• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map construction

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Conceptual Design of Ground Control Point Survey Automation Technology Using Drone (드론을 활용한 지상기준점 측량 자동화 기술의 개념디자인)

  • Jae-Woo Park;Dong-Jun Yeom
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.4_2
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    • pp.687-696
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    • 2023
  • In recent construction sites, digital maps obtained through drone photogrammetry have garnered increasing attention as indispensable tools for effective construction site management. the strategic placement of Ground Control Points (GCPs) is crucial in drone photogrammetry. Nevertheless, the manual labor and time-intensive nature of GCP surveying pose significant challenges. The purpose of this study is to design the concept of automated GCPs survey technology for enhancing drone photogrammetry efficiency in construction sites. As a result, the productivity of the automated method was analyzed as 118,894.7㎡/hr. It is over 25% productivity improvement compared to traditional methods. In future studies, economic analysis of automated methods should be studied.

Preliminary Ecological Assessments of Water Chemistry, Trophic Compositions, and the Ecosystem Health on Massive Constructions of Three Weirs in Geum-River Watershed

  • Ko, Dae-Geun;Choi, Ji-Woong;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2016
  • Major objectives of the study were to analyze chemical and biological influences of the river ecosystem on the artificial weir construction at three regions of Sejong-Weir (Sj-W), Gongju-Weir (Gj-W), and Baekje-Weir (Bj-W) during 2008-2012. After the weir construction, the discharge volume increased up to 2.9 times, and biological oxygen demand (BOD) and electrical conductivity (EC) significantly decreased (p < 0.05). Also, the decrease of total phosphorus (TP) was also evident after the weir construction, but still hyper-eutrophic conditions, based on criteria by , were maintained. Multi-metric model of Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) showed that IBI values averaged 21.0 (range: 20-22; fair condition) in the Bwc, and 14.3 (range: 12-18; poor condition) in the Awc. The model values of IBI in Sj-W and Gj-W were significantly decreased after the weir construction. The model of Self-Organizing Map (SOM) showed that two groups (cluster I and cluster II) of Bwc and Awc were divided in the analysis based on the clustering map trained by the SOM. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was similar to the results of the SOM analysis. Taken together, this research suggests that the weir construction on the river modified the discharge volume and the physical habitat structures along with distinct changes of some chemical water quality. These physical and chemical factors influenced the ecosystem health, measured as a model value of IBI.

The Accuracy Analysis of Design Profile Generation using 3D Digital Terrain Model (3D DTM을 이용한 설계용 프로파일 생성 정확도 분석)

  • Um, Dae-Yong;Lee, Eun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.583-590
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    • 2008
  • In construction work's design process, we must carry out a topographical survey for construction reserved land and to the basis of this, production of profile is indispensable factor for the purpose of every construction work such as road, rail way, canal and etc. From this research, the production of profile about construction reserved land, using topographical information of digital topographical map produced by NGIS project, construct precision 3D terrain model and from this, propose plans for utilizing by producing automatic profile. With the aim of this, extract every layers of main facilities and altitude from digital topographical map and while producing 3D terrain model by using this, we product automatic profile from precision 3D terrain model. And we was carried out to check whether the automatic produced profile's accuracy could be accepted at actual estimation by mutual analysis. It is considered that the result of the research could be suggested as a new techniques concept which can reduce the designing period and expenses and increase the efficiency of affair in the design process for the construction.

Construction of a linkage Map in Capsicum annuum L. Using RAPD Markers and Identification of Two QTLs.

  • Yang, Tae-Jin;Kim, Yong-Jae;Park, Hyo-Guen
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 1999
  • A linkage map of Capsicum annuum L. was constructed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers followed in a backcross population of an intraspecific cross between cultivars HDA210 and Yatsufusa. A total of 420 random primers were tested and 311 polymorphic bands were generated by 158 random primers. Among them, 86 Yatsufusa specific bands generated by 52 primers were examined for mapping. Most bands except three segregated in Mendelian fashion fitting the expected 1:1 ratio. The total length of the map was 533 cM distributed in 15 linkage groups. The map distance between adjacent markers ranged 0 to 32.8 cM, with an average distance of 9.1 cM (63 markers). Some markers were clustered and this may be due to the amplification of a repetitive sequence by the RAPDs. Primer pairs for a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) were developed and the segregation scores by the SCAR primers were in accordance with the RAPD data. Two QTL markers for number of axillary shoots and for early flowering were developed. One QTL for early flowering located in the linkage group 3 and explained 61 "io of the phenotypic variation. The other QTL for the number of axillary shoots located in the linkage group 4 explained 55 % of the phenotypic variation.tion.

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A Comparative Study on the Noise Exposed Population for Noise Map Types (소음지도 형태에 따른 소음노출인구 비교 연구)

  • Park, In Sun;Park, Jae Sik;Park, Sang Kyu
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2013
  • Assessment of noise exposed population is to check the environmental noise level and social influence in order to reduce the risks such as annoyance and disturbance that are generated by environmental noise. Also, this method suggests the preferential noise abatement policy and action plan by accurately finding the area that the noise causes harmful effect to human health. Recently, a noise map, which can predict noise in comprehensive areas, is used for the assessment of noise exposed population, breaking from the methods using existing measures. In particular, countermeasure for the noise can be considered more effectively by using assessment methods of noise exposed population for specific noise levels, areas, and building types which are the main input factors in noise maps. In this study, assessment methods of noise exposed population by using 2 dimensional noise map are compared with those by 3 dimensional noise map.

Effective Recognition of Land Registration Map Using Fuzzy Inference (퍼지추론 기반의 효율적인 지적도면 인식)

  • Kim, Yoon-Ho
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2007
  • This paper addressed a recognition method of land registration map based on fuzzy inference scheme, which is able to solve the time complexity problem of typical method [Fig. 2]. Not only line color, thickness but also number, character are used as a fuzzy input parameter. It concentrated on generation of fuzzy association map, and useful informations are extracted result from fuzzy inference. These results are precedent process for estimating the construction space and restoring 3D automatic modeling. It can also utilize to the internet service acceleration propulsion business such as u-Gov based land registration service.

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A study of Habitat Use Pattern of River Otters (Lutra lutra) with Land-cover Map (토지피복도를 활용한 수달의 서식지 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Don;Cho, Heesun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.377-385
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    • 2005
  • The Eurasian otter(Lutra lutra) is listed as No. 330 in natural monument. To manage and conserve habitat for otters, it is critical to understand which habitat components are important for otters. The objectives of this study were to analyze otter habitat characteristics in accordance with land-cover map. We investigated otter spraints and sprainting site in Geoje Island from January to December, 2004. with GPS coordinates. The analysis of otter habitat use pattern was used by Arcview ver. 3.2 with 1: 25,000 Topology Map and field data. Otter habitat use was strongly related to sites in riparian vegetation riparian(dam or river) structures. In this study, Gucheon was a site with high coverage of riparian vegetation and unconfined channels, thus recording higher number of spraint densities than those of Yeonchocheon. Yeonchocheon was under construction at lower stream areas so that otter habitat use was limited. This study suggests that securing suitable forests and riparian vegetation zone is essential for conservation of otters.

A Study on Automated Production of Digital Cartographic Map by Electronic Tacheometer (전자식 태키미터에 의한 수치지형도의 자동제작에 관한 연구)

  • 최병길;조규전
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.249-253
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    • 1996
  • The development of electronic technology brings the advent of electronic tacheometer which measures, stores and records automatically angles and distances. Electronic tacheometer is the surveying equipment that enable the acquisition of the 3-D terrain information, construction of the database and automatic drafting of the cartographic map. This paper aims at studying the system which can produce automatically the digital cartographic map by us-ing the electronic tacheometer. For this study, cartographic maps of a region are produced by a plane table and an electronic tacheometer and these is analysed. The results of this study show that digital cartographic map by electronic tacheometer is much more accurate and efficient than cartographic map by plane table.

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  • Jeon, Seong-Woo;Lee, Chong-Soo;Song, Won-Kyong;Lee, Moung-Jin;Lee, Woo-Kyun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.876-879
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed for developing the National Environmental Assessment Map (NEAM) in Korea and presenting the application method of NEAM. This NEAM adopted the least indicator method and uses a Geographic Information System (GIS). This map is made through evaluation of 67 items, including greenbelt status and biodiversity. As a result, the construction of NEAM was defined as a process of identifying land use to scientifically assess the physical and environmental value of land and classify conservation value into several grades for the sustainable management of environmental resources. After applying NEAM criteria of five degrees to the whole of Korea, Grade I, showing the highest conservation value, accounted for 45.6% by land area of NEAM. Grades II, III, IV, and Ⅴlikewise accounted for, respectively, 23.6%, 17.9%, 6.3%, and the lowest conservation value of 6.6%. This map can be widely used in, for example, urban and regional planning, development planning, and environment impact assessment.

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High-Resolution Map of Zodiacal Dust Bands by WIZARD

  • Yang, Hongu;Ishiguro, Masateru;Usui, Fumihiko;Ueno, Munetaka
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.101.1-101.1
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    • 2012
  • Interplanetary dust particles are observable as zodiacal light, which is the sunlight scattered by the interplanetary dust particles. The origins of interplanetary dust particles are still in question because they are eroded by Poynting-Robertson photon drag and mutual collisions among dust particles. The small-scale structures in the zodiacal light provided a clue to specify their origins. Asteroidal debris were detected as band-like structures (dust bands), and the cometary large particles were detected as narrow trails (dust trails). However, little is confirmative about their detailed origins and mineralogical compositions because of the lack of observational data particularly in the optical wavelength. We made a high-resolution optical zodiacal light map based on the CCD observations at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. We analyzed data taken on November 12, 2004. After the data reduction, such as flat fielding and subtraction of airglow emissions, we succeeded in the construction of the zodiacal light map with the spatial resolution of 3' in the solar elongation between 45 degree and 180 degree. This is the highest resolution map in the visible wavelength so far. In this map, we confirmed the dust bands structures near the ecliptic plane. We will discuss about the similarities and the differences between optical and infrared dust bands.

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