• Title/Summary/Keyword: Main pump

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Case Study of Repair Works on Surge Suppression Device for Booster Pumping Station (가압펌프장의 수격완화설비에 대한 보수·보강 사례)

  • Kim, Sang-gyun;Lee, Dong-keun;Lee, Gye-bok;Kim, Kyung-yup
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.8 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2005
  • When the pumps are started or stopped for the operation or tripped due to the power failure, the hydraulic transients occur as a result of the sudden change in velocity. The field tests on the waterhammer were carried out for Pangyo booster pumping station in which had six booster pumps and two in-line pumps with the motor of output 1,700 kW, respectively. The booster pumping station was equipped with the pump control valve as the main surge suppression device, and the surge relief valve as auxiliary one. But the pump control valve had not early controlled in the planned closing mode, the slamming occurred to the valve of which abruptly closed during the large reverse flow. Because the positive pressure wave caused by the pump failure was superposed on the slam surge, the upsurge increased so extremely that the pump control valve was damaged. After the air chambers were additionally installed in the booster pumping station, it was preyed that the water supply system acquire the safety and reliability on the pressure surge.

Analysis and Verification of High Temperature Heat Pump Dryer using Waste Heat Recovery Type for R245fa Refrigerant (배기가스 배열을 활용한 R245fa 냉매용 고온 히트펌프 건조기의 해석 및 검증)

  • Bae, Kyung-Jin;Cha, Dong-An;Kwon, Oh-Kyung
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the performance characteristics of a high temperature heat pump dryer that is able to raise the air temperature up to $80^{\circ}C$ by using waste heat as heat source were investigated numerically. The main components of the heat pump dryer were modeling as a compressor, condenser, evaporator and expansion device, and R245fa was selected as refrigerant. Experiments were also conducted to validate the numerical data. As a result, when the evaporator air inlet temperature increased from $50^{\circ}C$ to $65^{\circ}C$, the numerical results of the hot air temperature at outlet and heat pump COP were about 8~11% and 5~8% higher than that of experimental ones, respectively.

Performance Analysis of Ground-Coupled Heat Pump System with Slinky-Type Horizontal Ground Heat Exchanger (수평형 지열 히트펌프 시스템의 냉난방 성능 분석)

  • Sohn, Byong-Hu
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.230-239
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    • 2012
  • Ground-coupled heat pump (GCHP) systems utilize the immense renewable storage capacity of the ground as a heat source or sink to provide space heating, cooling, and domestic hot water. The main objective of the present study is to investigate the cooling and heating performance of a small scale GCHP system with horizontal ground heat exchanger (HGHE). In order to evaluate the performance, a water-to-air ground-source heat pump unit connected to a test room with a net floor area of 18.4 m2 and a volume of 64.4 m3 in the Korea Institute of Construction Technology ($37^{\circ}39'N$, $126^{\circ}48'E$) was designed and constructed. This GCHP system mainly consisted of slinky-type HGHE with a total length of 400 m, indoor heat pump, and measuring devices. The peak cooling and heating loads of the test room were 5.07 kW and 4.12 kW, respectively. The experimental results were obtained from March 15, 2011 to August 31, 2011 and the performance coefficients of the system were determined from the measured data. The overall seasonal performance factor (SPF) for cooling was 3.31 while the system delivered heating at a daily average performance coefficients of 2.82.

Pump availability prediction using response surface method in nuclear plant

  • Parasuraman Suganya;Ganapathiraman Swaminathan;Bhargavan Anoop
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2024
  • The safety-related raw water system's strong operational condition supports the radiation defense and biological shield of nuclear plant containment structures. Gaps and failures in maintaining proper working condition of main equipment like pump were among the most common causes of unavailability of safety related raw water systems. We integrated the advanced data analytics tools to evaluate the maintenance records of water systems and gave special consideration to deficiencies related to pump. We utilized maintenance data over a three-and-a-half-year period to produce metrics like MTBF, MTTF, MTTR, and failure rate. The visual analytic platform using tableau identified the efficacy of maintenance & deficiency in the safety raw water systems. When the number of water quality violation was compared to the other O&M deficiencies, it was discovered that water quality violations account for roughly 15% of the system's deficiencies. The pumps were substantial contributors to the deficit. Pump availability was predicted and optimized with real time data using response surface method. The prediction model was significant with r-squared value of 0.98. This prediction model can be used to predict forth coming pump failures in nuclear plant.

The Process Parameters Optimization for Temperature Control of Heating Modules (히팅 모듈의 온도 제어를 위한 공정 변수 최적화 연구)

  • Yong Jae Lee;Ho Maeng;Myunghan Go;Dong Min Kim;Jaehyun Park
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2024
  • A computational fluid dynamics model was developed to enhance temperature control in the heating module used for semiconductor photolithography processes. The heating module was designed in CATIA, and simulations were performed in ANSYS Fluent under nine conditions, combining pump speeds (0.5, 0.9, 1.3 m/s) and heater power levels (500, 700, 900 W) as the main process parameters. The results highlighted the impact of pump speed and heater power on temperature stabilization time and thermal uniformity. Analysis of temperature patterns confirmed that higher pump speeds improved heat mixing, leading to faster stabilization and better temperature consistency. An Index Number was utilized to evaluate stabilization time, thermal uniformity, and pump speed. The findings identified optimal performance at a pump speed of 1.3 m/s and a heater power of 500 W. This study offers valuable insights for optimizing the design and operation of heating modules, contributing to enhanced temperature control in semiconductor manufacturing.

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Predictive Diagnosis and Preventive Maintenance Technologies for Dry Vacuum Pumps (건식 진공펌프의 상태진단 및 예지보수 기법)

  • Cheung, Wan-Sup
    • Vacuum Magazine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.31-34
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    • 2015
  • This article introduces fundamentals of self-diagnosis and predictive (or preventive) maintenance technologies for dry vacuum pumps. The state variables of dry pumps are addressed, such as the pump and motor body temperatures, consumption currents of main and booster pumps, mechanical vibration, and exhaust pressure, etc. The adaptive parametric models of the state variables of the dry pump are exploited to provide dramatic reduction of data size and computation time for self-diagnosis. Two indicators, the Hotelling's $T^2$ and the sum of squares residuals (Q), are illustrated to be quite effective and successful in diagnosing dry pumps used in the semiconductor processes.

Numerical Simulation for the Subsurface Temperature Distribution Disturbed by Heat-Pump Operation (지열펌프 구동에 의한 지중 온도 분포 변화 모델링 연구)

  • Shin, Ji-Youn;Bae, Gwang-Ok;Lee, Kang-Kun
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.40-43
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    • 2006
  • Public demand for the heat pump system as a next generation energy equipment is increasing for its eco-friendly and cost-effective advantage. Many researches have been concentrated on how to calculate and develop its own efficiency, while the possible effect of the heat pump operation on the whole subsurface temperature distribution is relatively less considered, During the current study, subsurface temperature disturbance caused by seasonal surface temperature cycle in Busan area and general W-tube heat pump operation is simulated in 3-dimensional heterogeneous medium. It shows that subsurface deeper than 10m from the surface remains nearly unchanged throughout the 4 seasons and groundwater convect ion in highly permeable layer near the surface acts like a main path of heat plume from heat pump system, This implies the significance of detail descript ion in shallow sedimentary layer or highly permeable layer which plays an important role on the regional flow advection and heat transfer. Also, the effect of groundwater convection increases when the arrangement of the 2 injection pipes and 2 extract ion well is maintained parallel to groundwater flow. Therefore, more careful and detail investigation is required before installation and operation of heat pump system that it may not cause any possible change of microbial ecosystem in the shallow subsurface environment or 'contamination of temperature' for groundwater use as well as the loss of efficiency of the equipment itself. This can also help to design the optimized grouting system for heat pump.

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Performance characteristics of the Coil Deposition Type Heat Pump using Geothermal Energy (지열을 이용한 코일 침적형 히트펌프의 성능 특성)

  • Oh, Hoo-Kyu;Lee, Dong-Gun;Jeon, Min-Ju;Son, Chang-Hyo
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2012
  • This paper describes the experimental characteristics on cooling and heating performance of the coil deposition type heat pump using geothermal energy to optimize the design for the operating parameters of this system. The operating parameters considered in this study include subcooling degree, evaporation and condensation temperature in the coil deposition type heat pump using geothermal energy. The main results are summarized as follows : As the evaporation temperature and subcooling degree of the coil deposition type heat pump using geothermal energy increases, and the condensation temperature decreases, the COP of this system increases. The subcooling degree, evaporation and condensation temperature of the coil deposition type heat pump have an effect on cooling and heating COP of this heat pump. Therefore, it is a necessary to determine the optimum operation conditions for the highest COP of this heat pump presented in this study.

Performance Comparison of Supercritical Heat Pump for a Variety of Refrigerants (다양한 냉매를 적용한 초임계 히트펌프의 성능 비교)

  • Yoon, Jung-In;Son, Chang-Hyo;Choi, Kwang-Hwan;Jeon, Min-Ju
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, the cycle performance analysis for the COP of supercritical heat pump using various refrigerants is presented to offer the basic design data for the operating parameters of the system. The working fluids are R134a, R22, R32, R290, R600, R600a, R1270 and R744. The operating parameters considered in this study include superheating degree of evaporator, temperature of gas cooler inlet and outlet, compressor efficiency and evaporating temperature in the supercritical heat pump system. The main results were summarized as follows : Superheating degree, temperature of gas cooler inlet and outlet, compressor efficiency and evaporating temperature of supercritical heat pump system have an effect on the COP of this system. With a thorough grasp of these effect, it is necessary to design the supercritical heat pump using R134a. And, in comparison of COP of supercritical heat pump using various refrigerants, R32 and R600 is the highest, and R744 is the lowest among other refrigerants. From these results, it is confirmed that the COP of supercritical heat pump using R744 is higher than that using freon refrigerants such as R32 and R134a.

The Study on a Real-time Flow-rate Calculation Method by the Measurement of Coolant Pump Power in an Integral Reactor (일체형원자로에서 냉각재펌프의 전력측정을 이용한 실시간 유량산정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, J.;Yoon, J.H.;Zee, S.Q.
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.12a
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2003
  • It is the common features of the integral reactors that the main components of the RCS are installed within the reactor vessel, and so there are no any flow pipes connecting the coolant pumps or steam generators. Due to no any flow pipes, it is impossible to measure the differential pressure at the RCS of the integral reactors, and it also makes impossible measure the flow-rate of the reactor coolant. As a alternative method, the method by the measurement of coolant pump power has been introduced in this study. Up to now, we did not found out a precedent which the coolant pump power is used for the real-time flow-rate calculation at normal operation of the commercial nuclear power plants. The objective of the study is to embody the real-time flow-rate calculation method by the measurement of coolant pump power in an integral reactor. As a result of the study, we could theoretically reason that the capacity-head curve and capacity-shaft power curve around the rated capacity with the high specific-speeded axial flow pumps have each diagonally steep incline but show the similar shape. Also, we could confirm the above theoretical reasoning from the measured result of the pump motor inputs, So, it has been concluded that it is possible to calculate the real-time flow-rate by the measurement of pump motor inputs. In addition, the compensation for a above new method can be made by HBM being now used in the commercial nuclear power plants.

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