• 제목/요약/키워드: Mechanochemical processing

검색결과 20건 처리시간 0.023초

Mechanochemical 표면처리한 Fly Ash 혼화 Concrete의 제조 (Fabrication of Concrete Containing Mechanochemically Surface Treated(MST) Fly Ash)

  • 이형직;구자훈;유인상;송두규;정해경;권혁병;윤상옥;이형복;이홍림
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2002
  • 채취 그대로의 fly ash(As Received Fly Ash, ARFA)90 wt%와 cement 10 wt%의 혼합물 ball milling 함으로서 mechanochemical processing에 의해 표면 처리한 fly ash(Mechanochemically Surface Treated Fly Ash, MSTFA)를 사용하여 fly ash 혼화 concrete의 강도 증진을 위한 연구를 수행하였다. ARFA에 ball-milling하여 particle size reduction만 발생시킨 fly ash(Ball-mill Processed Fly Ash, BPFA)혼화시의 공시체와 비교하여 동일한 fly ash의 혼화량, 동일한 재령의 압축강도 및 미세구조의 관점에서 고찰하였다. MSTFA를 혼화한 concrete 공시체의 압축강도는 ARFA를 혼화한 것보다 10-20%, BPFA를 혼화한 것보다는 2-7 wt% 상승한 값을 나타내었다. 이 같은 강도 상승은 MSTFA와 cement의 각 입자의 서로에 대한 친화성이 증대되며 이로 인하여 수화물 생성시 cement와 fly ash 입자간의 결합력이 더욱 증가하게 되어 압축강도가 증가하는 것으로 고려된다.

열처리 및 기계화학적 처리를 통한 폐LFP 배터리로부터 가용성 리튬으로의 전환 연구 (Study of Conversion of Waste LFP Battery into Soluble Lithium through Heat Treatment and Mechanochemical Treatment)

  • 김보람;김희선;김대원
    • 자원리싸이클링
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2024
  • 전 세계적으로 탄소 중립 전략에 따른 탈탄소화와 관련하여 전기자동차의 수요가 급증하고 있다. 전기자동차의 주요 부품인 리튬이온 배터리의 수요 또한 급증하게 되었고, 이는 폐배터리의 발생으로 이어진다. 이에 폐배터리를 재활용하여 유가 금속을 회수하기 위한 연구가 수행되고 있으며, 본 연구에서는 폐LFP 배터리의 양극재로부터 리튬을 선택적으로 선침출 및 회수하고자 하였다. 양극재 분말 내 포함된 바인더를 제거하여 반응 표면적 증대 및 반응성을 높이기 위하여 대기 및 질소 분위기 그리고 다양한 온도 범위에서 열처리하였고, 이후 기계화학적(Mechanochemical) 공정을 통하여 수침출 하였다. 먼저, 열처리 후 분말을 과황산나트륨(Na2S2O8)과 기계화학적 반응을 이용하여 가용성 리튬화합물로 전환하였고, 이후 증류수를 이용하여 수침출 하였다. 본 연구에서 열처리를 통한 양극재 분말의 특성 변화를 확인하였고, 최종 질소 분위기에서 열처리하여 모든 온도 범위에서 리튬의 침출율은 약 100%로 선침출할 수 있었다.

Structural and Magnetic Properties of Mechanochemically Prepared Li Ferrite Nanoparticles

  • Haddadi, M.;Mozaffari, M.;Amighian, J.
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 2017
  • In this work, lithium ferrite ($Li_{0.5}Fe_{2.5}O_4$) nanoparticles were prepared via mechanochemical processing and subsequent heat treatment at a relatively low ($600^{\circ}C$) calcining temperature. The raw materials used were high purity $Fe_2O_3$ and $Li_2CO_3$ that were milled for between 2 and 20 h. The milled powders were then calcined at temperatures of 500 and $600^{\circ}C$ for 5 h in air. XRD results show that optimum conditions to obtain single phase lithium ferrite nanoparticles with a mean crystallite size of about 23 nm, using Scherrer's formula, are 10 h milling and calcination at $600^{\circ}C$. Saturation magnetization and coercivity of the single phase Li ferrite nanoparticles are 44.6 emu/g and 100 Oe respectively, which are both smaller than those of the bulk Li ferrite. The Curie temperature of the single sample was determined by a Faraday balance, which is $578^{\circ}C$ and smaller than that of bulk Li ferrite.

A simple chemical method for conversion of Turritella terebra sea snail into nanobioceramics

  • Sahin, Yesim Muge;Orman, Zeynep;Yucel, Sevil
    • Journal of Ceramic Processing Research
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.492-498
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    • 2018
  • In this study, a sea shell was converted into bioceramic phases at three different sintering temperatures ($450^{\circ}C$, $850^{\circ}C$, $1000^{\circ}C$). Among the obtained bioceramic phases, a valuable ${\beta}-TCP$ was produced via mechanochemical conversion method from sea snail Turritella terebra at $1000^{\circ}C$ sintering temperature. For this reason, only the bioceramic sintered at $1000^{\circ}C$ was concentrated on and FT-IR, SEM/EDX, BET, XRD, ICP-OES analyses were carried out for the complete characterization of ${\beta}-TCP$ phase. Biodegradation test in Tris-buffer solution, bioactivity tests in simulated body fluid (SBF) and cell studies were conducted. Bioactivity test results were promising and high rate of cell viability was observed in MTT assay after 24 hours and 7 days incubation. Results demonstrated that the produced ${\beta}-TCP$ bioceramic is qualified for further consideration and experimentation with its features of pore size and ability to support bone tissue growth and cell proliferation. This study suggests an easy, economic method of nanobioceramic production.

기계화학반응에 의한 TiN/TiB2/Ti-silicides 나노복합분말의 합성과 반응기구 (Synthesis of TiN/TiB2/Ti-silicides Nanocomposite Powders by Mechanochemical Reaction and its Reaction Mechanism)

  • 조영환;김지우;심재혁;안재평;오규환
    • 한국분말재료학회지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2005
  • Nanostructured TiN/$TiB_2$/$TiSi_2$ and TiN/$TiB_2$/$Ti_5Si_2$ composite powders have been prepared by mechanochemical reaction from mixtures of Ti, BN, and $Si_3N_4$ powders. The raw materials have reacted to form a uniform mixture of TiN, $TiB_2$ and $TiSi_2$ or $Ti_5Si_3$ depending on the amount of $Si_3N_4$ used in the starting mixtures, and the reaction proceeded through so-called mechanically activated self-sustaining reaction (MSR). Fine TiN and $TiB_2$ crystallites less than a few tens of nanometer were homogeneously dispersed in the amorphous $TiSi_2$ or $Ti_5Si_3$ matrix after milling for 12 hours. These amorphous matrices became crystalline phases after annealing at high temperatures as expected, but the original microstructure did not change significantly.

기계적 합금화 공정 기술 및 응용 (Technology and Applications of Mechanical Alloying Processing)

  • 이광민;김진천;이재성;김영립
    • 한국분말재료학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2004
  • 1980년대 후반부터 집중적으로 연구되어온 기계적 합금화 공정 기술은 이제 단순화합물 조성의 합금화공정 뿐 만아니라 기계화학적(Mechanochemical) 방법으로까지 진보되어 다양한 시스템으로의 응용기술로까지 발전하게 되었다 더욱이 최근 나노기술의 한고상 제조기술로서도 역할을 하게 되는 기계적 합금화 공정 기술은 21세기에 있어서도 본문에서 연급한 바와 같은 고온용 고장도 Al 합금제조 외에도 나노결정립 분말, 자성재료, 에너지전환/저장기능재료, 준결정상제어 분야로서의 무한한 응용 가능성을 기대해 볼 수 있다.

고에너지볼밀링을 이용한 MnFeP1-xAsx 나노분말의 합성 (Synthesis of MnFeP1-xAsx Nanocrystalline Powders by High-Energy Ball Milling)

  • 조영환
    • 한국분말재료학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2003
  • Nanocrystalline powders of $MnFeP_{1-x}As_x$(x=0.45-0.6) have been synthesized by mechanochemical reaction at room temperature using high-energy ball milling from mixtures of Mn, Fe, P, and As Powders. It has been found that a mechanically induced self-propagating reaction (MSR) occurs within 2 hours of milling and it produces very fine polycrystalline powder having a hexagonal $Fe_2P$ structure. Further milling up to 24 hours did not change the crystalline and average particle sizes or the phase composition of the milling product. When x is 0.65, no reaction among the reactants has been observed even after 24 hours of milling. As the P content decreases in $MnFeP_{1-x}As_x$, the incubation time for the MSR has increased and the lattice constants in both a and c axes have changed.

Nanocomposite magnetic powder materials using mechanochemical Synthesis

  • Soh, Dae-Wha;Mofa, N.N.;Keteguenov, T.A.;Mansurov, Z.A.
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2002년도 추계학술대회 논문집 Vol.15
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    • pp.585-587
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    • 2002
  • The materials showing high structure dispersity are developed on the quartz base and they are obtained by mechano-chemical technology. Depending on the processing conditions and subsequent applications the materials produced by mechano-chemical reaction show concurrently magnetic, dielectric and electrical properties. The obtained magnetic-electrical powders classified by aggregate complex of their features as segnetomagnetics, contain a dielectric material as a canγing nucleus, particularly the quartz on that surface one or more layers of different compounds are synthesized having thickness up to 10~50 nm and showing magnetic, electrical and other properties.

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Properties and Application of Metal Sulfide Powder

  • Park, Dong-Kyu;Bae, Sung-Yeal;Ahn, In-Shup;Jung, Kwang-Chul
    • 한국분말야금학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국분말야금학회 2006년도 Extended Abstracts of 2006 POWDER METALLURGY World Congress Part2
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    • pp.918-920
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    • 2006
  • Metal sulfide powders such as MnS, $MoS_2$ and FeS are simply used to the machinery processing improvement agent and solid lubricant in powder metallurgy industrial. And then, metal sulfide powders have received relatively little attention from powder metallurgy. Recently, the portable machine is one of the important interfaces between human or human and electronic machine. With the increase of the intelligent activity, the social and industrial demands for information display device and power source are increasing. The transition metal sulfide materials (FeS, ZnS) have received considerable attention due to the large variety of its electric, optical and magnetic properties. Among the metal sulfide, $FeS_2$ is appealing superior material for applications in $Li-2^{nd}$ battery because of high capacity. ZnS is also a famous phosphor material with various luminescence properties, such as photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL). So generally used in the fields of display, sensors and laser. Metal sulfide materials, therefore, are provided for most widely application in all industries. In recent years, material researchers have become increasingly interested in studying with synthesis of metal sulfide.

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기계화학적 합성에 의한 합석으로부터의 안료 제조 (Mechanochemical Synthesis of Pigment from Potash Feldspar)

  • 배광현;황연
    • 한국결정학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2002
  • 카리장석을 여러 가지 가스 분위기 하에서 기계화학적으로 처리함으로써 안료의 합성 가능성을 연구하였다. 카리장석에 Cu 및 TiO₂ 분말을 첨가하고, 이를 N₂, O₂, He, CO₂, H₂ 및 공기 분위기에서 유성 볼밀을 이용하여 분쇄시간을 변경시키며 분쇄하였다. Cu를 1 wt% 첨가하고 24시간 분쇄한 분말을 1200℃에서 20분간 하소한 결과 분쇄 분위기에 따라서 다양한 색상이 나타남을 확인하였다. 즉 공기 중에서 분쇄한 소성산물은 녹색, O₂센서는 검은색, CO₂센서는 짙은 녹색, H₂에서는 갈색, He에서는 보라색 그리고 N₂ 가스 하에서는 엷은 푸른색의 안료원료를 얻을 수 있었다