• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map making

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A Study on the Development of New Address Management System for Jecheon-city (제천시 새주소 관리시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Jang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is development of the management system for convenient use of new address guide system for systematic management and use of spatial information gained by mapping of numerical map of building and road to large basic new address, survey and input of main gate, decision of the road session, naming and input of road name, grant of numbering of all houses and buildings, new address guide, real life geographical information and added information service on Web-site in Jecheon-city area. In this study, the development and establishment of new address management in local cities are designed by making full use of GIS function of client server based system. In the result, the effectiveness of new address management system of Jecheon- city could be highly increased owing to not only citizens' easy access but also easy availability of various informations necessary in life by developed its system.

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A Case Study for the Resolution of Cadastral Inconsistency

  • Kam Lae, Kim;Won Jun, Choi;Gun Hyuk, Lim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.557-563
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    • 2004
  • Korean cadastral system keeps graphical maps made by the plane table method from 1910's. The fact is that the graphical maps grafted on paper cover about 95% of the whole land (MOGAHA, 1999). The needs are arising to transform the graphical cadastre to a digital one in compliance with modem technologies. Korean government has already digitise the old maps until last year. A nation-wide land information system, Parcel-based Land Information System, was established upon the digitised map database. However, the accuracy of the digitised coordinates hardly meet the citizens' needs because it cannot exceed that of the paper maps. The definite solution will be surveying all the parcels again and making new digital maps. However, commencing a project for resurveying 34 million parcels will require enormous amount of time and manpower. The strategy should be dividing the country into county-wise or grid-wise pieces and surveying one piece by one piece. Municipal governments of counties, cities or urban districts will be the propelling bodies of the project but the costs will hardly be affordable at a time. For the purpose of resolving the financial problem, each municipality can split its own project into smaller pieces by year base. There is accordingly a great possibility to create inconsistency over the divided project areas caused by different techniques applied, different equipments used and/or mismatches between the project borders. It provides some merits at the same time. The people in project completion areas will be satisfied with the enhanced accuracy and feel safe in land transaction and, in turn, soundly improves overall nation-wide economic situation. Therefore, the main issue of the thesis shows how to make the cadastral re-survey project scalable. Guidelines for how to perform the projects will be derived from a experienced case.

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Realistic and Efficient Radio Propagation Model for V2X Communications

  • Khokhar, Rashid Hafeez;Zia, Tanveer;Ghafoor, Kayhan Zrar;Lloret, Jaime;Shiraz, Muhammad
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.1933-1954
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    • 2013
  • Multiple wireless devices are being widely deployed in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) services on the road to establish end-to-end connection between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) networks. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) play an important role in supporting V2V and V2I communications (also called V2X communications) in a variety of urban environments with distinct topological characteristics. In fact, obstacles such as big buildings, moving vehicles, trees, advertisement boards, traffic lights, etc. may block the radio signals in V2X communications. Their impact has been neglected in VANET research. In this paper, we present a realistic and efficient radio propagation model to handle different sizes of static and moving obstacles for V2X communications. In the proposed model, buildings and large moving vehicles are modeled as static and moving obstacles, and taken into account their impact on the packet reception rate, Line-of-sight (LOS) obstruction, and received signal power. We use unsymmetrical city map which has many dead-end roads and open faces. Each dead-end road and open faces are joined to the nearest edge making a polygon to model realistic obstacles. The simulation results of proposed model demonstrates better performance compared to some existing models, that shows proposed model can reflect more realistic simulation environments.

Preliminary Study on Digitalizing Registration Conversion (등록전환 수치화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Du-Shin;Kang, Sang-Gu;Lee, Hyong-Sam
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2015
  • At present cadastral surveying is being driven fort combination of digitalized cadastral map accord with real cadastral boundary between cadastral resurvey area and World Geodetic System transformation about all country. So this study is conducted to newly establish items being needed in making digitalization of parcel boundary points based on the World Geodetic System in registration conversion surveying. For this study firstly management of mountainous districts Act, related laws and registration conversion-related laws and regulations are reviewd. Secondly, economical, administrative validation by using data from 12-branch companies of LX is analyzed. Thirdly, surveying method and procedure were established through experimental surveying on the two cases such as digital and analog area. Finally, through investigating standard of estimate about cadastral surveying, it was calculated amendment of registration conversion surveying fee based on World Geodetic coordinate System.

Water Supply Risk Assessment of Agricultural Reservoirs using Irrigation Vulnerability Model and Cluster Analysis (관개취약성 평가모형 및 군집분석을 활용한 용수공급 위험도 평가)

  • Nam, Won-Ho;Kim, Taegon;Hong, Eun-Mi;Hayes, Michael J.;Svoboda, Mark D.
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2015
  • Because reservoirs that supply irrigation water play an important role in water resource management, it is necessary to evaluate the vulnerability of this particular water supply resource. The purpose of this study is to provide water supply risk maps of agricultural reservoirs in South Korea using irrigation vulnerability model and cluster analysis. To quantify water supply risk, irrigation vulnerability indices are estimated to evaluate the performance of the water supply on the agricultural reservoir system using a probability theory and reliability analysis. First, the irrigation vulnerability probabilities of 1,346 reservoirs managed by Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRC) were analyzed using meteorological data on 54 meteorological stations over the past 30 years (1981-2010). Second, using the K-mean method of non-hierarchical cluster analysis and pre-simulation approach, cluster analysis was applied to classify into three groups for characterizing irrigation vulnerability in reservoirs. The morphology index, watershed area, irrigated area, and ratio between watershed and irrigated area are selected as the clustering analysis parameters. It is suggested that the water supply risk map be utilized as a basis for the establishment of risk management measures, and could provide effective information for a reasonable decision making on drought risk mitigation.

Development of the Fundamental Technology for Ubiquitous Road Disaster Management System (유비쿼터스 도로재해관리시스템을 위한 기반기술 개발)

  • Choi, Young-Taek;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.14 no.3 s.37
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2006
  • This study is aimed at the development of ubiquitous based road disaster management system. The fundamental technologies used for developing this system are classified into three modules - wireless internet communication module, mobile module and server module. These fundamental technologies can be used not only for developing road disaster management system but also for developing various mobile or ubiquitous systems. With this system, workers can download many DB (Digital map, Attribute information etc.) from server to the field in realtime. The accuracy and objectivity of the DB could be improved with these informations collected at fields because these data can be used as basic data for road disaster information collection. Because in the web based server module - Web based Road Disaster Management System (URDMS) - field disaster information was showed link up with exist DB on road by absolute coordinate, the decision making with all of the field information was made and it sent to a field staff in realtime. The problems of current road disaster management rule ran be solved by this URDMS.

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Automatic Change Detection of MODIS NDVI using Artificial Neural Networks (신경망을 이용한 MODIS NDVI의 자동화 변화탐지 기법)

  • Jung, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2012
  • Natural Vegetation cover, which is very important earth resource, has been significantly altered by humans in some manner. Since this has currently resulted in a significant effect on global climate, various studies on vegetation environment including forest have been performed and the results are utilized in policy decision making. Remotely sensed data can detect, identify and map vegetation cover change based on the analysis of spectral characteristics and thus are vigorously utilized for monitoring vegetation resources. Among various vegetation indices extracted from spectral reponses of remotely sensed data, NDVI is the most popular index which provides a measure of how much photosynthetically active vegetation is present in the scene. In this study, for change detection in vegetation cover, a Multi-layer Perceptron Network (MLPN) as a nonparametric approach has been designed and applied to MODIS/Aqua vegetation indices 16-day L3 global 250m SIN Grid(v005) (MYD13Q1) data. The feature vector for change detection is constructed with the direct NDVI diffenrence at a pixel as well as the differences in some subset of NDVI series data. The research covered 5 years (2006-20110) over Korean peninsular.

Development of Finger Gestures for Touchscreen-based Web Browser Operation (터치스크린 기반 웹브라우저 조작을 위한 손가락 제스처 개발)

  • Nam, Jong-Yong;Choe, Jae-Ho;Jung, Eui-S.
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2008
  • Compared to the existing PC which uses a mouse and a keyboard, the touchscreen-based portable PC allows the user to use fingers, requiring new operation methods. However, current touchscreen-based web browser operations in many cases involve merely having fingers move simply like a mouse and click, or not corresponding well to the user's sensitivity and the structure of one's index finger, making itself difficult to be used during walking. Therefore, the goal of this study is to develop finger gestures which facilitate the interaction between the interface and the user, and make the operation easier. First, based on the frequency of usage in the web browser and preference, top eight functions were extracted. Then, the users' structural knowledge was visualized through sketch maps, and the finger gestures which were applicable in touchscreens were derived through the Meaning in Mediated Action method. For the front/back page, and up/down scroll functions, directional gestures were derived, and for the window closure, refresh, home and print functions, letter-type and icon-type gestures were drawn. A validation experiment was performed to compare the performance between existing operation methods and the proposed one in terms of execution time, error rate, and preference, and as a result, directional gestures and letter-type gestures showed better performance than the existing methods. These results suggest that not only during the operation of touchscreen-based web browser in portable PC but also during the operation of telematics-related functions in automobile, PDA and so on, the new gestures can be used to make operation easier and faster.

A Study on the Analysis of Patent Information in the Apparel Design -Focused on International Patent Classification- (의류디자인 분야의 특허정보 분석 -국제특허분류를 중심으로-)

  • 이금희
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.835-851
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    • 2003
  • This study analyses patent information of apparel design using computer technology and researches the trend of patent application focused on International Patent Classification. In terms of trend by filling data, Patent application started first in 1974 and increased sharply in 1993 with 14 cases and increased to 25 cases in 2000. In case of Korea, they began somewhat late in 1996, but reached a similar level with the leading country in 2000. In terms of trend by applicant, Gerber Garment Technology, Inc. filed 7 cases TORAY IND INC, filed 6 cases Levi Strauss & Co. filed 4 cases, NEC HOME ELECTRONICS LTD filed 3 cases, TOYOBO CO LTD filed 3 cases. Japanese companies occupied 52% and United States's companies occupied 48%. In terms of trend by country, foreigner occupied 47% of the patents filed by United State. Japanese take up 10% of total patent of United States. Korean occupied 84% of total patent of Korea and foreigner, american occupied 16% of the patents filed by Korea. In regared to International Patent Classification, in the section level G filed 92 cases(53%). In class level, G06 marked the first place in United States, Japan, and Korea. In subclass level, G06F marksed the first place with 74 cases. G06T and A61B were regarded as the new technologies. The new technologies are representing the dimensions of garment or computer-rendered model, providing the virtual reality through the texture mapping, digital dressing room or virtual dressing, and performing or retriving display on a screen for the result of changing pattern ao dress design, The technologies of core patent are designing or producing custom manufactured item, providing or prealtering the data for pattern making and visually displaying, interactively generating or previewing of various articles.

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A qualitative evaluation method for engine and its operating-envelope using GSP (Gas turbine Simulation Program)

  • Kyung, Kyu-Hyung;Jun, Yong-Min;Yang, Soo-Seok;Choi, Dong-Whan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.848-853
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    • 2004
  • Regarding to the project SUAV (Smart Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) in KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute), several engine configurations has been evaluated. However it's not an easy task to collect all the necessary data of each engine for the analysis. Usually, some kind of modeling technique is required in order to determine the unknown data. In the present paper a qualitative method for reverse engineering is proposed, in order to identify some design patterns and relationships between parameters. The method can be used to estimate several parameters that usually are not provided by the manufacturer. The method consists of modeling an existing engine and through a simulation, compare its transient behavior with its operating envelope. In the simulation several parameters such as thermodynamics, performance, safety and mechanics concerning to the definition of operation-envelope, have been discussed qualitatively. With the model, all engine parameters can be estimated with acceptable accuracy, making possible the study of dependencies among different parameters such as power-turbine total inertia, TIT, take-off time and part load, in order to check if the engine transient performance is within the design criteria. For more realistic approach and more detailed design requirements, it will be necessary to enhance the compressor map first, and more realistic estimated values must be taken into account for intake-loss, bleed-air and auxiliary power extraction. The relative importance of these “unknown” parameters must be evaluated using sensitivity analysis in the future evaluation. Moreover, fluid dynamics, thermal analysis and stress analysis necessary for the resulting life assessment of en engine, will not be addressed here but in a future paper. With the methodology presented in the paper was possible to infer the relationships between operation-envelope and engine parameters.

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