• Title/Summary/Keyword: Materiality

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Formative Expressions by Artificial Light applied to Office Building Lobbies (현대 오피스 로비공간에서 빛의 조형적 표현 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Soo-Ryun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2009
  • Contemporary design environment is formed with image-centered trend based on pluralism. In this point of view, enterprises' building lobbies are public places containing the equivocal meaning, actively utilizing light as a design element to express the image of enterprises' identifications. Light is an immaterial entity having unlimited possibilities and potentials on space. It also acts as media to activate spaces and create new images in connection with formative elements of space. This study is to figure out how lightings are expressed and affected the formative characteristics of office lobby spaces and activate the specific characteristics of spaces. As a result, we drew conclusions as follows. First, as state-of-the-art technology and media are introduced, light is expressed on spaces as floating, direction, rhythm, silhouette, metaphor and allusion, sense of depth and volume. Second, expressive aspects of light in lobby space are embodiment of light, substantiation of immateriality, standing of materiality from the perspective of spatial aesthetics, and distortion/transformation of shape, pluralism phenomena of space from the perspective of spatial structure. In this way, light on building lobbies which are greatly required design differentiation strategy, specializes space and also integrates all the designs as not only a functional element but also a mental, psychological, formative element. Consequently, light on lobby spaces induces communication between spaces and users, makes formative value of existence in itself, and presents the characteristics of differentiated enterprises' identities.

A Study on the Symbolism of Architectural Design as an Applied Art (응용예술로서 건축 디자인의 상징성에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Suk-Hyun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2014
  • As a applied art, Architecture is a synthetic art for dwelling and settlement. It has started with the origin of the human. and Artistical-technological indicator, include not only materiality but also immateriality such as history and society. After 20C, various categories of thinking is a undergoing rapid change. especially, beginning in 1900, The intrinsic value of "Fine Art" had lost their competitive power in the face of industrial revolution's mass production. and it has been displaced by a "new concept", such as a conveyance of meaning or rational way of thinking. This change means free from the tradition and custom of a past. for that reasons, Due to the nature of applied art, it always include design symbolism and designer's thinking is mainly processed in their own system of thinking. Symbolism for the art was distinguished from a general concept by the connotative meaning that called "the dual image". Therefore, at the start, this study will define about design and symbolism with a architecture as a applied art. then, Analysis the expression tendency of the contemporary architecture and modification. as a result, It aim to systematize mapping process and suggest the classification of various visual cue.

Source And Identity Supporting The Theory of Materiality of Tri-Energizer in Nei Jing ("내경(內經)"에 나타난 삼초유형(三焦有形)의 근거(根據) 및 삼초(三焦)의 실체(實體))

  • Yoon, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2012
  • Objective & Method : We investigated the identity of tri-energizer, which was originally described in Huang Di Nei Jing and claimed by traditional scholars, and drew the following conclusions. Result & Conclusion : According to Huang Di Nei Jing tri-energizer is one of the six hollow-organs and is called hollow organs for digestion and elimination, water guffer organ, or solitary hollow organ. It is believed that tri-energizer is regarded as the existing entity based on following several different sources; it functions as the course of channels, regulates wind and link and physiological function-especially intrinsic function of upper, middle, lower internal organs. It also controls syndromes and dysfunction of an illness, the surface of the body, and the cracked surface of the skin. Finally, bold and timidity depend on the tri-energizer. Experts determined the true nature of tri-energizer types. Experts include: Yu Tuan from the Ming dynasty, Tang Jong Hai and Ye Lin from the Qing dynasty, and Zhang Xi Chun from the Zhunghua Minguo period. These experts' claims are based on shape and forms of tri-energizer. Our examinations of anatomical and physiological basis on tri-energizers showed that, in a narrow sense, tri-energizer indicates visceral and parietal peritoneum and omentum surrounding the internal organs, and in a broad sense, indicates the overall membrane wrapping around the whole internal organs including five visceral organs and six hollow organs.

A Study on the Characteristics of Dematerialized Expression in the Contemporary Architecture in Korea (한국현대상업건축(韓國現代商業建築)에서 나타난 비물질적(非物質的) 표현(表現) 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Han, Sun-Wook;Jang, Mi-Hyun;Kim, Jung-Jae
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.11 no.1 s.29
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2002
  • Contemporary architecture is developing aspects of variety design in form and material. The various architectural trends even change classical materiality. This concept has the background of current idea - digital, information, imagination with paradigm. So this study aims to show the present status of the expressions in the contemporary architecture in Korea under its dematerialized situation. And like this, we know for study about the relation between dematerialization and current architecture, still more Korean present condition. In chapter one, the background, purpose and method of study are explained. In chapter two, this study inquires the general concept of dematerial. In the process of searching for the forming basic background this study understands the characteristic. In chapter three, this study inquires the aspect of dematerialized expression in modern architect. In chapter four, with characteristics drawn in chapter three, this study show the present status of the expressions in the contemporary architecture in Korea under its dematerialized situation. In chapter five, a synthetic conclusion is presented.

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A Study on the Idea of the Technology in Jong Soung Kimm's Architecture (김종성 건축에서의 기술 개념에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, In-Ha
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.10 no.2 s.26
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2001
  • Jong Soung Kim is a rare architect in Korea who has consistently done research on the idea of the architectural technology for a long time. Therefore in order to understand Kimm's architecture, it is essential to examine his idea on the technology, which reveals the complicated relationship between divers architectural discourses. It is concerned with tectonics which was the most important theoretical movements in German architecture from the nineteenth century, the Mies van der Rohe's idea of the technology which provided the most powerful basis of modern architecture, Miesians' technological discourses which was at the height of prosperity in seventies in America, and High-tech architecture in eighties. Kimm's idea on the technology is defined as follow; 1) Kimm believe that although architecture begins in construction and materiality, it must culminate in artistic form. It's legacy of German tectonics. 2) He accepts Mies' three ideas on the technology. 'Architecture is the spatially apprehended will of the epoch.' 'Technology reveals the true nature of the will of the epoch.' 'We can attain a new beauty with the help of a new technology' 3) He takes a double attitude toward the idea on the technology of Mies followers. He accepts their architectural achievement according to technological progress, but criticize their technology-oriented attitude, deprived of spiritual enrichment. 4) Kimm's idea on the technology is distinguished from that of High-tech architect. The principal criteria exist in their different attitude toward the anonymity and the ethics of technology.

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Social Media as a Technology for Being : The Qualities of Being on Social Media and the New Problematics of Social Media Research

  • Juhn, Sunghyun
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.41-65
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    • 2016
  • What prevails in the today's research on social media is a functional view of technology. Technology is regarded as a set of technical devices used to conduct specific social functions, such as personal communication, social networking, public posting, and corporate advertising, among others. This paper proposes that such a functional view of technology renders social media research unduly limited and constrained in its scope, level, and direction of inquiry. Problematizing on some representative social media research efforts in the field of IS, this paper provides an alternative perspective, that is, to view social media as a technology-for-being that exerts a deeper level of influence on our existence, molding and shaping the nature and mode of being itself. Such a technology-for-being perspective has been rarely explored or subscribed to in the present IS social media research. Building upon the new conception of social media as a technology-for-being, this essay explores the quality of being in the context of social media. Five such qualities are discussed, including virtuality, materiality, externality, liquidity, and hybridity. The essay also explores the deep structural problems of research to guide future social media research. Six of such problems include Problematize-the-Natural, Follow-the-Actor, Welcome-the-Frankenstein, Weber-meets-Frankenstein, Freud-meets-Frankenstein, and Marx-meets-Frankenstein. The essay concludes with discussions on the implications of the essay, its limitations, and suggestions for future work.

Knowledge, Media and Information in the Age of Digital Reproduction (디지털 복제 시대의 지식, 미디어, 정보 - 지식의 기술.사회적 조건 변화를 중심으로)

  • Paik, Wook-Inn
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.49
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to disclose the characteristics of knowledge in the age of digital reproduction. To achieve this I extended Benjamin's concept of technological reproduction to three different stages as mechanical reproduction, electric reproduction and digital reproduction. Each stage has different degree of reproducibility and de-materialization. I also combined McLuhan's concept of the electricity at the point of de-materialization with reproducibility. The degree of materiality and reproducibility is the key concept which could scale the technical condition of knowledge production. The social condition of knowledge reproduction is controlled by economic and political factors. In this connection between technological and social condition the current knowledge production and intellectual property could be explained properly. This study could open the theoretical door to deepen such an understanding.

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A Study of Information Commons as Model of Library Integrated Service (도서관 통합서비스 모델로서의 Information Commons에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Mi-Kyung;Nam, Tae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.347-363
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    • 2007
  • According to alternation of Digital Information Environment. users require more complicated and variable services. This study refined theoretically definition, concept, and materiality of Information Commons which is introduced and diffused throughout U.S. Universities' libraries. Information Commons is not simple facilities and spaces of library, but it is a united service model that is designed to fulfill variable information requirements of users with offering cooperative services, coalition of human resources, physical spaces, and facilities of redefinitions. In order to successful introduction and construction of Information Commons, it should be preceded that approaching digital information resources, offering continual services, and integration of resources that focus on the users.

Interactive Quality in Ethiopian Telecom's Service Encounters: A Dyadic Perspective

  • Potluri, Rajasekhara Mouly;Yigezu, Yoseph;Ansari, Rizwana;Khan, Saqib Rasool
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This research primarily assesses interactive quality in the service encounters of Ethiopian Telecom from the customer and contact personnel perspectives. Research design, data, and methodology - After reviewing the literature on service encounters and interactive quality, two separate questionnaires and structured personal interviews were conducted to collect the opinions of 400 customers and 100 employees of Ethiopian Telecom. The researchers used convenience sampling; the responses, measured on a five-point Likert-type scale, were analyzed through chi-square tests conducted on SPSS 17.0. Results - Regarding the outcome expected by customers, encounter effectiveness is very low. Regarding accessibility and materiality, the corporation's personnel are freely accessible, relatively well-dressed, and have access to sophisticated office equipment and physical facilities. Finally, with regard to agent satisfaction, the telecom's contact employees are shown to gain little professional satisfaction from service encounters. Conclusion - The study clearly presents the areas in which interactive quality strongly affects both telecom customers and employees; this will help the corporation take corrective action. This is of utmost contemporary importance for both practitioners and researchers.

A Study on the 'Fragmentation-Assemblage' Design Method and Meaning found in the Architecture of David Chipperfield (데이비드 치퍼필드 건축에 나타난 '분절-집합'의 디자인 방법과 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Jin
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2014
  • Over the 30 years of practice, most of David Chipperfield's design projects shows that there are several unique design methods and characteristics applied in the design processes. 'Form Matters' exhibition held in London Design Museum in 2009 was crucial opportunity to summarize his architectural philosophy. The main target of this study is to analyze the Chipperfield's consistent design methods and their meaning based on his architectural philosophy. In chapter 2, his architectural background, early projects and the essence of 'Form Matters' exhibition were studied. In chapter 3, the projects built after 2000 were summarized and main design method that is 'Fragmentation & assemblage' were extracted from them. After selecting 6 case projects, each cases were analyzed in detail based on 3 analytical elements: A) Reason to segment the given volume into smaller volumes, B) Relationship between Fragmentation and Program, C) Relationship between Fragmentation-Assemblage and Interior/Exterior Space. In chapter 5, case analysis were summarized and deep meaning of design method were researched. This study founded that Chipperfield has used Fragmentation-Assemblage method to get 'flexible respond to site conditions', 'appropriate composition of program and space', 'various visual-perceptual experience through intermediary space and materiality'. As a conclusion, his unique design method has a role to logically and aesthetically spatialize all the given contextual situations into a specific architectural 'form'.