• Title/Summary/Keyword: Measurement Factor and Item

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Development of measurement scale for Korean scaling fear-1.1 (한국형 스케일링두려움 측정도구 개발(KSF-1.1))

  • Cho, Myung-Sook;Yi, Seung-Ju
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.675-684
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for Korean Scaling Fear (KSF)-1.1 in scaling patients. Methods : 402 sample size for scaling patients was studied in Daegu city in July and August of 2011. Mean and standard deviation was calculated in 3 dimensions(FWS: fear while scaling, DDH: distrust on dental hygienist, FAS: fear after scaling). Results : Age of 402 subjects was 36.5 years. In analyzing reliability for item-level, a range of correlation coefficient(${\alpha}$) on item-internal consistency(FWS, DDH, and FAS) was 0.58~0.88(${\alpha}$=0.90), 0.40~0.71(${\alpha}$=0.82), and 0.54~0.63(${\alpha}$=0.82), respectively. Floor(%) and ceiling(%) value on 3 dimensions were also 9.2% and 4.0%, 12.4% and 0.5%, and 17.7% and 1.2%, respectively, therefore, we found statistically high reliability for those(p<0.001). With explanatory factor analysis, this study could generate 3 dimensions(factor 1, eigenvalue 5.41, proportion 0.49; factor 2, eigenvalue 1.50, proportion 0.14; factor 3, eigenvalue 1.04, proportion 0.09) and 11 sub-scales. Also confirmatory factor analysis results showed that the KSF1.1 model was fitted very well in analysis of model fit($x^2$=112.94, df=41, p=0.000; goodness of fit index=0.95; adjusted goodness of fit index=0.92; root mean square residual=0.057). Conclusions : In conclusion, The findings of this study showed that developed reliable and valid instrument for measuring the KSF1.1 in the scaling patients.

Development of the Patient Caring Communication Scale (환자 돌봄 의사소통 측정 도구 개발)

  • Heo, Myoung Lyun;Im, Sook Bin
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.80-91
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study attempted to develop a scale that measures the level of patients' recognition of the nurses' care, based on Watson's caring theory, and confirmed its reliability and validity. Methods: The items were developed through a literature review and an expert content validity test. The questionnaires were administered to 285 inpatients of internal medicine and surgical units at two general hospitals. Construct validity was tested using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability was tested using Cronbach's alpha. Results: This process resulted in a preliminary scale composed of 34 items; We used item analysis and five exploratory factor analyses, and consequently selected 14 items composed of three factors (respect, genuineness, and relationality). The confirmatory factor analysis verified the model fit and convergent and discriminant validity of the final items; criterion validity was confirmed with the positive correlation with the measurement scale of the patient-perceived quality of nursing. The overall scale reliability had a Cronbach's alpha of .92, which indicated internal consistency and reliability. Conclusion: The developed scale showed content, construct, and criterion validity, and reliability, as well as convergent validity for each item and discriminant validity between the factors. This makes it suitable for use in a diverse range of future studies on nurse communication using structural equation models.

Specifying and Analyzing Formative Measurement of High-order Factor (고차 요인의 형성적 측정방법에 대한 식별 및 분석방법)

  • Yim, Myung-Seong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2013
  • Although the methodological literature is replete with advice regarding the development and validation of multi-item scales based on reflective measures, the issue of index construction using formative measures has received little attention. The aim of this paper is to enhance researchers' understanding of formative measures of high-order factor and assist them in their index construction efforts. This article is also to provide some insights into the nature of formative indicators for researchers to reach an informed choice as to the appropriate high order formative measurement model for their needs. We first provide a brief background on formative indicators, drawing from the limited and fragmented literature on the topic. Next we give an example of constructing an index based on actual survey data and highlight the procedures used to assess its quality. We conclude the article with some thoughts about the use of indexes in empirical studies.

A Measurement Scale Development of Nursing Competence for Nurses Working in General Wards (일반병동 간호사의 간호역량평가 도구 개발)

  • Kang, Yoon-Sook;Lee, Suk-Jeong;Kim, In-Ja;Ahn, Kum-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a measurement scale of nursing competence for nurses working in general wards, and to test the validity and reliability of the scale. Method: A methodological study design was used, consisting of 3 steps as conceptual framework decision, measurement items development, and testing of validity and reliability. In order to verify content validity, 16 experts reviewed the concept of each competences and measurement items. The developed measurement items were tested from 301 nurses in one hospital. Factor analysis and item analysis were applied to establish the scale's construct validity and reliability. Result: The final scale consists of nine dimensions with 70 items. The overall scale reliability had a Cronbach's alpha of 0.98, and the demensions Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.88 to 0.95. The factor loading of construct validity was from 0.40 to 0.83. The explained variance from the 9 extracted factors was 70.93% of the total variance, and final factors were labeled as critical thinking, resources management and professional development, ability of ward management, application of nursing process, ethical accountability, respectful consideration, patient centered approach, crisis management, and leadership. Conclusion: This measurement scale can be utilized to evaluate nursing competence for nurses working in general wards.

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Reliability and Validity on Measurement Instrument for Health Status Assessment in Occupational Workers (직장인들의 건강수준 평가를 위한 측정도구의 신뢰도와 타당도 분석)

  • Koh, Sang-Baek;Chang, Sei-Jin;Kang, Myung-Guen;Cha, Bong-Suk;Park, Jong-Ku
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.30 no.2 s.57
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    • pp.251-266
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    • 1997
  • In order to test scaling assumption, and to assess the validity, reliability, and acceptability of the Short form 36(SF-36) health survey questionnaire, we conducted a survey. Samples were 296 workers who had been employed in small sized companies. All scale passed for item internal consistency(100% sucess rate) and item discriminant validity(100% success .ate). Reliability coefficients were ranged from the lowest 0.51 to the highest of 0.85. For 87.5% of the total workers, inconsistent responses were not observed. Only 3.0% of the total workers failed two or more checks. Factor analysis was performed using principal axis factor method and quartimax rotation. In this survey, the SF-36 retained available psychometric properties even when used in a generally healthy worker group. But further study with some consideration to develope health status measurement is expected : first, the definition of health status should be rationalized. Second, the measurement of outcome is an important consideration in evaluations of quality of care. But ambiguities hinder understanding of this important topic. Third, internal consistency should be interpreted with caution as an indication reliability because it ignores potentially important sources of variation that can occur over time.

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The Use of Rasch Model in Developing a Short Form Based on Self-Reported Activity Measure for Low Back Pain

  • Choi, Bong-Sam
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 2014
  • For maintaining adequate psychometric properties when reducing the number of items from an instrument, item level psychometrics is crucial. Strategies such as low item correlation or factor loadings, using classical test theory, have traditionally been advocated. The purpose of this study is to describe the development of a new short form assessing the impact of low back pain on physical activity. Rasch measurement model has been applied to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Activity Measure (ICF-AM). One hundred and one individuals with low back pain aged 19-89 years (mean age: $48.1{\pm}17.3$) who live in the community were participated in the study. Twenty-seven items of lifting/carrying construct of the ICF-AM were analyzed. Ten items were selected from the construct to create a short form. Item elimination criteria include: 1) high or low mean square (out of the range: .6-1.4 for the fit statistics), 2) similar item calibrations to adjacent items, 3) person separation value, and item-person map for potential gap in person ability continuum. All 10 items of the short form fit to the Rasch model except one item (i.e., carrying toddler on back). Despite its high infit and outfit statistics (1.90/2.17), the item had to be reinstated due to potential gaps at the upper extreme of person ability level. The short form had a slightly better spread of person ability continuum compared to the entire set of item. The created short form separated individuals with low back pain into nearly 4 groups, while the entire set of items separated the individuals into 6 groups. The findings prompted multidimensional models for better explanation of the lifting/carrying domain. The item level psychometrics based on the Rasch model can be useful in developing short forms with rationally retained items.

The Body Appreciation Scale-2: Validation of a Korean version among older adults (The Body Appreciation Scale-2의 노인 남녀 대상 한국어 타당성 검증 연구)

  • Minsun Lee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.277-295
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    • 2023
  • The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) measures the extent to which individuals feel, accept, and respond to their own bodies in a positive manner. Given the research need to explore positive body image and its associations with various sociocultural factors and related consequences among individuals with various cultural backgrounds, several studies have established the psychometric properties and factor structures of the BAS-2 in different languages and samples with different characteristics. The current study investigated the psychometric properties and measurement invariance of a Korean version of the BAS-2 in an older Korean adult population (599 older Korean adults with the average age of 70 years). Data were collected using both online and offline (paper-based) survey questionnaires. The results of exploratory factor analyses and confirmatory factor analysis evidenced the unidimensional factor structure and measurement invariance of the Korean BAS-2 among older Korean men and women, after dropping item 1. Scalar invariance was supported across gender, and men and women did not significantly differ in observed mean scores of the Korean BAS-2. The results also supported good convergent validity and criterion validity. Incremental validity was demonstrated by predicting self-esteem over and above measures of age, BMI, subjective financial and health status, body esteem, and ageism. High internal reliability and test-retest reliability over a 2-week period were confirmed. Overall, the results of this study support the reliable use of a Korean BAS-2 to measure positive body image among older Koreans after excluding item 1.

Development of Presence Measurement (프레즌스 측정척도 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ok-Ki
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.48
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    • pp.231-256
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is that we regard the notion of reality that television viewers feel as presence, point out problem of measurement tool that appropriate for TV, clarify the subordinate concept of presence, and develop measurement tool that have reliability and validity. To achieve this, we paid attention to reality of television as a determinant of presence and tried to elicit proper subcategories. That is, we progressed two steps research that distinguished external characteristic and content of the media into sensible reality and cognitive reality, and develop measure item and verified statistical validity. We analyzed the second research result about measurement category of presence selected by first research and then we did Exploratory factor analysis and Confirmatory factor analysis. As a result, the first characteristic that make people experience presence is sensible reality, that is, it is the factor of sensible faithfullness, image faithfullness, and image reality as the form factor of the media. The second characteristic is cognitive reality. That is the factor of social reality, relational reality, and practical reality as the factor of media content. Synthesizing these subordinate factor, we can conceptualize presence experience as a reality of media form and content in HDTV viewing environment.

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Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the COVID Stress Scale

  • Demirgoz Bal, Meltem;Dissiz, Melike;Bayri Bingol, Fadime
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.525-536
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the Turkish adaptation of the COVID Stress Scale (CSS) on the basis of determining the stress caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, and to test its validity and reliability. Methods: The English CSS was translated into Turkish using forward and backward translation. Data were collected online from 360 participants. Construct validity was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and content validity. Pearson product-moment correlation, Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient, and test-retest methods were used to evaluate reliability. Results: The Turkish version of the CSS has 36 items consistent with the original scale and has five factors: COVID danger and contamination, socioeconomic consequences of COVID, COVID xenophobia, traumatic stress due to COVID, and compulsive checking for COVID. The construct validity of the Turkish version of the CSS was verified by the adjusted goodness of fit index > .85, and comparative fit index > .95. The content validity index of each item was 91%. The corrected item-total correlations of the scale ranged from .51 to .89. Internal consistency was reliable, with a Cronbach's α of .93. Conclusion: The Turkish version of the CSS is valid and reliable. It can be used as a measurement tool for the assessment of COVID-related stress.

Development of a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender cultural competence scale for nurses in South Korea: a methodological study

  • Min Kyung Kim;Hye Young Kim
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a cultural competence scale for nurses regarding the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community and to test its validity and reliability. Methods: The study adhered to the 8-step process outlined by DeVellis, with an initial set of 25 items derived through a literature review and individual interviews. Following an expert validity assessment, 24 items were validated. Subsequently, a preliminary survey was conducted among 23 nurses with experience caring for LGBT patients. Data were then collected from a final sample of 322 nurses using the 24 items. Item analysis, item-total score correlation, examination of construct and convergent validity, and reliability testing were performed. Results: The item-level content validity index exceeded .80, and the explanatory power of the construct validity was 63.63%. The factor loadings varied between 0.57 and 0.80. The scale comprised five factors: cultural skills, with seven items; cultural awareness, with five items; cultural encounters, with three items; cultural pursuit, with three items; and cultural knowledge, with three items; totaling 21 items. Convergent validity demonstrated a high correlation, affirming the scale's validity. Internal consistency analysis yielded an overall reliability coefficient of 0.97, signifying very high reliability. Each item is scored from 1 to 6 (total score range, 21-126), with higher scores reflecting greater cultural competence in LGBT care. Conclusion: This scale facilitates the measurement of LGBT cultural competence among nurses. Therefore, its use should provide foundational data to support LGBT-focused nursing education programs.