• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mechanical softening

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The Carbonization Behaviors of Coal Tar Pitch for Mechanical Seal

  • Chae, Jae-Hong;Kim, Kyung-Ja;Cho, Kwang-Youn;Choi, Jae-Young
    • Carbon letters
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    • 제2권3_4호
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    • pp.182-191
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    • 2001
  • Quinoline insoluble formed by the heat treatment was hot-pressed near its softening point. The green body was stabilized in the temperature range of $300{\sim}400^{\circ}C$ and subsequently carbonized below $1300^{\circ}C$ in an argon atmosphere. The behaviors of QI formation was examined with varying the heat treatment temperature and the lapse of time of the sample carbonized at various temperatures. And the mechanical property, corrosion resistance, and friction behavior were also measured optimum content of mesophase pitch ensured a dense structure and high $LC_{(002)}$ value, which resulted in high mechanical properties, good corrosion resistance, and low-stable friction behavior.

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Nonlocal strain gradient effects on forced vibrations of porous FG cylindrical nanoshells

  • Mirjavadi, Seyed Sajad;Forsat, Masoud;Nia, Alireza Farrokhi;Badnava, Salman;Hamouda, A.M.S.
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2020
  • The present paper explores forced vibrational properties of porosity-dependent functionally graded (FG) cylindrical nanoshells exposed to linear-type or triangular-type impulse load via classical shell theory (CST) and nonlocal strain gradient theory (NSGT). Employing such scale-dependent theory, two scale factors accounting for stiffness softening and hardening effects are incorporated in modeling of the nanoshell. Two sorts of porosity distributions called even and uneven have been taken into account. Governing equations obtained for porous nanoshell have been solved through inverse Laplace transforms technique to derive dynamical deflections. It is shown that transient responses of a nanoshell are affected by the form and position of impulse loading, amount of porosities, porosities dispensation, nonlocal and strain gradient factors.

인가전위 하에서 HT-60강 용접부의 SCC특성 평가 (Evaluation on the Characteristics of Stress Corrosion Cracking for the Weldment of HT-60 Steel under Applied Potentials)

  • 나의균
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.896-903
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    • 2002
  • The susceptibility of SCC for the weldment and PWHT specimens of HT-60 steel was evaluated using a slow strain rate method under applied potential by means of the potentiostat in synthetic seawater. In case of the parent, anodic polarization voltage was inappropriate in elongating the time to failure(TTF). -0.8V corresponding to cathodic protection range is most effective in improving the SCC resistance against corrosive environment. In case of the weldment, the values of reduction of area(ROA) and TTF at -0.68V corresponding to cathodic polarization value were 45.2% and 715,809sec which were the largest and longest life among other applied potentials. Those were vise versa at -1.1V. In case of the PWHT specimens, TTF and ROA at -0.68V was longest and largest like the weldment. Besides, PWHT is effective in prolonging the time to failure of the welded off-shore structure due to softening of effect. Regardless of the weldment and PWHT specimen, as corrosion rate gets higher, TTF becomes shorter and deformation behaviour for the weldment and PWHT specimen at -1.1V was shown to be irregular. Finally, it was found that specimens showed brittle fracture at -1.1V, but more ductile fracture accompanying the micro-cracks at applied potential of -0.68V.

전기화학적 분극법에 의한 1.0Cr-0.5Mo강의 경년열화 평가에 관한 연구 (A study on the evaluation for material degradation of 0.0Cr-0.5Mo steel by a electrochemical polarization method)

  • 나의균;김훈;이종기
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 1998
  • The contents of this paper include a non-destructive technique for evaluating the degradation of the boiler superheater tube in a fossil power plant through an electrochemical polarization test. Correlation between Ip of polarization parameter and SP-DBTT for the superheater tubes in long-term use was obtained. 1.0Cr-0.5Mo steel was degraded by softening, and the degree of degradation was dependent upon carbides with Cr and Mo elements. Since brittle fracture at low temperature and ductile fracture mode at high temperature were shown, similarity between standard Charpy and small punch tests could be found. In addition, SP-DBTT showing the degree of degradation was higher, as the time-in use of the materials got longer. Electrolyte including picric acid of 1.3 g in distilled water of 100ml at 25.deg. C temperature and sodium tridecylbenzene sulfonate with 1g could be applied to evaluate the degradation of 1.0Cr-0.5Mo steel by means of the electrochemical polarization test. Ip and Ipa values measured through the electrochemical test are the appropriate parameters for representing the degradation of the superheater tube(1.0Cr-0.5Mo steel) for the fossil power plant. It is poassible to evaluate the degradation of materials with different time histories electrochemically, by Ip value only, at field test.

1000MPa급 DP강의 Nd:YAG 레이저 용접부의 기계적 성질과 성형성에 미치는 용접 속도의 영향 (Effect of Welding Speed on Mechanical Properties and Formability in Nd:YAG Laser Welds of 1000MPa Grade DP Steel)

  • 장진영;최우남;정병훈;강정윤
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2009
  • The effects of welding speed were investigated on penetration characteristics, defects and mechanical properties including formability test in Nd:YAG laser welded 1000MPa grade DP steels. A shielding gas was not used and bead-on-plate welding was performed with various welding speeds at 3.5kW laser power. Defects of surface and inner beads were not observed in all welding speeds. As the welding speed increased, the weld cross-section varied from the trapezoid having wider bottom bead, through X type, finally to V type in partial penetration range of welding speeds. The characteristic of hardness distribution was also investigated. The center of HAZ had maximum hardness, followed by a slight decrease of hardness as approaching to FZ. Significant softening occurred at the HAZ near BM. Regardless of the welding speed, the weld showed approximately the same hardness distribution. In the perpendicular tensile test with respect to the weld direction, all specimens were fractured at the softening zone. In the parallel tensile test to the weld direction, the first crack occurred at weld center and then propagated into the weld. Good formability over 80% was taken for all welding conditions.

케로신-공기 혼합물의 데토네이션 하중에 의한 열탄소성 관의 동적 거동 해석 (Numerical Investigation of Dynamic Responses of a Thermal Elasto-plastic Tube under Kerosene-air Mixture Detonation)

  • 곽민철;이영헌;여재익
    • 한국추진공학회지
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.60-69
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구에서는 케로신-공기 혼합물 데토네이션 계산과 다물질 해석을 기반으로 데토네이션 하중에 의한 얇은 금속관의 열탄소성 거동에 대한 수치계산을 수행하였다. 데토네이션 하중은 케로신-공기 혼합물의 데토네이션을 활용하여 모델링하였으며, 검증을 위해 해석 결과를 C-J 조건과 실험적 셀 직경을 통해 비교 검증하였다. 또한 금속의 탄성/소성 거동을 확인하기 위하여, 소성 거동은 구리의 Taylor impact 문제로, 탄성 거동은 베를리움 평판 떨림 문제를 활용하였다. 온도에 의한 관의 탄소성 거동 변화를 확인하기 위하여 동일한 데토네이션 하중 하에서 초기 온도가 다른 관의 거동을 확인하고 이론식과의 비교를 통해 열연화 효과가 고려되어야 함을 확인하였다.

The crack propagation of fiber-reinforced self-compacting concrete containing micro-silica and nano-silica

  • Moosa Mazloom;Amirhosein Abna;Hossein Karimpour;Mohammad Akbari-Jamkarani
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.495-511
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    • 2023
  • In this research, the impact of micro-silica, nano-silica, and polypropylene fibers on the fracture energy of self-compacting concrete was thoroughly examined. Enhancing the fracture energy is very important to increase the crack propagation resistance. The study focused on evaluating the self-compacting properties of the concrete through various tests, including J-ring, V-funnel, slump flow, and T50 tests. Additionally, the mechanical properties of the concrete, such as compressive and tensile strengths, modulus of elasticity, and fracture parameters were investigated on hardened specimens after 28 days. The results demonstrated that the incorporation of micro-silica and nano-silica not only decreased the rheological aspects of self-compacting concrete but also significantly enhanced its mechanical properties, particularly the compressive strength. On the other hand, the inclusion of polypropylene fibers had a positive impact on fracture parameters, tensile strength, and flexural strength of the specimens. Utilizing the response surface method, the relationship between micro-silica, nano-silica, and fibers was established. The optimal combination for achieving the highest compressive strength was found to be 5% micro-silica, 0.75% nano-silica, and 0.1% fibers. Furthermore, for obtaining the best mixture with superior tensile strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, and fracture energy, the ideal proportion was determined as 5% micro-silica, 0.75% nano-silica, and 0.15% fibers. Compared to the control mixture, the aforementioned parameters showed significant improvements of 26.3%, 30.3%, 34.3%, and 34.3%, respectively. In order to accurately model the tensile cracking of concrete, the authors used softening curves derived from an inverse algorithm proposed by them. This method allowed for a precise and detailed analysis of the concrete under tensile stress. This study explores the effects of micro-silica, nano-silica, and polypropylene fibers on self-compacting concrete and shows their influences on the fracture energy and various mechanical properties of the concrete. The results offer valuable insights for optimizing the concrete mix to achieve desired strength and performance characteristics.

Guided waves of porous FG nanoplates with four edges clamped

  • Zhao, Jing-Lei;She, Gui-Lin;Wu, Fei;Yuan, Shu-Jin;Bai, Ru-Qing;Pu, Hua-Yan;Wang, Shilong;Luo, Jun
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2022
  • Based on the nonlocal strain gradient (NSG) theory and considering the influence of moment of inertia, the governing equations of motion of porous functionally graded (FG) nanoplates with four edges clamped are established; The Galerkin method is applied to eliminate the spatial variables of the partial differential equation, and the partial differential governing equation is transformed into an ordinary differential equation with time variables. By satisfying the boundary conditions and solving the characteristic equation, the dispersion relations of the porous FG strain gradient nanoplates with four edges fixed are obtained. It is found that when the wave number is very small, the influences of nonlocal parameters and strain gradient parameters on the dispersion relation is very small. However, when the wave number is large, it has a great influence on the group velocity and phase velocity. The nonlocal parameter represents the effect of stiffness softening, and the strain gradient parameter represents the effect of stiffness strengthening. In addition, we also study the influence of power law index parameter and porosity on guided wave propagation.

Observations of Boring Behaviour and the Drilling Mechanism of Lunatia fortunei (Gastropoda: Naticidae) in Western Korea

  • Chung, Ee-Yung;Kim, Sung-Han;Back, Yong-Hae
    • 한국패류학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2011
  • Boring behaviour and drilling mechanism were investigated by visual observations. In this study, of two kinds of holes (the outer and inner holes) which are formed by drilling of boring gastropod Lunatia fortunei (Naticidae), the diameters of the outer holes are broader and larger than those of the inner holes, and their holes look like the crater in shape, as seen in all valves of bivalves bored by Naticidae species. Two kinds of glands (the accessory boring gland and accessory salivary gland) on the foots of boring gastropods have been investigated. Of them, it has been confirmed that only the accessory salivary glands on the foots secreted sulphuric (acidic) components in the mucus (secretion), while the accessory boring glands on the foots did not secrete their components. In this study, we confirmed that L. fortunei possess the accessory boring gland on the foot, as seen in most species in Naticidae. Accoeding to the results of the experiment of the blue litmus paper tests of the mucus (secretions) secreted from the accessory boring gland the color of the blue litmus paper did not turn red in color because chemical components of mucus (secretion) secreted from the accessory boring gland on the foot of L. fortunei (boring gastropod) were not acidic components. It is supposed that the mucus, which is secreted from the accessory boring gland, contained gelatin-like substances or enzymes without acidic components, as already reported in Naticidae species. Therefore, these substances may be involved in softening the surface of the valves of M. veneriformis. Consequently, it is assumed thar L. fortunei bores holes through the shells of molluscs by means of following 3 methods: (1) a softening of the calcareous shells of M. veneriformis with chemical secretions (including gellatin-like substances or enzyme except for acidic components) from the accessory boring glands, (2) mechanical rasping with the radula, (3) a combination of both. In this study, particularly, acidic components, which are involved in softening the surface of the shells, are not associated with the boring mechanism of L. fortunei because chemical acidic components were not detected in the mucus (secretion), as found in Naticidae species.

Solution for surrounding rock of strain-softening considering confining pressure-dependent Young's modulus and nonlinear dilatancy

  • Liang, Peng;Gao, Yongtao;Zhou, Yu;Zhu, Chun;Sun, Yanhua
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.277-290
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents an elastic-plastic solution for the circular tunnel of elastic-strain softening behavior considering the pressure-dependent Young's modulus and the nonlinear dilatancy. The proposed solution is verified by the results of the field measuring and numerical simulation from a practical project, and a published closed-form analysis solution. The influence of each factor is discussed in detail, and the ability of Young's modulus and dilatancy characterizing the mechanical response of surrounding rock is investigated. It is found that, in low levels of support pressure, adopting the constant Young's modulus model will seriously misestimate the surrounding rock deformation. Using the constant dilatancy model will underestimate the surrounding rock deformation. When adopting the constant dilatancy model, as the dilation angle increases, the range of the plastic region increases, and the surrounding rock deformation weakens. When adopting the nonlinear dilatancy, the plastic region range and the surrounding rock deformation are the largest. The surrounding rock deformation using pressure-dependent Young's modulus model is between those resulted from two constant Young's modulus models. The constant α of pressuredependent Young's modulus model is the main factor affecting the tunnel displacement. The influence of α using a constant dilatancy model is much more apparent than that using a nonlinear dilatancy model.