• Title/Summary/Keyword: MIMO Antenna

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Design of a Multiband MIMO Antenna for USB Dongle Application (USB Dongle에 적용을 위한 다중 대역 MIMO 안테나 설계)

  • Lee, Young-Ki;Choi, Jea-Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.441-448
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a multiband Multi-Input Multi-output(MIMO) antenna for universal serial bus(USB) dongle application. The proposed MIMO antenna consists of a modified meander strip line and inverted L stub. The two radiating elements of the MIMO antenna are symmetrically placed with respect to the center of the ground plane. The fabricated antenna satisfied a VSWR below 3 and an efficiency over 35 % in the LTE band 13, 17(704 MHz-787 MHz), DCS/PCS/WCDMA band(1.71 GHz-2.17 GHz), and LTE band 7(2.5 GHz-2.7 GHz). The envelope correlation coefficient(ECC) has below 0.45 in the LTE band 13, 17 and 0.1 in the DCS/PCS/WCDMA band and LTE band 7, respectively.

2.6 GHz-Band MIMO Omni Antenna Having Folded Configuration (폴디드 구조를 갖는 2.6 GHz 대역 MIMO 무지향 안테나)

  • Lee, Su-Won;Lee, Jae-Du;Lee, Hai-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose 2.6 GHz single band dual polarization MIMO omni antenna for in-building applications. The proposed antenna operates at 2.6 GHz single LTE band, Up-link 2.52~2.54 GHz and Down-link 2.64~2.66 GHz. Horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna has been, respectively, constructed by the synthesis of four folded loop antennas and the folded monopole antenna. The height of the MIMO omni-directional antenna is minimized to be less than ${\lambda}/13.5$ from the ground. The measurement results show excellent MIMO omni antenna performance of 2.85 dBi vertical polarization gain, 2.29 dBi horizontal polarization gain, and 19.25 dB port isolation.

Dual-Band MIMO Antenna Using a Band Stop Matching Circuit for USB Dongle Applications (대역 저지 특성을 갖는 정합 회로를 이용한 USB Dongle용 이중 대역 MIMO 안테나)

  • Han, Min-Seok;Choi, Jae-Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.924-929
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a dual-band MIMO antenna with a band stop matching circuit for next generation USB dongle application is proposed. The proposed multiband MIMO antenna consists of two dual-band PIFAs which provide wideband characteristics. In order to improve the isolation characteristic at the LTE(Long Term Evolution) band, a band stop matching circuit was inserted at the corner of each antenna element. The inserted band stop matching circuit is to suppress the surface current at the specific frequency band and to generate two additional resonances around 770 MHz for LTE band and near 830 MHz for digital communications network(DCN) service. The proposed MIMO antenna can cover LTE and DCN services, simultaneously.

MIMO Antenna Using Resonance of Ground Planes for 4G Mobile Application

  • Zhao, Xing;Kwon, Kyeol;Choi, Jeahoon
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.51-53
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    • 2013
  • A MIMO antenna using the resonance of ground planes is proposed for 4G mobile application. A resonant mode is generated when the double ground planes (upper and lower) in the mobile terminal are excited as the radiator. By combining the resonant modes contributed from both the antenna element and the ground planes, the proposed MIMO antenna realizes a wideband property over LTE band 13. In addition, an inductive coil is employed to reduce the antenna volume. These approaches not only simplify antenna design but also effectively improve bandwidth and efficiency. The proposed MIMO antenna has an excellent ECC value of below 0.1 because of the nearly orthogonal radiation patterns of the two radiators. Moreover, an additional antenna is adopted to cover WiMAX, WLAN, and Bluetooth services simultaneously in frequency range from 2 GHz to 2.7 GHz.

Design of ESPAR Antenna using Patch Antenna and Performance Analysis of MIMO Communications (패치안테나를 이용한 ESPAR 안테나 설계와 MIMO 통신 성능 분석)

  • Keum, Hong-Sik;An, Changyoung;Ryu, Heung-Gyoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39A no.10
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    • pp.579-584
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose beamsapce MIMO(mulitple input multiple output) system using patch ESPAR(Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator) antenna. When using conventional monopole ESPAR antenna, we have advantages cost of hardware and power consumption of RF cirsuit because of single RF chian. But it is difficult to apply to small portable mobile device. Therefore we design patch ESPAR antenna in order to reducing volume and analyze performance of BS MIMO system that is able to MIMO communication with single RF chain. In This paper, we confirm beam pattern of designed patch ESPAR antenna is steered as ${\pm}15^{\circ}$ elevation angle. Furthermore, we design BS MIMO system using this ESPAR antenna and confirm BER performance of this system.

A study of small antennas for MIMO applications (다중 입.출력(MIMO) 시스템용 소형 안테나 특성분석)

  • Chae, Gyoo-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1194-1199
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, small printed antennas for MIMO applications are presented. The proposed antennas are based on PIFA structure which is a popular approach for miniaturization. The obtained antenna operates in IEEE802.11a band (5.15-5.35GHz) and has a planar structure which can be adopted for various potable applications. According to our simulation results, prototype antennas are manufactured and the isolation among the antenna elements are measured for MIMO applications. And we suggest a technique to improve isolation by adding a $\lambda$/4 slit between two antennas and investigate the results.

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Diversity characteristics of four-element ring slot-based MIMO antenna for sub-6-GHz applications

  • Vipul Kaushal;Amit Birwal;Kamlesh Patel
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.581-593
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    • 2023
  • This paper proposes four-ring slot resonator-based MIMO antennas of 75×150 mm2 without and with CSRR structures in the sub-6-GHz range. These orthogonal-fed antennas have shown diverse characteristics with dual polarization. L-shaped parasitic structures have increased the isolation (i.e., >40 dB) in the single-element antenna over the band of 3.4 GHz-3.8 GHz. A set of three CSRR structures in the MIMO antenna reduced the coupling between antenna ports placed in an inline arrangement and enhanced the isolation from 12 dB to 20 dB and the diversity characteristics. The S-parameters of both MIMO antennas are measured and used to evaluate MIMO parameters like ECC, TARC, MEG, and channel capacity loss. The simulation results show the variations in the gain and directivity on exciting linear and dual polarizations. The diversity performance of the reported MIMO antennas is suitable for 5G applications.

Reactance Set and Performance Evaluation of Chaos QPSK Beamspace MIMO System Using ESPAR Antenna (ESPAR 안테나를 사용하는 카오스 QPSK 빔 공간 MIMO 시스템을 위한 리액턴스 조합과 성능 평가)

  • Lee, Jun-Hyun;Lee, Dong-Hyung;Keum, Hong-Sik;Ryu, Heung-Gyoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.737-746
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    • 2014
  • Recently, researches about MIMO(Multi-Input Multi-Output) system are being studied actively due to high-capacity and high-speed communication. However, MIMO system has many RF(Radio Frequency) chains according to many array antennas. So, MIMO system has disadvantages such as high-complexity and high-power-consumption. Also, it is impossible to miniaturize the antenna dimension. In order to solve these problems, beamspace MIMO system using ESPAR(Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator) antenna was proposed. It is possible to reduce the complexity and the power-consumption, because it has single RF chain by using one active antenna and several parasitic elements. In this paper, in order to improve the security, for the first time, chaos communication algorithm is applied to QPSK modulated beamspace MIMO system using ESPAR antenna. We define as chaos QPSK beamspace MIMO system, and evaluate the SER performance. Also, we confirm that QPSK symbols can be made by changing the reactance values of parasitic elements, and evaluate the SER performance of this system.

Design and Evaluation of Higher Level Modulation in Beam Space MIMO Communication System (빔 공간 MIMO 통신시스템에서 고레벨 변조 설계와 평가)

  • Kim, Bong-Jun;Ryu, Heung-Gyoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39A no.5
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    • pp.220-228
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    • 2014
  • ESPAR(Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator) antenna is the technique for overcoming the problems of space limitation and energy efficiency due to the multiple RF-chain. Conventional MIMO system with multiple antenna requires a large number of RF-chain for transmitting the multiple data because it transmits the data in proportion to the number of antenna. Beamspace MIMO system using the ESPAR antenna which has single RF-chain was proposed for solving the problems caused by using the multiple antenna and RF-chain. In this paper, therefore we propose 2x2 beamspace MIMO system using the 16, 64-QAM modulation and evaluate the performance of this system to reveal that it is possible that beamspace MIMO system can use not only PSK modulation but also QAM modulation. We confirm that QAM symbol can be generated by adjusting reactance of parasitic elements and making reactance set and also we confirm that performance of beamspace MIMO system is similar to the conventional MIMO system by transmitting the QAM symbol made by reactance set through the simulation.

MIMO Antenna Design and Beam Pattern Verification for W-band Autonomous Driving Radar (W대역 자율주행 레이다용 MIMO 안테나 설계 및 빔 패턴 검증 방법)

  • Changhyun Lee;Junhyeok Choi;Milim Lee;Shinmyong Park;Seungyeol Baek
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2023
  • MIMO antenna is a field in which various researches have been actively conducted for a long time, and its design concept is universally well known. However, Unlike conventional MIMO antennas, MIMO antennas for autonomous driving radars, which have recently been attracting attention, are designed in W-band which is a millimeter wave band, and must also meet novel design conditions to satisfy the performance of autonomous driving radars. Therefore, a novel and different approach is required for the design and beam pattern verification of the MIMO antenna for autonomous driving radar. In this paper, a MIMO antenna is designed and the design process to satisfy the conditions of a W-band autonomous driving radar is introduced, and proposes a beam pattern verification method for a W-band MIMO antenna mounted on an autonomous driving radar system.