical disputes with greater professionalism and efficiency, the Medical Disputes Mediation Act was enacted and a medical dispute mediation system put in place, while drawbacks have been blamed to both. The current mediation procedures require the respondent's agreement as a disclosure requirement. A reasonable improvement to this would be to amend the regulation of agreement supposition, or to enforce procedural participation only to public health facilities managed by the national or regional government. Furthermore, small claims cases of 20 million KRW or less in claim may be considered for conciliation-prepositive principle. The concentration on small claim medical disputes is a phenomenon that can be addressed by carrying out maximum authentication commissions or similar measures, one of the solutions by enhancing the public trust in the Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency. The proper management of medical authentication teams is one way to address the existing problems in the authentication system. For this, the number of team members shall be increased under more flexible authentication procedures. All indemnity resources for medical accidents of force majeure must be borne by the Government, for it is the body principally responsible for social compensation. Placing this cost on the establisher of the subject medical facility holds the possibility of violating fundamental rights. While the costs for subrogation payment system for damages may be borne by the healthcare facility establisher, a deposit-based system must be created for cases in which the facility shuts down, without holding the responsibility for accident cause. Such change to a deposit-based system will evade the controversies of unconstitutionality, etc.

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The Merge of the National Medical Insurance System and the Financial Analysis of the Medical Insurance Program for the Self-employeds (의료보험 통합과 지역의료보험의 재정분석)

  • 사공진
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.135-154
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    • 1998
  • In Korea, the institutional reform for the national medical insurance system is in process. Eventually, three kinds of the national medical insurance system, i.e., medical insurance program for the industrial workers, the govemment employees and the private school teachers, and the self-employeds, would be merged into an unifed system. In this study, I analyzed the annual trends of the finance in the medical insurance system in Korea, in which I found the financial instability especially in the medical insurance program for the self-employeds. The regression analysis was carried out to forecast the accumulated reserve at the end of this year for the medical insurance program for the self-employeds. I also analyzed the economic effect of the merge of the medical insurance program for the self-employeds by using the case of Japan and Korea. I found that the medical insurance for the self-employeds is expected to have financial deficit at the end of the year 1998 after the merge. In onclusion, it seems to be quite difficult to solve the financial instability in the medical insurance program for the self-employeds after it would be merged. That means that there would be a lot of problems on the way to the merge.

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The Utilization of Western and Oriental Medical Services by Outpatients with Musculoskeletal System Disorders and Its Related Factors (근골격계질환자의 양.한방 외래 의료이용과 관련요인)

  • Kim, Sung-Young;Park, Jae-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2012
  • This study is to find out the correlation among the predisposing, enabling, and need factors in Anderson Behavioral Model using the data from Korea Medical Panel Survey conducted in the early part (April 1 - October 31) of 2008. The findings are as follows. It was found that the utilization rate of western medical service was far higher. the influential factor to choose western or oriental medical service taking western medical institutions as the reference group, the influential factor to choose oriental medical institution has significantly increased when the patient who have covered by medical insurance has one accompanied disease and their age was between 45 - 74, compared to the people less than 45 years old. It also increased when the age of the patient was between 45-54 years old, and in the event those who are not covered by medical insurance have accompanied disease and that the disease mobility period is 2-4 years. reviewing the several characteristics of the utilization of western and oriental medical services by the patient with musculoskeletal system disorders, the number of accompanied disease is an influential factor for the utilization of oriental medical services. And, disease mobility period is a significant factor for the utilization of both western and oriental medical services together, though it is not identified in this study. Therefore, it is expected that mutual cooperation between western and oriental medical services is more required for the patient with musculoskeletal system disorders as the aging society rapidly develops. In order to foster oriental medicine, it is required to specialize in competitive disease such as musculoskeletal system disorders.

Development of Electronic Medical Record System Using XML (XML을 이용한 전자의무기록시스템 개발)

  • Kang, Byeong-Do;Jung, Suk-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • 제9D권6호
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    • pp.1127-1136
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    • 2002
  • In the medical field. the desire of the hospital information system based on the advanced computer technology has been increased because hospital staffs wanted to provide better medical services to their patients by using it. So, the electronic medical records have emerged to share and exchange medical and healthcare information stored in database. In this paper. we developed an electronic medical record system using XML. This system includes four modules : data repository. document structure manager, document writter and XML automatic generator. For the purpose of evaluating the usability of the electronic medical records of our system, we also applied it to out-patient medical records in the department of orthopedic surgery.

A Study on the Development of Emergency Medical Dispatch Information System using ASP (응급통신관리 정보시스템 구축과 ASP 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Keun-Myung
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2002
  • The health and medical service attracts more public attention as the economy of Korea is rapidly growing up and the standard of living is elevated. Especially, the interest and demand on the prehospital emergency medical service that consists of the important part of primary medical service that is directly related to the life of patients are gradually increased. However, as compared with other advanced countries such as America in this area, Korea actually fell behind in the utilization of IT (Information Technology) to maximize the efficiency of emergency service system as well as has a problem in the general service system. This study suggested the necessity to introduce EMD (Emergency Medical Dispatch) system that takes a great role as the core part in the prehospital emergency medical service that is not systemized in Korea yet. In addition, this study proposed the implementation model of EMD ASP system using ASP (Application Service Provider) in EMD system to flexibly deal with the change of IT and efficient implementation and integration of information system as well as to significantly reduce cost through wire/wireless high speed Internet network that is politically promoted in Korea on the basis of EMD. The system analysis and design was executed by HIPO (Hierarchy Plus Input Process Output) analysis that was the conceptual design technology for EMD information system modeling based on ASP and DFD (Data Flow Diagram). This study proposed DB table configuration and data schema to implement the application of web browser interface in EMD system through ERD(ER-Diagram) of EMD ASP system. Finally, this study described how to implement and utilize EMD information system. This study aims to facilitate the qualitative development of emergency medical service in the future as suggesting the concrete models for the implementation of high value-added prehospital emergency medical information system as applying ASP concept to EMD system of prehospital emergency medical service area.

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Design of Integrated Medical Information System based on XML (XML 기반 통합의료정보 시스템의 설계)

  • Lim, Chae-Gyun;Rho, Kyung-Taeg
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2010
  • Recently most of hospitals progress toward setting up computer based medical information system, and there exists medical standard such as HL7 and DICOM to exchange efficiently between systems each other. However, Heterogeneous system built in each hospital gets a different data structure of medical information for patient and also makes it difficult to share information among hospitals. This paper proposes an integrated medical information system which changes existing diverse types of medical information to a unified structure and combines into one management model using XML from hospital specific medical information system. Thus, our proposed system makes it possible to get an effectively information share across hospitals without considering the internal system structure of other hospital. As a result, Hospitals provide a efficient and correct diagnosis, saving time and cost to patients.

A Study on the Ward Rounding System of Medical Record Administrator for Improving the Completeness of the Medical Records (의무기록 완성도에 대한 병동순회 의무기록사제도의 개입효과)

  • Kang, Sunny;Park, Hoon Ki;Lee, Keum Soon;Moon, Ok Ryun;Jung, Poong Man
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • 제6권1_2호
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    • pp.80-91
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    • 1999
  • Background : With the CQI concepts, which emphasize doing the right things right the first time, we tried to enhance the timely completion of medical records by changing the review process from retrospective method to concurrent one. Methods : Against the current retrospective QA activity, Medical record administrator did the concurrent QA of the inpatient medical records with the deficiency sheets. One general surgery ward was chosen as a trial one. The deficiency rate of the medical records of the discharged patients was compared before and after the enforcement of the system. Job analysis of the medical record departments was done about four tertiary care hospitals located in Seoul to estimate the cost and the time consumed by current system. Results : There was a little improvement in the completion rate of the medical records after the trial. The new system was effective. And job analysis showed that much money and time were wasted by current retrospective feedback system. Conclusion : Though the result was not so satisfactory, it should be considered that this test was a voluntary one and the interns and residents were not forced to complete the medical records during this trial period. If there be any strong motivation to complete the medical record in time, this system is sure to be succeed. As the DRG system requires the concurrent review of the medical records to confirm severity of the patient's illness and to assure the timely discharge, it is desirable to enforce this method with the DRG system together. DRG coding and reducing deficiency rate of the medical records can be accomplished simultaneously.

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A Study on the Evaluation of the Emergency Medical System in Seoul (서울시 응급의료체제에 대한 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Teuk Koo
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • 제6권10호
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    • pp.77-94
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this thesis is to lay groundwork for the development of emergency care system in metropolitan area. It compares the performance and outcome of the current system with foreign counterparts and investigates the changing aspects of future medical environment. Emergency medical system can be divided into two parts of both pre-hospital care, which refers to the emergency measures taken before arriving at a hospital, and hospital care that is given within a hospital. Pre-hospital care includes on-the-spot expedients, information system and delivery system, whereas hospital care is related to the classification and specialization of medical care facilities. This research focuses on the evaluation of the performance of a rescue party, which is part of pre-historical care system. As a result, it provides valuable material for the development of the emergency medical system in Seoul.

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