• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mass Movement

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Can a Skier Make a Circular Turn without any Active Movement?

  • Youn, Sun-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Physical Society
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    • v.73 no.10
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    • pp.1410-1419
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    • 2018
  • A skier's motion was analyzed by a simple model consist of point mass m and a single rod connected to a single ski plate. We studied the conditions for the stable ski turn as functions of the linear velocity and the radius of the turn. The solutions for the stable ski turn in our model do not require any extra skier's movement to complete a stable circular turn. The solution may then give the skier the most comfortable skiing method without any active movement to control the ski. The generalized force supporting the point mass from the ski plate was calculated. We obtained the force from the ground (rebound force) without any geometrical structure of the ski plate. Adding an active movement to the direction of the ski plate, the conditions for the stable ski turn were also analyzed. Our result gives some insight for the skier who wants to develop technique.

Water and Air Movement in Bounded Layered Soil (다층토양에서의 물과 공기의 움직임)

  • 선우중호
    • Water for future
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.56-60
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    • 1975
  • Traditional descriptions of water movement in soils and of calculations of infiltration rates neglect the air movement and its compressibility. The movement of two fluids in the bounded layered porous medium is treated analytically and computer simulations are conducted for given boundary conditions and initial saturation profiles. The movement of a given saturation across the interface between the different soil layers is theoretically developed by considering the conservation of mass. It is shown that the existence of the interface affects the infiltration rate when the average total velocity is greater than zero. The transition from one layer to another layer cause a change in the capillary drive and consequently influences the infiltration rate.

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The Process of Hillslope Denudation and History of Mass-Movement at the Uppermost Stream of Maegokcheon During the Holocene (충남 매곡천 최상류에 있어서 홀로세 구릉사면의 삭박과정과 사면물질이동의 이력)

  • Park, Ji-Hoon;Jung, Hea-kyung
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the history of phenomenon(hereinafter called mass-movement) of movement of inorganic material originated from hillslope by denudation of hillslope surrounding the watershed during Holocen period in the Chaamgol watershed(hereinafter called study watershed) uppermost stream of Maegokcheon Cheonan-si Chungnam. To do this, for the object of allivium distributed in valley bottom of study watershed, facies analysis, radiocarbon dating and grain size analysis were conducted and geomorphological analysis on study watershed conducted together. The result is like the following. It was confirmed that over around 9,100yrBP~to recent due to a few times of mass-movement occurred in time scale of 102~103 years, a large quantity of inorganic material is mixed in organic material layer originated from wetland formed in valley bottom of study watershed or exists between organic material layers. And it was found that in study watershed, mass-movement occurred in instable period of hillslope after the Early Holocen existed at least 8 times (M1 period~M8 period) and wetland environment formed in the stable period of hill slope existed total 4 times (W1 period~W4 period). This analysis result will be used in the future as basic material in research of Holocen climate change of Maegokcheon watershed and in restoration of denudation process of hillslope following this.

Adorno's critique of the possibility of fascist violence in popular movements (대중운동의 파시즘적인 폭력의 가능성과 그에 대한 아도르노의 비판)

  • Kim, Jin-ae
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.144
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    • pp.141-166
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    • 2017
  • Adorno's most important criticism in popular movement is the identity of revolutionary leaders and followers. The identification process has three characteristics. The first characteristic is to create a sense of solidarity within the group by creating an image more real than the antagonist and ensuring the distinction between the enemy and the comrades. Individual entities that resist the mass created by the sense of solidarity disappear, and only the subject identified with the group exists. The second characteristic is to present an optimistic utopia, which makes the public believe that salvation comes from transcendent values. This mass movement also leads to criticism of other groups or people who are deemed off-limits to their own solidarity. The third characteristic is that the public, whose individual subject disappears through the narcissism-based public hypnotic state, is identified with the conductors, and forces other subjects to hypnotize themselves. The purpose of this paper is to examine how Adorno criticizes the fascist violence of mass movements and analyze what this suggests about the task of mass movements.

A Study on Modeling of LD Movement and Measurement of Mass Center using Piezoelectric Element (압전소자를 이용한 레이저디스크 이동현상의 모델링과 질량중심의 위치결정에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Hwa-Seop;Hong, Jun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4 s.97
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 1999
  • Piezoelectric element is deformed by driving voltage pattern. We developed a device of moving LD(laser disk) to use the rapid deformation of piezoelectric element. If driving voltage is changed very rapidly, the difference of acceleration is accurred between spindle motor and LD. To move LD on turn table is attained by utilizing difference of acceleration. This paper describes theoretical and experimental results about the movement of LD and presents to measure the center of mass LD with unbalance force.

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Electoral Reform Movement in Malaysia : Emergence, Protest, and Reform

  • Khoo, Ying Hooi
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.85-106
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    • 2014
  • Protests are not new in Malaysia, though it is restricted by the ruling government. The trend of street protests and demonstrations since the emergence of Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih), Malaysia's first people movement on electoral reform, has triggered a sentiment of people power among Malaysian citizens. With protests and popular mobilization becoming pronounced in Malaysian politics, political activism becomes for Malaysians a channel of discontent and expression of political preferences. Using information obtained from interviews with individuals linked to the movement, this paper articulates that protests are no longer exclusive to Malaysians. This paper illustrates the emergence of the Bersih movement and explores the three Bersih mass rallies that took place in 2007, 2011, and 2012. This paper further links the protests with the electoral reform initiatives. It argues that the Bersih movement has managed to lobby fundamental changes in the Malaysian political culture.

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Effect on the Limit of Stability of the Lowered Center of Mass With a Weight Belt

  • Phan, Jimmy;Wakumoto, Kaylen;Chen, Jeffrey;Choi, Woochol Joseph
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2020
  • Background: The consequences of falls are often debilitating, and prevention is important. In theory, the lower the center of mass (COM), the greater postural stability during standing, and a weight belt at the waist level may help to lower the COM and improve the standing balance. Objects: We examined how the limit of stability (LOS) was affected by the lowered center of mass with the weight belt. Methods: Twenty healthy individuals participated in the LOS test. After calculating each participant's COM, a weight belt was fastened ten centimeters below the COM. Trials were acquired with five weight belt conditions: 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% of body weight. Outcome measures included reaction time, movement velocity, endpoint excursion, maximum excursion, and directional control in 4 cardinal moving directions. Results: None of our outcome variables were associated with a weight belt (p > 0.075), but all of them were associated with moving direction (p < 0.01). On average, movement velocity of the COM and maximum excursion were 31% and 18% greater, respectively, in mediolateral than anteroposterior direction (5.4°/s vs. 4.1°/s; 97.5% vs. 82.6%). Conclusion: Our results suggest that postural stability was not affected by the weight-induced lowered COM, informing the development and improvement of balance training strategies.

Analysis for Angle, Center of Mass and Muscle Activity on Good and Bad Motion of the Pirouette in Ballet (발레 삐루엣 동작 수행정도에 따른 각도, 중심변인 및 근활동 분석)

  • Kwon, An-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to identify major factors on pirouette in ballet, and especially angle, Center of Mass(CM) & muscle activity aspects. The data were collected by using Motion Analysis System with 12 cameras to analyze kinematic variables with 120 Hz and Electromyography(EMG; 4,000 Hz) & Force Platform(1,000 Hz) to analyze kinetic variables. The subjects of this study were 8 female ballet dancers. The results as follow. First of all, full extension of knee joint and full plantar flexion of ankle joint appeared at the similar point. Secondly, in the rotational phase, total movement of segments in Good motion is smaller than that of Bad motion(in Good motion, head movement 2.70 cm, right shoulder movement 0.72 cm, left shoulder 4.26 cm, left wrist 17.4 mm smaller than Bad motion). Third, CoP distance of Good motion is 11.76 mm, and CoP distance of Bad motion is 11.76 mm, so Good motion is 5.98 mm smaller). Lastly, Pirouette need more retus femur activity than gastrocnemius activity in extention phase and rotation phase of support leg.

Analysis of Seasonal Air Parcel Movement Pattern in South-Eastern Part of the Korean Peninsula Using WRF/FLEXPART (WRF/FLEXPART를 이용한 한반도 동남지역 계절별 공기괴 이동 패턴 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Mi;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Lee, Soon-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.327-337
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    • 2012
  • Air pollution inventories are aggregated around south-eastern part of the Korean Peninsular including Busan, Ulsan, and Changwon cities. Because densely populated cities are concentrated in this region, air pollutants emitted from one of these cities tend to be impacted on the air quality of other cities. In order to clarify the seasonal movement pattern of emitted particles, several numerical simulations using WRF/FLEXPART were carried out. Four cases were selected for each season. The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) reproduced atmospheric flow fields with nested grids. The seasonal pattern of air mass of study area was determined by backward and forward trajectories. As a result, the air parcel moves from northwest to southeast due to northwesterly winds in spring and winter. Also air parcel transports from south to north in summer, and moves from west to east. Because the air mass moves differently in each season, these characteristics should be considered when performing air quality analysis.

The 'Be Slow'Movement and Its Impact on the Current Fashion (최근 국내외 패션에 나타난 느리게 살기 운동의 영향)

  • 김윤희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.165-179
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    • 2002
  • This paper begins with the thesis that the so-called 'Be Slow' Movement has not only affected the contemporary life style but also the current fashion trend in the West as well as in Korea. The influence of the 'Be Slow' Movement on the everyday life of Western and Korean society can be documented by recent books, news reports, and many articles from various kinds of mass media and fashion magazines since the year 2000. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First. the 'Be Slow' Movement is a new cultural phenomenon and very different from that of the past century. It has emerged very recently and it could affect the life style o( its followers for a long period of time. Second, the influence of 'Be Slow' Movement on everyday life can be witnessed in many behavioral choices. such as the preference of organic food and natural cooking for food and the preference of rural life and a green patch of land for housing. Some aspects of the way of rearing the children and long-term planning of one's life are also under the influence of 'Be Slow' Movement. In a way. the life style Proposed by the 'Be Slow' Movement is somewhat similar to that of 'Bobos'. Third, the influence of 'Be Slow' Movement on the current fashion trend can be observed in the appreciation of time-consuming labour and increased usage of D.I.Y. clothing. The higher value of fashion goods with handcrafted part or scarce luxury item are good examples of the influence by the 'Be Slow' Movement. One can say that the 'Be Slow' Movement is not retrogression, but a re-creation of time and space to be grateful for one's life. Thus, it is not anti-technology but a commercialism with technology in order to enhance the quality of life and to place people in the center of production and consumption. Consequently, one may say that the 'Be Slow' Movement is a appropriate and affluent way of living.