• Title/Summary/Keyword: MPB

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Structural and Piezoelectric Properties of MnO2-Doped PZT-PSN Ceramics for Ultrasonic Vibrator (초음파 진동자용 MnO2가 Doping된 PZT-PSN 세라믹스의 구조 및 압전 특성)

  • Cha, Yoo-Jeong;Kim, Chang-Il;Kim, Kyoung-Jun;Jeong, Young-Hun;Lee, Young-Jin;Lee, Hai-Gun;Paik, Jong-Hoo
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.198-202
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    • 2009
  • For use in ultrasonic actuators, we investigated the structural and piezoelectric properties of $(1\;-\;x)Pb(Zr_{0.515}Ti_{0.485})O_3$ - $xPb(Sb_{1/2}Nb_{1/2})O_3$ + 0.5 wt% $MnO_2$ [(1 - x)PZT - xPSN + $MnO_2$] ceramics with a variation of x (x = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08). All the ceramics, which were sintered at $1250^{\circ}C$ for 2 h, showed a typical perovskite structure, implying that they were well synthesized. A homogeneous micro structure was also developed for the specimens, and their average grain size was slightly decreased to $1.3{\mu}m$ by increasing x to 0.8. Moreover, a second phase with a pyrochlore structure appeared when x was above 0.06, which resulted in the deterioration of their piezoelectric properties. However, the 0.96PZT-0.04PSN+$MnO_2$ ceramics, which corresponds with a morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) composition in the (1 - x)PZT - xPSN + $MnO_2$ system, exhibited good piezoelectric properties: a piezoelectric constant ($d_{33}$) of 325 pC/N, an electromechanical coupling factor ($k_p$) of 70.8%, and a mechanical quality factor ($Q_m$) of 1779. The specimens with a relatively high curie temperature ($T_c$) of $305^{\circ}C$ also showed a significantly high dielectric constant (${\varepsilon}_r$) value of 1109. Therefore, the 0.96PZT - 0.04PSN + $MnO_2$ ceramics are suitable for use in ultrasonic vibrators.

Low Temperature Sintering and Piezoelectric Properties of $Al_2O_3$, CuO and $MnO_2$ Added $Pb(Zr_xTi_{1-x})O_3-Pb(Zn_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3-Pb(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3$ Ceramics ($Al_2O_3$, CuO와 $MnO_2$가 첨가된 $Pb(Zr_xTi_{1-x})O_3-Pb(Zn_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3-Pb(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3$ 유전체의 저온 소결 및 압전 특성)

  • Ahn, Cheol-Woo;Park, Seung-Ho;Priya, Shashank;Uchino, Kenji;Song, Jae-Sung;Nahm, Sahn
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.07a
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    • pp.138-141
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    • 2004
  • [ $MnO_2$ ]가 첨가된 $0.9Pb(Zr_{0.5}Ti_{0.5})O_3-0.2Pb[(Zn_{0.8}Ni_{0.2})_{1/3}Nb_{2/3}]O_3$(0.8PZT-0.2PZNN) 세라믹스는 그 압전특성과 유전특성이 뛰어나지만 $1000^{\circ}C$ 이하의 낮은 소결 온도에서는 소결되지 않는다. $1000^{\circ}C$이하의 낮은 소결온도에서 소결하기 위해 CuO를 첨가한 결과, 소결온도 $920^{\circ}C$에서 소결성은 우수하였으나 그 압전 특성의 저하가 두드러졌다. 이는 XRD에서 확인한 결과에 따르면 CuO의 첨가가 우수한 MPB 조성으로 판명된 $MnO_2$ 가 첨가된 0.8PZT-0.2PZNN 세라믹스의 결정구조를 Rhombohedral 구조로 바꾸기 때문인 것으로 보였으며 이러한 문제는 PZNN의 비율을 조절하여 0.875PZT-0.125PZNN 세라믹스를 선택함으로 인해 해결할 수 있었다. 그러나 여전히 낮은 $Q_m$값을 높이기 위해서 $Al_2O_3$를 첨가하였고 그 결과 시편의 tetragonality 감소와 $Q_m$값의 증가를 확인할 수 있었으나 그 첨가량이 0.2wt% 이상일 경우에는 밀도의 감소로 인한 압전특성의 저하가 나타났다. 밀도의 향상을 위해 Zn and Ni excess 조성을 선택하였고 그 결과 0.5wt% $MnO_2$와 0.2wt% CuO 그리고 0.3wt% $Al_2O_3$를 첨가한 0.875PZT-0.125PZNN 세라믹스(Zn and Ni excess 조성)를 $920^{\circ}C$에서 소결한 경우 $k_p=0.581,\;Q_m=809,\;d_{33}=345\;pC/N\;and\;{\varepsilon}_{33}/{\varepsilon}_0=1345$의 빼어난 압전 및 유전특성과 $330^{\circ}C$의 높은 $T_c$를 보였고 그 조성의 vibration velocity는 약4.5 m/s로 나타났다.

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Dielectric Properties of 0.57Pb$(Sc_{1/2}Nb_{1/2})O_3-0.43PbTiO_3$ Ceramics with $Fe_2O_3,\;Nb_2O_5$ Additions ($Fe_2O_3$$Nb_2O_5$가 첨가된 0.57Pb$(Sc_{1/2}Nb_{1/2})O_3-0.43PbTiO_3$계 세라믹스의 유전특성)

  • Kim, Chang-Seok;Lee, Neung-Hun;Ji, Seung-Han;Kim, Jin-Su;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Jun, Seok-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07d
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    • pp.1713-1716
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    • 1999
  • PSN-PT 2성분계 압전세라믹스의 상도로부터 유전적, 압전적 특성이 양호한 MPB (Morphotropic phase boundary)부근의 조성을 선택하여 도너 도펀트인 $Nb_2O_5$와 억셉터 도펀트인 $Fe_2O_3$를 각각 $0{\sim}9wt%$ 첨가하여 유전특성을 비교, 연구해보았다 시편모두 $1250^{\circ}C$이상에서 이론밀도의 96%이상의 값을 얻을 수 있었고 상온, 1kHz에서 $Fe_2O_3$의 경우 0.1wt% 첨가된 시편에서 ${\varepsilon}_r=2054$의 최대 비유전율이 나타났으며, 0.7wt% 첨가된 시편에서는 $tan{\delta}$=0.49%의 최소 유전 손실값을 얻었다. 도펀트가 첨가됨에 따라 ${\varepsilon}_r$는 점점 감소하는 경향을 보였으며 큐리온도 Tc는 $Fe_2O_3$의 경우에서 더 큰 값이 나타났다. $Nb_2O_5$의 경우 도펀트의 증가에 따라 완만한 Relaxor의 형태로 나타났다.

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Charicteristics of PZT-PMNS using for piezoelectric element of AE sensor (AE센서의 압전소자에 이용할 PZT-PMNS 특성)

  • Kwon, O.D.;Yoo, J.S.;Yoon, Y.J.;Kang, S.H.;Lim, K.J.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.07c
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    • pp.1612-1614
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    • 2004
  • The piezoelectric ceramics for AE-sensor are desired large electromechanical coupling factor, high mechanical quality factor and good characteristic resonance frequency. In this study, the empirical formula of specimens is used 0.9Pb$(Zr_xTi_{1-x})O_3-0.1Pb(Mn_{1/3}Nb_{1/3}Sb_{1/3})O_3$ (PZT-PMNS). The piezoelectric and dielectric characteristic are investigated by sintering temperature and value of x as functions of $Ti^{2+},\;Zi^{2+}$ moi rate. MPB(morphotropic phase boundary) is defned in the x=0.522. Because it is appeared to the best piezoelectric and dielectric characteristic in the x=0.522, it can be application of AE sensor. PZT-PMNS ceramics without pre-amplifier and filter are tested for AE-signal of PD and arc detecting. The detection characteristic is evaluated wave form, frequency distribution.

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High $T_c/E_c$ PMN-PZT Single Crystals for Piezoelectric Actuator and Transducer Applications : Bridgman PMN-PT Crystals vs. SSCG PMN-PZT Crystals (압전 액츄에이터와 트랜스듀서용 고효율 압전 PMN-PZT 단결정 개발 : 브릿지만법 PMN-PT 단결정과 고상단결정 성장법 PMN-PZT 단결정 비교)

  • Lee, Ho-Yong;Lee, Sung-Min;Kim, Dong-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.17-17
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    • 2009
  • Piezoelectric single crystals in the ternary MPB PMN-PZ-PT system with high $T_cs$ ($T_c$ > $200\sim300^{\circ}C$) and $E_cs$($E_c$>5~10 kV/cm) were fabricated by the cost-effective solid-state crystal growth (SSCG) technique. Chemically uniform PMN-PZT single crystals were successfully grown up to 60 mm by the SSCG method and their dielectric and piezoelectric properties characterized. Compared to Bridgman PMN-PT single crystals, the high $T_c/E_c$ PMN-PZT single crystals were found to exhibit a much wider usage range with respect to electric field as well as temperature, and thus become best candidates for medical transducers, actuators, and naval applications.

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Developing Accident Models of Rotary by Accident Occurrence Location (로터리 사고발생 위치별 사고모형 개발)

  • Na, Hee;Park, Byung-Ho
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2012
  • PURPOSES : This study deals with Rotary by Accident Occurrence Location. The purpose of this study is to develop the accident models of rotary by location. METHODS : In pursuing the above, this study gives particular attentions to developing the appropriate models using multiple linear, Poisson and negative binomial regression models and statistical analysis tools. RESULTS : First, four multiple linear regression models which are statistically significant(their $R^2$ values are 0.781, 0.300, 0.784 and 0.644 respectively) are developed, and four Poisson regression models which are statistically significant(their ${\rho}^2$ values are 0.407, 0.306, 0.378 and 0.366 respectively) are developed. Second, the test results of fitness using RMSE, %RMSE, MPB and MAD show that Poisson regression model in the case of circulatory roadway, pedestrian crossing and others and multiple linear regression model in the case of entry/exit sections are appropriate to the given data. Finally, the common variable that affects to the accident is adopted to be traffic volume. CONCLUSIONS : 8 models which are all statistically significant are developed, and the common and specific variables that are related to the models are derived.

Design of T-DMB Conditional Access Message Transmission Method through an External Networks (외부 망 연동을 통한 T-DMB 제한 수신 메시지 전송 방법 설계)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Bae, Byung-Jun;Yang, Kyu-Tae;Song, Yun-Jeong;Kim, Jong-Deok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.07a
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    • pp.368-369
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    • 2010
  • T-DMB는 대한민국이 개발한 디지털 이동 멀티미디어 방송으로 무료서비스를 기본으로 하고 있다. 이러한 T-DMB를 유료화하여 양질의 서비스를 제공하기 위해서는 제한 수신 시스템의 도입이 필요하다. 제한 수신 시스템은 가입자들에게 방송서비스 채널을 이용하여 제한 수신 메시지를 보냄으로써 유, 무료 가입자를 구별한다. 제한수신 메시지를 전송해야하는 가입자들이 늘어날수록 제한수신 메시지는 늘어나게 되고 제한수신 메시지를 전송하기 위한 대역폭 또한 늘어나게 된다. 하지만 T-DMB의 전송 대역폭은 1.152Mpbs로 제한적이고, 방송 데이터 뿐 아니라 제한수신을 위한 제한 수신 메시지도 전송해야 한다. 가입자 증가에 따라 증가하는 제한수신 메시지는 방송 서비스에 영향을 미칠 수밖에 없다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 제한수신 메시지를 따로 분리하여 전송하는 외부망 연동을 통한 제한 수신 메시지 전송 방법을 제안하며 제한 수신 시스템과 연동하는 방법을 설계하였다.

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Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of $Pb(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3-PbTiO_3-PbZrO_3$ Ceramics for Actuator Applications (대변위용 액츄에이터 응용을 위한 $Pb(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3-PbTiO_3-PbZrO_3$ 세라믹스에서의 유전 및 압전 특성)

  • Kim, Chang-Il;Lim, Eun-Kyeong;Paik, Jong-Hoo;Lim, Jong-In;Lee, Young-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.228-229
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구에서는 초음파 모터 등의 고출력 액츄에이터에 응용 가능한 $04Pb(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3-6Pb(Zr_xTi_{1-x})O_3$ 조성시스템에 소결온도를 달리하여 압전, 유전특성 및 미세구조에 관해 고찰하였다. 본 조성을 $1200^{\circ}C$ 온도에서 2, 4, 6, 8시간 소결하여 시편을 제조하였으며 이의 결정구조 및 미세조직을 분석하였다. 소결시간 증가에 따라 전기기계결합계수와 기계적품질계수는 증가하였으며, 압전상수는 Zr(Zr+Ti)비 0.390까지 증가하였으나 그 이상 증가함에 따라 감소하였다. 압전특성은 $1200^{\circ}C$에서 4시간 소결한 Zr=0.390인 조성에서 ${\varepsilon}_r$ = 4487, $k_p$ = 0.72. $d_{33}$ = 710, $Q_m$ =109의 우수한 특성을 나타내었다.

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Epitaxial Growth of $BiFeO_3-Ba(Cu_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3$ Thin Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition

  • Baek, Chang-U;Lee, Jong-Pil;Seong, Gil-Dong;Jeong, Jong-Hun;Ryu, Jeong-Ho;Yun, Un-Ha;Park, Dong-Su;Jeong, Dae-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.30.1-30.1
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    • 2011
  • Multiferroic thin films with composition $0.9BiFeO_3-0.1Ba(Cu_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3$ were epitaxially grown by pulsed laser deposition on $SrRuO_3(001)/SrTiO_3$ (000) substrate $0.9BiFeO_3-0.1Ba(Cu_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3$, which is assumed to be morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), that showed superior dielectric, ferroelectric and magnetic properties in our study on polycrystalline films. The structures of epitaxially grown films were characterized by means of XRD. From P-E measurements, samples exhibited typical ferroelectric hysteresis loops and large remnant polarization, whose value is much larger than those of pure BFO film. The enhancement of dielectric, ferroelectric, magnetic properties was attributed to the structural distortion induced by the BCN addition and the high physical stress effect.

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The Effects of Grain Size on the Degradation Phenomena of PZT Ceramics (입자의 크기가 PZT 세라믹스의 열화현상에 미치는 영향)

  • 정우환;김진호;조상희
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 1992
  • The effect of grain size on the time-dependent piezoelectrice degradation of a poled PZT of MPB composition Pb0.988Sr0.012 (Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 with 2.4 mol% of Nb2O5 was studied, and the degradation mechanism was discussed. Changes in the internal bias field and the internal stress both responsible for the time-dependent degradation of poled PZT were examined by the polarization reveral technique, XRD and Vickers indentation, respectively. The piezoelectric degradation increased with increasing time and grain size, and the internal bias field due to space charge diffusion decreased with increasing grain size of poled PZT. The internal bias field, however, was almost insensitive to the degradation time regardless of the grain size. On the other hand, both the x-ray diffraction peak intensity ratio of (002) to (200) and the fracture behavior including the crack propagation support that the ferroelectric domain rearrangement of larger grain size showed rapid relaxation of the internal stress compared with smaller one, which is thought the origin of the larger piezoelectric degradation in the former. In conclusion, the contribution of space charge diffusion on the piezoelectric degradation of PZT is strongly dependent on both the grain size and the composition. Thus, the relaxation of internal stress due to the ferroelectric domain rearrangement as well as the amount and time-dependence of the internal bias field due to space charge diffusion should be considered simultaneously in the degradation mechanism of PZT.

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