• Title/Summary/Keyword: Masonry fence

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Seismic Performance Evaluation of Unreinforced and ECC-jacketed Masonry Fences using Shaking Table Test (진동대실험을 사용한 비보강 및 ECC 자켓 보강 조적담장의 내진성능평가)

  • Yonghun Lee;Jinwoo Kim;Jae-Hwan Kim;Tae-Sung Eom;Sang-Hyun Lee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.182-192
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the efficacy of Engineered Cementitious Composite(ECC) jacket for masonry fences subjected to lateral dynamic load was experimentally verified through a shaking table test, comparing it with the performance of an unreinforced masonry(URM) fence. Firstly, dominant frequencies, modal damping ratios and deformed shapes were identified through an impact hammer test. URM and ECC-strengthened fences with heights of 940mm and 970mm had natural frequencies of 6.4 and 35.3Hz, and first modal damping ratios of 7.0 and 5.3%, respectively. Secondly, a shaking table test was conducted in the out-of-plane direction, applying a historical earthquake, El Centro(1940) scaled from 25 to 300%. For the URM fence, flexural cracking occurred at the interface of brick and mortar joint(i.e., bed joint) at the ground motion scaled to 50%, and out-of-plane overturning failure followed during the subsequent test conducted at the ground motion scaled to 30%. On the other hand, the ECC-jacketed fence showed a robust performance without any crack or damage until the ground motion scaled to 300%. Finally, the base shear forces exerted upon the URM and ECC-jacketed fences by the ground motions scaled to 25~300% were evaluated and compared with the ones calculated according to the design code. In contrast to the collapse risk of the URM fence at the ground motion of 1,000-year return period, the ECC-jacketed fence was estimated to remain safe up to the 4,800-year return period ground motion.

The changing characteristics of Material and Structure of Rural Housing in the aspect of Period and Region (지역별·시기별 농촌주택의 재료 및 구법 특징 변화 연구)

  • Bae, Woong-Kyoo;Joo, Dae-Khan;Jeong, Dong-Seop;Yun, Yong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.6504-6513
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    • 2013
  • The result can be summarized as follows. First, the following periodically changing characteristics were examined:roof form(gambrel/hipped-flat-gable), structure of roof and wall(wood-framed-cement masonry-RC-Light iron framed), roof material(thatched-tiled-slate-cement/steel sheet-asphalt/sandwich panel/mortar water-proofing), wall material(clay plaster/lime plastered-dressing tile/bricks-painting on the cement plastering-native stone dressing/siding/tile), fence material(masonry of stone and cement bricks), and courtyard materials(clay and concrete). Secondly, the regionally changing characteristics of those elements, rural housing structure, roof form, roof structure material, wall finishing material, fence and courtyard material in the outer space, differed according to the location of rural housing, i.e.north, middle, south region. The changing characteristics of both the roof structure and wall structure are similar to those of the three regions.

A Study on the Perception for Rural Housing Remodeling for Improved Residential Environment - For Rural Residents in Jeollanam-do - (거주환경 개선을 위한 농촌주택 개보수 인식에 관한 연구 - 전라남도 농촌마을 거주자를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Yun-Hag
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to provide necessary information for the establishment of remodeling range needed first to support the future remodeling of rural housing. For this, this study examined landscape characteristics of rural housing such as an outer wall, a roof, a fence, and a gate which are main elements of forming the landscape of a rural village and rural residents' perception for remodeling. The results were as follows. The subject rural housing mostly had a timber structure and a masonry structure. Common roof types were a hip-and-gable roof and a gable roof. Frequent materials were a panel, a tile, and slate and common colors were primary colors such as reddish brown, black, and gray. A fence made of cement blocks and finished by a white paint was often found. A closed gate with iron frames was common. A standup kitchen and a flush toilet inside the house were common. The family members of rural residents were mostly two including a farmer husband and his wife. Elderly people of sixty and over were the most common. For residential environment satisfaction, a half of respondents were not unsatisfied with residential environment mostly due to an old house. Most respondents who were not satisfied with residential environment had high perception for the need of remodeling. The most commonly asked remodeling part was a roof, followed by a toilet, and an outer wall, indicating that the need of exterior remodeling was higher than that of interior remodeling. For a remodeling method, a total improvement was preferred. Although some rural village housing was improved by support of the government, local governments, or social groups, there are still many old houses. As this co-existence of improved houses and old houses hinders the landscape of rural village, it is necessary to give a support. But rural residents' requests should be first actively reflected to establish a guideline of supporting rural house remodeling.

Characteristics on Stabilization Measures for Cutting Slopes of Forest Roads (임도구조 요인에 따른 절토비탈면 안정구조물의 특성)

  • Baek, Seung-An;Ji, Byoung-Yun;Lee, Joon;Cha, Du-Song
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2014
  • Forest roads failure is one of the most common problems caused by heavy rainfalls. This study investigated the characteristics on stabilization measures installed for cutting slopes failure of forest road resulted from heavy rainfalls. Three primary factors (slope length, slope gradient, soil type) affecting cutting slope failure were considered and stabilization measures were classified into two types (A type: wooden fence, vegetation sandbag, stone masonry; B type: wire cylinder, gabion, concrete retaining wall) through discriminant analysis based on their capacity of resistance to slope failure. Results showed that A type was mainly installed in such conditions as cut slope <8 m, cut slope gradient $30-40^{\circ}$ and soil type with soil while B type occurred in locational conditions as cut slope length >8 m, cut slope gradient < $30^{\circ}$ and > $30^{\circ}$, and soil type of gravelly soil and rock.

A Study on the Roadside Slope of the Parkway in Chi-Ri Mountain National Park (智異山 國立公園 道路비탈면에 對한 조사 硏究)

  • Seo, Byung-Soo;Kim, Sei-Cheon;Lee, Chang-Heon;Park, Choung-Min;Lee, Kyu-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.18 no.3 s.39
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the roadside slope of mountainous Parkway. 48 sites were selected by Random Ranking Sampling. This study was researched on the slope condition with the cause of occurrence, the situation of fundamental engineering works and vegetation on slopes. The main results of this research are summarized as follow ; 1. Slope shapes are shown nine types in cut slope and four types in fill slope. 2. Generally, fill slopes are larger than cut slopes in slop area. 3. Grade is more steep than standard grade. 4. Main engineering works, which constructed for slope stability, are terracing, side-ditch wall, channel, concrete trellis works and wire fence. 5. Roundabout channel were many constructed within the sector of Ukmojeong-Deokdong, but were few constructed within the sector of Banseon-Seongsam pass and Cheoneun Temple-Seongsam pass. 6. Most. of side-ditch wall were constructed of concrete and wet-masonry. 7. In vegetation works, many exterior species were selected. 8. Planting pattern was not combinated with the national park landscape.

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The Value and Change of the Forest Village Bugundang in Itaewon, Seoul (서울 이태원 부군당(府君堂) 마을 숲의 변천과 가치)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Kim, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2013
  • This research try to review about individuals' living culture place by record to before process of transition and modify of Bugundang village's forest in Itaewon. A result is as follows. First, Itaewon Bugundang is located in highest site of center building of twon forest, it has been preserve by double fence and taboo subject. Physical element of village forest is a factor which give sanctity of Buhundang. Second, it is connecting Namsan and Yongsan Family Park as green space. Also Itaewon Bugundang isolated from the current residential area. but in the past, the main beliefs and rituals of its area are responsible for a diverse community where public service was strong. Itaewon Bugundang have played a role presenting a local taboos and social norms. Therefore, these elements of the local community have the traditional cultural values. Third, Zelkova and Kalopanax pictus need to be preserved the value by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Fourth, components of Bugundang are built by Hwajucheong, Dangjigi house, seonangdan, monument, fence, masonry and various trees. And the function and role of each of these elements remains as traditional culture. And the structural features of historic architectural properties has the value as a registered cultural properties. Fifth, due to these features, the traditional landscape of Itaewon bugundang play a role succeeding disappearing traditional culture and is worth as a potentially valuable landscape elements. This study has significance to the excavation community tradition disappearing landscape and excavation of candidate new tradition.