• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mapping Coordinate

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Online Face Pose Estimation based on A Planar Homography Between A User's Face and Its Image (사용자의 얼굴과 카메라 영상 간의 호모그래피를 이용한 실시간 얼굴 움직임 추정)

  • Koo, Deo-Olla;Lee, Seok-Han;Doo, Kyung-Soo;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose a simple and efficient algorithm for head pose estimation using a single camera. First, four subimages are obtained from the camera image for face feature extraction. These subimages are used as feature templates. The templates are then tracked by Kalman filtering, and camera projective matrix is computed by the projective mapping between the templates and their coordinate in the 3D coordinate system. And the user's face pose is estimated from the projective mapping between the user's face and image plane. The accuracy and the robustness of our technique is verified on the experimental results of several real video sequences.

Implementing a set of Direct3D Functions on OpenGL (OpenGL을 이용한 Direct3D 기능의 구현)

  • Do, Joo-Young;Baek, Nak-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we present an emulation library for the essential features and their API function calls provided by Direct3D, the most actively used API for computer game-related application programs on the MS-Windows-based desktop's, with OpenGL library in the Linux environment. In typical Linux-based systems, only the X window system and OpenGL graphics library are available. There are lots of needs for this kind of emulation library to convert the Direct3D-based game applications and user interfaces on these systems. Through carefully selecting the essential API functions from the DirectX version 9.0, we obtained the prototype implementation of that emulation library, to finally get the final full-scale DirectX implementation. Our implementation currently covers 3D coordinate transformations, light and material processing, texture mapping, simple animation features and more. We showed its feasibility through successfully executing a set of Direct3D demonstration programs including a real-world game character animation on our implementation.

Effect of aerodynamic drag force on liquid metal convection in GTA welding (GTA 용접시 발생하는 용융금속의 유동에 미치는 공기역학적 향력의 영향)

  • 나석주;김성도
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.575-583
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    • 1991
  • The weld pool convection problem that occurs during the stationary GTA welding has been studied, considering the four driving forces for weld pool convection, i.e., the electromagnetic force, the buoyancy force, the aerodynamic drag force, and the surface tension force at the weld pool surface. In the numerical simulation, the difficulties associated with the irregular moving liquid-solid interface have been successfully overcome by adopting a Boundary-Fitted Coordinate system. In the experiments to show the validity of the numerical analysis, a deep periphery and shallow centerpentrated weld pool shape was observed from the etched specimen. It could be revealed that this type of weld pool shape could be simulated, only when some of aerodynamic drag force distributions are considered. Although slight disagreement arose, the calculated and the observed weld pool shapes were in a reasonable agreement.

Assessment of the VOCs Concentration Using GIS Method of Seoul (GIS 기법을 활용한 서울시 VOCs 오염도평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ki-Hark;Chung, Yong;Cho, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to investigate the practical using of Geographic Information System(GIS) technology which are computer-based systems that are used to store and manipulate geographic information on the air pollution control and management in the macro city. For this study 130 samples were corrected by passive sampler in Seoul (25 distincts) distributed by TM-coordinate during November in 1997 to January 1998, and analysed by GC/MSD for 16 VOCs e.g., toluene, benzene and display using Arc/view GIS(version 3.2, ESRI Inc, U.S.A) for windows. The most VOCs concentration distribution in November, 1997 was higher than that of January, 1998 except benzene and 1,1,2-trichroloethan, bromobenzene. And products of the distribution of VOCs concentration display using GIS technology was effective as well as other display methods(e.g., contouring method, pie or column chart, graduated symbols), especially in mapping and symbolization capabilities for spatial pollutant status evaluation were very effective than other display methods.

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Music Emotion Control Algorithm based on Sound Emotion Tree (감성 트리 기반의 음악 감성 조절 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Donglim;Lim, Bin;Lim, Younghwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2015
  • This thesis proposes the emotions acquired after listening to the music as an emotion model composed of 8 types of emotions, based on the emotion model studied previously. The 5 musical factors selected, that affect the emotion, are tempo, dynamics, amplitude change, brightness, and noise. According to the emotion model composed of 8 types of emotions, 160 songs categorized into the 8 types of emotions were selected, and the actual data was extracted and analyzed. Through the analysis of actual data, an emotion equation made of weighted value of 5 factors was derived, and an algorithm that can predict the emotion by mapping on the 2-dimensional emotion coordinate system through the emotion equation was designed. Also, a way of controlling emotion by moving the coordinates on the 2-dimensional emotion coordinate system was suggested.

Development of GIS Application Program through Manipulation of Data-link Method (자료 연결방법의 조작을 통한 GIS응용 프로그램의 개발)

  • 서옥하;계용훈
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2001
  • It is necessary to construct an effective regional information system in facing the incoming information intensive society. Many local government in Korea began to recognize a need for constructing a GIS(Geographic Information System) and they are planning to construct GIS´s to improve their administrative efficiency. However, ti requires high-priced hardware, software, and an experienced operator to sue a GIS effectively. The purpose of this study is to develop the GIS program which can be sued with ease by common users. By developing a GIS functioned program using a coordinate recognition module by application of geo-spatial data, and a digital map which is already made, this program can be used efficiently only by only inputting attributes without high-priced hardware and software, and can be utilized easily to every purposes of work with geo-spatial data and attributes. MapObjects, mapping and GIS component, was employed to use geo-spatial data, and Access 97 from Microsoft to manage and attributes database. Visual Basic, objected-oriented language, was used to develop an application program. Results of this study were applied to constructing the Information system of Kanwon National University. This program could be used for various purposed by common users without additional hardware and software.

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A Study on the Air Pollution Management Using GIS Method(I)-Focus on VOCs concentration of Seoul- (GIS 기법을 활용한 대기오염관리에 관한 연구(I)-서울시 VOCs 오염도를 중심으로-)

  • 박기학;조성준;유영대
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2001
  • On the planning for the systematic management and control of the air pollution display methods were used to evaluate the spatial pollutant concentration status. This study were conducted to investigate the practical using of Geographic Information System(GIS) technology on the air pollution control and management which were computer-based systems that were used to store and manipulate geographic information in the macro city. In this study 137 samples were corrected by passive samplers and analysed by GC/MSD for 16 VOCs in Seoul (25 distincts) distributed by TM-coordinate(2 km$\times$2km), and finally displayed by Arciew program(version 3.2, ESRI Inc, USA) for windows. The concentration of benzene and toluene showed high level in whole area of seoul area of Seoul and distribution of butylbenzen, trothroloetylene, stylen showed high level in whole area of Seoul except a few distincts and the distribution of isopropylbenzene, 1,2-dichroloethane showed higher level in core area than that of Kangnam and Kangbuk area. In conclusion, products of this study of using GIS technology apply on the spatial distribution of VOCs concentration was very effective than that of other methods(e.g., contouring concentration method, pie or column chart, graduated symbols), especially in mapping and symbolization of pollution status evaluation.

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Robust Watermarking in Medical Images Using by Polar Transformation (의료영상에서 Polar 변환을 적용한 강인한 워터마킹 기법)

  • 남기철;박무훈
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.379-385
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    • 2004
  • Medical images are being managed more by PACS in general medical institutions. It is important to protect patients from being invaded their privacy related to the images. It is also necessary to confirm the ownership, the right of property of the medical images and notice whether the data are modified. In this paper, we propose a robust watermarking against RST attacks in medical images on the PACS. The proposed scheme modifies and improves Log-Polar Mapping and Fourier Mellin Transform in order to realize and recover serious image degradation and watermark data loss caused by the conversion between cartesian coordinate and log-polar coordinate. We used the radius and theta Look Up Table to solve the realization of the Fourier Mellin Transform, and inserted a watermark into 2D-DFT magnitudes using Spread Spectrum. Experimental results shows that this method are robust to rotation attack.

Development and Comparative Analysis of Mapping Quality Prediction Technology Using Orientation Parameters Processed in UAV Software (무인기 소프트웨어에서 처리된 표정요소를 이용한 도화품질 예측기술 개발 및 비교분석)

  • Lim, Pyung-Chae;Son, Jonghwan;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_1
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    • pp.895-905
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    • 2019
  • Commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) image processing software products currently used in the industry provides camera calibration information and block bundle adjustment accuracy. However, they provide mapping accuracy achievable out of input UAV images. In this paper, the quality of mapping is calculated by using orientation parameters from UAV image processing software. We apply the orientation parameters to the digital photogrammetric workstation (DPW) for verifying the reliability of the mapping quality calculated. The quality of mapping accuracy was defined as three types of accuracy: Y-parallax, relative model and absolute model accuracy. The Y-parallax is an accuracy capable of determining stereo viewing between stereo pairs. The Relative model accuracy is the relative bundle adjustment accuracy between stereo pairs on the model coordinates system. The absolute model accuracy is the bundle adjustment accuracy on the absolute coordinate system. For the experimental data, we used 723 images of GSD 5 cm obtained from the rotary wing UAV over an urban area and analyzed the accuracy of mapping quality. The quality of the relative model accuracy predicted by the proposed technique and the maximum error observed from the DPW showed precise results with less than 0.11 m. Similarly, the maximum error of the absolute model accuracy predicted by the proposed technique was less than 0.16 m.

Real-time Data Enhancement of 3D Underwater Terrain Map Using Nonlinear Interpolation on Image Sonar (비선형 보간법을 이용한 수중 이미지 소나의 3 차원 해저지형 실시간 생성기법)

  • Ingyu Lee;Jason Kim;Sehwan Rho;Kee–Cheol Shin;Jaejun Lee;Son-Cheol Yu
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2023
  • Reconstructing underwater geometry in real time with forward-looking sonar is critical for applications such as localization, mapping, and path planning. Geometrical data must be repeatedly calculated and overwritten in real time because the reliability of the acoustic data is affected by various factors. Moreover, scattering of signal data during the coordinate conversion process may lead to geometrical errors, which lowers the accuracy of the information obtained by the sensor system. In this study, we propose a three-step data processing method with low computational cost for real-time operation. First, the number of data points to be interpolated is determined with respect to the distance between each point and the size of the data grid in a Cartesian coordinate system. Then, the data are processed with a nonlinear interpolation so that they exhibit linear properties in the coordinate system. Finally, the data are transformed based on variations in the position and orientation of the sonar over time. The results of an evaluation of our proposed approach in a simulation show that the nonlinear interpolation operation constructed a continuous underwater geometry dataset with low geometrical error.