• Title/Summary/Keyword: MOUNTAINS

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Deterioration Status of Closed- Trail of National Parks on the Baekdudaegan Mountains, South Korea (백두대간권역 국립공원 비개방 탐방로의 훼손실태)

  • Cho, Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.827-834
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to provide scientific data to support policy making on core area management in national parks, particularly to resolve conflict regarding trail closure, by analyzing the physical characteristics of trails in the Seoraksan and Songnisan National Park on the Baekdudaegan mountains. For the analysis, we surveyed 112 points selected from three sections and one section of closed trails in Seoraksan and Songnisan, respectively (17.1 km in total). The surveyed trails had, on average, trail width of 0.98m, baresoil width of 0.84 m, maximum erosion depth of 11.6cm, and trail slope of 14.2%. Of 53 out of 112 surveyed points (47.3%), we found exposed roots. Only 47 points (42.0%) did not show any type of physical deterioration. The magnitudes of deterioration in the surveyed closed-trail are relatively lower than those in open-trail in other national parks and are similar to those of ridge trails on the Baekdudaegan mountains.

An Analysis of 'Chunsansoesong' by Mi Fu - Underlining the Poem within the Painting - (미불의 춘산서송도<春山瑞松圖> 분석 -'화중유시 (畵中有詩)' 의 특성을 중심으로-)

  • Wang Hyung-Yul
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.6
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    • pp.100-118
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    • 2004
  • Mi Fu, who was associated with Wen Tong, invented the Mijoem Technique (Dotting Technique) in landscape painting with his son Mi Youren. His landscapes, which referred to Dong Yuan's landscape technique and was inspired by the scenery of Jiang Nan, illustrate the mood of a cloud-covered foggy landscape by liberally applying dots with ink. 'Chunsansoesong' which is considered done by Mi Fu, clearly shows the virtues of ink painting's spreading, absorbing and omission techniques. This simply rendered landscape - whose mountains and hills are wrapped in both clouds and fog - displays exquisiteness by using small dots. In 'Chunsansoesong', the characteristics of Song painting: a 'vital energy', a 'poem within the painting', a 'beauty of margin', a 'beauty of one brush stroke, and a 'display of inner meanings' are implicatively expressed This is because it's simple but connotatively delineative. There is the characteristic of a 'poem within the painting' when analyzing the both fragmented and combined 'Chunsansoesong'. The margins support an imaginative space as the height of the mountains get higher which result in deepening both the width and depth of the landscape space. Furthermore, the soft thickness of ink, clouds, pine trees, and pavilion evoke delineative feelings and a desire to write a poem Every thing in 'Chunsansoesong' is enveloped in both clouds and fog regardless of its distance and this delivers boundless feelings of Oriental mystery and urges a desire for 'writing a poem'. The pavilion that faces the cloud and fog-bound mountains especially flames the poetic urge further by inducing viewers' poetic imaginations. As we reviewed above, 'Chunsansoesong's cloud and fog-covered landscape is a good example that clearly showcases the characteristics of a 'Poem within the Painting'.

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Delineating Forest Patches around the Geumbuk Mountains from a Landscape Ecological Perspective (금북정맥 주변 산림조각의 경관생태학적 해석)

  • Jang, Gab-Sue
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.1 s.120
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study was to delineate forest patches in the cities around the Geum-buk mountains at the north of the Geum River using multiplesatellite remote sensing data. Landsat visible and near-infrared satellite images obtained at multiple dates in the growing season were used to create a forest distribution map. Fragstats 3.3 was used to get the landscape indices delineating the distribution of forest patches. Additional ground truth data was used to assess the accuracy of the classification. Factor analysis was used to get the 26 landscape indices clustered into 4 factors. Factor I was labeled as' size of forest patches', factor II as 'fragmentation of forest patches', factor III as 'shape of forest patches', and factor IV as 'complexity of forest patches'. Factor I described large patches and their core area, while others did small patches and their shape and complexity. Cities including Cheonan, Gongju, Cheongyang, and Boryeong near the main ridge of the Geumbuk Mtns. had a small number of large-sized forest patches. However, cities including Taean, Seosan, Dangjin, Hongseong near the ridge of the western Geumbuk Mtns. had a large number of small-sized forest patches. Finally, this study showed that the region near the coast line in Chung-nam province has various types of forest patches having an irregular forest edge due to the elevation and slope lower than the one of the region far from the coast line which is near the ridge of the Geum-buk Mountains. Remote sensing data were useful to understand the distribution of forest patches, and landscape indices could be keys to delineate the relationship between forest patches. And the factor analysis, which simplified 26 landscape indices into 4 landscape patterns allowed us to understand the distribution and relationship of forest patches in an easy way.

A Study of Coarse Bed Materials in Small Streams in Rocky Mountains (로키 산맥 소하천의 조립질 하상 퇴적물에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1998
  • This study surveyed intensively the relationships between grain size of coarse bed materials and some principal factors in channel system, drainage area and channel slope, in Rocky Mountains. The result of this research shows that there are statistically significant relationships between these factors. Generally, the grain size and the channel slope exponentially decreased in the study area with the increase in drainage area. However, there are great differences in grain size and channel slope between upstream and downstream channels. The boundary lines are commonly located at near the mouth of canyon. From these results, it can be concluded that the bed material characteristics and the channel slope are strongly influenced by the geological and geomorphological background of the drainage basin in this study area.

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The Characteristics and Significance of Wood Block Printed Daedongyeojijeondo (목판본 "대동여지전도(大東輿地全圖)"의 특징과 가치)

  • Oh, Sang-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.184-200
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    • 2010
  • The production period of Daedongyeojijeondo is estimated from 1861 to 1866 in consideration of place names. Daedongyeojijeondo is elaborated enough that there are the latest data in, especially is better than Haejwajeondo that is a representative map in the 19th century in marking distance. Daedongyeojido is an official map for national defense and administration, on the other hand Daedongyeojijeondo is a popular map in which social and economical contents are included. The recognition of mountains and rivers based on organic view of the land is also represented in Daedongyeojijeondo, and the principle of the whole of mountains and rivers is well reflected. It is far better than modem maps in the expression of road system and distances, tidal area in rivers.

Landscape Analysis of Geographic Features of East Sea-gateway(東海口) in Shilla Dynasty (신라 동해구에 대한 지형.경관 분석)

  • Ahn Gye-Bog;Hwang Kook-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4 s.111
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2005
  • In order to reveal the geographical landscape's features of the East Sea-gateway(東海口), which has existed only in the era of Shilla as unique east path, we have carried out analysis of the old maps(邑誌圖) and satellite imagery, and geographical features analysis in the application of digital maps, and the result is as follows. 1. Analysis of materials from the Chosun dynasty describes landscapes called sea gates(海口) (note that this should not be capitalized); a place where the river meets the sea and the sea comes far into the land. Sea gate landscapes may have an island, but this is not a prerequisite. 2. According to the satellite imagery, the capital city of Shilla Dynasty had five passages. four or them are broad corridors, but one of them is narrow. The east side of the capital city is blocked by mountains and there was an important path which leads into the East Sea. 3. According to the cross section of the mountains, there is the only rule East-path. There was no alternative way. There was only one way-out to the east side from the capital city. This is the unique path which reaches a length of 28km. Judging from this, it seems that this path was called the East Sea-gateway. 4. The landscape of the East Sea-gateway was shaped like the letter 'V' and reached to the landscape of the sea gate. However, the route was blocked - part by the mountains, and also the part in the crisis of loss of path-landscape which has lost its own character of closure as several valleys are merged together.

Objective analysis of temperature using the elevation-dependent weighting function (지형을 고려한 기온 객관분석 기법)

  • Lee, Jeong-Soon;Lee, Yong Hee;Ha, Jong-Chul;Lee, Hee-Choon
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.233-243
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    • 2012
  • The Barnes scheme is used in Digital Forecast System (DFS) of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) for real-time analysis. This scheme is an objective analysis scheme with a distance-dependent weighted average. It has been widely used for mesoscale analyses in limited geographic areas. The isotropic Gaussian weight function with a constant effective radius might not be suitable for certain conditions. In particular, the analysis error can be increased for stations located near mountains. The terrain of South Korea is covered with mountains and wide plains that are between successive mountain ranges. Thus, it is needed to consider the terrain effect with the information of elevations for each station. In order to improve the accuracy of the temperature objective analysis, we modified the weight function which is dependent on a distance and elevation in the Barnes scheme. We compared the results from the Barnes scheme used in the DFS (referred to CTL) with the new scheme (referred to EXP) during a year of 2009 in this study. The analysis error of the temperature field was verified by the root-mean-square-error (RMSE), mean error (ME), and Priestley skill score (PSS) at the DFS observation stations which is not used in objective analysis. The verification result shows that the RMSE and ME values are 1.68 and -0.41 in CTL and 1.42 and -0.16 in EXP, respectively. In aspect of spatial verification, we found that the RSME and ME values of EXP decreased in the vicinity of Jirisan (Mt. Jiri) and Taebaek Mountains. This indicates that the new scheme performed better in temperature verification during the year 2009 than the previous scheme.

A Review of Forest Development Patten by the Length of Protection Period in Gangwondo Baekdudaegan Mountains (강원지역 백두대간 산림의 보호기간에 따른 임분 발달 양상 검토)

  • Chung, Sang Hoon;Hwang, Kwang Mo;Lim, Seon Mi;Kim, Ji Hong
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to review the pattern of forest stand development for six Gangwondo Baekdudaegan Mountains which experienced different type and duration of intensive legal protection. Vegetation data from point sampling method were employed to classify community types by cluster analysis on the basis of the importance values of canopy tree species for the study areas. The names of classified communities were given by the composition of dominant tree species. The communities were also compared one another in terms of stand structure by species diversity index. The results indicated that National Parks (Seoraksan and Odaesan) had greater proportion of mixed mesophytic forest type which was supposed to progress further forest succession process so as to have more complex and diversified stand structure. On the other hand, ordinary forest areas (Seokbyeongsan and Deokhangsan) had greater proportion of the forest types which was dominatively composed of Quercus mongolica and Pinus densiflora. The forest types with large amount of these two species would tend to develop for relatively short period of time of 40-50 years after artificial disturbances. Hyangnobong of Natural Protection Area and Hambaeksan of Natural Ecosystem Conservation Area showed intermediate stand development pattern in between National Parks and ordinary forest areas. The period of intensive legal protection of the forest area was positively correlated with species diversity index (R=0.736), and noted that the forest which received intensive protection regulation for longer period tended to show more complex and diversified stand structure.