• 제목/요약/키워드: Marine Corps

검색결과 34건 처리시간 0.02초

감지반응 이론을 기반으로 한 공급체인 조직변환에 관한 연구 : 해병대 공급체인을 중심으로 (A Study on Conversion of Supply Chain Organization Based on Theory of Sense and Response : Focus on Marine Corps's supply chain)

  • 김갑주;김재현
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2007
  • Future war needs a lot of changes for military organization. Specially, concept of the "Speed" is raised importantly after Iraq war of U.S. Armed Forces. So, He is a lot of studying supply chain for logistical support speed improvement. Korea Marine Corps has made an efforts to improve supply chain. However it is real that is putting various techniques by prescription rather than fundamental change. These simplicity prescriptions are not only systematic but also insufficient for Marine Corps' survival. In addition, Korea marine corps in actuality is depending on many members in marine and navy in feed chain. Thus it is not establishing even tactical, decision-making plan of operation for support ability cultivation. Therefore, in this study, with Sense and Response concept that is United States Marine Corps' support strategy, presented theoretical background and basis frame that serve that Korea Marine Corps's supply chain changes to perception reaction formation.

미래 한국 해병대의 도서지역 작전수행 연구: 해양거부 관점에서 (A Study on Future Operations of the ROK Marine Corps in Island Area: From the Perspective of Sea Denial)

  • 조민성;정창윤
    • 해양안보
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.73-102
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    • 2024
  • 최근 중국의 부상은 미중 간 패권경쟁의 심화를 촉진할 가능성이 있다. 중국은 반접근/지역거부(A2/AD)로 대표되는 해양에서의 군사행동을 통해 역내에서 영향력을 강화하고 있다. 미국은 중국의 A2/AD에 대응하고 미중 경쟁에서 우위를 달성하기 위해 새로운 작전개념을 정립하고 있다. 특히, 본 연구는 미 해병대가 주로 도서를 중심으로 한원정전진기지작전(EABO)을 통해 해양거부의 수단으로서 해군작전에 기여하고, 해양에서의 영향력 강화를 위한 변화에 주목하였다. 이러한 미 해병대의 변화를 한국 해병대에 적용하여 합동 및 해군작전에 기여할 수 있는 미래 한국 해병대의 공세적 도서지역 작전수행 방향을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 도서의 전략적 가치를 활용한 해병대의 공세적 도서지역 작전수행을 해양거부의 관점에서 제시하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 그러나 작전수행과 군사력 건설 / 발전방향을 개념적으로 제시하여 향후 이 부분에 대한 구체적인 논의가 필요하다. 본 연구가 그 출발점이 되기를 기대한다.

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TP를 이용한 개선된 공급체인의 핵심문제 도출 및 해결방향 선정에 관한 연구 : 해병대 공급체인을 중심으로 (A Study on Core Problems Deduction and Selection of Solving Direction Using TP : Focus on Marine Corps's Supply Chain)

  • 김갑주;고현우
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2008
  • Future war needs a lot of changes for military organization. In this circumstance, it is importance the role of the Military Equipment Command Separation (MECS). In case of Korea Marine Corps, in spite of being MECS, Marine Corps has formed supply chain depended on Amy and Navy even it. Thus we proposed a new SCM of Marine Corps with Sense and Response concept. There are many problems and arguments to implement of new SCM. Therefore it is essential solving the problems but we don't know core problems and right solving directions. So, In this study, we present core problems deduction and selection of solving direction using TP(Thinking Process).

지상작전의 원칙 측면에서 미 제1해병사단의 장진호 연결작전 고찰 (From the point of view of ground operations principle, Chosin Link-up operation discussion of the US 1st Marine Division)

  • 김규빈;최영렬
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권13호
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    • pp.1-41
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    • 2016
  • US 8th Army in the attack on the Western Front was a situation that was frustrated by the 13th Corps Communist army. To this time support this, goals that have been granted to the US 1st Marine Division that initiated the attack in Mupyonri direction, lack the potential to achieve was not decisive. It was a operation specific erroneous judgment that occurred because there was no one accurately grasp the battlefield of the situation the wrong UN Forces Command. Tactical victory can be to maximize the operation outcomes. However, there is no possible failure of the operation is to expand the tactical success. This is because the failure of the operation, because directly linked to the success or failure of the war. Tactical victory can be to maximize the operation outcomes. However, operation specific failure is not it possible to expand the tactical victory. Therefore tactical success of the US 1st Marine Division, can not compensate for operation specific failure of the United Nations Forces Command. However, Chinese Communist Army 9th Corps is obsessed only victory of tactics to annihilate the US 1st Marine Division, by being fixation to the Chosin whole area, it was not possible to run a operational operation. Therefore tactical success df the US 1st Marine Division, Chinese Communist Army 9th Corps is to extinguish the ability to increase the number of the 13th Corps of the Western Front, 8th Army US have contributed to have escaped the crisis. In addition, the US 10th Corps while maintaining the combat force, by an important role to withdraw through the sea, was able to complement the misjudgment of the operation.

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신세대 장병의 특성과 해병대 간부들의 리더십 배양 방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of the New Generation of Soldiers and the Ways to Cultivate the Leadership of Marine Corps Officers)

  • 김호춘
    • 융합보안논문지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2022
  • 해병대는 1949년 4월 15일에 진해 덕산 비행장에서 창설되었다. 6.25전쟁과 월남 전쟁에서 싸우면 반드시 이겨 국민들로부터 사랑과 신뢰를 받았다. 강한 전투력은 선진병영문화가 조성 될 때 가능한 것이다. 오늘날 신세대 장병들은 자기중심적이고 개인주의적 성향이 강하다. 해병대 간부들은 신세대 장병들의 특성을 잘 이해하고 그들의 특성을 살릴 수 있도록 창의적인 리더십 개발에 노력해 할 것이다. 또한 4 해병대 간부들은 차 산업혁명과 더불어 첨단 과학기술이 발달함에 따라 간부들의 전문적 전술지식습득과 자기개발을 위해 부단히 힘써야 할 것이다. 따라서 해병대 간부들은 신세대 장병들의 특성을 이해하여 리더십을 발휘함으로써 국민에게 신뢰받는 강군이 되도록 최선의 노력을 해야 할 것이다.

야외교육활동 안전사고 담론에 관한 미디어 프레이밍 고찰 : 사설해병대 캠프사고 보도 사례를 중심으로 (A Review of Media Framing on the Discourse of Safety Accidents Occurring during Outdoor Educational Activities : Focusing on the Press Release Example of Marine Corp Camp)

  • 이우진;임태성
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제16권9호
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    • pp.726-738
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 야외체험활동에 관한 안전 담론에 대한 미디어 프레이밍의 관련성을 탐색고자 2013 해병대 캠프 사고를 연구대상으로 선정하여 분석하였다. 설정 기간은 해병대 체험캠프가 급격히 증가한 대한민국의 천안함 폭침 사건 일인 2010년 3월 26일부터 해병대 캠프 사고 발생 후 2013년 7월 21일까지 보도된 뉴스보도 데이터에서 제공하는 검색사이트를 통해 수집하였다. 또한, 사건 발생 전 138건, 사건 발생 후 73건, 총 211건의 자료를 귀납적 분석을 하였다. 연구 결과 해병대 캠프 보도는 크게 사건전과 후로 나누어져 긍정적 미화 프레이밍과 부정적 프레이밍으로 구분된다. 구체적으로 사고 발생 전의 프레이밍은 야외체험 활동에 관하여 극기체험을 통하여 인내심과 자립심을 키움으로써 자존감을 높이고 더 나아가 사회구성원으로서 협동심을 고취할 수 있는 최고의 교육프로그램으로 확대하여 해석하는 경향을 보였다. 이어 사고 발생 후에는 늘 그렇듯이 안전 불감증 문제를 공론화시키는 양상을 보였다. 이러한 미디어의 이중적 보도 행태의 프레이밍은 자칫 우리 사회가 요구하는 안전 문화 확산에 걸림돌이 될 것으로 사료 되며, 이에 언론은 보도 시 좀 더 냉철하고, 객관적인 태도가 필요하다.

중국 해병대의 기능변화와 향후 발전전망 연구 (A Study on the Changing Functions of the PRC Marine Corps and Future Development)

  • 이표규;임계환
    • 융합보안논문지
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문의 연구목적은 중국 해병대의 발전과정 고찰을 통해, 기능 변화를 분석해 보고, 향후 발전 전망을 제시하는 것이다. 중국 해병대는 중앙군사위원회에서 바다, 호수 등 해양장애물을 극복하여 적 지역으로 투사할 목적으로 창설된 정규 엘리트 상륙군이다. 중국 해병대는 전체 군사력 규모에 비해 소수의 병력으로 편성되어 있어, 중국이 대외로 확장정책을 추구하기 이전에는 대만에 대한 상륙 및 지상 작전, 도서 지역방어 기능에 한정되었었다. 그러나 2000년대 이후 중국이 자국의 절대 이익추구 정책을 추구하면서 동남아 제국 및 일본과의 해양영토분쟁과 시진핑 시대 일대일로 정책에 따른 해외전진기지 방어 및 대외영향력 증대를 위한 기능이 확대되어, 전체 규모 또한 점차 증강되고 있는 추세이다. 이러한 중국 해군과 해병대의 세력증강이 한국의 동맹국인 미국의 아태지역 위상과 영향력을 견제하는 수단으로까지 발전된다면, 한반도를 중심으로 한 안보환경은 요동칠 가능성이 많다. 따라서 우리 한국도 현 해군과 해병대 전력이 변화되는 안보환경에 적절한 기능을 수행할 수 있도록 재검토할 필요가 있다고 사료된다.

간접접근전략으로 본 6·25전쟁기 북한군의 호남 방면 대우회기동 실패 요인 분석 -'교란'을 저지한 해군·해병대의 통영상륙작전을 중심으로- (Analysis of the factors of the failure of the North Korean Army's Great Bypass Maneuver to Honam during the Korea War from an indirect approach strategy: Focusing on the Naval and Marine Corps' Tongyeong Amphibious Operation to Stop the "Dislocation")

  • 최호재
    • 해양안보
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.109-135
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    • 2023
  • 북한군의 호남방면 대우회 기동은 6.25전쟁 기간 동안 북한군이 보여준 가장 빠른 기동이었으며, 국군과 연합군의 낙동강 방어선을 전면 조정하게 할 만큼 위협적인 공격이었다. 하지만 본 연구가 간접접근전략 측면에서 북한군의 호남방면 대우회기동을 분석한 결과, 이 기동에는 실패할 수밖에 없었던 여러 요인이 존재했다. 간접접근전략 수행 측면에 있어서 북한군은 전투력 분산, 작전선 변경의 융통성 부족, 지상군 위주의 기동, 심리적 견제 결여 등 여러 실패 요인을 노정했다. 하지만 북한군은 마지막 '기습'을 준비였는데, 그것은 북한군 6사단을 후속하던 7사단이 재차 우회를 감행하여 통영 방면으로 공격을 시도한 것이었다. 이를 통해 북한군은 낙동강 방어선을 돌파하고, 부산으로 향하고자 했다. 그러나 북한군의 공격은 한국 해군·해병대의 통영상륙작전으로 인해 최종 좌절되었다. 바다를 기동공간으로 한 신속한 기동으로 해군·해병대는 주요 요충지를 먼저 점령했고, 유리한 상황을 조성한 가운데 북한군 7사단의 공격을 막아냈다. 해군·해병대의 통영상륙작전은 북한군의 호남방면 대우회기동을 최종 저지함으로써 낙동강 방어선이 유지되도록 하였다.

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통일 한국의 적정 군사력에 관한 연구 - 분쟁 시나리오와 상대적 균형전략을 중심으로 - (A Study on Appropriate Military Strength of Unified Korea (Focused on relative balance strategy and conflict scenario))

  • 홍봉기
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권13호
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    • pp.687-738
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    • 2016
  • To prepare for the complicated international relationship regarding Korean Peninsula after reunification, this thesis started off with the awareness that Unified Korea should build its international posture and national security at an early stage by determining its appropriate military strength for independent defense and military strategies that Unified Korea should aim. The main theme of this thesis is 'The research on appropriate military strength of the Unified Korean military'. To derive appropriate military strength of Unified Korea, this research focuses on conflict scenario and relative balance strategy based on potential threats posed by neighboring countries, and this is the part that differentiates this research from other researches. First of all, the main objective of the research is to decide appropriate military strength for Unified Korea to secure defense sufficiency. For this, this research will decide efficient military strategy that Unified Korea should aim. Than by presuming the most possible military conflict scenario, this research will judge the most appropriate military strength for Unified Korea to overcome the dispute. Second, after deciding appropriate military strength, this research will suggest how to operate presumed military strength in each armed force. The result of this thesis is as in the following. First, Unified Korea should aim 'relative balance strategy'. 'Relative balance strategy' is a military strategy which Unified Korea can independently secure defense sufficiency by maintaining relative balance when conflicts occur between neighboring countries. This strategy deters conflicts in advance by relative balance of power in certain time and place. Even if conflict occurs inevitably, this strategy secures initiative. Second, when analyzing neighboring countries interest and strategic environment after unification, the possibility of all-out war will be low in the Korean Peninsula because no other nation wants the Korean Peninsula to be subordinated to one single country. Therefore appropriate military strength of the Unified Korean military would be enough when Unified Korea can achieve relative balance in regional war or limited war. Third, Northeast Asia is a region where economic power and military strength is concentrated. Despite increasing mutual cooperation in the region, conflicts and competition to expand each countries influence is inherent. Japan is constantly enhancing their military strength as they aim for normal statehood. China is modernizing their military strength as they aspire to become global central nation. Russia is also enhancing their military strength in order to hold on to their past glory of Soviet Union as a world power. As a result, both in quality and quantity, the gap between military strength of Unified Korea and each neighboring countries is enlarged at an alarming rate. Especially in the field of air-sea power, arms race is occurring between each nation. Therefore Unified Korea should be equipped with appropriate military strength in order to achieve relative balance with each threats posed by neighboring countries. Fourth, the most possible conflicts between Unified Korea and neighboring countries could be summarized into four, which are Dokdo territorial dispute with Japan, Leodo jurisdictional dispute with China, territorial dispute concerning northern part of the Korea Peninsula with China and disputes regarding marine resources and sea routes with Russia. Based on those conflict scenarios, appropriate military strength for Unified Korea is as in the following. When conflict occurs with Japan regarding Dokdo, Japan is expected to put JMSDF Escort Flotilla 3, one out of four of its Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Escort Fleet, which is based in Maizuru and JMSDF Maizuru District. To counterbalance this military strength, Unified Korea needs one task fleet, comprised with three task flotilla. In case of jurisdictional conflict with China concerning Leodo, China is expected to dispatch its North Sea fleet, one out of three of its naval fleet, which is in charge of the Yellow Sea. To response to this military action, Unified Korea needs one task fleet, comprised with three task flotilla. In case of territorial dispute concerning northern part of the Korean Peninsula with China, it is estimated that out of seven Military Region troops, China will dispatch two Military Region troops, including three Army Groups from Shenyang Military Region, where it faces boarder with the Korean Peninsula. To handle with this military strength, Unified Korea needs six corps size ground force strength, including three corps of ground forces, two operational reserve corps(maneuver corps), and one strategic reserve corps(maneuver corps). When conflict occurs with Russia regarding marine resources and sea routes, Russia is expected to send a warfare group of a size that includes two destroyers, which is part of the Pacific Fleet. In order to balance this strength, Unified Korea naval power requires one warfare group including two destroyers. Fifth, management direction for the Unified Korean military is as in the following. Regarding the ground force management, it would be most efficient to deploy troops in the border area with china for regional and counter-amphibious defense. For the defense except the border line with china, the most efficient form of force management would be maintaining strategic reserve corps. The naval force should achieve relative balance with neighboring countries when there is maritime dispute and build 'task fleet' which can independently handle long-range maritime mission. Of the three 'task fleet', one task fleet should be deployed at Jeju base to prepare for Dokdo territorial dispute and Leodo jurisdictional dispute. Also in case of regional conflict with china, one task fleet should be positioned at Yellow Sea and for regional conflict with Japan and Russia, one task fleet should be deployed at East Sea. Realistically, Unified Korea cannot possess an air force equal to neither Japan nor China in quantity. Therefore, although Unified Korea's air force might be inferior in quantity, they should possess the systematic level which Japan or China has. For this Unified Korea should build air base in island areas like Jeju Island or Ullenong Island to increase combat radius. Also to block off infiltration of enemy attack plane, air force needs to build and manage air bases near coastal areas. For landing operation forces, Marine Corps should be managed in the size of two divisions. For island defense force, which is in charge of Jeju Island, Ulleung Island, Dokdo Island and five northwestern boarder island defenses, it should be in the size of one brigade. Also for standing international peace keeping operation, it requires one brigade. Therefore Marine Corps should be organized into three divisions. The result of the research yields a few policy implications when building appropriate military strength for Unified Korea. First, Unified Korea requires lower number of ground troops compared to that of current ROK(Republic of Korea) force. Second, air-sea forces should be drastically reinforced. Third, appropriate military strength of the Unified Korean military should be based on current ROK military system. Forth, building appropriate military strength for Unified Korea should start from today, not after reunification. Because of this, South Korea should build a military power that can simultaneously prepare for current North Korea's provocations and future threats from neighboring countries after reunification. The core of this research is to decide appropriate military strength for Unified Korea to realize relative balance that will ensure defense sufficiency from neighboring countries threats. In other words, this research should precisely be aware of threats posed by neighboring countries and decide minimum level of military strength that could realize relative balance in conflict situation. Moreover this research will show the path for building appropriate military strength in each armed force.

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강화학습을 활용한 기만행위 모의방법 연구 : 해병대 상륙양동 사례를 중심으로 (A Study on Reinforcement Learning Method for the Deception Behavior : Focusing on Marine Corps Amphibious Demonstrations)

  • 박대국;조남석
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.390-400
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    • 2022
  • Military deception is an action executed to deliberately mislead enemy's decision by deceiving friendly forces intention. In the lessons learned from war history, deception appears to be a critical factor in the battlefield for successful operations. As training using war-game simulation is growing more important, it is become necessary to implement military deception in war-game model. However, there is no logics or rules proven to be effective for CGF(Computer Generated Forces) to conduct deception behavior automatically. In this study, we investigate methodologies for CGF to learn and conduct military deception using Reinforcement Learning. The key idea of the research is to define a new criterion called a "deception index" which defines how agent learn the action of deception considering both their own combat objectives and deception objectives. We choose Korea Marine Corps Amphibious Demonstrations to show applicability of our methods. The study has an unique contribution as the first research that describes method of implementing deception behavior.