• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Application

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Drupal-based Map Application Generator(MapAppGen): an Application Generation Example for Famous Restaurants (Drupal 기반 맵 응용 생성기 (MapAppGen) : 맛집탐방 응용 생성 사례)

  • Eum, Doo-Hun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.19D no.3
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2012
  • The demand for map applications in both Web and mobile environments has been rapidly increased with the population of Web and smart phone usage. Web-based map applications are mostly developed on such environments as ArcGIS and MapServer and mobile map applications are developed on such API levels as Google Maps and Yahoo Maps. But many parts of map applications are still constructed by coding because these environments don't support high level of automation. Our MapAppGen that we have designed and implemented enhances the Web-based map application productivity by generating the map related modules that can be applied to the Drupal that is one of popular content management systems(CMS's). Comparing the applications that are constructed by the Drupal-supported GMap or NodeMap, the applications that are constructed by MapAppGen provide information on not only the interested geographical feature but also its related geographical features. MapAppGen uses Google Maps API and Drupal is a module-based system that supports the creation, composition and management of contents. We are now working on automatic generation of mobile map applications with MapAppGen.

Map-based Variable Rate Application of Nitrogen Using a Multi-Spectral Image Sensor (멀티스펙트랄 이미지 센서를 이용한 전자 지도 기반 변량 질소 살포)

  • Noh, Hyun-Kwon;Zhang, Qin
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.132-137
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    • 2010
  • Site-specific N application for corn is one of the precision crop management. To implement the site-specific N application, various nitrogen stress sensing methods, including aerial image, tissue analysis, soil sampling analysis, and SPAD meter readings, have been used. Use of side-dressing, an efficient nitrogen application method than a uniform application in either late fall or early spring, relies mainly on the capability of nitrogen deficiency detection. This paper presents map-based variable rate nitrogen application based using a multi-spectral corn nitrogen deficiency(CND) sensor. This sensor assess the nitrogen stress by means of the estimated SPAD reading calculated from the corn leave reflectance. The estimated SPAD value from the CND sensor system and location information form DGPS of each field block was combined into the field map using a ArcView program. Then this map was converted into a raster file for a map-based variable rate application software. The relative SPAD (RSPAD = SPAD over reference SPAD) was investigated 2 weeks after the treatments. The results showed that the map-based variable rate application system was feasible.

Precision Shape Modeling by Z-Map Model (Z-map 모델을 이용한 정밀형상 모델링)

  • 박정환;정연찬;최병규
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.180-188
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    • 1998
  • Z-map is a special form of discrete nonparametric representation in which the height values at grid points on the xy-plane are stored as a 2D array z[i.j]. While z-map is the simplest form of representing sculptured surfaces and it is the most versatile scheme for modeling nonparametric objects, its practical application in industry (eg, tool-path generation) aroused much controversy over its weaknesses ; accuracy, singularity (eg, vertical wall), and some excessive storage needs. Although z-map has such limitations, much research on the application of z-map can be found in various articles. However, research on the systematic analysis of sculptured surface shape representation via z-map model is rather rare. Presented in this paper are the following: shape modeling power of the simple z-map model, exact (within tolerance) B-map representation of sculptured surfaces which have some feature-shapes such as vertical-walls and real sharp-edges by adopting some complementary B-map models, and some application examples.

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Precision shape modeling by z-map model

  • Park, Jung-Whan;Chung, Yun-Chan;Choi, Byoung-Kyn
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2002
  • The Z-map is a special farm of discrete non-parametric representation in which the height values at grid points on the xy-plane are stored as a 2D array z[ij]. While the z-map is the simplest farm of representing sculptured surfaces and is the most versatile scheme for modeling non-parametric objects, its practical application in industry (eg, tool-path generation) has aroused much controversy over its weaknesses, namely its inaccuracy, singularity (eg, vertical wall), and some excessive storage needs. Much research or the application of the z-map can be found in various articles, however, research on the systematic analysis of sculptured surface shape representation via the z-map model is rather rare. Presented in this paper are the following: shape modeling power of the simple z-map model, exact (within tolerance) z-map representation of sculptured surfaces which have some feature-shapes such as vertical-walls and real sharp-edges by adopting some complementary z-map models, and some application examples.

Performance Evaluation of MapReduce Application running on Hadoop (Hadoop 상에서 MapReduce 응용프로그램 평가)

  • Kim, Junsu;Kang, Yunhee;Park, Youngbom
    • Journal of Software Engineering Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2012
  • According to the growth of data being generated in man fields, a distributed programming model MapReduce has been introduced to handle it. In this paper, we build two cluster system with Solaris and Linux environment on SUN Blade150 respectively and then to evaluate the performance of a MapReduce application running on MapReduce middleware Hadoop in terms of its average elapse time and standard deviation. As a result of this experiment, we show that the overall performance of the MapReduce application based on Hadoop is affected by the configuration of the cluster system.

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Mobile Art Park Guidance Application using Mobile MAP Open API

  • Jwa, Jeong-Woo;Ko, Sang-Bo;Lee, Deuk-Woo
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we develop a mobile MAP open API using HTML5 local storage and the W3C geolocation API. The mobile MAP open API consists of the basic JavaScript MAP API, offline navigation API, and multimedia POI (mPOI) API. The basic JavaScript MAP API creates a map and controls, rotates, and overlays data on the map. The offline navigation API is developed using HTML5 local storage and web storage. The mobile web application downloads and stores mPOIs of works of art to local storage or web storage from a web server. The mPOI API is developed using HTML5 video and audio APIs. We develop a mobile art park guidance application using the developed mobile MAP open API.

Application System for National Wind Map KIER-WindMap$^{TM}$ (국가바람지도 활용시스템 KIER-WindMap$^{TM}$)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kang, Yong-Hyuk;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Jeong, Woo-Sik
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.532-533
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    • 2009
  • The national wind map of South Korea has been established as a core data to support national strategy building and promotion of wind energy dissemination. The national wind map has been made by numerical wind simulation with the spatial resolution of 1 km horizontal, 10m vertical and temporal resolution of 1 hour interval for 5 years period (2003-2007). Therefore, an application system linked with the national wind map named KIER-WindMap$^{TM}$ is being developed to be used by the government, local government, developers and researchers. We introduce the current status of the application system and the future development plans.

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New chaotic map development and its application in encrypted color image

  • JarJar, Abdellatif
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2021
  • This paper traces the process of constructing a new one-dimensional chaotic map, and will provide a simple application in color image encryption. The use of Sarkovskii's theorem will make it possible to determine the existence of chaos and restrict all conditions to ensure the existence of this new sequence. In addition, the sensitivity to initial conditions will be proved by Lyapunov's index value. Similarly, the performance of this new chaotic map will be illustrated graphically and compared with other chaotic maps most commonly used in cryptography. Finally, a humble color image encryption application will show the power of this new chaotic map.

A Study on the Creation of Augmented Reality Map (증강현실 지도제작에 대한연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Eun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2018
  • This paper is a study on map contents to be embedded in a new type of mobile device that combines 2D information and 3D information by combining 2D information with augmented reality technology. We also describe the planning and production of a 3D map application called 'NSU AR Map' using Unity3D engine to help understand this paper. 'NSU AR Map' is a map application that enables accurate identification of user's location and real-world view through 360 View. Based on the experience gained during the process of 3D map application, this paper will present how 3D technologies and augmented reality technologies are applied to new map applications and how they can be developed in the future.

Study and Practice on New Generation Digital-City Oriented 3D Digital Map

  • He, Xiaozhao;Li, Qi;Cheng, Jicheng
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.914-916
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    • 2003
  • Most current 3D digital maps are 2.5 dimension models based on DEM, which can only be recognized, browsed and operated by a special software, far from meeting the needs of a modern digital city (global) with the distributed, isomerous and multiple application on the real 3D representation and open sharing models. In this paper, a new generation digital city oriented 3D digital map is studied. Firstly, a real 3D digital map representation is presented. And then, some key techniques and methods for browser-based 3D digital map’s representation, display and operation are introduced, which can realized the open sharing of 3D map in distributed, isomerous and multiple application environment. Furthermore, the scale driving technique of proposed 3D digital map is also studied. And currently, some developments based on some of the above methods are being carried to provide key and general platform for other application software’s development.

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